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Taco! What have you done to my textures!?



  • idronaidrona Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Why have I not seen this thread until now?

    Epic explanation Taco.. epic taco is epic! :D
  • nicha0nicha0 Member Posts: 1,456 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So far this second round of textures looks much improved over the first. The displays are cleaner, but I really wish art and other assets that were supposed to be technical weren't so fuzzy. Overall the game looks far more detailed all the time.

    There are some areas of concern, initially I loaded on DS9, and I was pretty upset to see it looked terrible. I went around the galaxy, stopped at the restaurant at the end of the universe for some soup, then went back to DS9. Inside DS9 looks terrible compared to the rest of the game, when you get close to walls things are so blurry and pixelated its terrible. I didn't notice this on other older areas like ESD, but DS9 is exceptionally bad, the blue lights on the structure near the walls is awful, lots of wall textures as you run around are noticeably blotchy.

    Also is this http://dtfleet.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/GameClient-2013-05-11-23-27-50-97.jpg one of those geometry problems? Because its flat, which would seem hard to TRIBBLE up...
    Delirium Tremens
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  • nanomorphnanomorph Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tacofangs wrote: »
    I'm not exactly sure where the line between GPU and CPU is, that's another question for our graphics programmers. Overall there shouldn't be any more processing power required for our textures. For low end users, they won't ever bother to load 1024, or 2048 textures, and thus, their processing power should be improved fairly significantly.

    AFAIK, there shouldn't be any added GPU load whatsoever. What may slow things down is vram bandwidth, so older/slower cards will incur a loading speed penalty when loading higher-res textures (and mipmaps, which IIRC can add something like 30% to the file size of each texture that has them) which I figure will really only TRIBBLE over users that use integrated chipsets with not a lot of processing power, but a ton of (shared, and thus considerably slower) video memory.
    maxvitor wrote: »
    Is there a way to decompress textures on the hard drive as they are being installed, for those of us with plenty of space? I would think it would improve performance having the data decompressed ahead of time rather than doing it on the fly as it's being accessed.

    This makes no sense whatsoever. Texture compression, as I understand it, isn't so much a case of packing textures into archives to be decompressed on the fly as it is lowering the filesize of the texture by throwing out unnecessary information so that it takes up less memory upon loading (to give an example: textures with blank alpha channels being converted from DXT5/DXT3 to DXT1). Yeah, there might be a small increase in quality resulting from using decompressed textures, but they'll take a lot longer to load (considerably more so for people running SLI/CrossFire setups, as the textures basically have to be mirrored sequentially across all available memory pools) and performance penalties may be incurred if textures have to be swapped out on the fly due to not having enough available vram.
  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited May 2013
    mrkollins wrote: »
    I think I'm in love with you Taco.

    I love you too Iron Man.
    maxvitor wrote: »
    Is there a way to decompress textures on the hard drive as they are being installed, for those of us with plenty of space? I would think it would improve performance having the data decompressed ahead of time rather than doing it on the fly as it's being accessed.

    I don't believe so. The performance hit of unpacking these on the fly is negligible. We wouldn't have done it otherwise. It's really not a problem.
    amosov78 wrote: »
    Just to note there's still flickering sky file textures in patrol missions, the one I encountered yesterday was in the Eriksson System, Pi Canis Sector Block.

    Thanks. Flickering is usually a model error, but we can look into it. Thanks for mentioning where it is too.

    zerobang wrote: »
    *Snip*Ship LODS*Snip*

    You'll have to take up ship LODs with JamJamz. Costumes (and Ships) have a VERY different LOD system than we do on the environment side, and I really don't know much of how it works. Sorry. :|
    twg042370 wrote: »
    You know what I'd like to see?

    More threads with Devs explaining what they do and how things work in the game like this.

    That would be cool.

