Romulans have been given practically every advantage in cloaking space combat, ground combat and their ships make the KDF vessels obsolete.
Cloak: They were given our B'rel enhanced battle cloak. They have battle cloaks on most of their escort types. Their captain racial and optional traits include SIGNIFICANT bonuses to cloak timers and damage/duration.
Ground: self explanatory. Just look at what they get.
Ships: All romulan ships have 'tier 6' type design. You simply cannot compare the performance of an = tier KDF and romulan ship.. its a gap in performance as vast there is between a Fed Nebula and Fed Vesta.
If that wasn't enough, we see the talshiar lockbox ships are literally making every tier 5 kdf ship obsolete when it comes to cruisers and escorts.
Our consoles will be available to romulans through the cross-faction consoles too.
So, really.. why would people bother joining the KDF these days? With the history of zero unique ships being made for KDF in the past 2+ years and the bulk of the kdf fleet being old releases and romulan ships having the 'tier 6' design at end game... well... you would only join KDF for the bloodwine.
Cloak - Makes perfect sense that the Romulans are superior in this area, they invented the $##$@ thing.
Ground Combat - My Gorn is still melee wrecking ball today that he was last week, nothing the Romulans get is changing that.
Ships - Not sure what you mean by "All Romulan ships are Tier 6 design". My starter Rommie BOP is definitely not anything other than Tier 1. Also, you conveniently forgot to mention the power level disadvantage all Rommie ships must live with.
Tal Shiar lockbox ships - Are flyable by all factions, so go get one and drive it around with your KDF character.
Consoles - Yep. And it's only a matter of time until Cryptic starts cramming some of the Romulan-specific consoles into a future lockbox.
Why play KDF? Because you get to be Klingon, Gorn or Orion etc. Sure Cryptic didn't give them a great deal of scope for gameplay and they got provided with a limited amount of ships compared to Fed players but seriously Klingon ships are awesome, well I think so. I always loved the designs. Even the starting player Bird of Prey is a great ship, far more fun than that awful Miranda the Feds get.
Maybe now with the new Klingon start at level 1 theres even more incentive to be Klingon. Of course if you don't like Klingons don't roll a character, nonones twisting your arm. Go and be a pointy eared Romulan hobo if you want.;) KDF is for people who like the race, the ships and enjoy battles, song and bloodwine.
Oh and the Klingon ship computer is far cooler and more ruthless sounding, "Targets shields have failed", yeah seriously awesome and better than listening to Majel Barrett whining in your ears every 10 seconds if you're playing a Fed. :P
"You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon, taH pagh, taH be"
Why play Fed? Rommies get all of their stuff plus all the C-Store Fed ships if they go Fed. And Feds only get non-battle cloak on two very specific ships.
I mean, your argument could practically go both ways, beyond the "normal KDF gripes" (costumes, ships, etc).
I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
And remember to follow the rules.
Exactly, but you can get a KDF carrier for free. If you'd like to get a Scimitar, which is almost certainly going to be the Rommie carrier, you're going to be coughing up a minimum of 2500 Zen.
Because I can and Klingon/KDF is my favorite fandom. We now have a wonderful tutorial and content to offer an alternative to playing fed and you can even go romulan if alien, klingon,LBklingon,wormthingy,reman,romulan,leathean,gorn, those lovely orions, nauscicans, ferasin, and other races.
We have much to offer.
Show a sense of adventure. Everyone knows what the Federation is about. What a stale OLD story. You all realize that out there in TV land Michel Dorn (Worf) has be pushing the idea of a Klingon centric Trek series right? (He won't be able to use "Battlecruiser Vengence" but go Michel go! Make it happen)
Being Klingon doesn't mean that a person is a froth at the mouth if it moves shoot it type. (Thats what Fed TAC captains are for) Klingons love to fight, but they kind of insist on a decent reason for doing so. There is just as much depth and complexity to Klingons as there are with Japans Samuri class of the 13th to 19th centuries.
Play Klingon, and be part of making the stories, and the culture a real thing.
Honestly, I found the T2 Rom Warbird to be so terrible (both the free and zen versions) that I am using the T2 KDF BoP (zen ship) and rocked the house. The Rommie ships at low Tier have such crappy power output when put against the KDF or FED versions of the same Tier. Basically what I am saying is that the Rommie ships are not better at all. If I had to guess, I would say maybe it's your gaming style that is clashing with the Rommies.
