Sure this BC is a Romulan Battlecloak, and provides a turn rate bonus and speed bonus while cloaked.
Even so, that's fine to me. I highly enjoy playing my Klingon toons, and seeing this on Romulan ships is alright.
There's gonna be lots and lots of Feddies who go Romulan knowing about their BCs, hop in a Romulan ship with one and...quickly discover it isn't the 'mega-ultra-super-OP 'I-win' button' they seem to think it is.
So, let the Romulan ships have cloaks and battlecloaks, that's fine. As we KDF players realized a long time ago: Cloaking is a useful and strategic thing to have, particularly a BC, but it isn't as good as many seem to think.
Besides, there's still a ton of anti-cloaking stuff out there. I might even get the Nebula ships so I can make a snooper.
Oh yes, I wonder how long it'll take before the whining begins for Federation cloaking ships to gain that speed and turn-rate bonus.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Oh yes, I wonder how long it'll take before the whining begins for Federation cloaking ships to gain that speed and turn-rate bonus.
Your post was going so well, and then you needed to start attacking the Feds.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Actually, I think it will be klingon players that will complain. It's not like someone flying a Galaxy-X would expect any improvement :P
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
There's gonna be lots and lots of Feddies who go Romulan knowing about their BCs, hop in a Romulan ship with one and...quickly discover it isn't the 'mega-ultra-super-OP 'I-win' button' they seem to think it is.
"Lots and lots of Feddies" could just click that klingon thingy on charater creator and make a klingon and try the bc's. It is not like: "Oh! we feds that actually live in another planet cannot try the bcs that all those real klingons can use".
"Lots and lots of Feddies" have klingon toons. Just like most klingos have feds chars.
Now stop the fantasy of believing that u are actually from a different planet than the rest of us, nerds, playing this game.
Sure this BC is a Romulan Battlecloak, and provides a turn rate bonus and speed bonus while cloaked.
Even so, that's fine to me. I highly enjoy playing my Klingon toons, and seeing this on Romulan ships is alright.
There's gonna be lots and lots of Feddies who go Romulan knowing about their BCs, hop in a Romulan ship with one and...quickly discover it isn't the 'mega-ultra-super-OP 'I-win' button' they seem to think it is.
So, let the Romulan ships have cloaks and battlecloaks, that's fine. As we KDF players realized a long time ago: Cloaking is a useful and strategic thing to have, particularly a BC, but it isn't as good as many seem to think.
Besides, there's still a ton of anti-cloaking stuff out there. I might even get the Nebula ships so I can make a snooper.
Oh yes, I wonder how long it'll take before the whining begins for Federation cloaking ships to gain that speed and turn-rate bonus.
I was just ever so slightly I'm actually glad it's the Roms getting the BC and not the Feds.
I seriously thought Cryptic was going to cave-in to the Fed demands of a BC.
NO to ARC RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
I was just ever so slightly I'm actually glad it's the Roms getting the BC and not the Feds.
I seriously thought Cryptic was going to cave-in to the Fed demands of a BC.
They did...thats why there are Fedroms coming soon.
Doubt any KDF will be put out by it all. We Klingons got oir first cloaks from the RSE so it makes sense they would have a more prevelant use of them.
Exactly - Romulans supplied and taught the KDF how to use cloaking tech - some 50-100 years after they developed it.
It is just a logical thing to say that the Romulans have superior knowledge about cloaks and their use.
Edit: Mimey2 - you should correct your post to say that "all" Romulan Warbirds will have a battle cloak- it also appears from what was said that the inherent trait of romulans + the Romulan Boffs will allow a significant reduction in time between cloaking - decloaking and re-cloaking.
Of course I expect many new Federomulans to go boom in the first little while as they learn its not always best to battle cloak in combat, however, the big D will have 2x the hull of a Bop so it would be almost impossible to take her out while she's cloaking.
From the Blog:
Romulans are well-known as being the masters of cloaking technology. All Romulan Warbirds come equipped with a Romulan Battle Cloaking device, allowing them to enter and exit cloaking even while in combat. (Note that not all small craft come with these; see below.)
I'm completely cool with that. In fact, I kinda' expected that. The Romulans always had cloaks and I have no issues with them having battlecloaks as a gimmick to their faction.
Also, I don't mind the 'Fedroms' as someone said, as long as they are flying Romulan ships and I don't encounter Excelsior or a Galaxy that will cloak. That'd be awkward for me.
I have no issues with Battlecloaks for the Rommies, makes sense as others have said. I just think the BOP line for the KDF might need a bit of a buff as wasn't they given such a terrible fragile hull because of it? I know they have all universal BOFF stations (which the Romulan's don't have) so I wouldn't expect a huge buff, but just some more hull resistance would be nice.