    I've done similar explanations before, but really, we don't think about it unless it's something like this giant update. So if there's something you WANT to know about, just ask. If we can tell you without revealing company secrets, we'll usually do so.

    nicha0 wrote: »
    So far this second round of textures looks much improved over the first. The displays are cleaner, but I really wish art and other assets that were supposed to be technical weren't so fuzzy. Overall the game looks far more detailed all the time.

    There are some areas of concern, initially I loaded on DS9, and I was pretty upset to see it looked terrible. I went around the galaxy, stopped at the restaurant at the end of the universe for some soup, then went back to DS9. Inside DS9 looks terrible compared to the rest of the game, when you get close to walls things are so blurry and pixelated its terrible. I didn't notice this on other older areas like ESD, but DS9 is exceptionally bad, the blue lights on the structure near the walls is awful, lots of wall textures as you run around are noticeably blotchy.

    We can take a look at DS9 textures in general. I'm going to be looking at the Quark light mural thing anyway. No guarantees, but if it's that bad, I can fix it.
    nicha0 wrote: »
    Also is this http://dtfleet.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/GameClient-2013-05-11-23-27-50-97.jpg one of those geometry problems? Because its flat, which would seem hard to TRIBBLE up...

    Yes, that's the geometry normal error that we see on Ships as well. The ships should all be fixed, but environment stuff has to be touched on a case by case basis. Where is this specifically?
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  • nicha0nicha0 Member Posts: 1,456 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Yes, that's the geometry normal error that we see on Ships as well. The ships should all be fixed, but environment stuff has to be touched on a case by case basis. Where is this specifically?

    Belfast bridge, engineering level. The bartender and chef just hang out in the middle of a room, its a pretty terrible room.
    Delirium Tremens
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  • maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm going to say that from what I've seen so far, the environments look gorgeous. I personally haven't noticed any of the pixelation that some are complaining of but it has to be remembered that some of that can go back to your video card driver and settings and might have nothing at all to do with the game. Some video card "enhancements" can actually make things look worse so it's very much a matter of experimenting with both system and game settings to get the best rendering.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
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  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    frtoaster wrote: »
    I've found the Windows version of vim to be pretty good. I haven't used Solaris in ages. Now that Oracle has acquired Sun, I'm not sure how much longer that OS has left.
    Ah, yeah, sounds about right. I only ever used Vi on work cvomputers, and it was years ago.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • kwiat007kwiat007 Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I must, unfortunately, say that my experience with the new textures is very negative. I now very often see mix of low and high res textures. Sometimes my character stands in front of a wall that already has a high quality texture, but after a few seconds it's changed to low quality one, only to be replaced by better one again. Some elements of the scenery, like the big cog-shaped doors on ds9, seam to be especially resistant to high res textures.

    A fix to this problem was going into the troubleshooting section of video options and changing the "video memory limit" from auto to +1024.
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  • nicha0nicha0 Member Posts: 1,456 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    OK, went back to DS9 to pick out some of the nasty ones.

    The issue with DS9 is so many things are repeatitive, and one really out of place texture is constantly being shown 30x or more over the ring.

    This is the first I noticed, you can see how crisp the floor is, and everything else, but that blue lighted structure is blotchy from up close and from across the hall.

    Not the worst offender, but not smooth at all.

    A few here, the gray on the left is pretty bad, the red lighted area is marginally bad, and on the right the brown shapey thing doesn't look bad in this screen, but hit it dead on and its terrible. If it wasn't do distinctive and eye catching you probably wouldn't notice.

    Another bad panel

    Quark's mural, oddly not nearly as bad as the other stuff around

    Just yuck, you run by these constantly

    On the left side, pretty nasty, used dozens of time in a view too.

