"All hands abandon ship ... all hands abandon ..."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
No they are too busy TRIBBLE Patrolling the forums calling me out on Cheezy Poof jokes referencing Cartman and i used the term "Zit faced" and "STO Fans" and how their life was over; I figure this message will get removed and another warning too. Even though I'm referencing something I got warned for and in no way calling anyone any of those things.
ROFL ALl hail TRIBBLE CZars.. Don't Question or challange the rules be good little sheeple and do what we say!
once again omfg i'm trying really mother ******* hard not to get my account banned for all eternity but I have had it. FIX THE DAMN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I havn't been able to play all damn day. i'm really close to giving up on this company and uninstalling this TRIBBLE. 3 years later and the same old ****! on second thought, bann my account. I don't care anymore!
once again omfg i'm trying really mother ******* hard not to get my account banned for all eternity but I have had it. FIX THE DAMN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I havn't been able to play all damn day. i'm really close to giving up on this company and uninstalling this TRIBBLE. 3 years later and the same old ****! on second thought, bann my account. I don't care anymore!
I have not been in the game but a few months but already reading the threads and seeing how this is going out; you can really see the lack of experince here.
If this was some major company like valve (God HURRY UP WITH THE NEXT HALF LIFE ALREADY) this would have never happend; else it would have been fixed before they even flipped the switch so to speak.
I'm actually not.. I'm a pretty likeable person most of the time till someone pissed me off. But it is what it is.. This game is just like combat arms; they care nothing of the experience only how they can generate more more more ways to get you to buy stuff..
This project is clearly rushed and threw on the server as fast as possible and now you see the result. I reference my previous comment as well as proof.
Still. "Login failed for unknown reason". I'm curious if this isn't just the servers getting the TRIBBLE pounded out of them with login attempts. I managed to get in, select an existing toon and load to 94% before the server stopped responding. Then the LFFUR error started up again. Guess I'll try again in the morning...
Have patched after maintenance but am still getting "login failed for an unknown reason" get as far as retrieving list of characters then get thrown out.
I did get to see the new "movie poster" style character screen once at least.
Neat concept. A couple of my kneeling BOFFs had a graphics effect from one of their powers displaying that blocked their face though, which I could do without. Ruins a bit of the cool effect.
That's as far as I've got today.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
Yeah, I'm thinking that patch was just to take a break because the pizza arrived. It obviously didn't solve the login issues. I got in once, but then made the critical mistake of trying to change toons. Now, after countless login attempts I think I can safely say that the patch did NOT address the login issue. But hey, thanks for the hope for a little while!
I should just give up even trying to play this game. I finally managed to get in game on one of my toons. DCed a few minutes later and back in a long QUE. This is probably just going to repeat itself over and over. Hm nope didn't even make it thru the que. Sent me back to log in screen. like WTF!
Well if other lifers logged in before you while the servers are full you're going to be put behind the lifer who logged in before you. It was never touted that lifers would never have to deal with a queue. Lose the entitled attitude.
5 mins finally got to my list.. then waited 3 mins for the added ship display of my ship and crew.. (uneeded IMO) then finally on to the waiting list.. like being in line at the airport TRIBBLE TSA line.
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"All hands abandon ship ... all hands abandon ..."
- Judge Aaron Satie
They make a wondrous mess of things. Brave amateurs, they do their part.
ROFL ALl hail TRIBBLE CZars.. Don't Question or challange the rules be good little sheeple and do what we say!
They make a wondrous mess of things. Brave amateurs, they do their part.
This is not true and never has been. It just means your queue is shorter.
This has been gone over like a thousand times.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
Always someone lying to get your money.. I reference my previous comment.. :X
Now if anyone knows how to fix it so that my ship actually appears behind my crew and not my shuttle craft, it'll be perfect!
you're a troll your mother must be so proud
I have not been in the game but a few months but already reading the threads and seeing how this is going out; you can really see the lack of experince here.
If this was some major company like valve (God HURRY UP WITH THE NEXT HALF LIFE ALREADY) this would have never happend; else it would have been fixed before they even flipped the switch so to speak.
With all this talk of CCP's 2007 boot.ini FIASCO, 'boot' anything is the last thing I want to read right now Cryptic.
Wait worked 3rd attempt...creating character.
And in queue as a lifer....
I'm actually not.. I'm a pretty likeable person most of the time till someone pissed me off. But it is what it is.. This game is just like combat arms; they care nothing of the experience only how they can generate more more more ways to get you to buy stuff..
This project is clearly rushed and threw on the server as fast as possible and now you see the result. I reference my previous comment as well as proof.
Neat concept. A couple of my kneeling BOFFs had a graphics effect from one of their powers displaying that blocked their face though, which I could do without. Ruins a bit of the cool effect.
That's as far as I've got today.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom