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Ask Cryptic: May 2013 - Submit Your Questions, Please! [Now Closed]



  • felixhexfelixhex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for the great update. I was wondering what were some of the ideas that was planned for this update, early or late that ended up being left out, if any? Story wise, can you give us a glimpse of the future?

    Are there talks about adding different species to the Romulan faction that Sela has contracted to attack the Romulan Republic? If so how could that be implemented?
  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Any chance of a T'Varo frigate for Full Carriers or at least a generic frigate that isn't bound to a specific full carrier?

    Are we going to see Neverwinter like functionality to the Gateway this year?

    Which is easier: Nukura/Defari/Nimbus or a Feature Episode Series?
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Whats the honest truth about server stability and what improvements are going to be made so that more people can enjoy the game with little to no lag. Not to mention server downtime? What steps are in the process or soon to be in the process of getting this game to handle a larger community?
    R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
  • sussexgentsussexgent Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would like to ask about the daily down time we are seeing at the moment. I understand that realising an update the size of LoR can cause issues, and it can take time to track and rectify the causes of these issues.

    It would however be helpful to me, and maybe others in the community, if you could give us an idea as to the issues you are experiencing that require daily maintenance. Thanking us for our patience is all well and good, but even the patience of a saint has it's limit. Perhaps if we had an idea as to what is happing we could be more understanding.
  • felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    When will BOffs like the Breen and Reman be customizable? If they won't be, why not? Is it a technical issue, a CBS issue, or what?

    When will the Typhoon or Jupiter be available to players?

    Why does Worf say that Kahless left Qo'noS "last year" when the Path to 2409 says he left in 2403 (or so) many years before 2409?

    With Worf playing such a prominent role in the early KDF storyline, has Michael Dorn been approached for the voiceover?

    What will the Romulan Captain's Yacht and 1,000 day vet ship be?
  • cptshephardcptshephard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This one has probably already come up but are we going to get more ways to recruit Romulan/Reman DOFFS, and are we going to get more opportunities to recruit Rare and Very Rare Romulan/Reman BOFFS? Or at least be able to crosstrain Romulan BOFFS from KDF or Federation BOFFS?

    If it has, then how about: Are we going to get featured projects to add Romulan flavored asthetics to starbases?
  • novapolaris#2925 novapolaris Member Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What was the reasoning behind choosing to make the borg warp core and shrapnel torpedoes exclusive to the new Tal Shiar ships? Especially since the warp core is something that a good deal of players have been wanting for a while now to use on their other ships.

    Myself, I would've loved to have been able to use the shrapnel torpedo as an actual torpedo launcher on one of my other ships, as it's something that I've been wanting to see added to this game since launch.
  • xparr15xparr15 Member Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Can we have the ability to put duty officers in our banks or account banks for storage and moving them between characters easier?
  • xparr15xparr15 Member Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Are we going to see any changes to fleets soon such as additional ranks or a leader voting system?
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In the February 2013 Ask Cryptic, it was said that there may be some option to get the IDIC tribble again on new characters during the Legacy of Romulus update. Are there still plans for adding that tribble reward again?
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
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    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,443 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh, I'm sorry, just because I'm not part of cryptic means I can't be nice and answer your question?
    Yes, in this thread at least it pretty much does. It's "Ask Cryptic", not "Ask Whoever Happens To Be Wandering By At the Moment".
  • ghost2448ghost2448 Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Will we be getting a featured episode series this year?

    Any idea when will we be given some idea of what to expect in the next season?
  • rrincyrrincy Member Posts: 1,023
    edited May 2013
    fleet cruiser ?

    poker ?
    12th Fleet
    Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
    U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
  • captainmikeccaptainmikec Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. any news on balancing fleet projects for smaller fleets?

    2. any news on R&D revamp? like adding higher mark kits and the new warp cores

    3. any progress on a kicking system for afkers in PVE missions?

    4. could u make the exchange search more like a search engine and not quite so literal in how it searches? like now if i search for "item mk xii [dmg]" it wont return items that are say [crth][dmg] cause dmg isnt first... or maybe add an option for switching between exact to general search modes.

    5. also for the exchange, could you add faction filters for DOFFs so i dont see klingon only doffs in searches on my fed and visa versa?

    6. with all the items we have ingame that we have to keep track of on characters, any thought to increasing the base number of bank and inventory slots we get?

