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In the Future - A Fourth Playable Faction?



  • soullessraptorsoullessraptor Member Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Personally I'd love to see the Breen as playable too. They're such interesting aliens, and they'd be fun to play as. Maybe have the first part be choosing a warlord to serve, then build from there to eventually ally with the Feds/Klingons.
  • xstaythirstyxxstaythirstyx Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Actually as a rule of thumb, sorta-speak, Factions in MMO's are restricted to three to maintain balance etc... At least three main Factions with small mini ones in support of either of the three main ones.

    It is far too early to discuss a 4th one and in my honest opinion let it remain a trinity. The more Faction added the more of a cludder the game gets.

    What they need to do is make some races playable, like Hirogens, Cardassians, etc... and just join a Faction from rank 1.

    I am willing to even go far as to say they should make the Romulans a full fledge faction with their own starbases and fleet dynamics, while making it flexible to join other Factions as well.

    so your character can choose to remain true to Romulans, or part ways and remain with the Republic and choose an alliance between Feds and KDFs.

    Thing is to make a full fledge Romulan Faction - it is nice to play as a Tal Shiar for the Empire etc...

    Happy Hunting and Stay Thirsty


  • nakedcrooknakedcrook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Personally I'd love to see the Breen as playable too. They're such interesting aliens, and they'd be fun to play as. Maybe have the first part be choosing a warlord to serve, then build from there to eventually ally with the Feds/Klingons.

    You could always tie them into the True Way/Cardassians/Dominion and have another Dominion style incursion into the Alpha Quadrant. This would turn our current KDF/Federation duet into a trifecta. As an added bonus, let Romulans join ally with this third major power, besides KDF and Federation. We could even go so far as to add a new region to sector space, something in the Gamma quadrant perhaps?

    However, I have to agree with most people here, we need to see a majority of the bugs fixed before a 4th faction is even considered.

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  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    nakedcrook wrote: »
    You could always tie them into the True Way/Cardassians/Dominion and have another Dominion style incursion into the Alpha Quadrant. This would turn our current KDF/Federation duet into a trifecta. As an added bonus, let Romulans join ally with this third major power, besides KDF and Federation. We could even go so far as to add a new region to sector space, something in the Gamma quadrant perhaps?

    However, I have to agree with most people here, we need to see a majority of the bugs fixed before a 4th faction is even considered.
    DS9-style dominion is almost certainly off the table. Cryptic has said in an interview that they deliberately made the Romulans 'good guys' because 'bad guys' don't sell as well. Dominion, like the classic Romulans from the shows, were always 'bad guys'. I don't see Cryptic creating a Dominion faction, at least as we know it. If they did, it would likely be a bit too much in flavor like the Romulans than many would be comfortable with (good guys).

    Cardassians would be an obvious choice, IMO. But there is currently very little justification for them to want to join the KDF in the storyline-they are practically a federation member as it is. Then again, LOR was itself full of retcons, so who knows.
  • duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    they SHOULD do every faction as a full fledged one.

    every faction should have its own ships.

    starbases and everything should be cross faction, you join whatever you join, there should be projects for fancy designs.

    and all the queues cross faction
  • bumblebushbumblebush Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    For the most part, its too soon for Cryptic to release a new faction with a story line behind it and everything. They just LOR. and all ready have enough on there hands.

    I love this game and appreciate the launch of LOR and can and will wait for another playable faction in the future.

    Besides along the road between now and until season 9, there will be a lot of patches for future content. Just take a look at this, http://sto.gamepedia.com/Upcoming_content.
    There is a lot to come!

    To be honest with you STO only been around for 3 years and one of the best games,
    and it is just starting to take flight, and explore the universe:)
    "This is Fleet Commander BumBle!..
    Vice Admiral of the U.S.S. Prometheus!..
    I order you to lower your shields and weapons or ill be forced to fire upon you!!!"
  • edtheheroedthehero Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    In order, they should:

    1. Fix the bugs

    2. Finish the KDF faction

    3. [Insert here a whole lot of changes being requested, like shortcomings with costumes, rebalancing the Rep systems, and many, many more]

    4. Make the Rommies a full faction

    5. Then, maybe, consider adding other full factions. If there will be no more full factions, then instead of adding more mini-factions, make other NPC races and ships playable under the existing factions (without putting those new ships in lockboxes!).

