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My ACR Build

vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2013 in Federation Discussion
I've been flying the Assault Cruiser Refit since it came out and I'm loving it. Thus far I've been having a good time with the build I have now, but I'm wondering about other options.

Since the Duty Officer system came out, I've been running three Projectile Weapons Officers to allow for something like rapid fire torpedoes. I was wondering what others thought about this, so I have my build here if you'd like to see it.

I'd appreciate any feedback or questions on my current build. It's pretty great for PVE and I can hold my own in Normal STFs. From time to time I feel overwhelmed while fighting Borg and Tholians, but I figure that's just the nature of the enemy.

Post edited by vyristykin on


  • hapievohapievo Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    An option you may consider is an Aux2Batt build.

    Here's mine:


    3 x Tech with Aux2Bat
    1x WCE
    1x quartmaster battery time reduced

    You don't fire as many torpedoes, but you have 7 beams on target and can launch the wide angle whenever the cool down is finished. I have a lot of fun with this and find myself able to still survive even when drawing a lot of hate from enemies. After flying escorts and sci ships I will say that I cycle through my skills with more frequency and enjoy this build more than I do the others. Considering I initially was dreading flying a cruiser with my Eng toon this is saying something. ;)
  • vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How's the damage output on 7 beam weapons? I've read that there's significant diminished returns on damage thanks to weapon power drain on loadouts that feature more than 4 beam arrays.

    Are you just hitting Aux 2 Batt every chance you get?
  • hapievohapievo Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah, pretty much hitting Aux2Batt whenever it is up.

    As far as damage is concerned, I haven't run a parser so I couldn't say, but with rotating EP2W1 and EP2S3 I was able to keep my weapon and shield power pretty high. My weapon power usually stayed around the 70-90 range with all beams firing and using FAW2 (don't quote me on this I'm giving these numbers from memory). I don't use any special power setups either, just the default 'attack' setting.

    I had posted a thread/read threads looking for info on this a while back and one of the people was using EP2Aux1, to get more boost to Aux2Batt, in place of my ET1. I found that I was never able to use it since I was cycling the other 2 EP2x abilities and I was primarily using it to cool down my skills with a bonus being that I got extra power to my engines/shields/weapons. Also, ET1 has saved my hide quite a few times.
  • vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah, that's mainly why I'm reluctant to get rid of ET3 since it's been a life saver more often than not and also brings back up subsystems that have been disabled.

    Right now I have full power to weapons and I'm usually hovering around 120 at rest and dip as low as 75 with Beam Overload 3 but EPtW1 is there to help mitigate that as well as shifting from a broadside with four beams to a fore or aft attack with just 2.

    Thanks for the constructive feedback. I was worried I'd get people ripping me for having Science Team, Tactical Team, and Engineering Team. :D
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Here's a basic standard ACR build that works well, and does decent damage, and you don't have to deal with any Aux2Bat. It's not better than Aux2Bat, it's not worse, it's an alternative:

    Shields: Resilient Something (don't know your price range, so let's just go with a mk XI capx2 reg)
    Deflector: Positron (same disclaimer as above)
    Engines: Prototype Gravitic Modulation Impulse Engines (if you can't get anything better)

    Fore: Beam Array x3, Wide Angle Quantum Torp
    Aft: Beam Array x3, Kinetic Cutting Beam/4th Beam Array

    BOff Layout:
    LtCmdr Tactical: TT1, BFAW2, APO1
    Ens Tactical: TT1/TS1
    Cmdr Engineering: ET1, EPtW2, EPtS3, Aux2SIF3
    Lt Engineering: EPtS1, EPtW2
    Lt Universal: HE1, TSS2

    Conn Officer x2 (purple), if you don't have them, simply put the other TT1 instead of TS1
    DCE x2

    This setup will more or less give you a stable 85-90+ power on a full broadside, and also give you decent damage. I didn't know your price range or preferences, so I stayed general, but if you want MOAR DAKKA, I would recommend disruptors, since the breach is basically a free (if not slightly weaker) APB1, or the old Borg AP BAs (since they still do great damage). You will also notice that I did not put up consoles (engi, tac, sci), since again, I don't know how far along the rep systems you are, or your price range, so if you want specifics there, just let me know, and I will either edit this post, or put a new one up with a full build.