Either way I think they made the right call about the Battlecloaks for the Romulans, they are the Cloaking masters after all.
My only concern will be PvP due to the fact the Romulans can join the Federation side. But considering PvP is just a small minority it won't affect a lot of players I think.
I was reading in the Zone chat on Tribble yesterday and all but one person said they will be joining the KDF with their Romulans. The only one who said he would go Fed is because of his fleet. I kindly reminded him there are a lot of cool people on the KDF side and they would welcome any new players with open arms.
Mr Stahl was on chat as well and I asked him if they are going to be shorting out the server issues, elastic banding etc. He said they were looking into it. I just hope it wasn't to shut me up. Also another funny thing in chat, one guy said that 80% of this games population are TRIBBLE. Not a word I would use. But then I said, 80% you mean as in the Federation playerbase, considering the KDF is only 18%? :P He never responded.
I went Fed with my test Romulan just to see what they have that the KDF doesn't and guess what (my son went KDF) and the missions are the same. And considering end-game content is shared anyway between the factions the only thing that will be the difference is c-store ships which if you're a Romulan why would you fly a Defiant or Galaxy when you can fly a Warbird with it's cool gimmicks. I can only imaging grabbing consoles for your Warbird and the KDF have the better consoles in any case.
Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
Your post was going so well, and then you needed to start attacking the Feds.
After thinking about it, I feel that you're right.
I really probably shouldn't have allowed my old feelings about playing on the KDF-side, so my emotions got the hold of me for that. It's just happened SO much over time I've simply gotten tired of it is all.
For my remarks though, I do apologize. I'll try and not be so quick to judge, as it were, about something that might not even happen.
Though I am eagerly looking forward playing Romulans, because their unique battle cloak will be VERY interesting to try and use. Being part of the closed beta atm, I've been using it already, though stats and such could change it on between now and official release.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Sure this BC is a Romulan Battlecloak, and provides a turn rate bonus and speed bonus while cloaked.
Even so, that's fine to me. I highly enjoy playing my Klingon toons, and seeing this on Romulan ships is alright.
There's gonna be lots and lots of Feddies who go Romulan knowing about their BCs, hop in a Romulan ship with one and...quickly discover it isn't the 'mega-ultra-super-OP 'I-win' button' they seem to think it is.
So, let the Romulan ships have cloaks and battlecloaks, that's fine. As we KDF players realized a long time ago: Cloaking is a useful and strategic thing to have, particularly a BC, but it isn't as good as many seem to think.
Besides, there's still a ton of anti-cloaking stuff out there. I might even get the Nebula ships so I can make a snooper.
Oh yes, I wonder how long it'll take before the whining begins for Federation cloaking ships to gain that speed and turn-rate bonus.
Eh, I dunno dude. These aren't 20k hull raptors. We're talking about full blown escorts and cruisers with battle cloak. They're going to be pretty damn strong in PvP.
Not that I object, I'm ok with the Romulans getting battle cloaks. I didn't fly BoPs anyway. I just think you might be underestimating what a battle cloak on a full fledged escort will be capable of. Both the Mogai and T'varo look to be amazingly good PvP ships, and that's even before seeing what their fleet variants look like.
Eh, I dunno dude. These aren't 20k hull raptors. We're talking about full blown escorts and cruisers with battle cloak. They're going to be pretty damn strong in PvP.
Not that really care, I'm ok with the Romulans getting battle cloaks. I didn't fly BoPs anyway. I just think you might be underestimating what a battle cloak on a full fledged escort will be capable of.
Of course, they will be strong in PvP. After all, they have Battle Cloaks and Singularity powers. The only problem with Romulans is that almost everyone will be going for Plasma energy weapons and Plasma Torpedoes.
the only thing that will be the difference is c-store ships which if you're a Romulan why would you fly a Defiant or Galaxy when you can fly a Warbird with it's cool gimmicks. I can only imaging grabbing consoles for your Warbird and the KDF have the better consoles in any case.
I have no issues with Battlecloaks for the Rommies, makes sense as others have said. I just think the BOP line for the KDF might need a bit of a buff as wasn't they given such a terrible fragile hull because of it? I know they have all universal BOFF stations (which the Romulan's don't have) so I wouldn't expect a huge buff, but just some more hull resistance would be nice.
The downside for the Romulans is that they have an almost constant power drain on all systems built into the ship, and not just during cloak, ALWAYS.