    My two cents. :)
    Captain Selek - Vulcan (TAC Lvl 50) - U.S.S. Chimera (Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier NCC-92810) / Captain Krell - Liberated Borg Klingon (TAC Lvl 50) - I.K.S. Nogh'Sar (Fleet Qin Heavy Raptor) / Commander Kel'ara Teerel - Romulan (ENG Lvl 50) - R.R.W. Silverhawk (Fleet T'Varo Light Warbird Retrofit) / Fed Fleet: Section 31 / KDF Fleet: Klingon Intelligence / Romulan Fleet (Fed): Romulan Intelligence / STO Handle: @ed583
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited June 2013
    I don't think this game can support a lot of full factions. Even the Romulan faction isn't full. I'd have liked a little more independence for Romulan players, but I feel the demands for a 'full, independent faction' are unrealistic. If it is true that the KDF population is a definite minority. . .then I think the same would end up being true for the Romulan population.

    I feel sticking with mini-factions works well enough. However, I don't want mini-factions that are tied to both sides at once. What I'd like are mini-factions that are tied to one 'main' faction or another.

    For the Federation, this would mean having the Cardassians on their side, while the KDF get something like the Talarians or some other warlike species that agrees to join in alliance with the KDF.

    Also, any new factions really should be kept as end-game only. It makes for a lot less work, while still being a presence because leveling a character to end-game (level 40-50) only takes a week, at most.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I believe the best method would be to have mini-factions, but have the Starbases fully customizable so it would be possible to change a Fed Starbase to a Romulan or Borg Starbase. It seems like STO can't handle a 3rd faction
  • voyagerfan9751voyagerfan9751 Member Posts: 1,120 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    timezarg wrote: »
    I don't think this game can support a lot of full factions. Even the Romulan faction isn't full. I'd have liked a little more independence for Romulan players, but I feel the demands for a 'full, independent faction' are unrealistic. If it is true that the KDF population is a definite minority. . .then I think the same would end up being true for the Romulan population.

    I feel sticking with mini-factions works well enough. However, I don't want mini-factions that are tied to both sides at once. What I'd like are mini-factions that are tied to one 'main' faction or another.

    For the Federation, this would mean having the Cardassians on their side, while the KDF get something like the Talarians or some other warlike species that agrees to join in alliance with the KDF.

    Also, any new factions really should be kept as end-game only. It makes for a lot less work, while still being a presence because leveling a character to end-game (level 40-50) only takes a week, at most.

    No, no and no. If you are going to do a "mini-faction" the Romulan Republic is, in my opinion, the way to do. Tied to either FED or KDF for endgame/Doff/etc purposes, but otherwise unique with its own engaging story. I don't want to roll a Fed Cardassian, I want a Member of the Cardassian Union, or as close as I can get. Same with Dominion or any other faction that may or may not be released.
  • nakedcrooknakedcrook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    DS9-style dominion is almost certainly off the table. Cryptic has said in an interview that they deliberately made the Romulans 'good guys' because 'bad guys' don't sell as well. Dominion, like the classic Romulans from the shows, were always 'bad guys'. I don't see Cryptic creating a Dominion faction, at least as we know it. If they did, it would likely be a bit too much in flavor like the Romulans than many would be comfortable with (good guys).

    Cardassians would be an obvious choice, IMO. But there is currently very little justification for them to want to join the KDF in the storyline-they are practically a federation member as it is. Then again, LOR was itself full of retcons, so who knows.

    Bad Guys don't sell? Tell that to Star Wars fans who are obsessed with The Sith. Besides, bad guy is a relative term. The "bad guy" is the guy who opposes your viewpoint. If we played as The True Way/Dominion we would still be the good guys, and we would be fighting the evil KDF and the evil Federation, and the evil Romulans.

    If you oppose the Reputation nerf, feel free to use my signature
  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    nakedcrook wrote: »
    Bad Guys don't sell? Tell that to Star Wars fans who are obsessed with The Sith. Besides, bad guy is a relative term. The "bad guy" is the guy who opposes your viewpoint. If we played as The True Way/Dominion we would still be the good guys, and we would be fighting the evil KDF and the evil Federation, and the evil Romulans.
    I'm not saying I agree with Cryptic, that's what they said. They made the Romulans (who were made iconic as bad guys) into good guys because they think that 'bad guy' factions don't sell well enough to warrant them making them into a faction (at least with their 'bad guy' status intact). There isn't really much to indicate that the Dominion would fare much better if they were made into a player faction.
  • januhulljanuhull Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The Dominion as a standalone faction would choke horribly, they don't have half the following that even the Romulans had, and would be a pathetic shadow of the KDF. Compared to the Federation, heh.

    If I had to throw money on the table for the next sub-faction empire, I'd have to call the Ferengi, since they do have ties to both sides of the major split. Since it's very obvious that the PvP-centric war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire was stillborn on delivery, the return to a cold war/Organian Treaty period will likely be the standard from here forward, the Ferengi could step into this void as proxy arbiters acting on behalf of Klingon and Federation intelligence for manipulation of colony development and trade. The ultimate middlemen.