Just be happy there is a third faction. A third faction that mirrors the KDF. It will only help to benefit future KDF content and patches.
You know Cryptic has Jumped the Proverbial Shark when they introduced Tractor Pulling to Star Trek Online!
The Romulans ships are not better, plus the Romulans have no Carriers or Hybred Carriers. Ground wise the KDF gets the Jackal Mastiff which awesome.
Don't follow your reasoning. My Romulan KDF aligned has access to every kdf ship that my klingon does. Being Romulan just allows for MORE ship choices, any romulan ship or any ship allowed by the faction that character is allied with.
Don't follow your reasoning. My Romulan KDF aligned has access to every kdf ship that my klingon does. Being Romulan just allows for MORE ship choices, any romulan ship or any ship allowed by the faction that character is allied with.
As stated no tier 5 which means the only carrier not from a lockbox the Romulans have accrss to and only if KDF allied, are the Dacoit at Subcommander and the Corsair at Captain.
The Orion Maurader Flight Deck Carrier, the Voque, the Mirror Voque, the Karfi, the Orion Retrofit Corsair Flight Deck Cruiser, the Fleet Voque, and the Orion Fleet Retrofit Corsair Flight Deck Cruiser are all forbidden to the Romulans, which leaves over priced Recluse and Jem'hadar carriers for the Romulans and far from thematic forvthe faction, and ironic, given that the Scimtar's fighters have been in the game for awhile now.
Simple put the community, on ESD a new player asks a question in Zone chat and responses like "If you don't know you shouldn't be playing" and "Stop spamming Zone chat" are typical yet on the KDF side 12 people will answer the question with some even offering to help a player through the missions.
The community on the KDF are a lot nicer and friendlier and I have made many friends on the KDF by just chatting and helping new players out. Only friends I have on the Federation were friends before I started playing this game.
So while there are some decent people on the Federation, there are far too many that aren't decent and so the overall community of the KDF are a lot nicer and friendlier. That's a big reason to play the KDF and align Romulans with the Red side. Not one of my Romulans will be going blue, they are all destined for Red.
Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
Not sure what you mean by tier 6 ships but regardless even if they were superior to the KDF ships good luck trying to bring any of that to bear when my bird of prey or raptor flies circles round the slow TRIBBLE warbirds.
Plus do you seriously think that we are going to literally jump ship so quickly because more shinies are in the game? The KDF player base has put up with and stuck together during worse times. We are not some shallow feddie going ooo shiny every time we see an asteroid. That and my character is 3 years old I wouldn't abandon him for anything.
Oh if you want the short answer itsb because the KDF is awesome both in terms of lore and story and background and in the community. Plus someone has to save the quadrant while the federation sits around doing nothing.
Ground: self explanatory. Just look at what they get.
Question: When you did your new traits up, how many ground traits did you choose?
Ships: All romulan ships have 'tier 6' type design. You simply cannot compare the performance of an = tier KDF and romulan ship.. its a gap in performance as vast there is between a Fed Nebula and Fed Vesta.
Matter/Antimatter Warp Cores so far seem better than Singularity Cores. And Romulan ships all turn slow compared to their cross faction rivals, and have subsystem power issues that I don't find all that much fun micromanaging.
I'm not convinced their ships are better at all.
If that wasn't enough, we see the talshiar lockbox ships are literally making every tier 5 kdf ship obsolete when it comes to cruisers and escorts.
Those ships are still inferior to the JHAS. And everyone can fly a Tal'Shiar lockbox ship. So, meh.
having the 'tier 6' design at end game
Tier 6 is a misnomer that needs to end right here. Right now. Tier 6, if it EVER gets made, will follow the same design rules every other tier followed. That means another fore weapon slot on each style of ship. And another device slot possibly. Along with more across the board stats on hull and shield strength and the like. None of these ships are Tier 6 and calling them that is just going to confuse the entire issue.
Call em Tier 5+ or Tier 5.75 or whatever. They're not T6.
Looking around the ranks of the KDF, I could swear that the military is made up at least 75% of female Orions.
So, did the Klingons conquer the Orions, or did the Orions let them believe they were "conquered?" Also, the Empire doesn't need stupid 'ol Risa when we got Orion chicks running around.