    7. any plans on increasing control for fleet ranks? so we have better control over shipyard and embassy permissions for members. one thing id like to see is being able to set restrictions for each ranks access to base provisions, kinda like we have for fleet banks. As is right now its all or nothing, so a member with permission could use all the provisions up if they wanted. not sure just how to do this, maybe being able to set monthly allotments for ranks? so rank X only gets to use X number of provisions in the month... idk
    but we for sure need more flexibility in assigning ranks and permissions

    8. with more rep being added, and more characters now grinding constantly for rep across characters isnt much fun... any plan to change the system some? maybe make rep unlocked on an account? or just a faction like all fed or all klingon on the same account?

    9. how about making lobi unbound so it can be sold on the exchange?
    "Tickle us, do we not laugh? Prick us, do we not bleed? Wrong us, shall we not revenge?"
    -General Chang
  • bridgernbridgern Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have the following questions:

    1.) When can we expect that the FED ships get a graphical overhaul so that they get more details and actually look like how they looked in the show?


    2.) With three reputations now in the game can you please reduce the cost of the projects or increase the number of marks we get from the missions or maybe even make them account wide.

    3.) It was mentioned that there would be a new holding be added to the Starbase system can you tell us anything about it and if there is an ETA for it.

    4.) With the arrival of the Romulans and their battle cloak and the Klingons and their cloak can you please make the cloak for the Defiant and the Galaxy-X an build in ability again.

    5.) The Expansion (Season 8) is great the content is good the missions are fun, the game is reborn, can you tell us something about Season 9 and what we will see in it.

    6.) Is there an ETA for Fleet Warp Cores - Singularity Cores and will we see Cores added to the special sets like the MACO or the Borg Set.

    7.) Can we have more bits and pieces that really looks like stuff from the shows like Phasers, Phaser Rifles, you have made a great start with the First Contact EVA Suit.


    8.) The Rivera subspecies of Tribble is still not usable by Klingons and since Klingons can use Tribbles now for a long time it would be nice if you could change that.

  • jkirk13jkirk13 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1.) Will you give the Tribble of Borg the ability to give us 1 Omega Mark every hour like the other tribbles do?

    2.) When do you plan to have the next Featured Episode series out?

    3.) What is the next event for the Event Reputation and when will it be?

    4.) Will we get a chance to get the IDIC tribble for our Romulan characters?

    5.) Will we ever see the Enterprise movie bridge from Star Trek 1-4? Will we see anything from the Original Series Movie era like weapons, uniforms, etc?

    6.)Will we see the Gorn Bamboo cannon?
  • alexsanderitaalexsanderita Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    First of all,

    thank you for giving us such a wonderful thing as LoR. Congratulations for the amazing work.

    can you take a pause on creating new content to just resolve the actual problems and bugs of the game?
    like a few weeks, then return to make the new seasons...

    treking2 wrote: »
    some type of page (which is regularly updated)
    showing exactly the priority you are giving to each of the current game bugs
    which are actually being worked on?

    A list of game bugs which are planned to be worked on in the near future would also be of great help.

    I believe this would go a long way to aiding customer satisfaction.

    Second these. If you agree, put your nick on the list.

    I don't want to imagine what will happen if a new major content update is rushed in without prior fixing the existing one.
    We already have the mail system broken, what else will crash with the next update?
    Cleaning up the whole mess can't be more delayed, it has to be done now once and for all, it is a necessary pre-requisite before adding new content (bugs).

    As to my questions, I have two suggestions for two systems which are long speaken about the need of a revamp, PVP and Exploration:

    1) What's your opinion about adding to the proposed territorial pvp with starbase siege the resource gathering?

    With resources obviously meant to be only used to build assets for your starbase system and interior map such as satellites, turrets, drones, support ships etc.

    This would add a layer of strategy metagame to the pvp revamp proposal, similar to BSGO (but without any resource needed to travel, only for pvp combat).

    2) What's your opinion about making the exploration maps instances tied to the fleet system?

    So you can select one of them at a time to contribute to projects needed to dinamically alter the map you can visit and play with mates to progress in the objectives.

    This will offer several different ways to play each map with friends with a sense of cooperation and advancement similar to New Romulus, with endless playtime:

    each time you end, say, an advanced colony on a M-class world you can start the project of archaeological research on a desert planet, and so on at rotation.

    Also, now that the founding members of Federation, the Andorians, got a ship (after Caitians, but still),
    are you going to complete the work with the melee weapon and costumes seen in Enterprise...
    ah, and the moving antennae?