    Try this one out, see if you like it.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vyristykin wrote: »
    Yeah, that's mainly why I'm reluctant to get rid of ET3 since it's been a life saver more often than not and also brings back up subsystems that have been disabled.

    Right now I have full power to weapons and I'm usually hovering around 120 at rest and dip as low as 75 with Beam Overload 3 but EPtW1 is there to help mitigate that as well as shifting from a broadside with four beams to a fore or aft attack with just 2.

    Thanks for the constructive feedback. I was worried I'd get people ripping me for having Science Team, Tactical Team, and Engineering Team. :D

    Well looking at your build I'd say it's fairly solid. On the skill points side of things, you have a lot of skills maxed into the "red" area. Dropping things like starship hull plating, starship armor, starship electro-plasma systems, and starship shield system performance down to 6 would free up skill points to boost starship auxiliary/weapons/engines performance. A helpful spreadsheet for pros and cons for space skill points can be found here: http://home.comcast.net/~amicus/Skill%20Point%20Effects.htm

    Now for the ship gear itself. Personally, I like your weapon loadout and gear setup. You may wish to consider dropping the aft quantums for an omega torpedo launcher and a kinetic cutting beam. Together, they create a three piece set with the borg console you already use. The two piece bonus has a proc that drastically reduces energy drain and the three piece bonus has a proc that makes you immune to damage. Picking up the MACO set from the reputation system would also increase your overall survivability compared to the Aegis set. The MACO shield is arguably the best set shield in the game; it has high capacity, the shield is of the "resilient" type, every energy weapon striking the shield increases ship power levels by +2 for a moderate duration, and the shield has +10% all energy damage resistance.

    Another thing I'd suggest would be changing up the Lt. Science slot. Hazard Emitters I would be a very good choice for a heal over time and Transfer Shield Strength II is much more effective compared to Science Team. Dropping the quantum torpedo console and one fore quantum for another tetryon console and tetryon beam array would also improve your overall damage when broadsiding. Lastly, the Tholian reputation system has introduced a new "refracting" tetryon weapon format. These weapons have a proc that causes the weapons to "refract" off of enemies into other enemy ships for further tetryon damage. I love your engineering layout and the only thing I personally might do differently with tactical would be to drop beam fire at will for high yield I and high yield II for attack pattern beta I.
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    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd certainly appreciate specifics on those consoles. I'm almost tier V with both New Romulus and Task Force Omega (another couple of days!) and I'm pushing in on Tier III with Nukara Strikeforce. That said, I'm pretty poor right now as I'm dumping resources into pushing a Fleet project or two along (yay small fleet!).

    I only have one of the Tac Team cooldown Conn Officers at purple, but I have two more that are blue. Could a blue substitute for a purple here?

    With the Conn Officers, this build uses two Transfer Shield Strengths? How effective is that shared-cooldown wise?

    Oh, something I've been dying to ask people: what do you do about Subnucleonic Beam? It irritates me like crazy when all my abilities have absurdly long cooldowns and even torpedoes are affected by it! The only remedy is unfortunately Science Team.

    Also, I really hate Tractor Beams, so is Attack Pattern Omega there to use in addition to Evasive Maneuvers to mitigate that?

    For Engines/Shields/Deflectors, could I use a set here? I'm a fan of sets and their bonuses. Any recommended warp cores?

