Students! We begin offering advanced seminars on April 27th, at 8pm CET/8pm EDT through to April 28th (regular Boot Camp times onwards). Sign up below with which classes you'd like to take!
When picking your classes, please reply to this thread with your choices,
@handle and any special snippets of information you think we should know.
- Mimey's Advanced Cruiser Builds
EST Time zone, 8pm.
Requirements: Tier 5 cruiser with at least a Cmdr and Lt. level Engineering slots. Any other gear and class is accepted. I will also be glad to teach both Fed and KDF players. Teamspeak.
Notes: Class will cover the general usage behind an A2B build, along with how to properly time the usage of Aux to Battery in combat. The class will cover various non-A2B cruiser builds as well.
- BrokenMirror's C Store Console Breakdown (Text Session only).
EST Time zone. 10pm
Requirements: None.
Notes: A mathematical explanation on the advantages and disadvantages of C Store consoles.
- Kolln's Science Debuffer & Healer Breakdown
CET Timezone, 8pm.
Requirements: Students must bring a science vessel that is Tier 4 or better.
Notes: This would cover the sci skills debuffing as well as healing at the same time (so hybrids). Also including, how to make a completely debuffer (disabler, knocker, holder or mixed) or a fully healer from the science ships. Further, how and when the best to use subnuke and other debuffs, and how to combine them for making sure to bring the enemy down.
- Kraven's Target Callers Anonymous
??? Time zone, 8pm.
Requirements: Have the target/Heal target keybinds installed.
Notes: How do we call targets? Who calls them? When do we switch targets, and who the hell is this "Target", and why is he, she or it so popular?
- EmoJoe's History Of Alpha
??? Time zone, 8pm.
Requirements: A tactical bird of prey, of any type. Gear and bridge officers necessary for various "spike solutions" can be attained on the fly.
Notes: An in-depth analysis & explanation focusing on every Klingon's favorite pastime: Alpha Striking. This includes practice on live targets and a crudely drawn crayon map of the most likely places to find potential targets and escape routes.
- Jedinikon's Handy Dandy PvP Shopping List.
EST Time zone, 8pm.
Requirements: The lobes for business.
Notes: Jedi, known millionaire PvP playboy and leading filthy capitalist will take you on a tour of lucrative ways to get your hands on the latest gear and the cash required to pay for them!
- Devoras' Extended Healing & Sci Aggravation Survival Guide
CET Time zone, 8pm.
Requirements: Tier 5+ ship/character.
Notes: A comprehensive explanation on how to be the most aggressive, aggravating and thoroughly effective SciSupport player ever to grace his or her team, maximizing team & solo healing and enemy team de-buffing.
- Reg's Inter-Fleet PVP for New & Established Fleets
Requirements: Pen & notepad/crayons & paper/mud & pre-historic cave wall.
Notes: A rushed, spur of the moment guide to fostering a PVP environment within a fleet, and seeking out the best resources to make it flourish.
- Pax's Premade Pickup Lines
8:30PM EST
Requirements: None.
Notes: So you've gotten into PVP, you've made some friends, you know how to play and you know how they play too. What next? You get into premades of course! Pax is on call to show you how to make good premades, the places to find them, who should be in them, and where to get creams for any nasty rashes incurred!
- Yoda's Sunday Evening Redshirt Survival Class
9pm/10pm EST SUNDAY 28th April.
Requirements: An escort.
Notes: Yoda would like to offer an advanced escort class during the weekend we are holding our other advanced seminars. He cannot, however, make the normal Saturday evening time. So he has graciously offered to teach the class on Sunday evening beginning between 9pm/10pm EDT. Unfotunately, his work schedule does not permit him to be any more specific on the start time.
Unless specially noted, all classes will be held on the
PVP Bootcamp Teamspeak 3 server, please be online 15-30 minutes before your session starts so we can navigate you to the correct classroom and sober up the relevant coaches.
I would like to sign up for EmoJoes session and Broken Mirrors session on Spike vs Sustained and Kravens target calling session.
Have any of you thought about recording these sessions to assemble a DIY aproach for players whom cant make the sessions?
Mimey's Advanced Cruiser Builds, and
Kraven's Target Callers Anonymous
Devoras' Extended Healing & Sci Aggravation Survival Guide
EmoJoe's History Of Alpha
I would like this particular point clarified please, because I'm stupid as buck. Needless to say, I hold interest in this session.
Add: Emoejoe's history of alpha, provided there is no time conflict.
Yoda's Sunday Evening Redshirt Survival Class
Elite Defense Stovokor
* Kraven's Target Callers Anonymous
* Jedinikon's Handy Dandy PvP Shopping List
* Reg's Inter-Fleet PVP for New & Established Fleets
Task Force Spectre Fleet Video
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
C-Store console lesion lasts Approx. 15 to 30 minutes, I highly recommend stopping by, it might affect ur builds for the better.
this one please.