    The left containers are pretty ugly

    There are a lot more, but I guess it depends how much you want to get into it. I went back to Holodeck to compare, most of these textures aren't any better at all, so they stick out compared to the new high quality standard you see everywhere else. Most of these textures are unchanged, but some are even worse, in a few cases, than those on Tribble. The traingular geometry of the station doesn't lend itself well to looking good, all the angles look pixelated. It is probably why the other old places like ESD don't look bad.
    Delirium Tremens
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  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited May 2013
    nicha0 wrote: »
    There are a lot more, but I guess it depends how much you want to get into it. I went back to Holodeck to compare, most of these textures aren't any better at all, so they stick out compared to the new high quality standard you see everywhere else. Most of these textures are unchanged, but some are even worse, in a few cases, than those on Tribble. The traingular geometry of the station doesn't lend itself well to looking good, all the angles look pixelated. It is probably why the other old places like ESD don't look bad.

    This, to me, is the key here. As much as we'd love for everything to look amazing, the fact is some assets (mostly older stuff) aren't that great to begin with. So now, I tell everyone that all of the textures have been altered, and so, even if some of these textures never looked good, people notice them now and rant about how horrible the change is, when the reality is that it may be "different" but it's not better or worse than it used to be, people are just paying more attention to them than they usually do.

    I will certainly look into unsharpening some of these textures, but I think even if we reverted all of DS9 back to it's old textures, they still wouldn't look as good as much of the stuff we're making now for Legacy of Romulus.

    Thanks for the info though.
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  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Another bad texture: http://oi42.tinypic.com/5ken7t.jpg

    This is from the Khitomer building in "Turning Point".
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • nicha0nicha0 Member Posts: 1,456 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, thats the point Taco.
    You improved half the textures in DS9, but the other half are the same (some slightly worse) but when you put the two side by side the ones that weren't so good before stand out as terribad.
    Delirium Tremens
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  • johrmantieganjohrmantiegan Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Although I know it would be costly and time consuming, I'd absolutely love brand new versions of ESD, SB 39, DS9 and all of the rest of the social zones. They get stale after awhile. The new Drozana is awesome as are the Romulan areas. And while I'm at it, I'd love to wish for versions that are more immersive and much closer to canon! A lot of them feel like candy stores now-a-days...
  • phenomenaut01phenomenaut01 Member Posts: 714 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Overall, 99% of the textures I've come across have been a real improvement, but there are some of the standing "blah" textures that don't seem to do as well from the new improvements, and it makes them stand out that much more.

    Planet textures seem to fall into this more than anything else in my opinion. Earth looks horribly pixelated now, and honestly, it looked horrible before this update. I would say that if there's one planet that deserved some better textures it'd be Earth.

    Otherwise, the "crisp-ness" of all the newer textures is awesome and it really makes the game more immersive overall.

    (I haven't been to DS9 since the update though, so I can't really comment on that).
  • jivedutchjivedutch Member Posts: 357 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kwiat007 wrote: »
    A fix to this problem was going into the troubleshooting section of video options and changing the "video memory limit" from auto to +1024.

    Hmm, i will be trying this out for improvements on my Radeon 7850 with 2gb.
  • nanomorphnanomorph Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tacofangs wrote: »
    spaceMip Reversal
    Mip Reversal is basically what it sounds like. We flip the order that they were stored in. Previously, when a texture tried to stream in, it would try to load the whole thing, and then it would drop down through the chain, to the appropriate Mip. That seemed silly, so we flip it, and now, when you run around, it starts with the smallest mip, and works it's way up through the chain to the right level.

    I'm curious. Is this as much a solution for the crashing-on-load upon transporting down to New Romulus?
  • darkfader1988darkfader1988 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Another bad texture: http://oi42.tinypic.com/5ken7t.jpg

    This is from the Khitomer building in "Turning Point".

    Seems more like you're running out of vid memory dude. lol
    MT - Sad Pandas
  • trismtristantrismtristan Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    is there a reason there is taco graphity some places? i've only actually seen 1 so far but wouldn't be surprised if more out there. ya set up some kinda easter egg hunt with a prize or something? just wondering.
  • melodywilliamsmelodywilliams Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was disappointed to see that the graphics look like a cartoon. The graphics in the current game are so much better in general. I maxed out all the settings in the video settings of game and my graphics card. No joy.