    The Cardassians are unlikely to me, because their ingame connection is almost entirely based around the Federation itself, and unless Cryptic is going to add a wrapping shortcut from Omega Leonis into Cardie space, I just don't see a viable expanation for a KDF-linked Cardassian sub-faction. If the Cardassians make it ingame, they're going to be a new set of races under the Federation.

    The Breen COULD be a possibility, but they're so damned unknown, and it's very open to question whether CBS or whomever owns the Prime-verse Trek rights would allow us behind the masks.

    The Deferi make for an excellent idea for a new subfaction species, since they've been written with ties to both the Federation and Empire (however hamfistedly) and could give Cryptic some room to run without being tied to Trek lore.

    Honestly, I don't see the need for another faction for a while, and certainly not an enemy faction. The Klingon-Federation conflict serves as an adequate core for the game, dividing the game along similar lines to World of ********

    HEY! Don't give me any frakking tude on that comparison, it may be the one game everyone loves to hate, but you have to admit, Blizzard's move to make the two sides of that conflict based on something OTHER than trite "good versus evil" was unquestionably brilliant. It's a lesson Cryptic somewhat haltingly applied here, but mistakenly assumed that half the game could be sustained on PvP alone.
  • edited June 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • hrisvalarhrisvalar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I think it's a bit premature to think about another faction. I'd rather not STO takes the direction where all or most of the effort is focused on creating content the bulk of which I have to create new characters for. It's a good way for them for them to create new demand for new C-store products, but if I have to drop my main on the wayside to accommodate them, I'm done. And so, while I'm sure they'll add other factions in the future, I do hope they can manage the restraint to wait eighteen months, a year at least.

    That said, when that time does come around, I think the Borg might be interesting. It's possible to do it and still follow a model much like they did with the Romulans.

    You're One of Whatever, first among equals of some wimpy little Borg probe under the control of Unimatrix Zero Borg, one of a number sent to monitor the Collective's activities and, in the process, deliver some liberated Alpha quadrant Borg back to their homeworlds, if they'll still take them. The first ten levels are Borg centered, and then at level 10, you come across a Federation and Klingon ship, engaged in combat near a destroyed cube. You can assist one or the other, or neither, but whichever survives attacks you.

    They cripple you, or you cripple them, that doesn't matter, but you're forced to board and one of your drones finds a salvaged Vinculum. It's affected by it and starts assimilating crew. You get to the Vinculum and incorporate all the assimilated beings in range into your own private little collective and, congratulations, you now have one assimilated KDF or Fed cruiser + crew at your disposal. You're going to basically spend the next ten levels running from your new best friends, but most of your little collective is of that faction so eventually you do kinda have to manage to make some kind of peace.

    I'm not sure what it'd look like shipwise. Whether there should be a pot of cubes at the end of that rainbow, or not. I'm inclined to say though that a Borg faction would be a good time to experiment with a mechanic for adapting/upgrading existing ships to still be useful at the next tier. I also think, where faction ships are concerned, all consoles and equipment types should have a cosmetic effect for Borg players, so even with all the Borg flying the same shipclass as of the level ten mission, the different loadouts will give them wildly different appearances.

    From there on I'm a bit fuzzy, but I figure at least the voiceovers for your crew will be a breeze. Just line up all the devs in front of microphones, and... on three, guys!
  • arvistaljikarvistaljik Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm in the same boat at those who would like to see bug fixes, mission repairs, and costume errors fixed before another faction is added.

    That said, the Cardassians still seem to be the most obvious choice for addition. They have two and a half sector blocks to themselves (for the most part) and their storyline could be heavily "reconstruction" oriented. That said, ships like the lockbox Galor and Bug would remain top-tier 10-console ships. Their T5 equivalents would be 9-console ships like other T5's and NOT have a 10-console fleet version available. In that respect they would remain viable ships that no one would cry foul over as you can't obtain them any other way. Then for fleet options you could do a Fleet Hideki, Fleet Kelvin, and maybe even that huge juggernaut from "Dominion Wars" the Hutet-class. Of course there would be other custom Cryptic-designed Cardassian ships to choose from.
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I would say Pirate like those who helped in the Mimbus 3 missions.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
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  • weirdoman1weirdoman1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    IMO, STO should have two complete, full factions with anything else being a mini-faction. I think that mini-factions work well, but putting more than two full factions in a MMO is risky. I think City of Heroes (I miss that game) did it well; have two full factions (Heroes and Villains), and then have the Praetorians, a mini-faction with two factions (Loyalists and Resistance, who also had two separate paths to walk on each). I say STO should stick with the two main factions, but have diverse mini-faction storylines. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cry about City of Heroes being offline... again.
    Spock: If I were human, I believe my response would be... "Go to hell"... if I were human.