Now we have female KDF Romulans with those insane miniskirts
Plus do you seriously think that we are going to literally jump ship so quickly because more shinies are in the game? The KDF player base has put up with and stuck together during worse times. We are not some shallow feddie going ooo shiny every time we see an asteroid. That and my character is 3 years old I wouldn't abandon him for anything.
Oh if you want the short answer itsb because the KDF is awesome both in terms of lore and story and background and in the community. Plus someone has to save the quadrant while the federation sits around doing nothing.
^ This, as much as Cryptic secretly behind the scenes hopes that we will go away, give up or convert to the Federation. Us KDF players have stuck it out and will continue to do so. We won't go away and won't quiet down until faction equality occurs and remains.
LoR content was a step in the right direction but only the bare minimum was done and many of us do believe it was only so they could publicly say that they have 3 factions all of which can be started at level 1 as a players first character.
The next season will show us all whether the content will continue to develop for the KDF or was it a one off publicity stunt. No matter what the future holds us KDF players will continue the fight for faction uniqueness (which seems to be all but no existence these days apart from some missions) and equality.
I have characters in both main factions and next week I'll be rolling a Romulan after the main hype has settled down and the servers become more stable. So no one can say I am only a KDF player, but I do have to say the best gameplay, community and fun can be had on the KDF side.
As many have said in this thread, there is a lot the KDF can offer players and some very good reasons to play the KDF too. If a player can't see this, the must just hate the Klingons for no good reason, and for those people I truly feel sorry for as they are denying themselves the best part of STO. It's like buying a 4WD and only driving it on the road and in the city, never taking it into the bush with the mud.
Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
Ground Combat - My Gorn is still melee wrecking ball today that he was last week, nothing the Romulans get is changing that.
Ships - Not sure what you mean by "All Romulan ships are Tier 6 design". My starter Rommie BOP is definitely not anything other than Tier 1. Also, you conveniently forgot to mention the power level disadvantage all Rommie ships must live with.
Tal Shiar lockbox ships - Are flyable by all factions, so go get one and drive it around with your KDF character.
Consoles - Yep. And it's only a matter of time until Cryptic starts cramming some of the Romulan-specific consoles into a future lockbox.
This is why I like Klingons. The Vo'quv and the Kar'fi
Maybe now with the new Klingon start at level 1 theres even more incentive to be Klingon. Of course if you don't like Klingons don't roll a character, nonones twisting your arm. Go and be a pointy eared Romulan hobo if you want.;) KDF is for people who like the race, the ships and enjoy battles, song and bloodwine.
Oh and the Klingon ship computer is far cooler and more ruthless sounding, "Targets shields have failed", yeah seriously awesome and better than listening to Majel Barrett whining in your ears every 10 seconds if you're playing a Fed. :P
"You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon, taH pagh, taH be"
Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.
Like my alien? Watch THE VIDEO
Need custom graphics for you or your fleet? Click HERE
LOL Yeah good luck with that. Point at ash pile of Romulus. There is no empire....
Look down to the sound of .... Oops. Forgive my Jackal Mastiff. I think he just p33d on your nice uniform.
Yeah...cuz all Klingons live on Qo' colonies anywhere....right?:rolleyes:
I mean, your argument could practically go both ways, beyond the "normal KDF gripes" (costumes, ships, etc).
I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
And remember to follow the rules.
'nuff said.
Yet... :eek:
Exactly, but you can get a KDF carrier for free. If you'd like to get a Scimitar, which is almost certainly going to be the Rommie carrier, you're going to be coughing up a minimum of 2500 Zen.
We have much to offer.
Just because the Romulans came out. Won't mean the end of my Klingon I play.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
"Why NOT play KDF?"
Show a sense of adventure. Everyone knows what the Federation is about. What a stale OLD story. You all realize that out there in TV land Michel Dorn (Worf) has be pushing the idea of a Klingon centric Trek series right? (He won't be able to use "Battlecruiser Vengence" but go Michel go! Make it happen)
Being Klingon doesn't mean that a person is a froth at the mouth if it moves shoot it type. (Thats what Fed TAC captains are for) Klingons love to fight, but they kind of insist on a decent reason for doing so. There is just as much depth and complexity to Klingons as there are with Japans Samuri class of the 13th to 19th centuries.
Play Klingon, and be part of making the stories, and the culture a real thing.
