* limited credits to 1m with additional unlock to 5m credits from z-store.
* limited dilithium refinement to 4k a day.
* requisition required from z-store to use very/ultra rare items of any types.
* no ability to use any boosters exception of xp unless unlocked from z-store, requisition needed.
* leveling experience penalty given when reaching a new rank, this would make xp boosters more valuable, additionally xp boosters need the xp cap points removed for a few hour cap instead. it can be found in missions via drops on a semi-regular basis or on the exchange.
* no dilithium store.
* they get everything now except LTS stuff.
* VA token.
* Rank upgrade respec token like they did before F2P.
you leave it like that and it would be worth going gold again.
Well, actually I'm talking about a Pay 2 Play game, like in the old days. No C-Store TRIBBLE whatsoever. This would also allow the devs do develop a freaking GAME instead of costumes and ship skins for people to buy. STO hasn't evolved a single bit in the last years, all content that is added is centered around new shinies for people to buy. If that's what the playerbase wants and is happy with it's fine with me, though this is not what I consider a rich gaming experience.
I also cannot stand the "you still get your VA reward ship" - for what, 600 days of subscribing? Yeah, these are roughly 300 bucks worth of content XD
It is very hard to proclaim such ideas since people seem to be very reluctant to even consider rolling some changes back. For most of us, there isn't even an idea of how STO could look if it wasn't about grab-bags and Zen.
A pay 2 play model works - if the game was any good. But the devs kinda stopped making a game called STO but istead keep a very simplistic lunch-break 'gamey experience' which does constantly get new minor items they hope people will buy. This is just a poor existence for a game bearing the name Star Trek Online, at least in my opinion.
I agree vary little has been done on the games development as far as new missions. the vast nonstop grinding is also annoying! If they put the energy into mission development that's put into c-store TRIBBLE then we would have a great game.
That being said from what i have played of Legacy of Romulus it's a good start from where this game should have been 2 years ago
Seriously? What kind of looser can't afford a measly $10 a month?
People complain about subscription fees being too expensive but I bet a lot of the people who do go out drinking three times a week and/or smoke.
$10? Go donate blood or something. Seriously even a 10 year old should be able to aquire $10 a month.
If you can't I would say being unable to play an online game is the least of your problems.
Note: All the above assumes you are already a leech who does not pay their own rent, electricity and internet bills. If you do you must have plenty of income to allot $10 to a game.
Note 2: This is not a personal attack, just a critisim of everyone who claims they are unable to afford monthly fees.
so those who cant afford 10$ a month are loosers ...thats @50% of the population on earth right now...to know that you will need your blood in your system ,but it seems you donated it to get your monthly 10$.
Your proposals would just send all free players packing as there would be no way to get anything good without paying money. Free players do help pay for the game every single time they grind dilithium to get Zen, it's one of the reasons why Cryptic comes down on dilithium exploits especially the last one.
Or to put it another way, STO would become SWTOR but with far worse story telling.
I subbed up when they did the last 3 months for $30 sale, $10 a month but in three month chunks, with half that back in Zen, and additional space. Perhaps I should have bought LTS, especially when it was on sale, but I can afford a small payment 4 times a year a much easier than a big hit like LTS.
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Seriously? What kind of looser can't afford a measly $10 a month?
People complain about subscription fees being too expensive but I bet a lot of the people who do go out drinking three times a week and/or smoke.
$10? Go donate blood or something. Seriously even a 10 year old should be able to aquire $10 a month.
If you can't I would say being unable to play an online game is the least of your problems.
Note: All the above assumes you are already a leech who does not pay their own rent, electricity and internet bills. If you do you must have plenty of income to allot $10 to a game.
Note 2: This is not a personal attack, just a critisim of everyone who claims they are unable to afford monthly fees.
I too used to be a sub. But after my 2 characters achieved the highest level, I stopped subbing. I only rejoined the subscription only in order to power two new characters to the highest status. It's amazing how much you can get done in 3 months time (I went for one of those 3 months specials). Cancelled after those two new characters were maxed out.
To me, subbing is only worth it to get around any upgrades given free for gold members that you would otherwise need to pay for. To that end, I will consider reactivating my sub if we are given a free Character slot for LoR (heard about this but doubt it will happen) or increase the level cap with free upgrades such as extra ship slots and bank slots after maxing it out again.
Tahnalos I believe someone from Cryptic (can't remember who) confirmed that all players will get an extra character slot to create a romulan character. Makes sense really as they want to tempt you to buy all those shiney new ships =D
Well, actually I'm talking about a Pay 2 Play game, like in the old days. No C-Store TRIBBLE whatsoever.
Well, to be fair, RMT stores have always been a part of the subscription model (both EQ an WoW had in game items and services you could pay real money for, and WoW continues that paradigm to this day -- EQ is now one of SOE's F2P games.) And back in the day, EQ used to bundle many requested player QoL functions with EQ expansions (that became more content lite as time went on) every 3 months at $30.00 or more a pop. So the old "as a subscriber, I used to get everything free..." was a fallacy from the day the EQ servers publically opened back in April of 1999.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
so those who cant afford 10$ a month are loosers ...thats @50% of the population on earth right now...to know that you will need your blood in your system ,but it seems you donated it to get your monthly 10$.
Especially that 50% of the worlds population comment :rolleyes:
Should have clarified, everyone who actually wants to spend $10 a month on a game can. The only people who have an excuse for not being able to get that are children. The internet needs less of them anyway.
Well considering neoakiraii is a lifetime subscriber I wouldn't say s/he is poor.
So back on topic:
How does everyone feel about the current model?
The model as it is would work if subbing did more than drain your bank account every month. I'm not asking to be treated like an A-list celebrity but something to stand out and make you unique without unbalancing would be nice.
Do the benefits outweigh the cost?
Not really as you get to keep all the benefits after subscribing. If you lost something by not subscribing then yes it might but you don't.
Especially that 50% of the worlds population comment :rolleyes:
Should have clarified, everyone who actually wants to spend $10 a month on a game can. The only people who have an excuse for not being able to get that are children. The internet needs less of them anyway.
Dude I'm far from poor, but I'm not going to waste money either if I don't have too. I got the lifetime becasue I rather spend one lump sum then monthly fee access to a game, that stuff builds up between other games, bills, access to an ISP, X box live PS3 phone etc.etc... I rather pay a fee monthly for a service, like Xbox live or PS3 than to one game, which is why most MMOs are going F2P or one fee and that's it.
But if you think people can't afford 10 bucks a month becasue they're poor you're so full of it becasue even rich people do what they can to save money.
I commented earlier on being a subscription member, I also have 7 toons right now, three Fed, 4 KDF, soon to be joined by a Romulan. I believe you also get a free respec for your toons every other set of 100 days, as well as each ten levels. I level up through doffing mostly, 5 of those toons are level 50, the other two being level 48 and 26 I believe. I do a lot of mauradering and Contranband Trading into generate dilithium.
I also figure I am going to make at least 1 Romulan character, but I'll probably end up with 1 of each profession, two KDF side and one fed, which is probably downright silly, but then I also preordered the Smaller LoR set with the T'varo BOP.
Thanks for the Advanced Light Cruiser, Allied Escort Bundles, Jem-Hadar Light Battlecruiser, and Mek'leth
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T6 updates for the Kamarag & Vor'Cha
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Yeah, paying $15 a month for STO is a really silly idea. Either sub for a month, get the unlocks and go F2P or do LTS when it's on sale next time.
Cryptic really doesn't make a Gold subscription worth it. It's arguable that LTS is worth it either in the F2P model. Glad I got mine at launch, so I got my money's worth before it went F2P.
All MMO are pretty much the same with exception on "how the wheel works"
Start at Base level with limited abilities
Fight stuff, retrieve stuff, deliver stuff, solve puzzle = get exp
get higher level with more abilities, buy more stuff to be more powerful
get top level and now doing "group/harder" missions to gain access to even more powerful stuff.
Once you get the "higher level stuff/epic" then you have option to go even harder content and get even higher level stuff.
side options:
Housing - spend in-game/money for housing. For us is our ship or fleet bases
mounts/ships - in STO it is ship. More ships. Does anyone at max level fly their 1st ship? with only 2 fore and 1 back?
Cosmetic/clothing - we all spend some money to look good for various reasons.
While the basic the same, the deliver differ from one MMO to another, but it is all about carrot approach and get people to go to the next carrot.