    Well, that's very secondary, but if anyone can ask for theirs...
    I still dream from time to time about using the Gateway to doff off-game in spare minutes as we were told
  • origcaptainquackorigcaptainquack Member Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    since this is reposted I assume this isn't going to be answered this month. so the questions that were already asked wont get answered either.

    only real question should be when is the game going to be bug free and stable.
  • calfencalfen Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Could you please make "a known bug" list and tell us probable time of fixing?

    Thank you.
  • mowgliamowglia Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have an important question (at least to me), the answer to which will likely determine whether I purchase a Lifetime Subscription. Please note that this is not a blackmail post! For example, "Gimme the best ship and a big stack of goodies every month and I pay, otherwise I don't". It is a sincere and genuine question regarding the fundamental philosophy behind Star Trek Online.

    Ordinarily I would expect to have to answer this question myself after perhaps six months (or more) of play, but then I saw this thread and thought I'd give it a shot. My question is fairly straightforward, yet does require some context and background.

    I am an ex-WoW player looking for a replacement long-term 'sandbox' MMO. I have only been playing Star Trek Online for several days, but have already seen enough to be very impressed indeed. In fact (theoretically) nothing else even comes close. Flying my own starship, space combat, ground crews on planets, space stations...oh mama! I could easily invest sixteen hours a day into this game (as I did for years with WoW).

    Forget the bugs, rough graphics (in areas), maintenance downtimes, crashes, whatever - I'm having way too much fun to be deterred by any of that. Such things will obviously get fixed in time. However, based on my past experience with MMOs one thing does concern me.

    I am a solitary player, always have been, always will be. I like to potter about and do stuff on my own (mostly exploring), and while I have no problem with chatting to peeps, making friends, hanging out, etc, I absolutely do not want to be dependent on others for in-game advancement.

    Take WoW as an example: Since I loathe multi-player PVE then I never had access to PVE gear. I like to take my time and do some serious mooching. Having a bunch of kids nerd-raging about my dps, whinging about my inappropriate gear, complaining about my dubious combat rotations, even objecting to me taking time out to go to the toilet...just, no.

    PvP went a bit better given I love World PvP (RIP) and rather like Battleground PvP. Granted, here I was forced to rely on other players, but generally they were getting abused by Horde too much to worry about getting on my case. I was able to obtain reasonable PvP gear which is all I actually needed, just enough stuff to enable me to scrape by and survive.

    So my conclusion (regarding WoW) is Blizzard's philosophy revolves around the team and teamwork. After years of play (including v5 Pandaria) I have still not seen the inside of a Wrath (v3) instance. I never did Arena or Rated Battlegrounds and to this day have no idea what such things involve. Having no interest in Raids I was always excluded from having special mounts, items, etc.

    It's all fair enough of course, we pay our money and take our chances. But being a moocher means I'll never get to see much (if not most) of what WoW had to offer, and now there is literally nothing left for players like me to do (and thus no point playing). I'm not complaining, WoW was simply not designed for independent players. WoW is all about teamwork and moochers aren't invited.

    By "mooching" I simply mean I tend to wander about ogling the scenery, getting side-tracked with personal investigations, tinkering with baubles, conducting invariably time-consuming experiments, all of which unfortunately appears to drive most players potty. A good example is how I once spent several weeks (in WoW) sneaking on foot to obtain the Explorer title - something I could easily have achieved in just hours had I waited a couple of levels and used a flying mount. Another time I attempted to swim around Azeroth, you get the idea.

    So my question is this; given the above, will I find myself in the same position regarding Star Trek Online several years down the line? Will I be locked out of half the content because "I have the wrong style of play"? Does STO depend heavily on teamwork for players to be successful? Can moochers get decent ships, see most of what there is to see, and get to go where dependent players go? Or will STO be the same as WoW where independent players are treated like third-class citizens, shoved aside, and completely ignored and overlooked in terms of game design?

    The bottom line is if I am confident that independent players at least have a place in STO then I am more than happy to go for a Lifetime Subscription. Except my fear is that after investing much time and effort into STO I might discover it is like WoW where independent players are actively and brutally penalized for our particular playing style.
  • kirkepsilon1kirkepsilon1 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    1) What are you going to do about the disgruntled and unhappy people on forum the numerous threads in relation to the recent problems we have experienced since the launch of LOR speak for them selves.

