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Official Trait Revamp Feedback Thread



  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Since the moderators have not merged the other threads, I am posting an edited version of my comments from the earlier threads.


    Grace Under Fire: This trait seems strong. The 90-second interval between resets may have to be adjusted for balance.

    EPS Manifold Efficiency: Increased power does an engineer no good if he can't make effective use of it. Change this trait to temporarily remove the 125 power cap on activation of a battery.

    Nanomolecular Architect: This trait is not good for engineers who don't specialize in turrets and drones. For example, some engineers prefer demolitions. A less spec-dependent trait would buff the damage all offensive engineer fabrications: turrets, mortars, drones, mines, and bombs.

    Shield Harmonic Resonance: What is the proc rate and duration of this? It's strength cannot be evaluated without knowing these numbers.


    Photonic Capacitor: The pets spawned by Photonic Fleet are too weak to be of much use even with the reduced cooldown. I suggest that this be replaced with Enhanced Sensor Scan: Sensor Scan grants a small shield resistance debuff in addition to its hull resistance debuff.

    Conservation of Energy: This trait is not good for science officers who don't specialize in particle generators. A less spec-dependent trait would buff all non-defensive science skills: flow capacitors, graviton generators, particle generators, countermeasure systems, and subspace decompiler. I'm not sure about starship sensors, since that increases your ability to detect cloaked enemies in addition to increasing your resistance to confuse and placate effects. However, I don't think it will be overpowered to buff starship sensors as well.

    Medical Vanguard: I think shield tanking abilities should be left to engineers. Instead, grant medical heals a small damage resistance bonus to health or a resistance bonus to confuse, placate, and knockback abilities.

    Field Researcher: How long does the effect last? Is it actually a damage bonus to self or is it a damage resistance debuff that benefits all allies?


    Last Ditch Effort: As others have already stated, it is not a good idea to increase the survivability of tactical officers. Remove the new 50% hull restriction on Go Down Fighting. Instead, give Go Down Fighting a small damage buff when the hull goes below 50%. This buff should not be too large, since the damage of Go Down Fighting already increases as hull decreases.

    Crippling Fire: It is not a good idea to make the [Acc] modifier even more desirable, nor is it a good idea to make this ability apply on critical hits. There is a lot of equipment and passives that increase critical chance and apply special effects critical hits. It is not a good idea to buff critical hits even further. Instead, change this trait to Precision Targeting: weapons fire has a small chance to increase the user's accuracy by a small amount.

    Strike Team Specialist: I feel that crit stacking in this game is getting out of hand. Change this to something else.

    Situational Awareness: A guaranteed expose of 7 seconds is too strong. Change the trait so that grenades only have a moderate chance of exposing the target and reduce the duration.
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Update! You can now get free respecs on Drozana station. There is a console called "Test Special Items" that the you can use to get all the free respecs you want. Please use them to test out different builds, traits, etc, and please leave your feedback!

    Giving tribble respecs is great, that is needed thanks. What kind of feed back? Are you even interested in hearing balance feedback, or is this one of the many times where feedback = does it crash the game or not.

    Do you even attempt to make this balanced for PvP and PvE or is it, rule of cool tac. vs. tac cube trumps all?

    I mean we have been over this many times before. What kind of feedback do you want, or just save us all the trouble.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    frtoaster wrote: »
    Since the moderators have not merged the other threads, I am posting an edited version of my comments from the earlier threads.


    Grace Under Fire: This trait seems strong. The 90-second interval between resets may have to be adjusted for balance.

    EPS Manifold Efficiency: Increased power does an engineer no good if he can't make effective use of it. Change this trait to temporarily remove the 125 power cap on activation of a battery.

    Nanomolecular Architect: This trait is not good for engineers who don't specialize in turrets and drones. For example, some engineers prefer demolitions. A less spec-dependent trait would buff the damage all offensive engineer fabrications: turrets, mortars, drones, mines, and bombs.

