Reducing the costs of fleet holdings and starbases: ok, as long as the people who got tons of fleet credits get some sort of compensation. I'd like to see cryptic admitting a mistake but saying "ok we did it wrong, but you did well, here is something for you". That would be a positive change.
An "expected kdf outcry"? Come on, seriously?
And still no word on Romulans flying KDF and Fed ships?
Dan's answer to scimitar was kinda vague... does that mean it will be in the game playable or won't.... But nice interview over all and honestly i think it was a smart game design decision to not split the sto gaming community any more with factions, it just doesn't make sense in the long term. But I would love to see a Romulan starbase as a holding.
@ Daniel Stahl,
Splintering of the player base has already occurred. As a result of pushing everyone into fleets, shutting down the Omega office, establishing fleet bases, and establishing embassies, the population in many locations have drastically declined.
Second, what the heck are you going to do with the ground stfs? During the past three to four weeks, the majority of the players have abandoned "Khitomer", "Infected", Cure", and "Hive". Unless you do something to entice people to play, I do not see how the ground stfs will continue to exist. I waited twenty-five to thirty minutes to play a ground stf.
Did the player population suddenly decline?
Did the push for fleets drastically thin out the population?
Did the majority of the players already complete the Omega rep system?
If there is no population problem, what is scaring people away from the ground stfs?
Over the past three to four weeks, something about the player population had drastically changed.
...During the past three to four weeks, the majority of the players have abandoned [ground STFs]...
My best guess answer for you: When they created the Omega Rep system, they removed the need to do ground STFs to get all the Mk XII gear. Most players generally prefer space combat over ground, and Space STFs are faster/easier. So when you have to grind STFs, people are going to default to whatever gets the job done most efficiently. Hence the popularity of Space STFs.
Combine that with the fact that I bet many players have completed their T5 Omega Force Rep (I have on a handful of toons), and you're going to have fewer players doing Omega at all (though I'd wager there will always be a good audience for STFs since they pay out good Dil (especially when you can convert your Marks/NPs to Dil), at least until something better comes along).
That being said, if you join one of the Public Elite STF chat channels, you should be able to find ground STF players faster than 25-30mins (and they're likely better players than you'll find in most PUGs).
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
@ Daniel Stahl,
Splintering of the player base has already occurred. As a result of pushing everyone into fleets, shutting down the Omega office, establishing fleet bases, and establishing embassies, the population in many locations have drastically declined.
Second, what the heck are you going to do with the ground stfs? During the past three to four weeks, the majority of the players have abandoned "Khitomer", "Infected", Cure", and "Hive". Unless you do something to entice people to play, I do not see how the ground stfs will continue to exist. I waited twenty-five to thirty minutes to play a ground stf.
Did the player population suddenly decline?
Did the push for fleets drastically thin out the population?
Did the majority of the players already complete the Omega rep system?
If there is no population problem, what is scaring people away from the ground stfs?
Over the past three to four weeks, something about the player population had drastically changed.
Did people burnout from the grinding?
Did players shift their way of playing?
What is going on here?
You don't get it. He doesn't want people to play in empty factions where people feel lonely. When you go to ESD you don't. Sometimes, on qonos, you do.
I could agree with Riker being the voice of the Federation.
Personally, my preference there, as I tend to say on these forums, is to have a Riker ECH who's married to Minuet.
I imagine CBS will be really dodgy regarding what you can or can't say about Riker's fate but having a Riker ECH married to Minuet lets you pick up a TNG subplot at least and deal with the state of the photonics and artificial life in the Federation, which is in many ways one of the core Federation storylines.
Plus, I've seen Frakes play old men and I think he's more fun playing a character who's quick on his feet and witty. And I think we've seen plenty of bad tempered holograms. It would be humanizing to see one who's got a bit of Riker's sense of humor.
And still no word on Romulans flying KDF and Fed ships?
The word still is, "they'll be able to." Why would you expect a change to that announced policy?
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
If there is no population problem, what is scaring people away from the ground stfs?
In my case, I'm not scared away from ground stfs. I'm scared about ground in general, as sometimes the game just freezes (and brings the entire computer with it, forcing a reboot) then (it sometimes happens while in exploration clusters, but it's less common - and of course, people are more like to be pissed at me for leaving without warning if I'm doing an stf). Well, on my laptop, at least, but since my laptop is the only computer I have daily rather than semi-monthly access to...