    I thank all the people who have already commented and provided screen shots.

    I appreciate what Taco has written but I do not agree with him that the graphics are the same or better then in the current game. That isn't the case.

    I hope the graphics issue is resolved before May 21.

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] MJ Williams
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tacofangs wrote: »
    This, to me, is the key here. As much as we'd love for everything to look amazing, the fact is some assets (mostly older stuff) aren't that great to begin with. So now, I tell everyone that all of the textures have been altered, and so, even if some of these textures never looked good, people notice them now and rant about how horrible the change is, when the reality is that it may be "different" but it's not better or worse than it used to be, people are just paying more attention to them than they usually do.

    I will certainly look into unsharpening some of these textures, but I think even if we reverted all of DS9 back to it's old textures, they still wouldn't look as good as much of the stuff we're making now for Legacy of Romulus.

    Thanks for the info though.

    yes I agree with part of that. There are some textures that textures on live arent very good and made more evident with the changes.

    But there are other things that arent so good now.

    Aside from quality, my biggest issue is that textures seem to "pop" in. Its a noticable change. Blurry, pixaleted mess. BAM! slightly better graphic. Turn a couple of degrees or mover a a foot forward or back BAM! new texture. Its not smooth or what you might see when moving closer or farther to an object. A new texture just noticabbly loads.

    I have also found that settings in the Video options dont seem to do much of anything.

    My quality scale is stuck at certain point and cant be moved higher. Changing any of the sliders higher than 100% doesnt look like it does much of anything. Feels like there is a pre set and we no actual control.

    Also this technically isnt a Texture issue but I have also noticed that there seems to be more blown out graphics. Yall had fixed many of these lighting issues at one point and it only occured in certain circumstances. But with the new graphics I seem to notice more spots that are just overly bright blobs from mysterious light sources. As an example, I havent done it in forever on live so it might be there too but when you are on Drozana station in the past, there is a spot in the engine room that is just a big blinding white blob. Move a couple of feet to the side and it goes away, Move a couple of feet and its supernova brightness again.
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Thanks. Flickering is usually a model error, but we can look into it. Thanks for mentioning where it is too.

    No problem, just ran into another one in the Dimorus System, Iota Pavonis Sector Block.
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  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    is there a reason there is taco graphity some places? i've only actually seen 1 so far but wouldn't be surprised if more out there. ya set up some kinda easter egg hunt with a prize or something? just wondering.
    I suspect that the dev known as "Tacofangs" may have more info. :p
    My character Tsin'xing
  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited May 2013
    is there a reason there is taco graphity some places? i've only actually seen 1 so far but wouldn't be surprised if more out there. ya set up some kinda easter egg hunt with a prize or something? just wondering.

    ha ha, I was wondering when someone would find one of these.

    No prizes. . . just signing my work.
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  • maxdredmaxdred Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nicha0 wrote: »
    OK, went back to DS9 to pick out some of the nasty ones.

    The issue with DS9 is so many things are repeatitive, and one really out of place texture is constantly being shown 30x or more over the ring.

    This is the first I noticed, you can see how crisp the floor is, and everything else, but that blue lighted structure is blotchy from up close and from across the hall.

    Not the worst offender, but not smooth at all.

    A few here, the gray on the left is pretty bad, the red lighted area is marginally bad, and on the right the brown shapey thing doesn't look bad in this screen, but hit it dead on and its terrible. If it wasn't do distinctive and eye catching you probably wouldn't notice.

    Another bad panel

    Quark's mural, oddly not nearly as bad as the other stuff around

    Just yuck, you run by these constantly

    On the left side, pretty nasty, used dozens of time in a view too.