    Shield Harmonic Resonance: What is the proc rate and duration of this? It's strength cannot be evaluated without knowing these numbers.


    Photonic Capacitor: The pets spawned by Photonic Fleet are too weak to be of much use even with the reduced cooldown. I suggest that this be replaced with Enhanced Sensor Scan: Sensor Scan grants a small shield resistance debuff in addition to its hull resistance debuff.

    Conservation of Energy: This trait is not good for science officers who don't specialize in particle generators. A less spec-dependent trait would buff all non-defensive science skills: flow capacitors, graviton generators, particle generators, countermeasure systems, and subspace decompiler. I'm not sure about starship sensors, since that increases your ability to detect cloaked enemies in addition to increasing your resistance to confuse and placate effects. However, I don't think it will be overpowered to buff starship sensors as well.

    Medical Vanguard: I think shield tanking abilities should be left to engineers. Instead, grant medical heals a small damage resistance bonus to health or a resistance bonus to confuse, placate, and knockback abilities.

    Field Researcher: How long does the effect last? Is it actually a damage bonus to self or is it a damage resistance debuff that benefits all allies?


    Last Ditch Effort: As others have already stated, it is not a good idea to increase the survivability of tactical officers. Remove the new 50% hull restriction on Go Down Fighting. Instead, give Go Down Fighting a small damage buff when the hull goes below 50%. This buff should not be too large, since the damage of Go Down Fighting already increases as hull decreases.

    Crippling Fire: It is not a good idea to make the [Acc] modifier even more desirable, nor is it a good idea to make this ability apply on critical hits. There is a lot of equipment and passives that increase critical chance and apply special effects critical hits. It is not a good idea to buff critical hits even further. Instead, change this trait to Precision Targeting: weapons fire has a small chance to increase the user's accuracy by a small amount.

    Strike Team Specialist: I feel that crit stacking in this game is getting out of hand. Change this to something else.

    Situational Awareness: A guaranteed expose of 7 seconds is too strong. Change the trait so that grenades only have a moderate chance of exposing the target and reduce the duration.

    I agree in most of the stuff.

    But I like Situational Awareness. A guaranteed expose of 7 second is just what i want against the borgs in elite stfs.
    However.... it could be less effective against players. That would not impact PVE badly.

    Strike team specialist
    : Again, this is good for PVE. Maybe reduce effectiveness against players?

    Crippling fire: This seems like another tanky stuff. I would change accuracy reduction to something else.... damage resistance debuff, or buffing the user's damage or critical chance. But something that reduces the enemy's accuracy would be a good engineer trait.

    Go down Fighting: Agreed. Remove the 50% hull health restriction, and instead of the damage resistance, add perhaps a critical hit chance bonus.

    Field researcher : sounds good. I'll need to test this, but as a fan of lighting enemies on fire, I am intrigued.

    Medical vanguard
    : I'm not sure on this one... but it does look useful.

    Photonic capacitator : Yeah, the spawned npcs are just too weak. Would be useful if the pets were tougher.

    Conservation of Energy : Sounds good, but then again it is specific. I can see why some would consider this less then useful.

    Grace Under Fire : I like this one. Good for tanking elite bosses.

    EPS Manifold Efficiency
    : Unless you got the red matter capacitator... this is not really that useful.

    Nanomolecular Architect : agreed, too specific.

    Shield Harmonic Resonance : this sounds good, thought it can only resist one energy type. That may be a trouble if people are shooting you with lets say, two energy type.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Some of the species traits need better descriptions. The description for the human trait is missing stats for the bonuses to hull repair, subsystem repair, and exploit damage. The description for the Vulcan trait is missing stats for the bonuses to psionic damage resistance, confuse resistance, and placate resistance. Complete stats should be given for all traits; this includes clickable powers.