I would like to participate in :
* EmoJoe's History Of Alpha
* Yoda's Sunday Evening Redshirt Survival Class
9pm/10pm EST SUNDAY 28th April.
I would like to sign up for any of the following one's:
Also, for the record, I still have yet to receive my confirmation for having completed the original PVP Boot Camp. I have been in contact with Sargon, who was extremely helpful and kind. However, I just hope that as a result this won't prevent me from attending one or more of the above classes.
BugSpatteredJacket :cool:
EDIT: My @handle is - @bugspatteredjack
These three appeal to me the most. Is it possible to take more than one of them, or might there be text guides if we miss them?
STO Resources: <Ship Comparison - All Tiers + Small Craft + Hangar Pets> <Damage Resistance>
<R&D + Upgrade Costs> <Duty Officer Finder> <Suliban Doff Reqs> <Fleet Costs> <Rep Costs>
<Keybind Tour the Galaxy> <Fleet / Armada Management> <Currency Exchange> <Other STO Links>
[*] EmoeJoe's History Of Alpha
??? Time zone, 8pm.
Requirements: A tactical bird of prey, of any type. Gear and bridge officers necessary for various "spike solutions" can be attained on the fly.
Notes: An in-depth analysis & explanation focusing on every Klingon's favorite pastime: Alpha Striking. This includes practice on live targets and a crudely drawn crayon map of the most likely places to find potential targets and escape routes.
[*] Jedinikon's Handy Dandy PvP Shopping List.
??? Time zone, 8pm.
Requirements: The lobes for business.
Notes: Jedi, known millionaire PvP playboy and leading filthy capitalist will take you on a tour of lucrative ways to get your hands on the latest gear and the cash required to pay for them!
I'm still chasing down people to find out the times, i might move mine back an hour to try and make multiple ones more likely, watch this spot
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
You can take more than one if you show up to both sessions. Not all of the coaches can teach both sessions, which means that one class may be offered at EDT and another at CEST.
I would like to attend all these lectures. Hope that's ok
[*] Kolln's Science Debuffer & Healer Breakdown
CET Timezone, 8pm.[*] Kraven's Target Callers Anonymous
??? Time zone, 8pm.
[*] Jedinikon's Handy Dandy PvP Shopping List.
EST Time zone, 8pm.
[*] Devoras' Extended Healing & Sci Aggravation Survival Guide
??? Time zone, 8pm.
My handle is @iskandus
Archimede - Leader and Founder of "Raiders of Starfleet"
...and 21 other characters!
EmoJoe's History of Alpha
Devoras' Extended Healing & Sci Aggravation Survival Guide
Reg's Inter-fleet PvP for New & Established Fleets
If I had to pick an order,
1st Choice: Reg's
2nd Choice:EmoJoe's
3rd Choice: Devoras
For Being on a saturday, time zone doesnt matter but prefer the EST 8pm time slot
Kolln's Science Debuffer & Healer Breakdown
Kraven's Target Callers Anonymous
Devoras' Extended Healing & Sci Aggravation Survival Guide
Reg's Inter-Fleet PVP for New & Established Fleets
Jedinikon's Handy Dandy PvP Shopping List.
Mr X
I would like to attend to this classes:
Kolln's Science Debuffer & Healer Breakdown
Jedinikon's Handy Dandy PvP Shopping List
Devoras' Extended Healing & Sci Aggravation Survival Guide
Reg's Inter-Fleet PVP for New & Established Fleets
Check back in a week, I'm going to exterminate the Ewoks and make it strike three!
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
Kraven's Target Callers Anonymous
Jedinikon's Handy Dandy PvP Shopping List.
Thx a lot,
Like to sign up,
Is it required to bring a Tactical class, i think other class can also do some nice spike :O
=/\= Fleet Marshal - Lag Industries - PvP/PvE gameplay
Where caution is thrown to the wind, torpedos are thrown at Klingons and the
finger is thrown to anyone trying to put holes in our ships! -Lag Industries-
Kolln's Science Debuffer & Healer Breakdown
CET Timezone, 8pm.
Devoras' Extended Healing & Sci Aggravation Survival Guide
??? Time zone, 8pm.
I am interested in both, well I am interested in the debuff part of them. The time, sadly though, may not work for me.
Never thought my speciality would be so warranted, but since the interest is so demanding ill set a class for this coming saturday 27 april at 8 pm CET.
And yes Reg, ill note myself the ones that have signed up.
PaxOttomana: gawd mirror event is like fighting a tsi premade, they keep comin and comin!
Thanks Reg.
I can also be contacted when I'm online or mailed in game if anyone needs help with anything if anyone can not make it to the session. 1 on 1 practice with maneuvers and arc control helps me focus more on that individuals performance.
See you there (between 9-10pm EST)