Just buy one from the Exchange. It costs what, 100m EC right now? That's a month or so of saving up, buying Fleet Science DOFFs and selling the medicals, hunting Strange Alien Artefacts etc...
Thanks for doing these measurements. It must have taken you a full day. I did the original 1,000 lockbox measurement (see signature). Just opening the boxes alone, and recording the data, took a good 4-6 hours.
After the first two boxes, I suspected the odds did not change. It's sad to learn they have not.
If anyone is curious what these odds mean statistically, check out my signature for an explanation. Effectively every ship costs an average of $250. Every time you see a scroll message on your screen, Cryptic pockets $250.
[SIGPIC]Want to know more about Cryptic's hidden lottery odds and outcomes? Read my posts below.[/SIGPIC] Lock Boxes: The true value - (thread link) Jem'Hadar Bug Odds - (thread link) Galor Creation Rate - (thread link) Find me in TSW - TSW Chronicle Profile
Does it matter in any way what level you are when you open a Lock Box?
Does a level 1 have the same results as a level 50.
A level 10, 20 30, 40 as a level 50, or should you only open ANY lock box when you are level 50?
I bought 10 master keys at the store on the login screen before I ever "engaged". It took my zen. I cannot find the keys in the game. Would appreciate any help as to where they may be. TY.
Does it matter in any way what level you are when you open a Lock Box?
Does a level 1 have the same results as a level 50.
A level 10, 20 30, 40 as a level 50, or should you only open ANY lock box when you are level 50?
Don't believe so. Some of the rewards like the weapon packs will have different contents depending on your level, but all you have to do there is just open those rewards at the level you need.
.... I must have gotten really lucky. bought like 11 keys via a mix of zen and EC from exchange, opened up 15 lockboxes, 4 dominion boxes with some keys i already had, and 11 tal shiar boxes..... got the Adapted Destroyer on the 6th Tal Shiar box, and promptly got 3 people (I was surprised only three) asking to buy it off me within like a minute of getting it opened.
Just buy one from the Exchange. It costs what, 100m EC right now? That's a month or so of saving up, buying Fleet Science DOFFs and selling the medicals, hunting Strange Alien Artefacts etc...
After the first two boxes, I suspected the odds did not change. It's sad to learn they have not.
If anyone is curious what these odds mean statistically, check out my signature for an explanation. Effectively every ship costs an average of $250. Every time you see a scroll message on your screen, Cryptic pockets $250.
Lock Boxes: The true value - (thread link)
Jem'Hadar Bug Odds - (thread link)
Galor Creation Rate - (thread link)
Find me in TSW - TSW Chronicle Profile
Thanks Dukedom for the raw data!
Does a level 1 have the same results as a level 50.
A level 10, 20 30, 40 as a level 50, or should you only open ANY lock box when you are level 50?
Don't believe so. Some of the rewards like the weapon packs will have different contents depending on your level, but all you have to do there is just open those rewards at the level you need.