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New Trait System Help Please!

methos71methos71 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Federation Discussion
Okies, so, despite all the problems I've read about for the past week, I'm trying to acclimate to all the new changes as smoothly as possible. In that spirit, I actually ventured to log in this evening, for the the first time since the launch of LOR. Please bear in mind that I have fastidiously read about most of the upcoming LOR changes for the past few weeks and months, both here on the forums and via the dev blogs. Yet, I'm still at a loss here and would greatly appreciate some help before I commit myself to going forward.

First thing I got hit with was pseudo-Majel Barret/Enterprise Computer voice asking me about new traits. And I'm utterly befuddled as to what to do next, in order to properly transition my gaming experience from what was to what is now.

I'm a lvl 50/Vice Admiral Tactical Officer, who flys a C-Store Armitage. My pre-LOR traits were Accurate, Lucky, Leadership and Teamwork.

I've noted that Accurate and Lucky are still there. Yet, pseudo-Majel and the trait menu she brought up is prompting me to add additional traits. And I'm not at all sure what I should choose, especially given that Leadership and Teamwork no longer seem to be options.

So, I ask ya all, what traits would be best to choose to get as close to my gaming experience before all the LOR changes??? Your help would be greatly appreciated!
"Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian

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  • hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ok... Well the first thing is that you can now have a lot more traits. You have an innate trait and the ones you say you currently have. If you see Elusive on your list I would nail that instantly.

    I would grab Crippling Fire to further reduce the enemy's ability to hit you but Last Ditch Efforts is one you should only get if you honestly use Go Down Fighting very often (keep in mind that you need to be at 50% or lower Hull to use GDF these days).

    For a ground trait do not forget to grab Strike Team Specialist.

    As for the other traits you may have hit the "Details" button on them and take a look. See which traits would best suit your needs. Obviously if they give buffs to things you do not use then they do not help. You may well be able to skill into a few more ground based things now.
  • epicmaster200epicmaster200 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hasukurobi wrote: »
    Ok... Well the first thing is that you can now have a lot more traits. You have an innate trait and the ones you say you currently have. If you see Elusive on your list I would nail that instantly.

    I would grab Crippling Fire to further reduce the enemy's ability to hit you but Last Ditch Efforts is one you should only get if you honestly use Go Down Fighting very often (keep in mind that you need to be at 50% or lower Hull to use GDF these days).

    For a ground trait do not forget to grab Strike Team Specialist.

    As for the other traits you may have hit the "Details" button on them and take a look. See which traits would best suit your needs. Obviously if they give buffs to things you do not use then they do not help. You may well be able to skill into a few more ground based things now.

    These are some good tips but it all depends on what your role is...
    Also what I do is choose ones that sound interesting to me and test them out... But keep in mind that you may not be able to change them later so choose wisely

    BTW methos71 you have 199 posts... One more!
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  • methos71methos71 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hasukurobi wrote: »
    Ok... Well the first thing is that you can now have a lot more traits. You have an innate trait and the ones you say you currently have. If you see Elusive on your list I would nail that instantly.

    I would grab Crippling Fire to further reduce the enemy's ability to hit you but Last Ditch Efforts is one you should only get if you honestly use Go Down Fighting very often (keep in mind that you need to be at 50% or lower Hull to use GDF these days).

    For a ground trait do not forget to grab Strike Team Specialist.

    As for the other traits you may have hit the "Details" button on them and take a look. See which traits would best suit your needs. Obviously if they give buffs to things you do not use then they do not help. You may well be able to skill into a few more ground based things now.

    Thank ya for responding so promptly Hasukurobi! Love that panther avatar you've got too! Though, my wee wanna be big-cat would surely appreciate it, even more so.

    First question I've got here: are Leadership and Teamwork utterly gone? Or have those two traits been somehow melded into the innate Human traits?

    Great advice on Crippling Fire and Elusive, as those are two I've been leaning towards. I've also been leaning towards Techie too. Unlike most Tac/Escort flying officers, I prefer to balance defense and offense, rather than aim for pure offensive DPS. I strictly play PVE (including STFs) and I'm also one of those weird Fed Tacs that occasionally likes to fly a Cruiser, rather than an Escort. Big reason why I prefer my Armitage most of all, I guess, as it's always felt like a good middle-ground between an Escort and Cruiser to me.

    As for Ground traits...hmm...let's see...lots of options there. I've never had any of the MACO or OMEGA ground stuff. Bit of a mix and mash with my ground equipment really. I have taken a preference for my Sonic Antiproton Rifle Mk XII [KB3] [Sonic], as my weapon of choice for ground missions. And I've got all the top ground Tac kits (as far as I know, barring the new Fleet stuff, as I'm not yet in a Fleet). Currently using Tactical Kit- Squad Leader Mk X (Very Rare Kit).

    So, for Ground, I would think that Soldier would be a given. What else do ya guys think I ought choose?
    "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
    Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian

  • methos71methos71 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    These are some good tips but it all depends on what your role is...
    Also what I do is choose ones that sound interesting to me and test them out... But keep in mind that you may not be able to change them later so choose wisely

    BTW methos71 you have 199 posts... One more!

    And this post would now make 201 Epicmaster!:P

    I've thus far decided to go with Crippling Fire, Elusive and Techie for Space traits. I've only picked Soldier for Ground traits thus far. Still hesitant to pick two additional ground traits, until others have chimed in here.

    So, two more ground traits to go people, what say you?
    "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
    Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian

  • methos71methos71 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Okies, given the lack of a response, I've gone with Soldier, Stubborn and Creative for my ground traits. I mostly came to that conclusion based on noted defensive deficiencies amidst my ground skill points. Thus, going with more ground defense seemed wise.

    I've still got that free respec token though. So, please do contribute any input on all this, if ya think I've gone off and wrong with my choices.

    And many thanks for your help Hasukurobi and Epicmaster.:)
    "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man and let history make its own judgments." -Zefram Cochrane
    Vice-Admiral Methos Corinthian

  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Assuming you are going for a fairly balanced build, here's my thoughts on the traits...

    For Space, Accurate and Elusive are rather handy. Techie is a bit of a waste, as it only gives +10 Hull Repair; seeing as how it only costs 1k Skill Points per pip, just kick that up directly in your Skills. Instead take Warp Theorist, which increases both EPS and Warp Core Potential by +10, and which cost 2k Skill Points per pip. A better value. Crippling Fire is a cool skill as well, but only take Last Ditch Effort if you spend a lot of time at 50% or less hull (without exploding), as GDF now has the hull gate.

    For Ground, I would suggest both Situational Awareness and Strike Team Specialist, and be sure to run with a weapon that has an Exploit secondary fire mode. As a Human (see pre-LoR Leadership and Teamwork), you allow your team to do increased Exploit damage; having your grenades expose your targets to allow for Exploit damage is a wonderful synergy. Strike Team Specialist... between it and Lucky you should be evilly crit-happy, especially if you also go crit option for the Romulan Reputation tree as well. Round out with Covert to kit a Close Combat Specialist or Operative, Soldier to kit a Fire Team or Squad Leader.

    Now, if you want a little more Ground defense, try switching traits over to Mental Discipline and/or Stubborn; both also add a nice little clicky power that allows you to escape the appropriate control powers early, in addition to their innate resistances.

    In any case, there is one very nice feature of the Genetic Resequencers to be aware of: they include a trait respec token as well as the trait unlock. Personally, the traits in them are of minimal use compared to my other options, but getting up to four additional trait respecs by using all four types of Genetic Resequencer is very nice indeed. They come from the Tal Shiar Lock Box, and can also be found for sale on the Exchange.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
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