So I enjoy my Science captain on the Federation side. I have a tacticool KDF for fapblasting. I've never rolled a Engineer until the other day. Got my Romulan to around level 17 and so far meh..
Are they fun at higher levels? I guess I'm answering my own question but some imput could sway me to still it through. Are Engineers stuck as a tank?
"Are Engineers stuck as a tank?" - More or less yes. They will however bring abilities to increase power levels and keep the quite squishy warbirds alive longer. It's not a bad idea to be an engineer for romulans but your purpose will be to last long in fights rather than alpha, run, alpha, run....
Oh it's also worth mentioning put 3 points in batteries and pick up the engineer exclusive trait EPS manifold something or other. It gives a power boost when you use batteries or emergency to X abilities and with 3 points in batteries that power boost lasts 15s. Just long enough to trigger it again with another emergency to X ability =D
Oh it's also worth mentioning put 3 points in batteries and pick up the engineer exclusive trait EPS manifold something or other. It gives a power boost when you use batteries or emergency to X abilities and with 3 points in batteries that power boost lasts 15s. Just long enough to trigger it again with another emergency to X ability =D
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.