    The description for the new Vulcan trait says that I should have a new clickable power called "Mental Discipline". I cannot find Mental Discipline in my list of powers. I still have the powers Mind Meld and Nerve Pinch, but I don't seem to have the traits for those anymore. Also, does the Vulcan trait have the same resistance values as Mental Discipline? Note that Logical has higher resistance values than Mental Discipline on Holodeck. This is what I see on Holodeck:

    +30 Psionic Damage Resistance Rating
    +30 Confuse Resistance Rating
    +30 Placate Resistance Rating

    Mental Discipline
    +15 Psionic Damage Resistance Rating
    +20 Confuse Resistance Rating
    +20 Placate Resistance Rating
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • latinumbarlatinumbar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I have no option for Grace under Fire trait. It does not give it as an option to activate.

    I am an engineer, liberated borg. Bug?
    Come join the 44th Fleet.
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2013
    Random ideas for new traits:

    Tactical Space.

    Coordinated Fire-Control Systems: When inflicting [all energy damage] to a target, x% chance/15 seconds to apply +y% crit chance, +z% crit severity with kinetic weapons.

    Finessed Targeting: Gain an additional effect depending on Target Subsystems power used.

    Target Weapons: Inflict a -x% debuff to target's tactical skills that boost damage.
    Target Shields: Slow target's shield redistribution for X seconds.
    Target Engines: Engines drain other subsystems power when at 0/in reverse for X seconds.
    Target Aux: Life Support Failure: Inflict +x% crew damage.

    Shaped Kinetic Charges: Reduce the self-damaging effect of your heavy torpedoes/mines from detonating them while within the blast radius.

    Enhanced Target Tracking: When you use Cannon Scatter Volley or Torpedo Spread Volley, you affect one additional target.

    Science Space:

    Spatial Warheads. You have a x% chance to generate a gravity well when you crit with a heavy torpedo.

    Enhanced Targeting Array: Reduce the cooldown on subsystem targeting abilities on science ships you captain.

    Decoy Master: When you use Photonic Fleet, enemies in the area of effect are confused for x seconds.

    Improved Scattering Field: When you use scattering field, enemies cannot use ____ team abilities on their allies within the radius.

    Engineer Space:

    Improved Fabrication Techniques: Your space pets (Fighters, heavy torps, MVAM sections, saucer sections, turrets) gain a +x% boost to defense, and a +y% bonus to HP.

    Enhanced Transporter Relays: When you use a _____ team ability on an ally, you gain a reduced effectiveness version of that effect.

    Enriched Plasma Intermix: Gain +x% to starship engine performance, and a +y% boost to particle generators.

    Nadion Inversion field: When you use Nadion Inversion, allies within 5km gain +x% to power drain resistance.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Those are some good ideas.... though nadion inversion does need a boost. Perhaps 10% energy damage for 15 seconds?
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Trait Rebalancing: A number of existing traits were too situational or too inconsequential compared to other choices.
    • These traits have either been given additional functionality or have had their magnitude increased to make all traits competitive choices.

    My initial feedback is that I think a lot of the racial traits need another balance pass.

    Several races have had multiple traits combined into a single, mega-trait.

    Some of these mega-traits seem to outclass other similar racial traits.

    I understand you wanted to balance Aliens vs. Standard races, but perhaps add a few Alien only traits to choose from?

    It's not the biggest deal, but for the longest time the standard races have been, quite frankly, pretty bad from a performance and balance perspective.

    Alien Flexibility advantage has been reduced pretty heavily now with 8 traits available to all, with races having single mega-traits with multiple benefits.

    I think a lot fewer players would ever have chosen Aliens in this trait system.

    Basically what I'm hearing is; "Before the trait revamp, it was unbalanced and there was no reason to pick, hmm, Idk, an actual Star Trek race? Now that these changes have been made, it's more balanced. Could you please restore the imbalance?"

    lol But seriously, this is going to be way better. I want to see more people choosing real races! It's kinda cool when people recreate races that aren't in the game, but I say just wait for it, they'll release more eventually. (Like Deltans for a start? They're basically Federation Orions that aren't green)
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    EPS manifold efficiency honestly I'd rather them change it to lets say this when you use eps transfer all power levels temporarily gain +5 to max power levels for 10 or 12 seconds, this would help some with damage but not enough to make engineers op.. and when using the very rare warp core capacitors +5 max power to target system capacitor ability is used on, for the duration of the power spike.

