Yoda would like to offer an advanced escort class during the weekend we are holding our other advanced seminars. He cannot, however, make the normal Saturday evening time. So he has graciously offered to teach the class on Sunday evening beginning between 9pm/10pm EDT. Unfotunately, his work schedule does not permit him to be any more specific on the start time.
If you are an escort pilot, i highly recommend this course, not only because Yoda is himself an incredible tactician, but because he is also one of the most patient and knowledgeable teachers I know. If you are interested in this class, just respond with your
@handle. Thanks.
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
Thanks, Regulus!
Elite Defense Stovokor
I want to do some space hax too!
I refuse to be content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U
Looking forward to that class.
If anyone is not able to make the time posted for the class, just send me an in game tell/mail @Minitrckin08. We can work something out and possibly do some one on one practice (which is awesome anyways)
Also, This class would be great for any beginner or well seasoned pilot. I may even learn something myself =P
My plan for the class was to do a quick 1v1 while recording it for personal/private use to help me figure out what the individual needs.
-- doing so will allow me to study their piloting techiques, cannon arc control and buff/resist timing, which are very important in escort piloting.
Then we will do some manuevering practice drills with turning, arc control, etc.. with only using 4 dual heavies (no rear weapons)
Hope to see you all there
I might not be able to make it based upon my own schedule, but will send an ingame mail if that happens.
Ooh, me!
Just send me an in game tell/mail of when would be a good day for you, and we can practice a bit
AWESOME! Thanks Mate!
I like to participate in :
Yoda's Sunday Evening Redshirt Survival Class
9pm/10pm EST SUNDAY 28th April.
Show Me Your Critz/House Of Critz
Sometimes you win....and sometimes you learn......
pew pew
This is for anyone right? Not just those who have already participated in PvP Bootcamp?
Correct. You may show up, even if you didn't graduate from Boot Camp.
I hope everyone that was there had a lot of fun and learned a lot!
My profound apologies for missing your class. I was really looking forward to it. A family event ran overtime and I was ultimately unable to make the class=( Thank the Force that Yoda in my fleet is=)
Life problems got in the way. I was really looking forward to that class.
It was a fun class and learned a lot.:-)
Thankyou Master Yoda, for generouly sharing of your vast knowledge to us.:-D
I also want to say, thankyou the other TRH members that was there to help.:-D
Show Me Your Critz/House Of Critz
Sonetimes you win......and sometimes you learn.....