    Any opinion on going with plasma? It's apparently all the rage with the kids these days. :D
  • vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well looking at your build I'd say it's fairly solid. On the skill points side of things, you have a lot of skills maxed into the "red" area. Dropping things like starship hull plating, starship armor, starship electro-plasma systems, and starship shield system performance down to 6 would free up skill points to boost starship auxiliary/weapons/engines performance. A helpful spreadsheet for pros and cons for space skill points can be found here: http://home.comcast.net/~amicus/Skill%20Point%20Effects.htm

    Now for the ship gear itself. Personally, I like your weapon loadout and gear setup. You may wish to consider dropping the aft quantums for an omega torpedo launcher and a kinetic cutting beam. Together, they create a three piece set with the borg console you already use. The two piece bonus has a proc that drastically reduces energy drain and the three piece bonus has a proc that makes you immune to damage. Picking up the MACO set from the reputation system would also increase your overall survivability compared to the Aegis set. The MACO shield is arguably the best set shield in the game; it has high capacity, the shield is of the "resilient" type, every energy weapon striking the shield increases ship power levels by +2 for a moderate duration, and the shield has +10% all energy damage resistance.

    Another thing I'd suggest would be changing up the Lt. Science slot. Hazard Emitters I would be a very good choice for a heal over time and Transfer Shield Strength II is much more effective compared to Science Team. Dropping the quantum torpedo console and one fore quantum for another tetryon console and tetryon beam array would also improve your overall damage when broadsiding. Lastly, the Tholian reputation system has introduced a new "refracting" tetryon weapon format. These weapons have a proc that causes the weapons to "refract" off of enemies into other enemy ships for further tetryon damage. I love your engineering layout and the only thing I personally might do differently with tactical would be to drop beam fire at will for high yield I and high yield II for attack pattern beta I.

    Thanks for that link. I definitely see the point in dropping some skills a bit if only because the net benefit is less from those when compared to picking up some green boxes elsewhere.

    Ah, the aft torps were there so I could use the same abilities fore and aft, coming and going. Basically all around same output. I've been looking at the weapon-based Borg set and the weapon-based Romulan set for inspiration. Any thoughts on the Romulan one?

    Is there a net benefit from going full MACO Space set compared to the Aegis set? I really like how the Aegis set has that focus on extra shields and defense and I've been using it since they added it to the crafting system. Personally I find comparing sets like comparing apples to oranges... or at least apples to pears.

    Hazard Emitters has such a horrible cooldown but I see everyone using it. Do people not mind the 45 second cooldown with the comparatively brief HOT it gives? Does the cleanse make up for that? I don't know if I prefer healing to assuaging my hate of Tractor Beams... :D

    On the topic of Transfer Shield Strength, what do you do about Subnucleonic Beam? A lot of NPCs use it these days and with the increase in firing arc to 135 degrees, it's going to hit more often.

    Ah, my High Yield 2 allows me to currently do a "poor-man's High Yield 3" as it were. Basically you get the three torps from HY2 and then the global 1 second cooldown finishes and the second torp launcher fires.

    I didn't know about the Tholian weapons. Thanks for the heads up!
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vyristykin wrote: »
    I'd certainly appreciate specifics on those consoles. I'm almost tier V with both New Romulus and Task Force Omega (another couple of days!) and I'm pushing in on Tier III with Nukara Strikeforce. That said, I'm pretty poor right now as I'm dumping resources into pushing a Fleet project or two along (yay small fleet!).

    I only have one of the Tac Team cooldown Conn Officers at purple, but I have two more that are blue. Could a blue substitute for a purple here?

    With the Conn Officers, this build uses two Transfer Shield Strengths? How effective is that shared-cooldown wise?

    Oh, something I've been dying to ask people: what do you do about Subnucleonic Beam? It irritates me like crazy when all my abilities have absurdly long cooldowns and even torpedoes are affected by it! The only remedy is unfortunately Science Team.

    Also, I really hate Tractor Beams, so is Attack Pattern Omega there to use in addition to Evasive Maneuvers to mitigate that?

    For Engines/Shields/Deflectors, could I use a set here? I'm a fan of sets and their bonuses. Any recommended warp cores?

    Any opinion on going with plasma? It's apparently all the rage with the kids these days. :D

    Oh, you are trying to build a ship for PvP and PvE. I'll write up a detailed cruiser build for you here and post a build link to STO academy, but it will take about 15 minutes.
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    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    LOL Nah, don't worry about PvP.