Just be happy there is a third faction. A third faction that mirrors the KDF. It will only help to benefit future KDF content and patches.
Don't follow your reasoning. My Romulan KDF aligned has access to every kdf ship that my klingon does. Being Romulan just allows for MORE ship choices, any romulan ship or any ship allowed by the faction that character is allied with.
Incorrect. Your KDF-aligned Romulan does not have access to T5 KDF ships, only the lower tiers.
As stated no tier 5 which means the only carrier not from a lockbox the Romulans have accrss to and only if KDF allied, are the Dacoit at Subcommander and the Corsair at Captain.
The Orion Maurader Flight Deck Carrier, the Voque, the Mirror Voque, the Karfi, the Orion Retrofit Corsair Flight Deck Cruiser, the Fleet Voque, and the Orion Fleet Retrofit Corsair Flight Deck Cruiser are all forbidden to the Romulans, which leaves over priced Recluse and Jem'hadar carriers for the Romulans and far from thematic forvthe faction, and ironic, given that the Scimtar's fighters have been in the game for awhile now.
The community on the KDF are a lot nicer and friendlier and I have made many friends on the KDF by just chatting and helping new players out. Only friends I have on the Federation were friends before I started playing this game.
So while there are some decent people on the Federation, there are far too many that aren't decent and so the overall community of the KDF are a lot nicer and friendlier. That's a big reason to play the KDF and align Romulans with the Red side. Not one of my Romulans will be going blue, they are all destined for Red.
Plus do you seriously think that we are going to literally jump ship so quickly because more shinies are in the game? The KDF player base has put up with and stuck together during worse times. We are not some shallow feddie going ooo shiny every time we see an asteroid. That and my character is 3 years old I wouldn't abandon him for anything.
Oh if you want the short answer itsb because the KDF is awesome both in terms of lore and story and background and in the community. Plus someone has to save the quadrant while the federation sits around doing nothing.
Question: When you did your new traits up, how many ground traits did you choose?
Matter/Antimatter Warp Cores so far seem better than Singularity Cores. And Romulan ships all turn slow compared to their cross faction rivals, and have subsystem power issues that I don't find all that much fun micromanaging.
I'm not convinced their ships are better at all.
Those ships are still inferior to the JHAS. And everyone can fly a Tal'Shiar lockbox ship. So, meh.
Tier 6 is a misnomer that needs to end right here. Right now. Tier 6, if it EVER gets made, will follow the same design rules every other tier followed. That means another fore weapon slot on each style of ship. And another device slot possibly. Along with more across the board stats on hull and shield strength and the like. None of these ships are Tier 6 and calling them that is just going to confuse the entire issue.
Call em Tier 5+ or Tier 5.75 or whatever. They're not T6.
In all seriousness, more race choices, Jackal Mastiffs, more fighter choices, Contraband stealing Advanced Orion Slavers, and so on.
Looking around the ranks of the KDF, I could swear that the military is made up at least 75% of female Orions.
So, did the Klingons conquer the Orions, or did the Orions let them believe they were "conquered?" Also, the Empire doesn't need stupid 'ol Risa when we got Orion chicks running around.
Now we have female KDF Romulans with those insane miniskirts
^ This, as much as Cryptic secretly behind the scenes hopes that we will go away, give up or convert to the Federation. Us KDF players have stuck it out and will continue to do so. We won't go away and won't quiet down until faction equality occurs and remains.
LoR content was a step in the right direction but only the bare minimum was done and many of us do believe it was only so they could publicly say that they have 3 factions all of which can be started at level 1 as a players first character.
The next season will show us all whether the content will continue to develop for the KDF or was it a one off publicity stunt. No matter what the future holds us KDF players will continue the fight for faction uniqueness (which seems to be all but no existence these days apart from some missions) and equality.
I have characters in both main factions and next week I'll be rolling a Romulan after the main hype has settled down and the servers become more stable. So no one can say I am only a KDF player, but I do have to say the best gameplay, community and fun can be had on the KDF side.
As many have said in this thread, there is a lot the KDF can offer players and some very good reasons to play the KDF too. If a player can't see this, the must just hate the Klingons for no good reason, and for those people I truly feel sorry for as they are denying themselves the best part of STO. It's like buying a 4WD and only driving it on the road and in the city, never taking it into the bush with the mud.