Name one fist-fight that Archer won. Name one that Kirk lost.
I know, right? Maybe it's because Archer never bothered to show up at the MACOs' training sessions in "Harbinger".
EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it Archer won against Dolim in "Zero Hour" and Kuroda in "Canamar". Still can't think of any that Kirk lost, though.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
I could agree with Riker being the voice of the Federation.
Personally, my preference there, as I tend to say on these forums, is to have a Riker ECH who's married to Minuet.
I imagine CBS will be really dodgy regarding what you can or can't say about Riker's fate but having a Riker ECH married to Minuet lets you pick up a TNG subplot at least and deal with the state of the photonics and artificial life in the Federation, which is in many ways one of the core Federation storylines.
Plus, I've seen Frakes play old men and I think he's more fun playing a character who's quick on his feet and witty. And I think we've seen plenty of bad tempered holograms. It would be humanizing to see one who's got a bit of Riker's sense of humor.
Bit of canon lore here;
Minuet was a hologram created by the Bynars, and was only seen in 1 episode (11011001), never to be seen again. Riker even mentioned within the episode that he tried conjuring up Minuet again repeatedly, with no luck. A "Riker ECH" doesn't make much sense, since ADMIRAL Riker would still be alive and well in 2409. I'd picture him still in command of HIS ship, the USS Titan, possibly retrofitted using a 2409-style (Type 6) on the Luna Class.
And barring that, i'd bring in Admiral Riker (and Jonathan Frakes), to replace Admiral Quinn at Earth Spacedock. Quinn is after all the first non-holographic superior officer you have during your storyline. Would make sense to use a familiar face/voice for the person you are most likely to see repeatedly during your career progression (at rank promotions etc).
Archer won against the Xindi general....Kirk lost to the Gorn when it came to fist fightin, oh and Spock.
Archer also won, against a VULCAN, on THEIR homeworld. Despite the fact that Vulcans have atleast 10 times the strength of a Human. And the fact that the planet has a much thinner atmosphere than we have on Earth. One could argue, he won because of Surak knowledge (his Katra) in Archers mind. But in that particular episode, i'd blame it on poor writing.
Second, what the heck are you going to do with the ground stfs? During the past three to four weeks, the majority of the players have abandoned "Khitomer", "Infected", Cure", and "Hive". Unless you do something to entice people to play, I do not see how the ground stfs will continue to exist. I waited twenty-five to thirty minutes to play a ground stf.
Did the player population suddenly decline?
Did the push for fleets drastically thin out the population?
Did the majority of the players already complete the Omega rep system?
If there is no population problem, what is scaring people away from the ground stfs?
Over the past three to four weeks, something about the player population had drastically changed.
Did people burnout from the grinding?
Did players shift their way of playing?
What is going on here?
I love ground combat, but I loathe the ground STFs.
First off, whatshisface the klingon dude is the only boss in the game that regularly requires a group to cheese-kill him by using two players with snipers inside the combat zone and the rest of the team outside it rezzing the snipers. It is an absolutely patheticly designed fight. Some teams can obliterate him easily and the vast majority either give up and fail or cheese him. There are no bosses in space that have remotely the level of difficulty as him or the queen in hive. And in all cases the ground boss is more difficult than the space equivalent. Largely this is because ground all characters are extremely squishy and low damage whereas escorts are nearly tanks and deal stupidly high damage (high and low purely in comparison to boss total hit points, not compared to other characters/ships).
Secondly, all of the ground combats take longer than their space counterparts, are significantly more complicated, require coordination and tactics (unlike space which just requires enough damage), and have much more survivable enemies compared to the damage available.
Third, the rewards suck gorn genitalia. Sure the dilithium and marks are officially equal, but 60 marks in 10 minutes for space with a realistic chance for the 15 bonus for optional, or 60 marks in 25 minutes ground with virtually zero chance for the 15 bonus optional... this is a problem. Then all the vendor trash sells for 1/10 the price of space vendor trash. This is also a problem.
Net result: Ground missions are less fun, take longer, and are more likely to fail. After suffering through all of that, you get a smaller reward. And there is ANYONE who can't figure out why people are avoiding them?