The only issue I have is the cost. KDF take a hit on their shields the Roms take a hit on ship's power base level. Not sure how that will play out, and I haven't seen any spec's on their Sci ships, Raiders, or Escorts. But, it has potential of being a good choice for a unique balancing factor.
Most of the larger ship specs I've seen have a crappy turnrates, so things like ewp would be easy enough to keep them from recloaking. The ship w/a 14 turnrate looks comparable to the KDF Vet ship. Seems reasonable to me all in all.
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
I agree with the rest of you guys, Rommies should have Battle Cloaks on all of their ships (since they invented the dang thing )
I'm also cool with the Enhanced Battle Cloak on the T5 T'Varo Warbird Retrofit (the 22nd BoP that Rommies use), now there are two factions that can use that power . I was actually disappointed that the 22nd Cent BoP didnt have Universal slots like KDF BoP's, but oh well, me likies the EBC nonetheless
Play my missions on Holodeck! Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series) Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series) Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
Eh, I dunno dude. These aren't 20k hull raptors. We're talking about full blown escorts and cruisers with battle cloak. They're going to be pretty damn strong in PvP.
Not that I object, I'm ok with the Romulans getting battle cloaks. I didn't fly BoPs anyway. I just think you might be underestimating what a battle cloak on a full fledged escort will be capable of. Both the Mogai and T'varo look to be amazingly good PvP ships, and that's even before seeing what their fleet variants look like.
That would only be important if PVP mattered in STO. Thankfully it doesn't
I don't have a problem with Romulans getting a "Battle Cloak." It's canon. I do have a problem with almost every other ship not having a canon cloaking device. Every ship using a cloaking device should at least have a canon version. This other thing they call a cloaking device is a joke.
The other problem I have is all of the newer ships they add with universal stations, cloaks, etc are giving up nothing in the way of shield and hulls stats like the KDF ships still do for having those amenities.
Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content." Al Rivera hates Klingons Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert All cloaks should be canon.
The other problem I have is all of the newer ships they add with universal stations, cloaks, etc are giving up nothing in the way of shield and hulls stats like the KDF ships still do for having those amenities.
Yeah that is why I asked for a small buff to hull for the BOP line as I think it's only fair. If they don't I can see the BOP line for the KDF becoming pretty useless and unused with her turn-rate being the only positive advantage and that means little when a Warbird with a Battlecloak has vastly superior hull with the same cloak you're running.
Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
After thinking about it, I feel that you're right.
I really probably shouldn't have allowed my old feelings about playing on the KDF-side, so my emotions got the hold of me for that. It's just happened SO much over time I've simply gotten tired of it is all.
For my remarks though, I do apologize. I'll try and not be so quick to judge, as it were, about something that might not even happen.
I think what's really interesting about it all is that somehow a lot of the KDF players have anger issues towards the feds..... feds that are in no way responsible for Cryptic letting the KDF stagnate. Its almost like they're angry and mad at players for NOT wanting to play KDF more, even with better consoles, better doffing, and better cruisers.
That would only be important if PVP mattered in STO. Thankfully it doesn't
While I would not dismiss the upcoming final nail in PvP as FvF finally dies due to too many rogues.. er, cloaking ships I think cloaking (whether battlecloak or the more mundane variety) are a double edged sword in PvE. Every second a ship is cloaked its not doing anything usefull for its group and is the same as if it was dead waiting to respawn. Will we get to a point where people will just say "ahhh man, we got a cloaker... lets hope they don't spend half the STF/FA/etc. cloaked"? Lets hope people cloak responsibly and not suxxors with it!
While I would not dismiss the upcoming final nail in PvP as FvF finally dies due to too many rogues.. er, cloaking ships I think cloaking (whether battlecloak or the more mundane variety) are a double edged sword in PvE. Every second a ship is cloaked its not doing anything usefull for its group and is the same as if it was dead waiting to respawn. Will we get to a point where people will just say "ahhh man, we got a cloaker... lets hope they don't spend half the STF/FA/etc. cloaked"? Lets hope people cloak responsibly and not suxxors with it!
I only use the cloak for the boost in damage and only do it before and after an engagement. People who stay cloaked all the time are a deal pain. I've had a few Galaxy Dreadnought's doing it in an STF once.
Funny thing is even though I play the KDF the most I mainly use the non-cloaking ships like the Guramba.
Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
From what I've seen of the Romulan BCs on Tribble, this isn't too concerning. All Warbirds seem to have less power due to the singularity cores (every warbird I flew had 50/40/45/40 even when set to run 50 across the board). Even besides that the only real edge that battle-cloaking, say, a Mogai would have over just flying a Starfleet escort or destroyer would be is a small damage boost when you you drop in and yell "surprise!" and the potential to be suicidal and drop your shields in combat to try and make a quick getaway.