    2) Will you re-enable the costume mix commands so we can mix and match our clothing from all categories like uniform with casual pants for example?

    3) When will the issue of account wide lobi crystals be addressed a lot of people would like this function and to be frank the majority of us don't see any good reasons why not?

    4) Will there there ever be a chance in the near future to get some of the pre-order items like the TR-116 in some sort of bundle in the c store for all characters on a account?

    5) When will the old be emotes be added to the gpl store?

    6) Will more casual clothes be added to the c store like hats etc?

    7) JJ Abrams Enterprise bundle any chance at all?

    8) Will we ever get a flyable Phoenix?
  • thegreathibikithegreathibiki Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1: Are there any plans for Romulan captains to have more of a ship selection that's Romulan based; other than what ships they can be offered by dilithium, EC, or Z point faction side? Most warbirds have little in the scope of science or tactical under level 40. As a player who enjoys the abilities of science and tactical bridge officers, the lack of both slots on the cruiser like warbirds can be rather disappointing.

    2: When will Borg red alerts be fixed to allow us to cash in on completing the missions?

    3: When will Hourly events and PVEs be fixed to keep Romulan captains from being tossed out of the queue, drop the mission in mid warp, or being thrown from the team and pulled form the game? this has been happening pretty regularly for me on all three romulan toons I have.

    4: Will we get new areas like the ability to search in deep space or something of a continual map where hitting one side will send you to the opposite side? Or rather a far more open ended Gamma quadrant? As a VOYager I feel the need to ask that.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    With all the open uniforms the romulans have, will we finally see skin types changed to be full body instead of just the head? (infected specificly)

    Will there by any synergy added between the adapted Tal Shiar Vessels and the Borg sets?

    With LoR out and running smoother, can we get any hints at what's coming next?

    With how bad champions online is doing and how little content is happening there, would it be possible to transfer purchased Zen here from there so it can actually be used? We used to be able to, then that feature had been removed.

    Will we ever get PvP between the three factions?

    Now that many embassies and Fleet stations are done, how will we be able to trade marks for credits? And along the same lines, will anything be added to the reputation stores?
  • masterkampmasterkamp Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1) Will we get the abilty to change the uniforms of the officers walking on our ship or Fleet bases? It's just that they don't feel like it's our crew, or ships.

    2) When do we get a TNG-VOY bundle?

    3) Is there any plans on adding a 3 Way Escort like the Vesta/Odyssey?

    4) Are there any plans on Adding more Ranks to TWOK Uniform?

    Great job with LoR! It's awsome.
  • quark888quark888 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Is there any plans to make the Hromi Cluster hitbox big enough so when you fly over to it, it will actually register instead of having to spend 5 minutes maneuvering your ship around to find the magic spot?

    Cause if there isn't there should be.
  • albertwesker45albertwesker45 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Will The Wrath of Khan Uniform(C-store) get a Ranking system like the other Starfleet Uniforms or will it Stay the Same with it only showing you the Captain Rank
  • athourstathourst Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Are there any plans on adding in more formal clothing and off duty clothing in?
  • jedispartan4845jedispartan4845 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    All the Romulan Ships are great but there is one type that is missing, are we going to get a ship that has hangers or that is a full Carrier? That or a Scimitar?
  • robinsonfamilyrobinsonfamily Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Recently Chase Masterson said on Priority One Podcast, that she would love to reprise her role as Leeta or do a Mirror Universe Leeta. Seeing how Chase is interested, will there be some future project involving Leeta or Mirror Leeta down the near road?
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I really like the rough and tumble kinetic fighting in The Atmosphere Event. Thank you.

    Will the number of Nukara Marks rewarded be brought up to par with Romulan and Omega Marks rewarded?

    With the new borg sphere mechanic in STF's and the current inability of GW to hold them, will GW be tweaked to compensate for this?

    Have you thought about asking the player base to brainstorm new passives, traits and captain powers for VA's and 50+ lvl players?

    Will you introduce a mini-game (Science/Tact/ or Engineer) into CE? This could simulate on the spot analysis. Perhaps upon successful completion you gain a bonus to damage, accuracy vs shards, weaken the CE, slow the regeneration rate down, gain a resistance, or you placate the CE/or Shards temporarily.

    Please introduce a Tal Shiar Space and ground weapon set! Thank you!
    Joined STO in September 2010.
This discussion has been closed.