    Although... it WOULD be nice to pound the TRIBBLE out of my PvE Escort friends. Alas, they adapt like the Borg, so it would be a short-lived victory.
  • hapievohapievo Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vyristykin wrote: »
    Thanks for the constructive feedback. I was worried I'd get people ripping me for having Science Team, Tactical Team, and Engineering Team. :D

    Your welcome! I am not anywhere close to an authority on the subject but I like to share what little I do know.

    If you did not want to go Aux2Batt, I would definately go with hereticknight's setup. I tried something similar (actually, it may have been cobbled together from an earlier post of his :P) and it worked really well also. I just happened to like the play style of Aux2batt once I tried it.

    APO will help get you out of tractor beams, but honestly (only speaking from a PVE perspective) with the wide angle launcher and 7 beams I am usually only showing the enemies my broadsides so even when I get hit with one it's not that bad. I usually only fly at 1/4 impulse of 1/2 at the most during combat, making it so much easier to stay locked on target

    And I have found getting rid of the plasma burn with HE is another on of the life savers
  • vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hapievo wrote: »
    Your welcome! I am not anywhere close to an authority on the subject but I like to share what little I do know.

    If you did not want to go Aux2Batt, I would definately go with hereticknight's setup. I tried something similar (actually, it may have been cobbled together from an earlier post of his :P) and it worked really well also. I just happened to like the play style of Aux2batt once I tried it.

    APO will help get you out of tractor beams, but honestly (only speaking from a PVE perspective) with the wide angle launcher and 7 beams I am usually only showing the enemies my broadsides so even when I get hit with one it's not that bad. I usually only fly at 1/4 impulse of 1/2 at the most during combat, making it so much easier to stay locked on target

    And I have found getting rid of the plasma burn with HE is another on of the life savers

    Hey, that's all I was looking for! Advice on alternative ways to use this wonderful ship!

    Aux2Batt looks like almost everyone's using it from what I'm seeing on the forums and elsewhere. I guess it's a really good ability if that's the case, but that makes me nervous since that means the devs are looking closely at what people are using it for.

    Regarding tractor beams, I was thinking more along the defense stat. The faster you're moving, the higher your defense is sort of thing. That said, I suppose I can sacrifice a bit of defense considering I'd have a lot of damage output regardless of where the enemies are.
  • cha0s1428cha0s1428 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    With only one copy of each EPtW and EPtS, you aren't getting as much synergy as you could be in that ship. You also have 1 of each Team (tac team, sci team, eng team) which is cutting deeply into your survivability. As an eng captain, perhaps this is alright if you are a focused healer but in all honesty tac team trumps sci team in pve in my opinion. Its better for shield tanking all around and since all teams share a cooldown, I would stick with tac team, get 2 conn officers (tac team cooldown reduction) either 2 purple and 1 blue and a purple for nearly constant uptime. Then I would put.TS1 in the ensign tac slot and go for Tac team FAW2 and APO in the Lt. Cmdr slot.

    Moving on to sci stations, Polarize hull isn't a bad choice. I still recommend either TSS1, HE2, or HE1, TSS2 depending on which is going down more often, hull or shields. Since you are an engineer, you may be able to get away without having TSS in favor of polarize hull as you do have RSF.

    Engineer stations. Hmm. As I said you are loosing a lot of the cruisers potential by not cycling Emergency powers as often as you could. One of each is; alright but you can d more. Personally, I have my cruiser set to run EPtS3 at all times with doffs. (DCEs I think off hand).

    I would drop ET either in favor of a higher level of EPtS (make sure to set your shield power low enough that your don't go over cap when its up nearly all the time).and run either 2 copies of EPtW1 or EPtE1. I would also put Aux2SIF 3 in there instead of EWP. You can always just run EPtS2 in your Lt slot.and get EWP1 if you really like it.