Once again, I say this as someone who LOVES and PREFERS ground combat over space. The STF Ground missions are horrible compared to their space equivalents.
Archer also won, against a VULCAN, on THEIR homeworld. Despite the fact that Vulcans have atleast 10 times the strength of a Human. And the fact that the planet has a much thinner atmosphere than we have on Earth. One could argue, he won because of Surak knowledge (his Katra) in Archers mind. But in that particular episode, i'd blame it on poor writing.
Technically he was Romulan....but pretty much agree.
Secondly, all of the ground combats take longer than their space counterparts, are significantly more complicated, require coordination and tactics (unlike space which just requires enough damage), and have much more survivable enemies compared to the damage available.
I'd like to tack on that Borg Adaptation and Remodulation is one of the most annoying mechanics I've ever had to endure in a computer game.
Minuet was a hologram created by the Bynars, and was only seen in 1 episode (11011001), never to be seen again. Riker even mentioned within the episode that he tried conjuring up Minuet again repeatedly, with no luck. A "Riker ECH" doesn't make much sense, since ADMIRAL Riker would still be alive and well in 2409. I'd picture him still in command of HIS ship, the USS Titan, possibly retrofitted using a 2409-style (Type 6) on the Luna Class.
And barring that, i'd bring in Admiral Riker (and Jonathan Frakes), to replace Admiral Quinn at Earth Spacedock. Quinn is after all the first non-holographic superior officer you have during your storyline. Would make sense to use a familiar face/voice for the person you are most likely to see repeatedly during your career progression (at rank promotions etc).
Archer also won, against a VULCAN, on THEIR homeworld. Despite the fact that Vulcans have atleast 10 times the strength of a Human. And the fact that the planet has a much thinner atmosphere than we have on Earth. One could argue, he won because of Surak knowledge (his Katra) in Archers mind. But in that particular episode, i'd blame it on poor writing.
Minuet was mentioned again in Future Imperfect. I think with sentient holograms being a hot topic and Moriarty now running around with a mobile emitter in game lore, Minuet being out there works. Maybe Barash is sharing tech with the Soong Foundation or something like that to produce more sophisticated holograms.
As for the plausibility of a Riker ECH, the original EMH was modeled heavily on Zimmerman and hinted at having various real officers' personalities, including McCoy. Then when the LMH was planned, they were going to model them on Bashir. He was disqualified after it was learned that he was an augment but the plan was presumably to model them on real people. I think Riker is probably the ideal "career soldier" to model an ECH or even an LCH on.
I would certainly not rule out having Admiral Riker in the game as well but CBS has been known to say that Crotic can't develop certain canon characters. That's ultimately why the full fate of the 1701-E was left a mystery, because CBS didn't want it addressed.
Even if they allowed Admiral Riker in the game, they probably would be wary about Cryptic doing much with him that develops his personality or backstory.
So you could always have Admiral Riker around as a figurehead replacing Quinn but while you've got Frakes in the studio, have him double up as a Riker ECH or LCH that you can push out some more dramatic missions with since CBS would probably be averse to letting Riker DO much or say much about his past between Nemesis and now. Riker LCH could have some meaty stuff like getting involved in Section 31 or having a vendetta against an officer under his command or taking sides in the Obisek/Reman stuff or even just being a drinking buddy of Shon's.
Third, the rewards suck gorn genitalia. Sure the dilithium and marks are officially equal, but 60 marks in 10 minutes for space with a realistic chance for the 15 bonus for optional, or 60 marks in 25 minutes ground with virtually zero chance for the 15 bonus optional... this is a problem. Then all the vendor trash sells for 1/10 the price of space vendor trash. This is also a problem.
You do realize ground has a higher base mark reward right? It's like 90 compared to the standard 60 for space.
I'd like to tack on that Borg Adaptation and Remodulation is one of the most annoying mechanics I've ever had to endure in a computer game.
I understand it's canon, but it's also not fun.
Oh, c'mon, it's like reloading in 90% of other games, you can basically negate it with skilled play and character building, and it turns the Borg into a pressure enemy. Constantly advancing, being picked off one at a time, but pushing you back gradually, encouraging you to duck around corners long enough to remodulate. I get a kick out of fighting the borg, because ou have to approach them differently from every other enemy in the game.