    A copy from another thread i posted in but I wanted to make sure it got to the right place.
  • pwedisplaynamepwedisplayname Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    dukedom01 wrote: »
    hum hom.... where have my mind meld and nerve pinch gone?

    I think that was moved to the Vulcan Racial.

    You know what wasn't moved to the Racial? Gorn Strength... is this a UI bug or intentional? My Gorn Ground/Melee captain wants to know!
  • pwedisplaynamepwedisplayname Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Basically what I'm hearing is; "Before the trait revamp, it was unbalanced and there was no reason to pick, hmm, Idk, an actual Star Trek race? Now that these changes have been made, it's more balanced. Could you please restore the imbalance?"

    lol But seriously, this is going to be way better. I want to see more people choosing real races! It's kinda cool when people recreate races that aren't in the game, but I say just wait for it, they'll release more eventually. (Like Deltans for a start? They're basically Federation Orions that aren't green)

    Maybe if every race had access to every Trait, and the Racial pick were optional, players would be free to pick the race they wanted to play, not the race that was best suited to their planned build.

    Wouldn't that be better for everyone?
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Basically what I'm hearing is; "Before the trait revamp, it was unbalanced and there was no reason to pick, hmm, Idk, an actual Star Trek race? Now that these changes have been made, it's more balanced. Could you please restore the imbalance?"

    No, it's more like making sure all choices have the option to have something interesting and valid to them.

    A lot of players made "standard" races using AlienGen, because they wanted Standard Races without being locked into terrible game mechanics.

    Now, standard races, have nearly all of the flexibility of AlienGen along with a single mega trait that can be anywhere from 2 to 4 traits worth of bonuses.

    What we had before wasn't balanced, and this is not well balanced either. It's just a new direction of being unbalanced.

    If this were Pre-S6 I'd say no big deal, roll a new character and move on.

    In the age of high priced single character unlocks, dilithium walls, rep-system time gates, making a new character to replace an old one is a considerable time & in some cases $$$ investment.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Maybe if every race had access to every Trait, and the Racial pick were optional, players would be free to pick the race they wanted to play, not the race that was best suited to their planned build.

    Wouldn't that be better for everyone?
    That would make race something cosmetic only. I like how there are actual reasons to use certain races.

    I have to say that I think this will be great for Gorn. The old version gave Gorn 3 MANDATORY traits. Now Gorn get 8 optionals the same as everyone else.

    Honestly, there are actually multiple racial traits that are quite good. BUT, the catch is that most of them are ground traits. Some players seem to think that all ground traits are useless and dislike all races but alien simply because they want to have exclusively space traits, meh.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Maybe I am out in left field here, it is very late and I am rather tired but if I were responsible for the trait system of an MMO, I would imagine everything through some sort of dichotomy matrix with inherent min/max framework as a base performance model designed to promote a balanced player experience for all from start to end game and beyond. With that stated, off the top of my head, assuming the following archetype for each class is:

    Tac = Offense
    Eng = Defense
    Sci = Control

    The general area of application should be filtered through two categories. They are Self/Other and in this particular title I would add Space/Ground.

    The categories should have dimensions of evaluation for the following functionality in order of priority:

    Direct /Indirect
    Single/Multiple (Target)

    When I look at all the traits in my mind I can not make a coherent matrix of them all but maybe Cryptic has some sort of system that I simply can't envision at the moment when considering traits.