    So I suggest

    EPtW1, ES1 (for healer setup)/Aux2SIF 1(tanking/ healer hybrid), EPtS3, Aux2SIF 3
    EPtW 1 RSP


    EPtW1, EPtS 2, EWP 1, Aux2SIF 3
    EP2W 1,EPtS2/RSP

    I would then drop 2 of those torps as with only 1 torp ability even in your original build, its not very efficient.

    If you really like them, then at least drop on in the back for a cutting beam and drop one of the torp consoles. You have 9 in EPS so you might as well use more beams though. Maybe get the romulan plasma experimental beam too if you' worried about drain. 6 beams is good, 7 is ok, but 8 needs some micromanaging as far as power concerns go.

    Anyway, just my tips. Feel free to heed them, or not.
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vyristykin wrote: »
    LOL Nah, don't worry about PvP.

    Although... it WOULD be nice to pound the TRIBBLE out of my PvE Escort friends. Alas, they adapt like the Borg, so it would be a short-lived victory.

    Alright, here is the build (details on the description page): http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=fleetassaultcruiserplasmabuildmaco_0

    Right now, plasma (specifically romulan plasma for the disruptor proc + normal plasma damage) is the highest damage type in the game because of fleet embassy +Plasma consoles and the Romulan reputation weapon set. The build I linked above is designed to capitalize on this fact. However, the new Tholian set weapon set and the Refracting tetryon beam arrays are quite powerful. In some ways they may exceed the Plasma setups in effectiveness. The new Tholian space set is also a very nice alternative to the MACO set. Overall though this ship should provide you decent damage/survivability in PvE and PvP.

    Edit: One last note, you will want a field stabilizing warp core for +shield power and a W>A mod to increase your aux power. Hazard Emitters, Transfer Shield Strength, and Auxiliary to SIF are all increased in effectiveness with higher aux power.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
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    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cha0s1428 wrote: »
    With only one copy of each EPtW and EPtS, you aren't getting as much synergy as you could be in that ship. You also have 1 of each Team (tac team, sci team, eng team) which is cutting deeply into your survivability. As an eng captain, perhaps this is alright if you are a focused healer but in all honesty tac team trumps sci team in pve in my opinion. Its better for shield tanking all around and since all teams share a cooldown, I would stick with tac team, get 2 conn officers (tac team cooldown reduction) either 2 purple and 1 blue and a purple for nearly constant uptime. Then I would put.TS1 in the ensign tac slot and go for Tac team FAW2 and APO in the Lt. Cmdr slot.

    Moving on to sci stations, Polarize hull isn't a bad choice. I still recommend either TSS1, HE2, or HE1, TSS2 depending on which is going down more often, hull or shields. Since you are an engineer, you may be able to get away without having TSS in favor of polarize hull as you do have RSF.

    Engineer stations. Hmm. As I said you are loosing a lot of the cruisers potential by not cycling Emergency powers as often as you could. One of each is; alright but you can d more. Personally, I have my cruiser set to run EPtS3 at all times with doffs. (DCEs I think off hand).

    I would drop ET either in favor of a higher level of EPtS (make sure to set your shield power low enough that your don't go over cap when its up nearly all the time).and run either 2 copies of EPtW1 or EPtE1. I would also put Aux2SIF 3 in there instead of EWP. You can always just run EPtS2 in your Lt slot.and get EWP1 if you really like it.

    So I suggest

    EPtW1, ES1 (for healer setup)/Aux2SIF 1(tanking/ healer hybrid), EPtS3, Aux2SIF 3
    EPtW 1 RSP


    EPtW1, EPtS 2, EWP 1, Aux2SIF 3
    EP2W 1,EPtS2/RSP

    I would then drop 2 of those torps as with only 1 torp ability even in your original build, its not very efficient.

    If you really like them, then at least drop on in the back for a cutting beam and drop one of the torp consoles. You have 9 in EPS so you might as well use more beams though. Maybe get the romulan plasma experimental beam too if you' worried about drain. 6 beams is good, 7 is ok, but 8 needs some micromanaging as far as power concerns go.

    Anyway, just my tips. Feel free to heed them, or not.