A Klingon is a Romulan is a Gorn is a Naussican is a Mirror Fed is a blah blah blah, but when I'm fighting the Borg, I feel it.
@ Daniel Stahl,
Splintering of the player base has already occurred. As a result of pushing everyone into fleets, shutting down the Omega office, establishing fleet bases, and establishing embassies, the population in many locations have drastically declined.
Second, what the heck are you going to do with the ground stfs? During the past three to four weeks, the majority of the players have abandoned "Khitomer", "Infected", Cure", and "Hive". Unless you do something to entice people to play, I do not see how the ground stfs will continue to exist. I waited twenty-five to thirty minutes to play a ground stf.
Did the player population suddenly decline?
Did the push for fleets drastically thin out the population?
Did the majority of the players already complete the Omega rep system?
If there is no population problem, what is scaring people away from the ground stfs?
Over the past three to four weeks, something about the player population had drastically changed.
Did people burnout from the grinding?
Did players shift their way of playing?
What is going on here?
I don't think it's a population problem at all. There's plenty of people all over the place getting space STFs to pop in seconds. The reason is because ground combat as well as ground STFs suck.
Personally speaking, the only reason I ever ran ground STFs was for the Mk XII stuffs. Now that I can get that from the rep system without ever touching a ground STF again, I can just run space to get it. You won't ever find me in a ground STF again until either ground combat is redone to actually be fun or the ground STFs are redone to be more fun. Or both. Preferably both, actually.
0 Romulan goodies are probably being added to the Foundry. Someone should show Dstahl this "list."
PS. Kirk v. Archer
Name one fist-fight that Archer won. Name one that Kirk lost.
Kirk was demolished by Spock in several timelines. In the term fist fight, he had to resort to a massive wrench to beat Khan and a home made cannon to bring down the Gorn.
Archer did take a lot of tail kickings, but when Archer got serious, he didn't worry about it. Why fist fight when you can stick a mine to your opponent and call it a day?
And he did help beat down those Vulcan guards. Although that was easy to miss in the stylish TRIBBLE$ kickings that T'Pau was handing out.
Well mirror archer won a fist fight with a gorn. I was there I saw it happen :P
though if it was me I would of just shot it while it was throwing that mirror maco into the pipes.
Archer in general was shown to be very smart in combat when he was actually allowed to win. That Mirror Archer fight with the Gorn was simply brilliant, and I'm surprised it's not used more. In fact gravity plating manipulation should be a standard way to neutralize boarding parties.
Oh, c'mon, it's like reloading in 90% of other games, you can basically negate it with skilled play and character building, and it turns the Borg into a pressure enemy. Constantly advancing, being picked off one at a time, but pushing you back gradually, encouraging you to duck around corners long enough to remodulate. I get a kick out of fighting the borg, because ou have to approach them differently from every other enemy in the game.
A Klingon is a Romulan is a Gorn is a Naussican is a Mirror Fed is a blah blah blah, but when I'm fighting the Borg, I feel it.
The remodulating dynamic is perfect. It's true to the IP as well as being true to the technological advancement.
The only time I ever find it to be an issue is if there is a lagging issue and the remod misses it's cue.
But this is correct, that's what it's supposed to be like facing the Borg. Zombies that occasionally become completely immune to your guns.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
I really don't understand how people can say that ground takes a long time. Every time I run the Khitomer Ground Elite, I'm done either before the optional is over or very close to it. So that's less than 15 minutes a run.
The other two take longer, but if you're going for speed, you do Khitomer ground.
Some would see the difficulty of the ground STFs as good...others as extreme.
I haven't been able to get the ground accolades for Khitomer or Infected yet. I know Khitomer is doable.
Infected though? I have very little confidence as I don't know anyone who runs ground enough.
The issue with that mission from an in story is that it requires a level of planning to succeed that you wouldn't expect in a fire team going in blind. In a PUG with people rushing through it's just impossible to get the save (the crew be assimilated). I find it a little weird that in order to be successful in that mission even on normal difficulty, you have to plan in advance and basically know the course inside and out and have perfect timing to have a chance- at the optional. It's quite beatable, but the optional in that particular STF stands head and shoulders above every other one. I'll play Ground STFs just for the accolades and the accomplishment, so I kind of want to beat it as it is right now, but it feels a little off.
