Current crew uniforms:

===== Original post =====
Just wanted to share a pic of me and the gang hanging out in front of the Sword of the Raptor Star.

This is the group shot from the character selection screen. There have been a few minor modifications like everyone having the Romulan Federation 2 left wrist attachments.
Hiven: changed his body and face, made him less bulkier. Medical officer
Tovan: gave him more muscle, less hair. Second in command, tactical officer.
Captain: Tactical Officer
Satra: Hair and face changes, science officer
7 of 7: minor face and body changes, gave him this cool sci-fi visor.
Virl (not pictured): well.. I don't like this Nosferatu race.. did some minor changes but.. well..I don't like the race.
And as you can see, I take advantage of this Alliance System.
[URL="[URL= Trek Online/Unbenannt_zps80e781cb.png.html][IMG] Trek Online/Unbenannt_zps80e781cb.png[/IMG][/URL]"][/url]
Zdan - Tactical Heavy Weapons and Threat Control Specialist (Will probably be replaced by my Veril upgrade whenever I get a Very Rare female Reman Engineer)
Two of Five - Liberated Special Ops Tactical Officer
Xiomek - Captain of the Reman Resistance Warbird Vkruk
Zelmek - Astrometrics Science Officer
Slamek - First Officer of the R.R.W. Vkruk (Destined for greatness despite treachery!!)
I too went for more Nemesis-style uniforms but used different clothing options to create mine.
Nice. Got any instructions?
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
The key color is last column, third row. The Nemesis-style uniforms have a dark brown base. If you are using the Tal Shiar clothes and close up in the tailor you will see the various colors of the uniforms really stand out.
I have since changed the pants of the males back to the knee-length civilian ones in all black to create a blousy look while retaining the female's tight pants.
Nice work on that!
I didn't like the overall look of the Tal Shiar uniform only because it evokes a very "TNG" feel, and I prefer the Nemesis uniforms for their more militaristic look. Additionally, the Nemesis uniforms don't have pointy shoulders, which the Tal Shiar uniform very clearly does. I've made some changes to the uniform since my previous post due to several issues with the parts:
For anyone interested in the setup, below is a screenshot of my tailor options.
I just tried that option in the tailor and it doesn't come out dark enough for my taste. Plus, after re-watching the movie and looking at various screenshots, the uniform comes off as "near black" or "almost black" to the naked eye, depending on the lighting. The only thing I wish they would have added is the ability to control the color/intensity of the squares on the Republic uniforms so that I could lighten them a bit.
I'm not entirely certain how "save" costumes work or if giving out the JPG file for my save will work for other people but just in case it does I have posted my save for it here:
Nemesis Uniform Save JPG
They're basically screenshots that have been cropped. No other editing.
It's a very dark brown, almost black.
There are so many things I can say about the costume options or lack thereof, but I just try to make do with what we have and hope they add more customization options (or fix the buggy ones like the linked clothing items).
There's a bridge crew screen now?
They show up in the character selection screen along with your ship.