Is it possible to have the game launcher show the patch times converted into the users systems' localized time zone?
When ever (emergency)patches come around I'm fumbling around looking for sites to convert the times into something that means something to me.
You manage it in the in-game events calendar thingy well enough, so surely this can be done too in the game launcher.
If showing the correct time is too hard, how about a simple count down timer?
Also, same thing for the STO main web page. These forums know my time zone, use that to convert for me, or maybe the browser can pass on time zone stuff to help calculate, I don't know. Failing that, a count down timer will be just as beneficial imo.
Please make it so!
Thats not on the game launcher not everyone checks the site nor feels the need to. :rolleyes:
To try it:
1. click on clock
2. click on change date and time settings
3. click on additional clocks
4. select timezone for clock and tick box to enable that clock
5. apply and you will see the result
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
And if you live in the US and don't know to add 0, 1, 2, or 3 depending on where you live, well, I'll just call that US education fail.
Yes, it would be nice if you didn't need to do some simple math, but we're not talking algebra or geometry here. Simply addition/subtraction.
but if their server was in russia, moscow just for example and argument sake, that would +4 on bst, so its 3pm bst that would make it 7pm in moscow.
make it simple by 24 hour clock;
bst to pst: 15 - 8 = 7 (8 hours)
msk to pst: 19 - 12 = 7 (12 hours)
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Its UTC so haven't you just "failed" as you said? Or are you like the others who didnt know UTC was GMT? Me personally was looking at PMT and then figuring out the time because i stopped reading after PMT.
Maybe before you say people fail you should make sure what you writing is whats on the launcher.
Never mind. I don't wan to argue about it.
Here's a nice linking explaining the difference between UTC and GMT, for those who don't know.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
The "launcher" not the patch states 1400 UTC not GMT.
I have not heard of UTC before today something you dont seem to understand because like you im use to GMT. Now maybe if you read things rather than trying to act smart you'd get somewhere in life? :rolleyes:
And I'll ignore the personal attack, as I don't need to attack someone's character to show how mature I am.
UCT and GMT are in effect the same thing. Oh and just in case I am a Brit before you try to throw something my way.
Edit: It would have been quicker to google it than to write the reply you did.
Thought you didnt want to argue yet your telling me to go back and read something? No thanks...
As for insults didnt you insult the american education system? Im not american but thats not showing your mature at all sorry.
Im now, done with you
Why would i throw something at you?
I stated that i hadn't heard of UTC till today because im use to GMT its what ive known all my life and like you said they are the same from the small research i did and shall continue to use.. GMT.
As for "im a brit" comment i dont get why your telling me that i really dont care where your from like you dont care where im from. I could be french, german, british, american, australian, uhngarian who cares? Not me, like i wouldnt care if you were from mars.
...said to a person, on the forums. By a person, on the forums. And read by anyone who might respond, on the forums. I think we've established that people, assuming they're not complete dullards and have the intellectual curiosity and industry to learn things for themselves, can go on the internet (which we all can be said to have, since we're talking about a game that's played on the internet, on the internet) and look these things up for themselves. I heard this newfangled Googly thing is nice.
Spock's Brain.
Simple your reply to Cosmics post where he even provided a link to the info needed. He did the work and posted a link and still you have a go at him.
UTC is a time point which all other time zones are set by, it is also the time point which all internet network clocks are set by as well. UTC is based on something called TAI and UTC has some irregular timings to account for the earth's rotation if im not mistaken. this sort of thing where science is involved is way beyond my understanding.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Why did i join "the forums" to complain about the down time i then asked for ship build help and decided to comment in this thread. Im amazed at how many people get there knickers ina twist over something so insignificant.
GMT never changes. What you are talking about is BST or British Summer Time which places us an hour ahead of GMT and then we go back to GMT.
I had already looked up UTC, im still amazed at how many of you can not read though.
now im leaving this thread its just full of people that can not read it seems.
Here let me Google that for you
ahh i see, i just did a quick look up im confusing gmt and bst. my bad.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
But on the other hand why are downtime needed and especially mid day for Europeans? Been playing for 6 days and already had 2 major downtime (and numerous server disconnects and 6Gb patch loads).
I read that they have their servers at 3 locations, serving the 3 regions (US west, US East & EU). So why don't they do rolling maintenance: bring 1 site down, redirect traffic to 1 of the 2 other locations, do the maintenance and at the end redirect traffic to nearest locations and repeat this 3 times. While doing so they can actually time it so dat DT is the region's slow hours instead of midday.
i suspect their "servers" are nothing then proxy connections to one main hub in canada somewhere like the east and west coast "servers" in the states, the proxy is adjusted to compensate for the connection delay i also suspect. which accounts for why the servers go down early in the morning state side and a highly inconvenient time in europe.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
1. took me all of 30 seconds or less to find a website to convert time zones.
2. in windows 7 you can add more clocks in to the task trey. they will not be visible but when you mouse over the clock it will give you your other clocks as well. this is what i do.
the game is based on the west coast USA. that is the time you get.
That's not what I meant, my fault as it isn't clear in my post. What I meant was say we get it at peak EU time on the next one the down time after that would be during US peak, essentially rotating the time it is done.
It is as you say a single server/shard for an international player base so it is a tad unfair, even if it is considered the quietest time, for on lot of players to always have the down time at their peak play time.
The time is chosen to be as convenient to everyone as possible.