Maybe I just need to run it with a great ground team to Demystify it, I don't know.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
I really don't understand how people can say that ground takes a long time. Every time I run the Khitomer Ground Elite, I'm done either before the optional is over or very close to it. So that's less than 15 minutes a run.
The other two take longer, but if you're going for speed, you do Khitomer ground.
Yeah, I saw several general STO threads in that section, but nothing that tells me "Hey, here's info from the interview!"
Which mission is that?
Agreed with the KAGE thing. It's the best source of dilithium, if you're only looking at STFs.
Precisely what I mean. I found some of the things when I searched for "STOked" - found the official thread.
I would presume it is one of the missions coming in LoR.
Some would see the difficulty of the ground STFs as good...others as extreme.
I haven't been able to get the ground accolades for Khitomer or Infected yet. I know Khitomer is doable.
Infected though? I have very little confidence as I don't know anyone who runs ground enough.
The issue with that mission from an in story is that it requires a level of planning to succeed that you wouldn't expect in a fire team going in blind. In a PUG with people rushing through it's just impossible to get the save (the crew be assimilated). I find it a little weird that in order to be successful in that mission even on normal difficulty, you have to plan in advance and basically know the course inside and out and have perfect timing to have a chance- at the optional. It's quite beatable, but the optional in that particular STF stands head and shoulders above every other one. I'll play Ground STFs just for the accolades and the accomplishment, so I kind of want to beat it as it is right now, but it feels a little off.
Maybe I just need to run it with a great ground team to Demystify it, I don't know.
I regularly get the optional in any STF when running with a team from EliteSTF. Unfortunately, it's been a private channel for some time now - shortly after I got into it. Lucky me. :cool:
Then again, I never see anybody hosting Into the Hive or Hive Onslaught. Don't think I ever did those outside of S7 testing.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
the STO discussion subforum has a thread that has some of what was talked about summarized.
An "expected kdf outcry"? Come on, seriously?
And still no word on Romulans flying KDF and Fed ships?
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
Splintering of the player base has already occurred. As a result of pushing everyone into fleets, shutting down the Omega office, establishing fleet bases, and establishing embassies, the population in many locations have drastically declined.
Second, what the heck are you going to do with the ground stfs? During the past three to four weeks, the majority of the players have abandoned "Khitomer", "Infected", Cure", and "Hive". Unless you do something to entice people to play, I do not see how the ground stfs will continue to exist. I waited twenty-five to thirty minutes to play a ground stf.
Did the player population suddenly decline?
Did the push for fleets drastically thin out the population?
Did the majority of the players already complete the Omega rep system?
If there is no population problem, what is scaring people away from the ground stfs?
Over the past three to four weeks, something about the player population had drastically changed.
Did people burnout from the grinding?
Did players shift their way of playing?
What is going on here?
Combine that with the fact that I bet many players have completed their T5 Omega Force Rep (I have on a handful of toons), and you're going to have fewer players doing Omega at all (though I'd wager there will always be a good audience for STFs since they pay out good Dil (especially when you can convert your Marks/NPs to Dil), at least until something better comes along).
That being said, if you join one of the Public Elite STF chat channels, you should be able to find ground STF players faster than 25-30mins (and they're likely better players than you'll find in most PUGs).
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
You don't get it. He doesn't want people to play in empty factions where people feel lonely. When you go to ESD you don't. Sometimes, on qonos, you do.
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
Personally, my preference there, as I tend to say on these forums, is to have a Riker ECH who's married to Minuet.
I imagine CBS will be really dodgy regarding what you can or can't say about Riker's fate but having a Riker ECH married to Minuet lets you pick up a TNG subplot at least and deal with the state of the photonics and artificial life in the Federation, which is in many ways one of the core Federation storylines.
Plus, I've seen Frakes play old men and I think he's more fun playing a character who's quick on his feet and witty. And I think we've seen plenty of bad tempered holograms. It would be humanizing to see one who's got a bit of Riker's sense of humor.
