I'm torn between careers for my main Romulan, come Tuesday.
I've been a science/science fanatic since before the game launched, but we all unfortunately know the state that science is in now. Since the top end Warbirds are obviously tactical and engineer oriented, I'm hesitant to go the science route.
What are your thoughts on career to maximize the potential for the Warbird line?
Tacs. All the time that I've been here I haven't yet played a tac. I tried to avoid it as long as I could, but since that's the direction the game has been going I guess I'll finally do it.
What are your thoughts on career to maximize the potential for the Warbird line?
With every Romulan ship being behind the other factions in power systems, Engineer might be a nice choice just for the added ups you get from the EPS captain power.
Otherwise, Science is probably still a strong choice for Sensor Scan and Subnuc.
Engineer, mostly as I prefer the playstyle.
Sci has some pretty synergy going on with Singularity abilities, but really just really prefer playing engineer.
Despite popular belief, the Romulans actually do have a decent number of science ship options now. They just happen to not be the Mogai.
Personally though, I'm planning on running a Romulan sci with a durable support D'deridex. The Ha'nom is very tempting(I do enjoy it on Tribble), but commander eng lends more towards what I'm after with the character.
Down the road, I'll probably make a Reman tac once I really decide what I want out of them as a character(leaning towards actually flying a KDF BoP with them).
Making 1 Tac, probably for a fleet Mogai with the Valdore console
the only other character I'll be making will be piloting the scimitar, and I don't know what class I'd make it yet as... we have yet to see anything about it
I've played all three careers and in order from favorite to least favorite it's science, engineer, then tactical. I think I'm going to go engineer though. My first character was an engineer, and while I love science on the ground (I've always felt invincible with that med kit) I kind of miss my orbital strike and turrets so I'm going back to a Romulan Engineer for a main.
I may try science again... I have a feeling that a science captain in the T'Varo refit that can fire plasma torps while cloaked could be extremely amusing.
I'm going to pick Tactical because I have two Engineers and two Science officers (one each in Fed in KDF). Since I bought the Starter Pack, I intend to make full use of the T'Varo Retrofit as a cloaking torpedo bomber of some kind - it's a significant departure from my current, mostly Cruiser-focussed, play style. My greatest point of indecision is whether to build it as a full-torp boat, or mix torps and cannons.
Oh, and I intend to play as a Reman, siding with the KDF... but since I haven't unlocked T5 Romulan rep on my main (Fed Eng), it will be a few weeks before I actually make the character. (If anyone has suggestions for a way to earn Romulan marks at the same rate as running ESTFs, I'd much appreciate being told it!)
Forget the possibility of PvP, for so much has become pay-to-win, never to be balanced. Forget the promise of exploration and research, for in the grim dark future of Star Trek Online there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting publishers.
I may try science again... I have a feeling that a science captain in the T'Varo refit that can fire plasma torps while cloaked could be extremely amusing.
I like the T'varo retrofit because it has the Lt Comm universal station...meaning yeah its focused for tac, it can be used for all 3 carrers that was my main reason for getting the starter pack is that it was a useful ship that i KNEW i would fly.
I'll have at least one of everything. I did some house cleaning and have six free character slots to play with.
My main will still be tactical, more because it fits the character than because loldps. Also, I recently got a sci to 50, and the more I play her the more fun a sci in a warbird sounds.
The more I think about it, the more I believe that I will go science again.
The T'Varo refit with the destabilized plasma torp and ability to fire torps while cloaked, coupled with Mask Energy Signature, Jam Sensors, and perhaps a Gravity Well thrown in for kicks, sounds too fun to pass up.
Every since STO was released 3 years ago I have played nothing but Engineer, I think it is time to play something new and will make the switch to science.
I'm torn between careers for my main Romulan, come Tuesday.
I've been a science/science fanatic since before the game launched, but we all unfortunately know the state that science is in now. Since the top end Warbirds are obviously tactical and engineer oriented, I'm hesitant to go the science route.
What are your thoughts on career to maximize the potential for the Warbird line?
Science in Escorts can be rather wicked.
My first Rommy is going to fly the big D so that will be a Tactical for obvious reasons.
On, Tribble, I'm currently running an engineer with a modified A2B build to keep power levels up. I'm using this build: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=531911 with the engineer variant Warbird and 4xDHC/4xTurrets in place of beams. I use combat cloaking to position myself, hit EPtA, EPS3, A2B, DEM, APB1, then go in for the Alpha Strike.
