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If you could choose 1 new faction ...

jumpingjsjumpingjs Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Tough line up :)

    [*]Cardassian / Dominion
    [*]Section 31
    [*]Mirror Universe (to start with) FEDs
    [*]Undine! :D
    [*]Freighter / Merchant faction

    So which would you choose ...

    Decide later
    Hopefully I'll come back from my break; this break is fun; I play intellectual games.

    I hope STO get's better ...
    Post edited by jumpingjs on


    • mosquito214mosquito214 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
      edited April 2013
      Honestly? I don't think the game needs more factions. At a certain point, splitting the playerbase becomes an issue, unless every future faction also allies with either Federation or Empire. And that didn't exactly go down so well the first time.

      That said, some type of expansion to play the Mirror Universe version of your character would be fun!
    • duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
      edited April 2013
      yeah, bring on Cardassians!

      but playable Suliban within the Romulan faction first ;)

      a merchant faction would be interesting, indeed, but i just have issues to imagine the faction ships ;)
      perhaps if they would have only Ferengi ships and freighters, and could use any alleged faction ships there are?

      they could start at lvl1, having some 10 unique missions, later just playing through the alleged faction content.

      playable races: alien, suliban, human, ... every other existing race already ingame... , Ferengi.

      social place would be situated at Drozana.

      coming out with a Ferengi reputation with Ferenginar adventure Zone where you could buy Ferengi women and give them CLOTHES!
    • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
      edited April 2013
      duaths1 wrote: »
      yeah, bring on Cardassians!

      but playable Suliban within the Romulan faction first ;)

      a merchant faction would be interesting, indeed, but i just have issues to imagine the faction ships ;)
      perhaps if they would have only Ferengi ships and freighters, and could use any alleged faction ships there are?

      they could start at lvl1, having some 10 unique missions, later just playing through the alleged faction content.

      playable races: alien, suliban, human, ... every other existing race already ingame... , Ferengi.

      social place would be situated at Drozana.

      coming out with a Ferengi reputation with Ferenginar adventure Zone where you could buy Ferengi women and give them CLOTHES!
      I believe Suliban templates are now a Federation Alien character choice.
      STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
    • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
      edited April 2013
      jumpingjs wrote: »
      Tough line up :)

        [*]Cardassian / Dominion
        [*]Section 31
        [*]Mirror Universe (to start with) FEDs
        [*]Undine! :D
        [*]Freighter / Merchant faction

        So which would you choose ...

        Decide later

        I'm gonna go with what I've been yammering about:

        Non-Aligned. Which is kinda like the Freighter / Merchant faction but with a bit more action focus. Missions spread around working for all established powers. And multiple intros, say, 1-5 that cover how you wind up Non-Aligned. (Ie. rogue Cardassian/Klingon/Starfleet captain who gets drummed out, lost Delta Quadrant merchant, disgraced scientist, financial kingpin who lost it all, heretic Vorta, etc.)

        All wind up with you at a bar on Dessica II. From there, you take freelance assignments for all the major powers (but lean Fed or Klingon at level 10 by picking a side in the war) and individuals, building up to a series of missions for the Tal Shiar from levels 30-35 which pull you into the Romulan Featured Episode series.

        Overall, the missions emphasize life on the colonies and lore figures like Harry Mudd, Kivas Fajo, Brunt, and maybe some stray Ocampa.

        Ships include a salvaged Husnock ship, Mercenary Ship, a Val Jean-type raider, Mudd's ship, etc. Maybe toss in Ralph MacQuarrie's Enterprise design, which was seen at surplus yards.
      • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
        edited April 2013
        I'd also probably call the expansion "Forsaken Frontier" and have it overall focus on the western aesthetic. Focus on beefing up pistols. Kits with haymakers and judo chops. Giving food and drink effects. (Always loved the "drunk" effects in ********.) New hybrid and uber-focused professions like Animal Handler, Medic, Professor, Mercenary, etc. (Most arguably very close to existing professions but with fun spins on things.)
      • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
        edited April 2013
        While I like the idea of a freighter/independent faction but I think that would go over better as a new rep system. But I would have to say Dominion because after the Romulans the Kdf and Dominion tie for my second favorite faction......the feds would actually be fifth or sixth on my list.
      • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
        edited April 2013
        I would like a non-aligned/merchant faction. That way we could add a ton of older, TOS style ships to the game, and have their presence make sense.
      • emeraldagenda12emeraldagenda12 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited April 2013

        And now, we wait.
      • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
        edited April 2013
        i don't mean to rain on the lets think the dev is going to put out a new faction every year now but do yall really think this is going to happen?????? i think dan made it clear they are about to get hard set on story content

        also Section 31 are bad guys not going to happen
        swimwear off risa not fixed
        system Lord Baal is dead
        macronius wrote: »
        This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
      • duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
        edited April 2013
        in fact it is not sure there will be another new faction EVER,

        it all depends on how much cash Romulans will be doing.

        if they do good, there will be full playable Cardies (Romulan model), where they will burn themselves pretty badly, cause imho there are not so many Cardie fans to pay for the content.

        if they do average, they will eventually find a new model to implement factions (40-endgame with only a handfull of misisons)

        if this experiment does not pay for itself, they will just introduce playable races with locked ships without any mission content.

        in any case, i am a happy camper now and ready to finally play as a Romulan, which i was planning to from the day the game was announced to be in development.
      • hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
        edited April 2013
        The Cardassians and Dominion are already done to death IMHO...