    Well, thanks to the introduction of APO into the build, I can definitely see getting rid of Polarize Hull. I guess I can just eat Subnucleonic Beam when it happens (I guess like most people).

    If I'm doing the constant up-time DOFF trick with Tac Team, I won't be doing the multiple torpedo launcher trick. I'm really attracted to that kinetic Borg Cutting Beam in the aft arc. I just have to be able to build it first (500 marks!).

    How many DCEs do you happen to use to keep EPtS3 going? If it does go over cap, would a Field Stabilizing Warp Core help with that a bit since it elevates the cap?

    I would probably drop Eject Warp Plasma, but if I do that, the only "hold" I'd have would be the Vent Theta Radiation console. Do you or anyone else think that it's important to have at least one hold/crowd control ability on a cruiser?

    Also, how's the single target damage working out when there's a crowd? It appears to only have AOEs which is fine one v. one, but dishing out damage versus a single guy when there's a bunch might mean a problem for aggro draw... unless the multiple uses of EPtS helps compensate more than I know.

    One last question: how do you cycle both EPtS and EPtW so that you have constant coverage? Do you do one based on the situation or are you alternating the powers or what?

    Thanks for the advice!
  • vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Alright, here is the build (details on the description page): http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=fleetassaultcruiserplasmabuildmaco_0

    Right now, plasma (specifically romulan plasma for the disruptor proc + normal plasma damage) is the highest damage type in the game because of fleet embassy +Plasma consoles and the Romulan reputation weapon set. The build I linked above is designed to capitalize on this fact. However, the new Tholian set weapon set and the Refracting tetryon beam arrays are quite powerful. In some ways they may exceed the Plasma setups in effectiveness. The new Tholian space set is also a very nice alternative to the MACO set. Overall though this ship should provide you decent damage/survivability in PvE and PvP.

    Edit: One last note, you will want a field stabilizing warp core for +shield power and a W>A mod to increase your aux power. Hazard Emitters, Transfer Shield Strength, and Auxiliary to SIF are all increased in effectiveness with higher aux power.

    Wow, that's pretty nice!

    As I said earlier, I'm close to finishing out the Romulan Reputation, so I'm closer to getting those plasma weapons than the Tholian equipment. I'll keep an eye on things. I'm not able to afford stuff right now, but you've given me a lot to think about. Thanks for your time and advice!
  • vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Another question: Why emitter arrays in the science console slots? Why not field generators for extra shields?
  • vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Alright, here is the build (details on the description page): http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=fleetassaultcruiserplasmabuildmaco_0

    Uh, that's a Fleet Assault Cruiser Refit... I only have the normal ACR. My fleet's a long way from a point where I can get that! :D
  • cha0s1428cha0s1428 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vyristykin wrote: »
    Well, thanks to the introduction of APO into the build, I can definitely see getting rid of Polarize Hull. I guess I can just eat Subnucleonic Beam when it happens (I guess like most people).

    If I'm doing the constant up-time DOFF trick with Tac Team, I won't be doing the multiple torpedo launcher trick. I'm really attracted to that kinetic Borg Cutting Beam in the aft arc. I just have to be able to build it first (500 marks!).

    How many DCEs do you happen to use to keep EPtS3 going? If it does go over cap, would a Field Stabilizing Warp Core help with that a bit since it elevates the cap?

    I would probably drop Eject Warp Plasma, but if I do that, the only "hold" I'd have would be the Vent Theta Radiation console. Do you or anyone else think that it's important to have at least one hold/crowd control ability on a cruiser?

    Also, how's the single target damage working out when there's a crowd? It appears to only have AOEs which is fine one v. one, but dishing out damage versus a single guy when there's a bunch might mean a problem for aggro draw... unless the multiple uses of EPtS helps compensate more than I know.

    One last question: how do you cycle both EPtS and EPtW so that you have constant coverage? Do you do one based on the situation or are you alternating the powers or what?

    Thanks for the advice!

    I personally use 3 purple DCE doffs for my ship. With those it almost always procs. Very rarey does it not. On another char right now I have 3 blues, and its very noticeable how often it doesn't, so if you are going to do it, go for 3 purple DCE.