    Data: Captain, I believe I speak for everyone here, sir, when I say, "To hell with our orders." :cool:
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If Cryptic could't bother with making one of the original major factions a full-fledged, bonafide faction since TOS (Romulans), refuse to flesh out the other original TOS one (Klingon Empire), then there's no hope for a 3rd, full faction.
  • pugdaddypugdaddy Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    How about the Orion Syndicate as a KDF mini-faction? After a certain level, a KDF officer could have a mission where they can choose to either join or inform on the "Green Mob."
    Lovely piracy could ensue!!!

    The player could perform salvage mini-games on the hulls of ships she just destroyed.
    The use of ship-sized holo-projectors and transponder scramblers could protect their identity when they attack other KDF vessels.
    Special bonuses for disabling then boarding and plundering vessels instead of straight destroying them.
    Taking hostages and ransoming their freedom for profit.
    Breaking "Family" members out of jail.
    Marauding various colonies and research facilities.
    Eliminating inconvenient witnesses.
    Sending distress signals and ambushing whoever shows up.
    "Shaking down" late loan payers.
    Assassinating political enemies.
    Bribing government officials (Fed, KDF, whoever).
    Inner political intrigue.
    Crew your vessel with Orions, Nauscicans, rogue Ferengi, and the rare honor-less Klingon.
    Command Orion vessels!
    Yo ho ho!
    PS, plz do something about Orion males being so bald. Hats would be nice.

    More content ideas:
    The innate dangers of being a Syndicate operative while serving in the KDF.
    Accepting bounties or "hits" on various targets.

    To sum up: a playable Orion Syndicate character could be lots of fun. As a pirate/mobster infiltrating the KDF, lots of interesting plots could evolve. The desire for ill-gotten gain, whether to pay Mob loans or for sheer greed, could make being an "under cover" pirate a very versatile option.

    Many of the KDF missions are based on House intrigue and matters of honor. What if you're just a greedy scallywag out to chase some loot and some tail? Even the KDF considers you scum, but a gal needs to make a living too!
  • nadiezjanadiezja Member Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'd love to see a Dominion-related faction. I'm not terribly interested in what its backstory is or whether or not it has to ally with KDF or Starfleet... I just love the aesthetics of the Dominion. The Vorta are a wonderful species, the Jem'hadar would make amazing bridge officers, there are other playable species options in the Hunters, Tosk, Karemma, and maybe even the Cardassians. Their ships are lovely and shoot pretty purple beams.

    The Dominion would be awesome.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited June 2013
    A "dark" / "evil" faction like the Dominion might make for an awesome choice. Set them in the Gamma quadrant and make it part of the sector map expansion.

    The only downside is that the only 2 Dominion ships seen in the series are lockbox ships. :mad:
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • drpein09drpein09 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    starkaos wrote: »
    The Romulans aren't a faction, they are a mini-faction. Since they made Romulans into a mini-faction, then there will not be a 3rd or 4th faction. There will be more mini-factions.

    if there is to be a minifac there must be a way they can join either side. that puts tones of pressure on writers for a back story i would look for a new fac mabey next year :confused:
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If Cryptic could't bother with making one of the original major factions a full-fledged, bonafide faction since TOS (Romulans), refuse to flesh out the other original TOS one (Klingon Empire), then there's no hope for a 3rd, full faction.

    This I fear is the sad truth of it. Even the Romulans are not a full faction despite the amount of money they must of made from LOR so I doubt that we will ever see a true third faction.

    Personally though I would rather that the devs put more time into the KDF and RR in the next expansion, fill in the gaps the KDF has like with uniforms and unique missions and more ship choices and the like.

    At the same time turn the RR into a proper faction with their own academy and Starbases and enough ships so they can survive without the charity of the Federation or the Klingons and go from there.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    macronius wrote: »
    A "dark" / "evil" faction like the Dominion might make for an awesome choice. Set them in the Gamma quadrant and make it part of the sector map expansion.

    The only downside is that the only 2 Dominion ships seen in the series are lockbox ships. :mad:
    Only two? I wouldn't say that. The HEC is a Cryptic original. The dread... resembles a battleship, but scaled down. They could easily make unter versions for free ships, especially the low tier ships. And of course make up a few more. :P
    My character Tsin'xing
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The fourth faction will be a zombie faction, just like this thread from last year.
  • robbie222222robbie222222 Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    It appears that a 4th faction was mentioned when they voted on the voyager storyline for season 8. I would assume its the mystereous race that worf remembered when we saw their homeworld in the first sphere episode. In any case its sure to be a first contact race with no ships or doffs in the current game. My guess is the mini faction route using klingon starbases and allied with the klingon empire or ruling it.
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hey hey now!


    Seriously folks, if a thread hasn't been responded to in 30 days please don't bring it back up :( If you feel you need to continue the thread by all means make a new one! :)

    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
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