Admiral Katrina Tokareva - U.S.S. Cosmos, Yorktown-class Star Cruiser Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
I think what's really interesting about it all is that somehow a lot of the KDF players have anger issues towards the feds..... feds that are in no way responsible for Cryptic letting the KDF stagnate. Its almost like they're angry and mad at players for NOT wanting to play KDF more, even with better consoles, better doffing, and better cruisers.
You've touched on a point of irritation.
There are Federation players who would rather have KDF exclusives (the exclusives that keep the factions from being homogenous) added to the Federation, rather than PLAY as KDF. For the longest time, Federation players have complained about their cruisers not having dual cannons, and how they don't have built-in cloaks, and about the several useful consoles the KDF has exclusively.
The Federation has already obtained several KDF exclusives as it is. They got access to carriers. They have a cruiser that can cloak, it's just 'not good enough' for them. They have RETAINED their traditional advantages in STO, that being the edge in escorts and their science ship line, and I don't see them in any hurry to give these advantages to the KDF.
Far too many outspoken Fed players seem to be 'take take take', without a care given to retaining differences between factions, and keeping a semblance of balance PvP-wise. We don't like it when Cryptic listens to these greedy players, and then neglects the KDF as they've done in the past.
My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
Don't waste the resources. A 9 turn rate on a science ship is frustrating no matter how much fun the cloak detection grid is to fire up.
The DPS boost will always be superior as long as Cryptic is making the game's mechanics.
"Lots and lots of Feddies" could just click that klingon thingy on charater creator and make a klingon and try the bc's. It is not like: "Oh! we feds that actually live in another planet cannot try the bcs that all those real klingons can use".
"Lots and lots of Feddies" have klingon toons. Just like most klingos have feds chars.
Now stop the fantasy of believing that u are actually from a different planet than the rest of us, nerds, playing this game.
I was just ever so slightly I'm actually glad it's the Roms getting the BC and not the Feds.
I seriously thought Cryptic was going to cave-in to the Fed demands of a BC.
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
this is so true.
They did...thats why there are Fedroms coming soon.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Exactly - Romulans supplied and taught the KDF how to use cloaking tech - some 50-100 years after they developed it.
It is just a logical thing to say that the Romulans have superior knowledge about cloaks and their use.
Edit: Mimey2 - you should correct your post to say that "all" Romulan Warbirds will have a battle cloak- it also appears from what was said that the inherent trait of romulans + the Romulan Boffs will allow a significant reduction in time between cloaking - decloaking and re-cloaking.
Of course I expect many new Federomulans to go boom in the first little while as they learn its not always best to battle cloak in combat, however, the big D will have 2x the hull of a Bop so it would be almost impossible to take her out while she's cloaking.
From the Blog:
Also, I don't mind the 'Fedroms' as someone said, as long as they are flying Romulan ships and I don't encounter Excelsior or a Galaxy that will cloak.
Either way I think they made the right call about the Battlecloaks for the Romulans, they are the Cloaking masters after all.
My only concern will be PvP due to the fact the Romulans can join the Federation side. But considering PvP is just a small minority it won't affect a lot of players I think.
I was reading in the Zone chat on Tribble yesterday and all but one person said they will be joining the KDF with their Romulans. The only one who said he would go Fed is because of his fleet. I kindly reminded him there are a lot of cool people on the KDF side and they would welcome any new players with open arms.
Mr Stahl was on chat as well and I asked him if they are going to be shorting out the server issues, elastic banding etc. He said they were looking into it. I just hope it wasn't to shut me up. Also another funny thing in chat, one guy said that 80% of this games population are TRIBBLE. Not a word I would use. But then I said, 80% you mean as in the Federation playerbase, considering the KDF is only 18%? :P He never responded.
I went Fed with my test Romulan just to see what they have that the KDF doesn't and guess what (my son went KDF) and the missions are the same. And considering end-game content is shared anyway between the factions the only thing that will be the difference is c-store ships which if you're a Romulan why would you fly a Defiant or Galaxy when you can fly a Warbird with it's cool gimmicks. I can only imaging grabbing consoles for your Warbird and the KDF have the better consoles in any case.
After thinking about it, I feel that you're right.
I really probably shouldn't have allowed my old feelings about playing on the KDF-side, so my emotions got the hold of me for that. It's just happened SO much over time I've simply gotten tired of it is all.
For my remarks though, I do apologize. I'll try and not be so quick to judge, as it were, about something that might not even happen.