        My top 5 would be:

        1. The Borg Revolution Faction (Not really Lib Borg but the ones that freed themselves in Voyager)
        2. Tholians (They seem like they would be INTERESTING... I want to play as them not against them all the time)
        3. Ferengi (Do you have the lobes?)
        4. That Serpent race we saw in TNG who was at odds with those beastial catlike people.
        5. The Sheliak Corporate
      • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
        edited April 2013
        Dominion, when a huge Gamma Quadrant expansion is added. One can only hope... :rolleyes:
      • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
        edited April 2013
        undine!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
        Typhoon Class please!
      • dixoniumdixonium Member Posts: 219 Arc User
        edited April 2013
        Based on the posted list? Freighter / Merchant faction, definitely. Tie it in with the Ferengi and you've got the recipe for something special.
      • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
        edited April 2013
        jumpingjs wrote: »
        So which would you choose ...

        Decide later

        Be nice to have a finished Klingon Faction and maybe a Romulan Star Empire.
      • emperorofdwarvesemperorofdwarves Member Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited April 2013
        If not the actual RSE
        then Q-continuum which would be a nice faction :cool:

        or maybe ferengi yes or breen hmmmm
      • garakfan84garakfan84 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited April 2013
        That would be Cardassians :D
      • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
        edited April 2013
        Why, either sentient Tribbles or Taconians, of course.

        Seriously though, they've said they want to keep it "Blue versus Red"; so future factions would undoubtably need to be able to tie into both( or at the very least one) of the existing 'teams'.
      • agentexeideragentexeider Member Posts: 180 Arc User
        edited April 2013
        jumpingjs wrote: »
        Tough line up :)

          [*]Cardassian / Dominion
          [*]Section 31
          [*]Mirror Universe (to start with) FEDs
          [*]Undine! :D
          [*]Freighter / Merchant faction

          So which would you choose ...

          Decide later

          Section 31, and Merchant shouldn't be factions, they would be career choices, which would be an interesting thing.

          Cardassian would be nice, Mirror Universe would be nice, but redundant since we already have humans, it's easy to RP a Mirror Universe toon already in game.

          What I would love is if they would make the Career system that I suggested a LONG time ago, combine that with the Ship revamp system Suricata suggested and this game would surely rock.

        • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
          edited April 2013
          The game is only written to support TWO (2) factions: the players faction and the enemy. If someday they can actually include another faction (NOT a playable race like the Romulans) then I would have to say a neutral faction is a MUST have in the STO universe.

          My most desired playable races:

          <edit> totally forgot about the alternate universe guys or the timejumpers, any of those should be fine.
          KBF Lord MalaK
          Awoken Dead

          Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
        • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
          edited April 2013
          Easy. I would choose the Romulan Star Empire.
        • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
          edited April 2013
          I would think the Cardassian fRaction would be next.

          You level up in the area around Cardassia fighting the True Way and then have to align with the Feds or KDF.

          This would follow the template and precedence set with the release of LoR.
        • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
          edited April 2013
          Cardassians FTW!! Assuming there could be another faction added, it's not debatable - it should be Cardassians!
          duaths1 wrote: »
          if they do good, there will be full playable Cardies (Romulan model), where they will burn themselves pretty badly, cause imho there are not so many Cardie fans to pay for the content.

          You'd be suprised, the more we wait, the more money we have to spend. ;)
          pyryck wrote: »
          I would think the Cardassian fRaction would be next.

          You level up in the area around Cardassia fighting the True Way and then have to align with the Feds or KDF.

          This would follow the template and precedence set with the release of LoR.

          I agree with this. Actually, I made the same point in another thread relating similar topics. The current Cardassian situation in STO is very similar to implement as a faction in the way the Romulan faction was introduced. That's what makes me hopefull that it will become a reality one day.
          As long as I work for the Detapa Council answer to Natima Lang and take my orders from Garak it's good enough to me.
        • bobogheimbobogheim Member Posts: 31 Arc User
          edited April 2013
          I think that next playable faction will be cardassian with dominion as vorta and jem'hadar and maybe also as breen.

          As you can play now in legacy of romulus remans and romulans.

          Next year I suppose and maybe this year on next season then maybe they want to first release Gamma quadrant and then the 4th faction. The Cardassian.

          Then we have Delta quadrant.
          Possibly The Liberated Borg or/and Undine as playable 5th faction.
        • xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
          edited April 2013
          I wouldnt want to see a new faction, but for me id like to see new professions. Maybe even some non combat ones like we had in SWG back in the day, dancer, trader ect. Think that would be very interesting in a game like this.
          R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
        • realitynexusrealitynexus Member Posts: 35 Arc User
          edited April 2013
          I got my wish, Rommys :D

          Our people are warriors. Often savage. But we are also many other pleasant things.
          -- Commander Di'on Charvon to Spock - 2268

          Actual join date: October 2010
        • guriphuguriphu Member Posts: 494 Arc User
          edited April 2013

          Maybe then we could finally get some BALANCE.
        • cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
          edited April 2013
          Bring on the spoonheads!:D
        • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
          edited April 2013
          guriphu wrote: »

          Maybe then we could finally get some BALANCE.

          Nuke it from orbit.
        • aurigas7aurigas7 Member Posts: 488 Arc User
          edited April 2013
          From the given choices Cardassians please.

          Otherwise: Breen. I just wan't to nuke those incompetent Deferi. I guess best tactic would be to activate self destruct, and enjoy how all Deferi ships are magically attrated to die in the resultiung warpcore explosion.
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