    On a side note, for more RP flavor, I Would also consider converting the trait system into a vice/virtue one to match the same element we already have in the Doff system but that is just me.
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
    Former member of the Cryptic Family & Friends Testing Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
    Obscurea Chaotica Fleet (KDF), Commander
    ingame: @.Spartan
    Former Alpha & Beta Tester
    Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
    The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    aspartan1 wrote: »
    Maybe I am out in left field here, it is very late and I am rather tired but if I were responsible for the trait system of an MMO, I would imagine everything through some sort of dichotomy matrix with inherent min/max framework as a base performance model designed to promote a balanced player experience for all from start to end game and beyond. With that stated, off the top of my head, assuming the following archetype for each class is:

    Tac = Offense
    Eng = Defense
    Sci = Control

    The general area of application should be filtered through two categories. They are Self/Other and in this particular title I would add Space/Ground.

    The categories should have dimensions of evaluation for the following functionality in order of priority:

    Direct /Indirect
    Single/Multiple (Target)

    When I look at all the traits in my mind I can not make a coherent matrix of them all but maybe Cryptic has some sort of system that I simply can't envision at the moment when considering traits.

    On a side note, for more RP flavor, I Would also consider converting the trait system into a vice/virtue one to match the same element we already have in the Doff system but that is just me.

    You're right, the current traits - except for engs, this is why they are insanely powerful - make everyone doing a bit of everything. Tacs will tank, scis should do some more damage (it's going to be insignificant but that's the purpose of the traits)... This makes no sense to me. Tacs should get more dps, eng should stick to more tanking, and scis should get stronger control abilities. That would make sense.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • abyssinainabyssinain Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Wow, what a true statement,

    I tried using the Re-trait for my Sci toon and found a trait that has no specifics like the other traits.

    The Conservation of Energy Trait has no real useful info other than a buff to Exotic Particles Damage.

    It would be nice to know the following:

    What is the percentage chance of it activating?

    The info does not say how much damage it gives, but the Tibble post says + 10%
    It would be nice to have that displayed in the info window of the description

    Once the proc is triggered, how long does it last before it expires?

    And lastly what is the cooldown of the proc before it is free to proc again.

    This would be helpful information for testing the trait to see if it works as intended. :)

    Some info if it hasn't already been posted.

    I played with energy conservation a bit, it stacks up to 30% exotic damage (which actually makes stuff like grav well and TBR do some ok damage), and procs OFTEN, it seems like it procs when you're shot at, and while I was in combat it was almost always stacked up to the max 3 times.

    Also to those complaining that TACs will be even more op, remember that leadership stacking is no longer broken, the leadership trait was ubernerfed to almost a fourth of its original power, meaning that the huge hull regen every escort flew around with is GONE. On top of this, it's regen is now affected by crew properly.

    Basically this means everyone lost some hull tanking ability, and escorts got hit the hardest.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    diogene0 wrote: »
    You're right, the current traits - except for engs, this is why they are insanely powerful - make everyone doing a bit of everything. Tacs will tank, scis should do some more damage (it's going to be insignificant but that's the purpose of the traits)... This makes no sense to me. Tacs should get more dps, eng should stick to more tanking, and scis should get stronger control abilities. That would make sense.
    Well, the Sci trait for increasing "exotic particle damage" sounds like something that should increase the secondary effects of Grav well and Tyken's rift.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • pwedisplaynamepwedisplayname Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    kevaldt wrote: »
    So... Im looking at the traits and not only can I not respec them but I cant even committ any new ones to empty slots, theres your feedback.

    After the patch, none of my character can respec traits. Even ones that were freshly copied. The "Respec Traits" button is lit but does nothing, and the "Commit" button is always greyed out.
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    abyssinain wrote: »
    Also to those complaining that TACs will be even more op, remember that leadership stacking is no longer broken, the leadership trait was ubernerfed to almost a fourth of its original power, meaning that the huge hull regen every escort flew around with is GONE. On top of this, it's regen is now affected by crew properly.