Though I am eagerly looking forward playing Romulans, because their unique battle cloak will be VERY interesting to try and use. Being part of the closed beta atm, I've been using it already, though stats and such could change it on between now and official release.
Eh, I dunno dude. These aren't 20k hull raptors. We're talking about full blown escorts and cruisers with battle cloak. They're going to be pretty damn strong in PvP.
Not that I object, I'm ok with the Romulans getting battle cloaks. I didn't fly BoPs anyway. I just think you might be underestimating what a battle cloak on a full fledged escort will be capable of. Both the Mogai and T'varo look to be amazingly good PvP ships, and that's even before seeing what their fleet variants look like.
Of course, they will be strong in PvP. After all, they have Battle Cloaks and Singularity powers. The only problem with Romulans is that almost everyone will be going for Plasma energy weapons and Plasma Torpedoes.
And since they've currently noted that players can neither purchase nor claim their $allegiance's tier V ships (down under "Allied Ships"), what ship you're flying is even less of an issue. (Ironically, I think the KDF gets better lower-tier consoles anyway.)
The downside for the Romulans is that they have an almost constant power drain on all systems built into the ship, and not just during cloak, ALWAYS.
Most of the larger ship specs I've seen have a crappy turnrates, so things like ewp would be easy enough to keep them from recloaking. The ship w/a 14 turnrate looks comparable to the KDF Vet ship. Seems reasonable to me all in all.
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
I'm also cool with the Enhanced Battle Cloak on the T5 T'Varo Warbird Retrofit (the 22nd BoP that Rommies use), now there are two factions that can use that power
Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
It was essentially unbeatable - only reason Picard stopped it was because they decided to park in front of the crippled Sov so they could ram her.
I same game balance be damed!! make her able to mop the floor with 2 Mogai and a Sov at the same time.
That would only be important if PVP mattered in STO. Thankfully it doesn't
It will matter when the pvp gets revamped after the expansion goes live. Cryptic wants to make pvp a better and bigger part of the game.
There could also be a self applied, random proc where your character drops defenses (massive defense penalties) against a vulnerable foe to gloat.
That's Star Trek canon, too.
The other problem I have is all of the newer ships they add with universal stations, cloaks, etc are giving up nothing in the way of shield and hulls stats like the KDF ships still do for having those amenities.
Al Rivera hates Klingons
Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
All cloaks should be canon.
Yeah that is why I asked for a small buff to hull for the BOP line as I think it's only fair. If they don't I can see the BOP line for the KDF becoming pretty useless and unused with her turn-rate being the only positive advantage and that means little when a Warbird with a Battlecloak has vastly superior hull with the same cloak you're running.
I think what's really interesting about it all is that somehow a lot of the KDF players have anger issues towards the feds..... feds that are in no way responsible for Cryptic letting the KDF stagnate. Its almost like they're angry and mad at players for NOT wanting to play KDF more, even with better consoles, better doffing, and better cruisers.
While I would not dismiss the upcoming final nail in PvP as FvF finally dies due to too many rogues.. er, cloaking ships I think cloaking (whether battlecloak or the more mundane variety) are a double edged sword in PvE. Every second a ship is cloaked its not doing anything usefull for its group and is the same as if it was dead waiting to respawn. Will we get to a point where people will just say "ahhh man, we got a cloaker... lets hope they don't spend half the STF/FA/etc. cloaked"? Lets hope people cloak responsibly and not suxxors with it!
I only use the cloak for the boost in damage and only do it before and after an engagement. People who stay cloaked all the time are a deal pain. I've had a few Galaxy Dreadnought's doing it in an STF once.
Funny thing is even though I play the KDF the most I mainly use the non-cloaking ships like the Guramba.
Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird
General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
You've touched on a point of irritation.
There are Federation players who would rather have KDF exclusives (the exclusives that keep the factions from being homogenous) added to the Federation, rather than PLAY as KDF. For the longest time, Federation players have complained about their cruisers not having dual cannons, and how they don't have built-in cloaks, and about the several useful consoles the KDF has exclusively.
The Federation has already obtained several KDF exclusives as it is. They got access to carriers. They have a cruiser that can cloak, it's just 'not good enough' for them. They have RETAINED their traditional advantages in STO, that being the edge in escorts and their science ship line, and I don't see them in any hurry to give these advantages to the KDF.
Far too many outspoken Fed players seem to be 'take take take', without a care given to retaining differences between factions, and keeping a semblance of balance PvP-wise. We don't like it when Cryptic listens to these greedy players, and then neglects the KDF as they've done in the past.