Hey guys I just wanted to see if the Odyssey uniform would of get an update since Legacy of Romulus the one I am talking about is Odyssey Uniform but it has the wrists rings of the color of your class.
I just want to know if its out or not and where I can get it thank
Never seen that before:eek:
It's the MACO uniform that seems to be on TRIBBLE...."on TRIBBLE" means some people could accidentally use it sometimes due to a glitch.
Several things were "discovered" in this method, including alien parts for the Suliban. But to my knowledge nothing came out of this, other then the TOS Romulan uniform. Everything else isn't in the game at this point. Maybe it will be added "soon" but only the devs know.
Is this uniform only available to those who have the odyssey pack?
And I say enough teasing Cryptic. Give us the 22nd century M.A.C.O. uniforms already...please?
It's purchased from the starbase tailor of a sufficiently advanced fleet. Despite their names, the Odyssey and Bortasqu' uniforms are unrelated to those ships.
The original MACO uniforms from the Enterprise TV series. The MACOs were introduced in that show. It's nice that they include the backpack too.
I believe it's more on the order of 13k dilithium.
There used to be a picture here, but they changed signatures and I can't be bothered to replace it.