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Cannot complete Devil's Choice mission

giliongilion Member Posts: 686 Arc User
edited June 2013 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports

So I'm having trouble completing the final battle at the end of Devil's Choice when you have to defend new Romulus from the Elachi attack. For the first two waves everything is awesome, but then once the final wave comes in with the 3 command ships? All of my allies just get destroyed in a few seconds, even when the re-enforcement show up its not enough and they also just get blasted.

I noticed that some of you friendlies cant die but by the end I was only left with 4 allies vs a fleet of Elachi and we didnt blow up 1 Dreadnought. Normally I like huge fleet battles, but at least make it fair.
Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend :D
Post edited by gilion on


  • drusbekdrusbek Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am having the same problem so you. I thought it was bugged at first (and it sill might be) because it seems so ridiculously unfair. It doesn't really make sense to have a huge allied fleet with you for the easier star ships and then have it all be "destroyed" for the actually tough battle. Guess I need to find some people to beat it with.
  • colonelsinkcolonelsink Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I had the same problem as well i ended up rage quiting and just skipping that mission which sucks becasue thats the last mission of the story line. Now that I'm VA i might go back and try it again with better equipment.
  • sabouma1979sabouma1979 Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    this mission is undoable like this....
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It is possible to do, but it's stupidly hard. I managed it in my mogai, but it took me the best part of an hour to finish off just that one fight at the end.
    In it's current state it should not have left tribble.
    It desperately needs a balance pass.
    I need a beer.

  • threat21threat21 Member Posts: 300
    edited May 2013
    yeah theres way too much huge space battles going on in the romulan story. Battle of Endor was great on screen but trying to participate in it is just a pita.
  • ki451ki451 Member Posts: 0
    edited May 2013
    In it's current state it should not have left tribble.

    I played this mission today, and I agree. It's just ridiculous.

    I played this mission when it was on Tribble. It was very, very challenging, but not like this.
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It is really hard, especially the last wave where the Elachi wipe out all of the ally ships leaving you to fight the whole army.
    Not a good solution, but I skip the mission entirely now...
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • gorlitzgorlitz Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This mission needs some balancing. The allied "tanks" get focus fired and are in a constant state of repair. Then I fly in and last about 10 seconds because all of the ships hit me with their super weapon. I tried to take out some of the smaller vessels but it looked like the same ships warp in to replace them.

    The earlier part of this mission was challenging (the space station), but this is a bit too much for one Romulan in an escort. :(
  • fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've posted this on another topic:


    You can try it, if you want, maybe it will help:

    I was so, so pissed, having to do that all over again. I restarted the mission and came up with this strategy:

    Cloak, and don't move. Stay put, let the allies take a few out. When the third wave comes, just stand still away from the fight. Eventually the elachi fleet will spread a bit and the command ship will be a bit far away from other ships. When that happens, go at it an stay close. Decloak and fire at point blank range. Buff yourself with all the defense and attack you can so you can cloak again as soon as possible. When you decloak for your attack the fleet will converge on you. But your allies should come to you as well. You may have to maneuver a bit to keep the distance from the rest of the fleet, but you will be able to keep an angle at the command ship to continue your attack (keep firing at the same side so that you don't have to drop other shields and loose attack damage). Keep using this "semi-stationary" cloak-fire-cloak attack until it blows up. Took a while waiting for the allies, but the command ship itself doesn't take that long, and I didn't die this time around.
  • caleger88caleger88 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    **** this mission is almost impossible....as soon as I de-cloak every ship targets me with that heavy cone charge ability and I get my TRIBBLE wiped out. If I stay at a distance my weapons do stuff all and they are Viii or the level appropreate for the commander I'm level 34 and I'm getting the **** kicked out of me...every encounter with the Elachi seems to drag on with the waves and their really strong shields...I want some of that gear...
  • edrickvellorinedrickvellorin Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    While I agree the mission difficulty needs adjusting, it is beatable.

    I would recommend using the D'Deridex rather then Mogai though. One thing that can help a little bit, if you can get in a position to use it, the Warp Shadow ability can be activated while cloaked, so you can create some fake warbirds for the ships to focus on while you decloak and go toe to toe with the command ship. (There is only one command ship, and that's all you have to beat.) I had my ship setup with multiple shield/hull healing skills (4x shield heal skills of 3 types, though 1 might have been better as hull heal, 2x hull heals of different types, plus HE, and at times Quantum Absorption.) I did use DoT abilities (Plasma Shockwave, plasma torps, Aceton Beam II) which I think helped. Somehow going toe to toe at point blank range, cloaking when my hull started to get to 40% or so, (to let cooldowns expire) also seemed to help. I did of course die a bunch of times, trying different things and not making much of a dent. Also, I used the focus target system (click the thumbtack icon) so I didn't have to cycle through targets each time I did die.

