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How do you run your Starbase?



  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
    Lag Industries
    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?
    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok)
    2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating? (An estimation is ok)
    No idea
    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?
    We're going at a respectable pace for a group with PVP leanings and doesen't care for donating to reach higher levels voa real money.
    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc)
    Tier 4 everything. T2 all Embassy.
    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both?
    The Embassy is a total waste of time, we've got it to a point we can take decent items from it, but they need to make T3 stuff sweeter before we run at it again with any real pace.
    5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)?
    6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part?
    We'd like to be further, but so does every fleet. It's all about weighing your disgust for blatant money-grabbing and wanting the best for your membership.
    6b. To fleet members (not leaders): Do you feel that your fleet leaders are doing a good job of keeping the fleet organized? (Slotting projects, letting people have a chance to donate, and so on)
    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?
    Only the Starbase ones. Nobody would even know if we did the Embassy ones, we're waiting for them to be reduced in price.
    7a. If applicable: Include if this is on just the Fed or KDF, or both sides.
    Fed. Not enough of the fleet play Klink enough to warrant the resources used.
    7b. If a fleet leader: Why are you doing or not doing Featured Projects, and what are your thoughts on them in general?
    See all of above.
    7c. If a fleet member: Do you feel that Featured Projects are adding to the overall appeal of the Starbase/Embassy, and is adding your part to that 200,000 dil cost worthwhile to you?
    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.
    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?
    Nothing else is a problem.
    10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?
    Fairly generic ones.
    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?
    We pick the best ones in relation to points returned, and take them daily.
    12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example) Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'?
    We do them as needed, but it's not really an event.
    13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?
    They're all important, except Embassy ****.
    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?
    All of them. What other use do they have, really?
    15. Do you like the fleet system?
    I like the system, just not the laughable quantities it apparently needs to run on.
    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.
    Impossible to say.
    17. If you had absolute control on how a fleet could be run without anyone disagreeing with you, how would you run it from day one in terms of leveling up the holdings?
    I don't deal with them, another leader does. And for that I'm so thankful.
    18. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs?
    It's possible. But people grind enough in this game now. It's n't supposed to be a job.
    19a. What do you feel is the strongest point of the Fleet system?
    It's group-based. Not "I"
    19b. And the weakest?
    Cryptic Mathematics.
    20. Have you gotten what you want from the fleet system? (Be it a ship, Mk XII gear, DOFFs, etc), and what is it that you have gotten/want to get?
    I just want it done and finished so we can worry about the next sink.
    20a. Do you feel it was worth the time and cost?
    21. On fleet marks, what do you feel is the most effective way of grinding for them? (PvE queues, Deferi/Nukara, PvP, DOFF turn-ins, or something else I might've missed)
    I get all mine via DoFFing.
    21a. And the least effective?
    Fleet Missions, not worth the aggravation.
    22. On dilithium, do you normally reach 8k a day?
    Yep. Half for me, half for Fleet.
    22a. What do you do to get it?
    I work the streets. On Wednesdays you can call me Regina.
    23. Does anyone in your fleet own a Tuffli Freighter?
    Several. But we're too lazy to make use.
    23a. Does anyone in your fleet (Feds only) have a Ferengi character?
    See above.
    24. When filling up commodities, do you or your fleet mates buy them from the cheaper vendor, or replicate them? (whether it's a normal mission or an upgrade)
    Wheresoever fastest.
    24a. Do you or they do this on a Tuffli and/or with a Ferengi character?