Lib Borg Engineer - Fleet D'deridex
Lib Borg Tac - Fleet Mogai
Reman - Sci - ??? (i think about a Orb Weaver)
(still have one charslot left after that, i think about a reman tech or tac)
Beta, LTA, CE, Multiple preorder Versions, all Addon Packs except AoY, nearly all KDF/Rom and ~50% of all Fedships, over 25 LockboxShips, Endurer of Atari's "Year of Hell", but...
Been a Fed Engineer for over a year now, so I think I'm gonna go Tactical. Of course, if I wanted the trifecta, that would mean a KDF Science ... :eek:
KDF science can be very good and really throw out surprises left, right and centre.
I think a few people are mixing up captain with ship class and powers. The captains career only affects the captains abilitiy powers like sensor scan, miracle worker, attack pattern alpha etc. Still not entirely decided, probably a tactical for the damage increasing captain abilities and because I like them the most in space and they do alright in ground. Engineer captain pwns in ground but is a bit lacking teeth in space for me. Science captain is fun in space and a mixed bag of tricks but unless you're the target in ground I find them a little weak.
So yeah tactical. Probably Fed too but that leech console looks mighty tempting with the lower subsytem power levels....
I have decided that my new Reman captain will be the Reman science officer from my horrible space-bug Federation character. Everything is better when you add science, so, hopefully, this won't be any different.
Mine Trap Supporter
With every Romulan ship being behind the other factions in power systems, Engineer might be a nice choice just for the added ups you get from the EPS captain power.
Otherwise, Science is probably still a strong choice for Sensor Scan and Subnuc.
i have a fed engineer and a klingon tac
Liberated borg Romulan (male) Eng.
Romulan (female) Sci.
Sci has some pretty synergy going on with Singularity abilities, but really just really prefer playing engineer.
Personally though, I'm planning on running a Romulan sci with a durable support D'deridex. The Ha'nom is very tempting(I do enjoy it on Tribble), but commander eng lends more towards what I'm after with the character.
Down the road, I'll probably make a Reman tac once I really decide what I want out of them as a character(leaning towards actually flying a KDF BoP with them).
the only other character I'll be making will be piloting the scimitar, and I don't know what class I'd make it yet as... we have yet to see anything about it
I'm losing sleep over this.
Oh, and I intend to play as a Reman, siding with the KDF... but since I haven't unlocked T5 Romulan rep on my main (Fed Eng), it will be a few weeks before I actually make the character. (If anyone has suggestions for a way to earn Romulan marks at the same rate as running ESTFs, I'd much appreciate being told it!)
I like the T'varo retrofit because it has the Lt Comm universal station...meaning yeah its focused for tac, it can be used for all 3 carrers
the refit is nice for a starter ship.
My main will still be tactical, more because it fits the character than because loldps. Also, I recently got a sci to 50, and the more I play her the more fun a sci in a warbird sounds.
...what? >.>
I hope STO get's better ...
The T'Varo refit with the destabilized plasma torp and ability to fire torps while cloaked, coupled with Mask Energy Signature, Jam Sensors, and perhaps a Gravity Well thrown in for kicks, sounds too fun to pass up.
Science in Escorts can be rather wicked.
My first Rommy is going to fly the big D so that will be a Tactical for obvious reasons.
My second will likely be a Sci.
Lib Borg Tac - Fleet Mogai
Reman - Sci - ??? (i think about a Orb Weaver)
(still have one charslot left after that, i think about a reman tech or tac)
Any Alt that I may create is probably going to be a Reman Sci.
I think a few people are mixing up captain with ship class and powers. The captains career only affects the captains abilitiy powers like sensor scan, miracle worker, attack pattern alpha etc. Still not entirely decided, probably a tactical for the damage increasing captain abilities and because I like them the most in space and they do alright in ground. Engineer captain pwns in ground but is a bit lacking teeth in space for me. Science captain is fun in space and a mixed bag of tricks but unless you're the target in ground I find them a little weak.
So yeah tactical. Probably Fed too but that leech console looks mighty tempting with the lower subsytem power levels....
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
I've done Sci/Sci since launch.
Romulan Praetorian Guard
Romulan Liberated Borg Male Tactical Officer in a Valdore
Romulan Female Engineer in a D'Deridex
Reman Male Science Officer in a Scimitar
Of course those won't all be released at launch but it is something to grow into.