    I myself don't go for EWP as I pvp more than pve.and generally find everyone has APO or polarize hull. I was iffy on giving it up entirely for this build, but I'm surprised how little I miss it.

    I don't use single beams myself as I prefer stacking up 3 RCS consoles, tachyo converter and use the excelsior with the extra ensign for EPtE1 and go with dual beams + turrets. With just single beams in STFs single target dmg is decent. I used to get top damage most of the time, probably even better now with the new EPtW change.

    As far as the cooldowns go, if you have one copy of any EPtX, its a 45 second Cooldown with a 30 second shared cooldown on any other EPtX ability. If you have 2 copies of the same EPtX the cooldown for both becomes 30 seconds, and starts a 15 second CD on any other EPtX ability. since they all last for 30 seconds and because they are all either on a 30 or 15 second cooldown with multiple copies, you can chain 2 powers endlessly.

    Make sense? I admit I might have explained that quite badly.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vyristykin wrote: »
    Another question: Why emitter arrays in the science console slots? Why not field generators for extra shields?

    The added emitters makes your shield heals that much stronger, which means it will benefit both you and allies. A field generator only helps you, and doesn't really add to your sustainability. However the build I would use is much different.

    And you wanted specifics from earlier? Here's a specific build, all consoles included:

    Assault Cruiser Refit:

    Shields: Assimilated Regenerative Shield Array mk XI/mk XII
    Deflector: Assimilated Deflector Array mk XI/mk XII
    Engine: Assimilated Subtranswarp Engines mk XI/mk XII

    Fore: Beam Array x3, Wide Angle Quantum
    Aft: Beam Array x3, Kinetic Cutting Beam

    Tactical: Whatever energy weapon type you're using
    Engineering: Neutronium Alloy x2, Monotanium Alloy, RCS Accelerator
    Science: Zero Point Energy Conduit, Assimilated Module

    Boff layout is the same, as are the Doffs. I didn't put mark level or energy types again, because I don't know your energy preference, nor do I know your exact price range, but as consoles go, mk XI blue is probably pretty reliable, and relatively cheap/easy to get.

    Any more questions, feel free to ask.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    cha0s1428 wrote: »
    As far as the cooldowns go, if you have one copy of any EPtX, its a 45 second Cooldown with a 30 second shared cooldown on any other EPtX ability. If you have 2 copies of the same EPtX the cooldown for both becomes 30 seconds, and starts a 15 second CD on any other EPtX ability. since they all last for 30 seconds and because they are all either on a 30 or 15 second cooldown with multiple copies, you can chain 2 powers endlessly.

    Make sense? I admit I might have explained that quite badly.

    Oh wow, I just tested it out with a spare BOFF. So I can essentially keep EPtX up indefinitely. So, you recommended two copies of EPtW1 and while I'm flip flopping them, I pop in EPtS3?
  • cha0s1428cha0s1428 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vyristykin wrote: »
    Oh wow, I just tested it out with a spare BOFF. So I can essentially keep EPtX up indefinitely. So, you recommended two copies of EPtW1 and while I'm flip flopping them, I pop in EPtS3?

    Yep. Just EPtS3 and then after 15 sec hit EPtW1. 15 seconds later (if it procs) EPtS3. If it didn't proc, you have EPtS1 to back on. Either way, rinse and repeat .
  • vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    cha0s1428 wrote: »
    Yep. Just EPtS3 and then after 15 sec hit EPtW1. 15 seconds later (if it procs) EPtS3. If it didn't proc, you have EPtS1 to back on. Either way, rinse and repeat .

    Ah, you meant a second EPtS not a second EPtW? Gotcha.
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vyristykin wrote: »
    Uh, that's a Fleet Assault Cruiser Refit... I only have the normal ACR. My fleet's a long way from a point where I can get that! :D
    Well it's something to work toward. The only difference is 1 less plasma infuser on the ship. If you need a module when you get closer just let me know via ingame mail, I'd be happy to give you one.
    cha0s1428 wrote: »
    Yep. Just EPtS3 and then after 15 sec hit EPtW1. 15 seconds later (if it procs) EPtS3. If it didn't proc, you have EPtS1 to back on. Either way, rinse and repeat .