    Is there something that you thought of that is important about the Starbases and such, that I missed and should've asked on? Regardless of your answer to that, feel free to talk about anything else in general about the fleet system and such you want to talk on: We don't make use of the fleet system to get the rewards, if we did we'd go elsewhere and buy them, then come back. We do it because it's a common purpose, it looks good, it shows we're here for the long. Does it make us enjoy the game more? No. It makes people in our fleet quite bitter in regards to Developers. We don't like paying through the nose for something that should be free in an F2P game. And even that's pretty TRIBBLE-poor.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Normally I don't do this, but in this case...just bumping my thread.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • kelernkelern Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
    The Jade Empire for fed and River of Blood for klingon
    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?
    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok)
    2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating? (An estimation is ok)
    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?
    About average.I think we slip a little further behind each day though
    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc)
    Starbase tier 3 almost 4 Embassy tier 1
    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both?
    5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)?
    Changes after every so often, ie about a month ago our members wanted t4 shipyard so thats what we have focused on
    6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part?
    6b. To fleet members (not leaders): Do you feel that your fleet leaders are doing a good job of keeping the fleet organized? (Slotting projects, letting people have a chance to donate, and so on)
    We do have plenty of projects going so there is ample opportunity to donate.Organization is a little lacking,we have so few people online at any one time teaming is pretty much impossible
    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?
    All of them,dilithium is not really a limiting factor
    7a. If applicable: Include if this is on just the Fed or KDF, or both sides.
    For both
    7b. If a fleet leader: Why are you doing or not doing Featured Projects, and what are your thoughts on them in general?
    7c. If a fleet member: Do you feel that Featured Projects are adding to the overall appeal of the Starbase/Embassy, and is adding your part to that 200,000 dil cost worthwhile to you?
    Some of them do,i quite like the raptor sword statue for example.Other's are awful,disco/tribbles
    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.
    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?
    10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?
    Shipyard t4 upgrade(on cooldown)1k xp engi and sci projects(on cooldown)ongoing research projects Diplomatic t2 (on cooldown) and two recruitment projects(1.2k xp and 500 xp)
    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?
    A day or two
    12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example) Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'?
    Generally allowed to do what ever they want.If a few of us are on at the same time we will team up
    13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?
    Starbase should be the priority currently,the rewards are all fairly good.
    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?
    Yes,most of our active guys do
    15. Do you like the fleet system?
    For the most part yes.
    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.
    17. If you had absolute control on how a fleet could be run without anyone disagreeing with you, how would you run it from day one in terms of leveling up the holdings?
    Focus on tac then sci and finnaly engi. Limit the number of active projects,ie not on cooldown, to one to focus the donations and limit the embassy to one project(1.2k xp and rotate them between the two subsystems)
    18. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs?
    Yes.The built in cooldown limit it quite a lot.
    19a. What do you feel is the strongest point of the Fleet system?
    Before the reputation systems it gave a reason for people to be on,everyone loves "free" stuff
    19b. And the weakest?
    The tier system,ie your stabase stays stationary until you complete the upgrade then all of a sudden it changes apperance. Would have like a more gradual change
    20. Have you gotten what you want from the fleet system? (Be it a ship, Mk XII gear, DOFFs, etc), and what is it that you have gotten/want to get?
    Not yet.I would like to get the the t4 advance escort,so soon
    20a. Do you feel it was worth the time and cost?
    The way it currently is?Yes. The way it was when it first launched?No
    21. On fleet marks, what do you feel is the most effective way of grinding for them? (PvE queues, Deferi/Nukara, PvP, DOFF turn-ins, or something else I might've missed)
    Fleet blockade
    21a. And the least effective?
    Any of the rommi pve stuff/stabase daily.Both reward around 5-10
    22. On dilithium, do you normally reach 8k a day?
    22a. What do you do to get it?
    Normally convert it to zen,although recently i have been buying stuff from the stf store
    23. Does anyone in your fleet own a Tuffli Freighter?
    23a. Does anyone in your fleet (Feds only) have a Ferengi character?
    24. When filling up commodities, do you or your fleet mates buy them from the cheaper vendor, or replicate them? (whether it's a normal mission or an upgrade)
    24a. Do you or they do this on a Tuffli and/or with a Ferengi character?

    Last question: (this question will always be last on the list, even if I add more in the future)

    Is there something that you thought of that is important about the Starbases and such, that I missed and should've asked on? Regardless of your answer to that, feel free to talk about anything else in general about the fleet system and such you want to talk on.
    How well provisioned the stores are?Ours are overstocked if anything,currently sitting on 246 ship provisions for example
  • elric071elric071 Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
    TOS Veterans, Fed TOS Qan Mang, KDF

    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?
    around 350 fed side, around 150 KDF side

    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok)
    I have 12 alts. 7 in Fed 5 in KDF

    2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating? (An estimation is ok)
    around 100 players activily play and donate to both fleets

    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?
    Some in my fleet would say not fast enough, but I'd say we are moving faster than average on the feds and slowly on the KDF.

    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc)
    We are tier 4 and half way to tier 5 on the Fed side base, 2 on the way to 3 on the embassy. We are only tier three on the way to 4 on the kdf base and barely tier 1 on the Embassy

    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both?
    We are not doing any special projects at all and focusing on getting the tiers up to 5 and 3.

    5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)?
    We are doing both Starbase and Embassy projects at the same time.

    6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part?
    We are now moving pretty good on the Fed side but the KDF is still lagging behind as we don't have as many active KDF members.

    6b. To fleet members (not leaders): Do you feel that your fleet leaders are doing a good job of keeping the fleet organized? (Slotting projects, letting people have a chance to donate, and so on)
    Can't comment, I'm a fleet leader.

    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?
    We started doing them, but have not been doing them in favor of tier progression.

    7a. If applicable: Include if this is on just the Fed or KDF, or both sides.
    7b. If a fleet leader: Why are you doing or not doing Featured Projects, and what are your thoughts on them in general?
    We are not doing the Featured Projects because they cost Dilithium that we would rather have put into advancement projects. Also, Cryptic has said they will re-run them and already have once so we decided to get them after the Starbase/Embassy is up to tier 5/3

    7c. If a fleet member: Do you feel that Featured Projects are adding to the overall appeal of the Starbase/Embassy, and is adding your part to that 200,000 dil cost worthwhile to you?
    Again, Fleet Leader.