You are right, most of those games rely on the Diablo II grinding mechanic. But that shows even more how unsuitable this system is for a Star Trek game. But putting that aside, for example in WoW you have the same endgame grinding but getting to endgame leads you through vastly different areas with stories, you see a lot of different places and can experience some adventures if you let yourself be immersed a little bit instead of just "working" towards a goal. For example: Town elder gives you a quest which of course boils down to "get item X". But the big difference is, in this game you could then freely wander through the lands until you reach the fortress/dungeon/whatever and could take different approaches in achieving this goal. Have a archer climb some wall to support you from above, take different entries to the fortress, it is so much more dynamic even if you are only fighting stupid mobs. This game, however, is so much limited and linear in terms of it's maps that there is absolutely no joy in venturing from the path you are tied to. Also, in STO the transition to the highest level is a matter of hours if you add it up and it's really not worthwhile doing anything before hitting max level. And that shows even more how stupid it is to "level up" a Star Trek character. It just doesn't work really well.
Ahh the good old days, when STO had no C-Store whatsoever. Things really were better during the closed beta before launch...
You know what I was talking about, don't act stupid I find it kind of sad that there is actually so much appreciation of the pay 2 win model / the need to buy each and every new shiny in this game that people are completely ignorant towards alternatives.
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
I think that improved Dilithium cap, and faster earnings for all types of marks would be very fair; it's not paying to win, it's just paying to reduce the grind which I think is fine. Same with getting much better EC sale prices.
I don't think that subscribers should need to pay for respects, or when past a certain point respecs should become free, e.g - if you've subscribed for more than a year. It'd also be nice to see at least one more veteran reward ship since the Chimera is kind of a mixed escort cruiser, it'd be nice to see a unique science oriented ship, or maybe get some variants of the chimera (with some unique visuals). It would also be good to see the reward ships become available sooner, with a fleet version being the 1000 day reward.
Actually I'd rather see the 1000 day ships being bumped to fleet standards rather than making them available in the fleet system. It depends how you see the ship though, do you see it as a type of lockbox ship that should keep getting upgraded (like the Galor and JHAS) or do you see it as a C-Store ship which you should pay for an upgrade?
I've been a lifer for a while now, at least since a year before F2P and to be honest I don't think I would go lifetime had I joined when it was F2P. I still think a few things could be updated with the LTS/Gold packages to make it more worthwhile.
I personally feel that this games overall service that it offers is lacking, especially with the archaic system for fleets etc. From my personal experience I find P2P games seem to offer better support and it's nice to just pay 1 fee a month which gives you access to everything.
Still, they're are many things they could do to improve this game overall. I'm looking forward to the LoR expansion.
lol, nice joke!
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
I agree vary little has been done on the games development as far as new missions. the vast nonstop grinding is also annoying! If they put the energy into mission development that's put into c-store TRIBBLE then we would have a great game.
That being said from what i have played of Legacy of Romulus it's a good start from where this game should have been 2 years ago
hmm, is no one interested in getting into the idea of what they should get as a gold instead of a trolling comment like this above?
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
We don't want him. Send him to some other MMO that for some reason can't be named.
so those who cant afford 10$ a month are loosers ...thats @50% of the population on earth right now...to know that you will need your blood in your system ,but it seems you donated it to get your monthly 10$.
Your proposals would just send all free players packing as there would be no way to get anything good without paying money. Free players do help pay for the game every single time they grind dilithium to get Zen, it's one of the reasons why Cryptic comes down on dilithium exploits especially the last one.
Or to put it another way, STO would become SWTOR but with far worse story telling.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
Wow talk about so much BS in one post.
To me, subbing is only worth it to get around any upgrades given free for gold members that you would otherwise need to pay for. To that end, I will consider reactivating my sub if we are given a free Character slot for LoR (heard about this but doubt it will happen) or increase the level cap with free upgrades such as extra ship slots and bank slots after maxing it out again.