    Tacs in escorts were the strongest combination in PvE, even before the leadership was fixed.
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • cepholapoidcepholapoid Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hey, did anyone else see the last trait slot, it said "Unlocks at Vice Admiral (60)?
    Are they planning on raising the level cap with LoRs?
  • kamipoikamipoi Member Posts: 365 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    would love to test the new science traits except it wont let me commit them sure it let me put on a couple others but any of the science ones its just not?
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hey, did anyone else see the last trait slot, it said "Unlocks at Vice Admiral (60)?
    Are they planning on raising the level cap with LoRs?

    Stahl has stated that there will be a level-cap increase, but it will come after "Legacy of Romulus", not with it.
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • edrickvellorinedrickvellorin Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I can't find the mentioned test console to test the respec system.
  • zippichzippich Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Update! You can now get free respecs on Drozana station. There is a console called "Test Special Items" that the you can use to get all the free respecs you want. Please use them to test out different builds, traits, etc, and please leave your feedback!

    Hi, you sure it is also on the updated Drozana that is now on Tribble? :)
  • ikuruyoikuruyo Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Copied my Catian over and she arrived with all gear and items. I went to look at the traits and found I had 10 respec tokens for traits. I started playing with them and found that the Last Ditch Effort trait was not on the list originally. My list of space traits starts with the Crippling Fire, Accuracy and Evasive. If i slot both Accuracy and Evasive then Last Ditch Effort trait suddenly shows in the list, if I remove either one it vanishs again.

    I am unable to actually use any of the respec tokens I have.
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The in-game description of Limited Telepathy does not agree with the patch notes. The in-game description says:
    Increases the arc in which you are safe from flanking by 20 degrees.

    But the patch notes say:
    • Limited Telepathy
      • In addition to its previous effects, this trait will widen your own flank arc to 90 degrees up from 60 degrees, preventing you from taking Flank damage from attackers within that arc.

    Which is correct? If the patch notes are correct, does Limited Telepathy increase the arc in which you are safe from flanking by 15 degrees on each side or 30 degrees on each side? If the in-game description is correct, does Limited Telepathy increase the arc in which you are safe from flanking by 10 degrees on each side or 20 degrees on each side?
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • merloidermerloider Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Vulcans do not appear to have physical strength nor the option for it in the available traits window. I would appreciate it being re-introduced as an option at the very least.
  • allocaterallocater Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I find there is no clear distinction between skills, traits, doff powers, accolades and rep powers.

    I mean, can you complete these sentences:

    Skills are things that affect ... and do ...
    Traits are things that affect ... and do ...
    Doffpowers are things that affect ... and do ...
    Accolades are things that affect ... and do ...
    Reppowers are things that affect ... and do ...

    It's all pretty much mixed and there are now 5 systems, to affect ... and do ... ?
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    allocater wrote: »
    I find there is no clear distinction between skills, traits, doff powers, accolades and rep powers.

    I mean, can you complete these sentences:

    Skills are things that affect ... and do ...
    Traits are things that affect ... and do ...
    Doffpowers are things that affect ... and do ...
    Accolades are things that affect ... and do ...
    Reppowers are things that affect ... and do ...

    It's all pretty much mixed and there are now 5 systems, to affect ... and do ... ?

    No doubt. See my prior post....
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
    Former member of the Cryptic Family & Friends Testing Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
    Obscurea Chaotica Fleet (KDF), Commander
    ingame: @.Spartan
    Former Alpha & Beta Tester
    Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
    The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
  • allocaterallocater Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    aspartan1 wrote: »
    No doubt. See my prior post....

    Cool, found it. It is always a good sign when different people independently come to the same conclusion, it means there is some truth to it. It indeed seems there is no coherent global plan or system.

    Even the class traits are strange. For example engineers get buffs to mortars, but if engineers are the only one who can use mortars, why is it not in the basic mortar skills to begin with. Which it now basically is. Same with tacs and grenades. Only if everybody can in the future use grenades and mortars, it makes sense that specific classes would be better at it.
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