    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.
    DOff's and Dilithium

    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?
    Fleet Marks and Officer XP

    10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?
    I can't tell you the exact ones because I would have to open the game. But I can say we are running upgrades and advancement projects.

    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?
    A day or two for regular projects, 3-4 days on upgrade projects.

    12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example) Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'?
    We generally allow our members to "do their own thing". We do require our members to donate enough resourses to fleet projects to aquire 100,000 Fleet Credit before they can buy from fleet stores.

    13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?
    If a project is open and you have resourses to fill it, fill it.

    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?
    We have a quartermaster who is in charge of filling projects that have sat idle for more than a day and he uses fleet resources to do so.

    15. Do you like the fleet system?
    It's a bit of a grind, but it's not bad.

    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.
    In our fleet the most popular holding that members buy is ships from the Starbase and consoles from the Embassy.

    17. If you had absolute control on how a fleet could be run without anyone disagreeing with you, how would you run it from day one in terms of leveling up the holdings?
    I like the system we have in place now.

    18. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs?
    Depends on how devoted the members of the smaller fleet is. I guess they could, but it would be a full time job.

    19a. What do you feel is the strongest point of the Fleet system?
    Fleet Starships.
    19b. And the weakest?
    The grind.

    20. Have you gotten what you want from the fleet system? (Be it a ship, Mk XII gear, DOFFs, etc), and what is it that you have gotten/want to get?
    Yes. I've bought ships with two alts and consoles with almost all of them.

    20a. Do you feel it was worth the time and cost?
    I love my Fleet Excelsior :)

    21. On fleet marks, what do you feel is the most effective way of grinding for them? (PvE queues, Deferi/Nukara, PvP, DOFF turn-ins, or something else I might've missed)
    I've gotten most of mine through Officer Reports (when they awarded 50 repeatably) and PvP recently.

    21a. And the least effective?
    PvE queues.

    22. On dilithium, do you normally reach 8k a day?
    Not always, but I generally get at least 6000 a day.

    22a. What do you do to get it?
    DOff'ing mostly. I do run the dailey's every now and then.

    23. Does anyone in your fleet own a Tuffli Freighter?
    I am sure someone does, but I don't know for sure.

    23a. Does anyone in your fleet (Feds only) have a Ferengi character?
    Again, I am sure someone does, but I don't know for sure.

    24. When filling up commodities, do you or your fleet mates buy them from the cheaper vendor, or replicate them? (whether it's a normal mission or an upgrade)
    I usually replicate them.

    24a. Do you or they do this on a Tuffli and/or with a Ferengi character?
    I do not know.
    Illigitimi Non Carborundum

    Co-Founder of TOS Veterans and TOS Qan Mang
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ok, while I hope for more replies, I've decided to just go ahead and post my own comments on this. Also, I've added a few more questions in the OP.