FED: Royal Federation Mounted Starfleet: SB3, TAC3, ENG3, SCI3, Win, Int, DOff(T/E/S/B)
KDF: Parliamentary Klingon Empire: SB2, TAC2, ENG2, SCI2, Win, DOff(T)
Interested in joining? Please send a PM to @Tahna_Los.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
Well, to be fair, RMT stores have always been a part of the subscription model (both EQ an WoW had in game items and services you could pay real money for, and WoW continues that paradigm to this day -- EQ is now one of SOE's F2P games.) And back in the day, EQ used to bundle many requested player QoL functions with EQ expansions (that became more content lite as time went on) every 3 months at $30.00 or more a pop. So the old "as a subscriber, I used to get everything free..." was a fallacy from the day the EQ servers publically opened back in April of 1999.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Lol poor people are funny.
Especially that 50% of the worlds population comment :rolleyes:
Should have clarified, everyone who actually wants to spend $10 a month on a game can. The only people who have an excuse for not being able to get that are children. The internet needs less of them anyway.
So back on topic:
How does everyone feel about the current model?
The model as it is would work if subbing did more than drain your bank account every month. I'm not asking to be treated like an A-list celebrity but something to stand out and make you unique without unbalancing would be nice.
Do the benefits outweigh the cost?
Not really as you get to keep all the benefits after subscribing. If you lost something by not subscribing then yes it might but you don't.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
Dude I'm far from poor, but I'm not going to waste money either if I don't have too. I got the lifetime becasue I rather spend one lump sum then monthly fee access to a game, that stuff builds up between other games, bills, access to an ISP, X box live PS3 phone etc.etc... I rather pay a fee monthly for a service, like Xbox live or PS3 than to one game, which is why most MMOs are going F2P or one fee and that's it.
But if you think people can't afford 10 bucks a month becasue they're poor you're so full of it becasue even rich people do what they can to save money.
if the internet needs less childrens then you should turn off that pc you use to troll the forums.
I also figure I am going to make at least 1 Romulan character, but I'll probably end up with 1 of each profession, two KDF side and one fed, which is probably downright silly, but then I also preordered the Smaller LoR set with the T'varo BOP.
but...but...but...trolling people who make stupid claims is fun.
Key forum rule, the first person who call someone else a child looses any argument by default. This time it was you. Better luck next time.
Ahh the good old days, when STO had no C-Store whatsoever. Things really were better during the closed beta before launch...
Cryptic really doesn't make a Gold subscription worth it. It's arguable that LTS is worth it either in the F2P model. Glad I got mine at launch, so I got my money's worth before it went F2P.
I miss the pre-F2P C-store. Where all it had was ship skins, toon costumes, other visual items and emotes. There wasn't any hint of Pay to Win then.
You are right, most of those games rely on the Diablo II grinding mechanic. But that shows even more how unsuitable this system is for a Star Trek game. But putting that aside, for example in WoW you have the same endgame grinding but getting to endgame leads you through vastly different areas with stories, you see a lot of different places and can experience some adventures if you let yourself be immersed a little bit instead of just "working" towards a goal. For example: Town elder gives you a quest which of course boils down to "get item X". But the big difference is, in this game you could then freely wander through the lands until you reach the fortress/dungeon/whatever and could take different approaches in achieving this goal. Have a archer climb some wall to support you from above, take different entries to the fortress, it is so much more dynamic even if you are only fighting stupid mobs. This game, however, is so much limited and linear in terms of it's maps that there is absolutely no joy in venturing from the path you are tied to. Also, in STO the transition to the highest level is a matter of hours if you add it up and it's really not worthwhile doing anything before hitting max level. And that shows even more how stupid it is to "level up" a Star Trek character. It just doesn't work really well.
You know what I was talking about, don't act stupid
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I don't think that subscribers should need to pay for respects, or when past a certain point respecs should become free, e.g - if you've subscribed for more than a year. It'd also be nice to see at least one more veteran reward ship since the Chimera is kind of a mixed escort cruiser, it'd be nice to see a unique science oriented ship, or maybe get some variants of the chimera (with some unique visuals). It would also be good to see the reward ships become available sooner, with a fleet version being the 1000 day reward.
Game Balance - Ship Size and Wingmates
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
I personally feel that this games overall service that it offers is lacking, especially with the archaic system for fleets etc. From my personal experience I find P2P games seem to offer better support and it's nice to just pay 1 fee a month which gives you access to everything.
Still, they're are many things they could do to improve this game overall. I'm looking forward to the LoR expansion.