I don't think so.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
Original Name: -Gen-Alaris
Days Subscribed: 1211 (As of May 26, 2013)
The word still is, "they'll be able to." Why would you expect a change to that announced policy?
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
PS. Kirk v. Archer
Name one fist-fight that Archer won. Name one that Kirk lost.
I know, right? Maybe it's because Archer never bothered to show up at the MACOs' training sessions in "Harbinger".
EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it Archer won against Dolim in "Zero Hour" and Kuroda in "Canamar". Still can't think of any that Kirk lost, though.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
Archer won against the Xindi general....Kirk lost to the Gorn when it came to fist fightin, oh and Spock.
Bit of canon lore here;
Minuet was a hologram created by the Bynars, and was only seen in 1 episode (11011001), never to be seen again. Riker even mentioned within the episode that he tried conjuring up Minuet again repeatedly, with no luck. A "Riker ECH" doesn't make much sense, since ADMIRAL Riker would still be alive and well in 2409. I'd picture him still in command of HIS ship, the USS Titan, possibly retrofitted using a 2409-style (Type 6) on the Luna Class.
And barring that, i'd bring in Admiral Riker (and Jonathan Frakes), to replace Admiral Quinn at Earth Spacedock. Quinn is after all the first non-holographic superior officer you have during your storyline. Would make sense to use a familiar face/voice for the person you are most likely to see repeatedly during your career progression (at rank promotions etc).
Archer also won, against a VULCAN, on THEIR homeworld. Despite the fact that Vulcans have atleast 10 times the strength of a Human. And the fact that the planet has a much thinner atmosphere than we have on Earth. One could argue, he won because of Surak knowledge (his Katra) in Archers mind. But in that particular episode, i'd blame it on poor writing.
First off, whatshisface the klingon dude is the only boss in the game that regularly requires a group to cheese-kill him by using two players with snipers inside the combat zone and the rest of the team outside it rezzing the snipers. It is an absolutely patheticly designed fight. Some teams can obliterate him easily and the vast majority either give up and fail or cheese him. There are no bosses in space that have remotely the level of difficulty as him or the queen in hive. And in all cases the ground boss is more difficult than the space equivalent. Largely this is because ground all characters are extremely squishy and low damage whereas escorts are nearly tanks and deal stupidly high damage (high and low purely in comparison to boss total hit points, not compared to other characters/ships).
Secondly, all of the ground combats take longer than their space counterparts, are significantly more complicated, require coordination and tactics (unlike space which just requires enough damage), and have much more survivable enemies compared to the damage available.
Third, the rewards suck gorn genitalia. Sure the dilithium and marks are officially equal, but 60 marks in 10 minutes for space with a realistic chance for the 15 bonus for optional, or 60 marks in 25 minutes ground with virtually zero chance for the 15 bonus optional... this is a problem. Then all the vendor trash sells for 1/10 the price of space vendor trash. This is also a problem.
Net result: Ground missions are less fun, take longer, and are more likely to fail. After suffering through all of that, you get a smaller reward. And there is ANYONE who can't figure out why people are avoiding them?
Once again, I say this as someone who LOVES and PREFERS ground combat over space. The STF Ground missions are horrible compared to their space equivalents.
Technically he was Romulan....but pretty much agree.
I'd like to tack on that Borg Adaptation and Remodulation is one of the most annoying mechanics I've ever had to endure in a computer game.
I understand it's canon, but it's also not fun.
Minuet was mentioned again in Future Imperfect. I think with sentient holograms being a hot topic and Moriarty now running around with a mobile emitter in game lore, Minuet being out there works. Maybe Barash is sharing tech with the Soong Foundation or something like that to produce more sophisticated holograms.
As for the plausibility of a Riker ECH, the original EMH was modeled heavily on Zimmerman and hinted at having various real officers' personalities, including McCoy. Then when the LMH was planned, they were going to model them on Bashir. He was disqualified after it was learned that he was an augment but the plan was presumably to model them on real people. I think Riker is probably the ideal "career soldier" to model an ECH or even an LCH on.
I would certainly not rule out having Admiral Riker in the game as well but CBS has been known to say that Crotic can't develop certain canon characters. That's ultimately why the full fate of the 1701-E was left a mystery, because CBS didn't want it addressed.