    The left containers are pretty ugly

    There are a lot more, but I guess it depends how much you want to get into it. I went back to Holodeck to compare, most of these textures aren't any better at all, so they stick out compared to the new high quality standard you see everywhere else. Most of these textures are unchanged, but some are even worse, in a few cases, than those on Tribble. The traingular geometry of the station doesn't lend itself well to looking good, all the angles look pixelated. It is probably why the other old places like ESD don't look bad.

    DS9 has always looked this bad. It has some of the worst textures in the game. Even ESD looks better. And it looks worse each time a new up-to-date social zone is released. Bajor, Qo'nos, Romulan fleet, fleet embassy and starbase, they all have nice textures and respectable scaling with good attention to detail.

    I hope they can find the time to update the DS9 textures, and if possible, the whole interior so it doesn't look like it's big enough for a herd of dinosaurs to freely run through the promenade. ESD interior needs another update too. It's also full of outdated textures and holes in the floor that lets you see into space. They're the two most popular social zones and should be brought up to standard.
  • i8472i8472 Member Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Did New Romulous ground Zone for lvl 50 get an update to textures?

    it seems to be using alot of memory.

    just beaming into the staging area from orbit...

    could, if you have time update it /or optimize it. or see if it's working as intended.


    I don't know but you may have done too good of a job... now you might just have to go through the rest of the game and redo all the assets, to make them look as good as the new "stuff" ;)
  • averis76averis76 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    maxdred wrote: »
    DS9 has always looked this bad.

    Wrong. While DS9 has some low-grade textures, it is NOT the same as on live, they are worse. I posted several before/after shots myself from various places in the game. Since it seems Taco didn't see that post, I'll repost them here.


    You can see the texture in the silver structure is degraded.

    There isn't much of a noticeable difference here, but you can see in some places that the textures were sharpened.

    The paintings got messed up.

    This was in the medical section of ESD.

    Again in medical on ESD. The original had some artifacts to begin with, but the update made it all sorts of worse.

    Most people wouldn't even see this unless they really looked, but on the highlighted area you can see that the new one is just not as smooth as the original.

    These are probably the same textures used above, but in another area.








    The iconic Quark's light/mural thing got hit. -_-

    First City



  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited May 2013
    No, I saw the other thread, and some of those have already been unsharpened.

    However, many of your cited examples I really believe you have to be going out of your way to find, and that the average person running through the game won't notice. Some of them, I can't even tell what you're pointing to when the images are side by side. These types of textures will not be getting unsharpened.
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  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tacofangs wrote: »
    No, I saw the other thread, and some of those have already been unsharpened.

    However, many of your cited examples I really believe you have to be going out of your way to find, and that the average person running through the game won't notice. Some of them, I can't even tell what you're pointing to when the images are side by side. These types of textures will not be getting unsharpened.

    You are correct the average person would be too busy saying waffles are more OP than pancakes.
  • druhindruhin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tacofangs wrote: »
    No, I saw the other thread, and some of those have already been unsharpened.

    However, many of your cited examples I really believe you have to be going out of your way to find, and that the average person running through the game won't notice. Some of them, I can't even tell what you're pointing to when the images are side by side. These types of textures will not be getting unsharpened.

    I think the main point here, is that DS9 is in dire need of updated (higher quality) textures.
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The screenshots below were taken on May 13, 2013, after the patch to Tribble.

    1. The winter jacket looks slightly worse after the texture changes. The difference is most noticeable on the lower edge of the lapel and the second buckle from the top on the left (right-hand side of the character).



    2. The Romulan shuttle on New Romulus looks slightly worse after the texture changes.

    Holodeck (Lighting quality: Low)

    Tribble (Lighting quality: Low)

    Holodeck (Lighting quality: High)

    Tribble (Lighting quality: High)

    I usually run with low graphics settings. The specifics are provided in the following tickets:

    ticket ID #41,044
    ticket ID #41,091
    Waiting for a programmer ...
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