    If you are going to run damage control engineers, you really only need 2 EPtX abilities to make it work. A third EPtX is rather redundant, as it's very rare to reach a period where you don't proc at least one of the duty officers. There are indeed quite a few things you can do with cooldowns on a cruiser. Global tactical/engineering/science team, chaining EPtX, Aux2bat glass cannons, etc. Ultimately this area reaches a point where it's personal preference, what works best for each player.
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  • cha0s1428cha0s1428 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well it's something to work toward. The only difference is 1 less plasma infuser on the ship. If you need a module when you get closer just let me know via ingame mail, I'd be happy to give you one.

    If you are going to run damage control engineers, you really only need 2 EPtX abilities to make it work. A third EPtX is rather redundant, as it's very rare to reach a period where you don't proc at least one of the duty officers. There are indeed quite a few things you can do with cooldowns on a cruiser. Global tactical/engineering/science team, chaining EPtX, Aux2bat glass cannons, etc. Ultimately this area reaches a point where it's personal preference, what works best for each player.

    I have heard this argument against the build before. It may seem redundant but it is necesarry for EPtS3, as well as having EPtS1 as a fall back. If the DCE doesn't proc after you hit EPtW, you have low shield power an no EPtS for 15 seconds.

    As you said, its personal preference. I like having a backup plan. Not much else to put in ensign eng slots anyway.
  • vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Alas, I just looked and it appears that I don't have any of those purple conn officers that reduce the cooldown of Tac Team. I have some greens, but that's it.

    Also, I only have the one DCE that's purple and one purple WCE. The rest are blue.

    So, looking at both sets of advice provided today, I'm considering doing the Emergency Power trick, but I'm wondering if I should bother trying the Tactical Team trick at all. I'm mainly concerned that I'm going to be spending all my time hitting hotkeys as opposed to flying my ship! :D

    I'm more interested in the Team trick or the EPtX trick than the Aux2Batt thing right now. If only because I'm more comfortable in playing with the recently updated Emergency Power abilities than the most-likely-to-be-fiddled-with-in-the-future Aux trick.

    For now I get to just mess with my BOFFs and DOFFs until I can update my ship's gear. I'm thinking it's a good idea to run the two Aux2SIF powers since they're pretty rapid fire and they offer up a good amount of resist.
  • vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Okay, I was fiddling around in the skill planner and I think I might try this:


    I do actually have that purple Mk XII Field Generator. :D

    I dunno about the Wide Arc Quantum, but I think it works. I'm also unsure about the first enhancement on the Warp Core. I just picked something.

    I'm going to miss that other Neutronium Alloy, but Hazard Emitters plus the EPtS trick combined with two Aux2SIF abilities in a similar trick should help out.

    Also, I tweaked my skills so I was a bit more spread out in an effective manner courtesy of that chart that discussed the skills. I don't know if I should have any points in Attack Patterns or not, but I could drop one point each in the Specializations to increase it to 6.
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Where did the first tow posters get the phased tets and the wide angle Q torp from?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
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  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    age03 wrote: »
    Where did the first tow posters get the phased tets and the wide angle Q torp from?

    You can get Phased Tetryon weaponry off of the exchange or from Tholian Lock Boxes, and the Wide-Angle Quantum comes with the Regent.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    age03 wrote: »
    Where did the first tow posters get the phased tets and the wide angle Q torp from?

    I bought mine off the auction hall. It wasn't cheap but I've found that I've gotten my money's worth.

    And, yeah, the Torpedo Launcher comes exclusive with the Regent on the C-Store. It can be moved to any other ship, but if that's your only reason for buying the Regent, don't bother since it's kind of expensive. The stats it comes with is Accuracy and Crit Hit as well as the ability to fire 180 degrees.
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