Seriously, that's the name of the fleet.
I kid you not.
I can pretty much guarantee that will be the name of the fleet when LoR launches.
Basically, because I already have a fleet by that name, and therefore have the name reserved ^_^
This will be a Romulan-central Federation fleet.
If you want to join a Romulan fleet, but are not sure what you're looking for in a fleet, why not start with the fleet that at least has the right name for the job, and is ran by a Lifetime Subscribed STO veteran whom has been here since before launch (not closed beta, just early free preview)?
Also, we will have KDF sister fleet with a slight variation of the name.
i.e. adding "KDF" at the end.
I have THIS name 'reserved', too ^_^
I have ran a couple of fleets in my day, and they have done well for themselves.
The Romulan Republic will be no different.
To reserve your spot in The Romulan Republic, PM or eMail me in-game
OR leave a message in this thread, but make sure to follow forum rules, guidelines, and regulations.
See you beneath the raptor's wing!
"Join Date: Jun 2012" Says Cryptic's "new" forum system. I've been here since a week before launch, but SOME stuff just didn't carry over through multiple system changes/updates. :rolleyes:
I'm not quite sure how I should take this.
As a compliment. It is tempting to join you in that fleet. Maybe an alt...
Well...thank you, then ;-)
Best compliment I've ever had in regards to my fleet promotions.
I am aware of this.
The fleet is a Federation fleet, with a KDF sister fleet.
Sorry for the confusion.
The OP has been updated accordingly.
I was experiencing some lag while patching Tribble.
Go KDF!!!
I-I mean...Go Romulan Republic!!!
Yeah. That's the ticket. ^_^
I'd also like to join.. will send you a pm once I got my char(s) ready
Once again, D'Rick@buckner3
In the meantime, when are you most likely on? So I can get ahold of you
Yeah, I think so, too.. so I joined Liberty Task Force ( with my Fed-Rom Toon and can only recommend them
Sorry, all.
I have been busy with offline stuff, like getting the Facebook Group and Page ready for this.
I would invite all of you, now, but do not have all of your @Names, and have over 90 fleet members to search through in order to see whether I already have invited you or not.
If everyone could post the name of the toon they wish to have join our Romulan Republic Fleet, that would help out immensely.
However, I cannot speak in-game right now as I have been silenced for 24 hours because some people are just jerks like that.
I just posted a thread about it entitled "'Report Spam' Injustices" which was recently merged with the proper thread for the discussion, entitled "In-Game Silencing System".
Feel free to check it out here:
Question, and not trying to be a pain in the neck, but it came over as "Romulan Republic Fleet" - Did "Romulan Republic" or "The Romulan Republic" not work out??
When you hover the cursor over a Romulan's career icon, it says they are a "RRF [Division] Officer".
The "RRF" stands for "Romulan Republic Fleet".