    There are a couple other bugs I noticed with this mission that I'll put in a separate thread so they don't get lost. (Since my attempt at an in-game bug report failed.)
  • rdgrpmrdgrpm Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks this mission is ridiculous. Sure, I'm happy to find the weaknesses in an enemy. But fighting off a half dozen to 15 enemies at once with NPC's that are constanly repairing? That's not about finding weaknesses, that's about me cloaking and waiting for the NPC's to finish the job. They make more progress on their own than they do with my help. :\ Most boring mission to date.
  • meridian113meridian113 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Took me an hour for a final wave in defending new romulus
    go in battle,die,respawn then do same things again and again.just run in middle of battle use singularity jump and hold untill black hole done some damage
  • sageroysageroy Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's entirely beatable. You can do it the hard way, flying a slow ship with beam weapons, or the easy way - using fed/ KDF escort with DHC, scatter valley and attack patterns. I used white mk VIII gear and only died once doing the mission.

    people who can't play the game and keep complaining stuff is too hard made STO a game that is too easy, please stop that. Every season, every time, there's a bunch of people who refuse to learn how to do things and chose to ***** and moan about it instead. PLEASE stop it, you're ruining the game for most of the people who think about creating a decent setup, not just about beating things easy.
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is not a fun battle. Spawn one command ship and some battleships at the end, and give us some more allies, a DD and some Mogais, and then it will be fun, and still somewhat challenging. At the moment it is a awfully dull respawn fest that definitely was not play-tested in development.
  • deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sageroy wrote: »
    It's entirely beatable. You can do it the hard way, flying a slow ship with beam weapons, or the easy way - using fed/ KDF escort with DHC, scatter valley and attack patterns. I used white mk VIII gear and only died once doing the mission.

    people who can't play the game and keep complaining stuff is too hard made STO a game that is too easy, please stop that. Every season, every time, there's a bunch of people who refuse to learn how to do things and chose to ***** and moan about it instead. PLEASE stop it, you're ruining the game for most of the people who think about creating a decent setup, not just about beating things easy.


    used the d'deridex and never died. weapons blazing in a rom ship does not work, get used to it now. if you've got weapon power cranked, that means everything else is abysmally low. aux for heals, engines for turn rate and defense, shields for overall strength and resistances. fight smart. be sneaky, use your cloak, kill stragglers, run away to heal up. pull ships out of the pack. the deri it was fairly easy, so many eng slots for heals. and aceton beam, if you think it's a waste....wait till you hit the command ship with it and it throws spitballs for the duration.

    fight like a romulan. sneaky, underhanded, take advantage of every opening and every weakness, if you can't find an opening to exploit, make one.
    Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
    Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
  • thorodalthorodal Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I say both things are true here.

    IMO the biggest problem with "Devil's Choice" are not the three additional dreadnoughts, but the huge amount of Escorts (that at Level 50 has 10k more hull strength then my D'Deridex Retrofit oO) and Battleships that also are eqipped with that superweapon. For me the easiest, but definatly time-consuming solution, was taking out a huge amount of those smaller ships first. This gives you (as Subcommander Nadel points out earlier in the mission) more room to manouver, and it's easier for you and your remaining allies to seperate and take out the dreadnought(s, if the NPCs are engaging something else then the lead ship).

    Also: That superweapon has a weakness you can and should exploit. Just after firing it the shielding at that place gets knocked out for several seconds. You should try to surf the edge of the targeting cone without getting inside (needs some practice in the more sluggish D'Deridex, but it is doable) and then shoot everything you got into that opening.

    I do agree though that it takes waaaaay to long to take out those Elachi ships. Not that I don't like a challenge, but being stuck at one single objective like this (or the final battle in "Last Stand" for that matter) is getting boring and tiring really fast.
  • gremmergremmer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm new to STO, and jumped right in as a Romulan. I'm really regretting it, now that I've reached Devil's Choice. Clearly not played tested - who could possible think it's fun to die over and over? To be in a battle where your allies are worthless, and you are fighting what? a dozen? two dozen? large ships simultaneously?

    Given this mess, I certainly would not recommend STO to anyone and will never open my wallet - you cannot reward (encourage) such sloppiness with funding.

    I guess my level 35 romulan character is now over, and I should go start a Federation character (assuming the quest lines there less miserable.)

    Pissing off your customers - a very curious approach to business.
  • eatsmarteatsmart Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    The goal of the final wave is to eliminate the flagship, not to clear the whole field.

    This mission gets harder if you dont immediately spot what you're supposed to be doing as once all the allies are killed for the first time they get easily focus fired coming out of repair one at a time.

    If you get into trouble, remember that you have a battle cloak and singularity powers.
  • gefjongefjon Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I can't get into the Defence of New Romulus part.

    I have done the part with the incubators (very laggy), and now it says go to New Romulus.

    I went there and all is peaceful. I tried to transwarp to the correct location and it took me back to the part of space which have the spacial anomaly - but I can't get back into that.

    So how do I activate the last battle?

    This is the last part of the arc, so I don't want to have to skip it - and I don't want to have to go through all that Elachi stuff again either.


    Edit - I went back to New Romulus after revisiting the Anomaly and this time I was offered the Mission.

    This seemed very easy - I was finished in about 10 minutes. This was with a D'Deridex - which doesn't seem as fast or powerful as the NPC ones used to be.

    It seems they have nerfed this mission by a huge amount. Little disappointing really, especially after the struggles with the incubators and the walkers.
  • fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    gremmer wrote: »
    I'm new to STO, and jumped right in as a Romulan. I'm really regretting it, now that I've reached Devil's Choice. Clearly not played tested - who could possible think it's fun to die over and over? To be in a battle where your allies are worthless, and you are fighting what? a dozen? two dozen? large ships simultaneously?

    Given this mess, I certainly would not recommend STO to anyone and will never open my wallet - you cannot reward (encourage) such sloppiness with funding.

    I guess my level 35 romulan character is now over, and I should go start a Federation character (assuming the quest lines there less miserable.)

    Pissing off your customers - a very curious approach to business.
    You should not let one bad mission ruin your whole game. It makes no sense.
    Go at it again. I believe they changed the mission so try doing it again. If even after that you are still having trouble try some of the "tactics" people already shared or ask someone to help you out.
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