Even if they allowed Admiral Riker in the game, they probably would be wary about Cryptic doing much with him that develops his personality or backstory.
So you could always have Admiral Riker around as a figurehead replacing Quinn but while you've got Frakes in the studio, have him double up as a Riker ECH or LCH that you can push out some more dramatic missions with since CBS would probably be averse to letting Riker DO much or say much about his past between Nemesis and now. Riker LCH could have some meaty stuff like getting involved in Section 31 or having a vendetta against an officer under his command or taking sides in the Obisek/Reman stuff or even just being a drinking buddy of Shon's.
You do realize ground has a higher base mark reward right? It's like 90 compared to the standard 60 for space.
Well mirror archer won a fist fight with a gorn. I was there I saw it happen :P
though if it was me I would of just shot it while it was throwing that mirror maco into the pipes.
Oh, c'mon, it's like reloading in 90% of other games, you can basically negate it with skilled play and character building, and it turns the Borg into a pressure enemy. Constantly advancing, being picked off one at a time, but pushing you back gradually, encouraging you to duck around corners long enough to remodulate. I get a kick out of fighting the borg, because ou have to approach them differently from every other enemy in the game.
A Klingon is a Romulan is a Gorn is a Naussican is a Mirror Fed is a blah blah blah, but when I'm fighting the Borg, I feel it.
I don't think it's a population problem at all. There's plenty of people all over the place getting space STFs to pop in seconds. The reason is because ground combat as well as ground STFs suck.
Personally speaking, the only reason I ever ran ground STFs was for the Mk XII stuffs. Now that I can get that from the rep system without ever touching a ground STF again, I can just run space to get it. You won't ever find me in a ground STF again until either ground combat is redone to actually be fun or the ground STFs are redone to be more fun. Or both. Preferably both, actually.
Mine Trap Supporter
Archer did take a lot of tail kickings, but when Archer got serious, he didn't worry about it. Why fist fight when you can stick a mine to your opponent and call it a day?
And he did help beat down those Vulcan guards. Although that was easy to miss in the stylish TRIBBLE$ kickings that T'Pau was handing out. No it was a Vulcan. They only showed one Romulan on Vulcan. As per canon, no human ever laid eyes on a Romulan in Enterprise.
Archer in general was shown to be very smart in combat when he was actually allowed to win. That Mirror Archer fight with the Gorn was simply brilliant, and I'm surprised it's not used more. In fact gravity plating manipulation should be a standard way to neutralize boarding parties.
The remodulating dynamic is perfect. It's true to the IP as well as being true to the technological advancement.
The only time I ever find it to be an issue is if there is a lagging issue and the remod misses it's cue.
But this is correct, that's what it's supposed to be like facing the Borg. Zombies that occasionally become completely immune to your guns.
The other two take longer, but if you're going for speed, you do Khitomer ground.
Yeah, I saw several general STO threads in that section, but nothing that tells me "Hey, here's info from the interview!"
Which mission is that?
I haven't been able to get the ground accolades for Khitomer or Infected yet. I know Khitomer is doable.
Infected though? I have very little confidence as I don't know anyone who runs ground enough.
The issue with that mission from an in story is that it requires a level of planning to succeed that you wouldn't expect in a fire team going in blind. In a PUG with people rushing through it's just impossible to get the save (the crew be assimilated). I find it a little weird that in order to be successful in that mission even on normal difficulty, you have to plan in advance and basically know the course inside and out and have perfect timing to have a chance- at the optional. It's quite beatable, but the optional in that particular STF stands head and shoulders above every other one. I'll play Ground STFs just for the accolades and the accomplishment, so I kind of want to beat it as it is right now, but it feels a little off.
Maybe I just need to run it with a great ground team to Demystify it, I don't know.
Agreed with the KAGE thing. It's the best source of dilithium, if you're only looking at STFs.
Precisely what I mean. I found some of the things when I searched for "STOked" - found the official thread.
I would presume it is one of the missions coming in LoR.
I regularly get the optional in any STF when running with a team from EliteSTF. Unfortunately, it's been a private channel for some time now - shortly after I got into it. Lucky me. :cool:
Then again, I never see anybody hosting Into the Hive or Hive Onslaught. Don't think I ever did those outside of S7 testing.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.