    1. Sentinels of Freedom/War Fed/KDF
    2. Around 250 for Fed, probably about half for KDF
    2a. 75-100
    2b. About 25 probably
    3. I'd say we're moving fairly normally, if the other answers in this thread are anything to go by.
    4. Fed: Tier 4 SB with tier 4 Tac and Eng and working towards tier 4 sci, along with Tier 2 Embassy and tier 2 in both areas. KDF: Tier 3 SB and tier 3 in all three areas, along with Tier 1 Embassy and tier 1 in both areas.
    5. For our Fed side we're doing both the SB and Embassy. Currently focused on Science and Recruitment. for KDF we're focused on working towards Tac and Recruitment. Since these requirements on the SB are gonna be taking awhile, we're pretty much on just those things for the time being over the long haul.
    6a. I do feel that everyone who logs on is indeed doing their part.
    7. On the Fed side, all of them. On the KDF, we've stopped doing most of them, due to the fact that we need to focus our dil donations a bit more on that side.
    7b. I feel that FPs are worth doing, despite their cost. Even at 200k, as long as everyone adds a bit every day, that cost is easily filled. And overtime, they have added a very nice amount of life to the SB from their original, and very boring start.
    8. The hardest thing is easily dilithium for us. Behind that is DOFFs for sure.
    9. Expertise of course, but aside from that, Fleet Marks.
    10. Fed: Sci xp mission, sci op asset mission, eng xp mission, and both recruitment xp missions. KDF: 3 Tac missions (can't remember which off the top of my head), recruitment xp mission and recruitment provision mission.
    11. Fed can be anywhere from a few minutes to a couple days depending on the mission and such. KDF can normally be minutes to days due to the fewer players on that side.
    12. Do their own thing mostly. We're gonna start trying to get better at being more organized though once in awhile.
    13. Starbase always takes priority over others. However, major upgrades for anything (tier leveling that is), take priority over normal missions for any of them.
    14. Yes. I don't often times spend them on things. Normally I slowly save up on a character, and donate less on others.
    15. Yes actually. Despite all the costs since it was first released, I've highly enjoyed the system.
    16. Honestly, considering how much I do want, I really am not sure on a single answer. There's been a lot of nice stuff gotten out of this.
    17. Choose a holding first, then choose an area, and level it up to the point people want it. If the fleet grows larger to handle more on top of that, then they can grow
    18. Yes. While I do understand the plight of smaller fleets, everything in this game is a choice, and if you choose to be in a small fleet and work on the SB, then you have to be willing to handle that.
    19a. A singular goal. It allows a great focus for a fleet to work towards.
    19b. It best rewards those who are in a larger fleet, overall. Being in a smaller fleet means most of the time, the higher tier rewards are very far, if not completely beyond your grasp.
    20. I want too many things to mention, so while I have somethings I want, there are plenty of others higher up still I desire.
    20a. Looking back...I'd still say yes.
    21. Currently, Deferi ground hards with teams. During the FM event, a team of five can rip through those easily and quickly, then switch characters and repeat it. You could easily grind out almost 5k FMs between those 5 people across their characters.
    21a. As much as I enjoy doing it, I'd have to say PvP, and also the Fleet Action daily (like Gorn Minefield)
    22. Yes, at least on my main toon.
    22a. Variety of stuff: Dailies, STFs, and DOFFs.
    23. Yes, several in our fleet do.
    23a. Yes, again several do.
    24. If a normal project, I, and also others seem to normal replicate them. However, for an upgrade, we do use ECs from our fleet bank to buy all the commodities needed off of a Tuffli using a Ferengi character, which can save a LOT of ECs.
    25. It's a fleet choice. For example, on our Fed-side, I sent out a mail asking what people might want tier 5 first. The greatest lean of the answers I did get went more towards engineering, so we will be going for that once we get tier 4 science.
    26. One person on each side does it. It's two different people though, which takes the power out of just one person, and also allows so that if one of them is gone, it doesn't hurt the other side.
    27. Occasionally, and only if someone REALLY needs the credits. Our rule is that they have to be willing to fill, or mostly fill up other areas that aren't the Fleet Marks part of the mission. And even then, one will only be slotted if all 5 normal projects are running. We used to run the "Gamma Quadrant Trading mission" one a lot back in the day. Most of the time now though, when we do one, we do the 'Host Multicultural Symposium'
    28. I'd probably tell myself this:

    A. Stick to a plan early on.
    B. Tell about the huge dil costs.
    C. Tell about the bartender and chef.
    D. Talk on the easy grinding we used to have back in season 6, and how long it'll last.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • dabelgravedabelgrave Member Posts: 979 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
    The Phoenix Division (Fed)

    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?

    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have?

    2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating?
    ~10 Active, 5-7 Donating

    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?
    I feel we're moving somewhat slow. We try working as a fleet for things like Fleet Marks, but that cuts into our time to do other fleet activities like pvp, STFs, etc., so we do fewer Fleet Mark queues than are necessary to keep projects going continuously.

    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system?
    Starbase: T3, Embassy: T1

    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both?
    We focus on both, although emphasis is generally on the starbase.

    5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)?
    We recently stopped doing all starbase projects requiring dilithium, which leaves our only option there as a leveled approach to all three subsections. The embassy is focusing on Diplomacy first, and running some Recruit provision projects too.

    6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part?
    I feel our primary contributing members are keeping a good pace. However, those actively contributing are a small portion of the fleet, hardly enough to keep it progressing.

    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?
    We are doing featured projects. I'll agree that some of them like the Exocomps are a waste of Dilithium, but fleet members like to see those add-ons. Being able to say we have all the feature projects has also brought us several recruits.

    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.
    Fleet Marks are a pain to obtain. We generally try to get a good team going when we're online for the Marks events. Otherwise, Dilithium is our greatest problem to obtain since it's needed for everyone to get their gear.

    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?
    Expertise is the easiest to obtain. Everyone has it in large quantities.

    10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?
    One starbase project for each subsection (1000 xp each), the Embassy Recruit provisioning project, and the Embassy Diplomacy XP project that gives the most XP.

    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?
    Depending on the timing of Fleet Mark events, several hours to several days.

    12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example) Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'?
    We allow members to do their own thing. However, we do have designated times for "team activities" which take place when we have the most members online. Need a team? That's the best time.

    13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?
    I generally look at the ease of advancement and the benefits provided when determining where to direct our focus.

    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?
    Yes. That is the only easy way to get most of the doffs.

    15. Do you like the fleet system?
    The Fleet Advancement System is good, but has some issues that could make it better. I would like to see Cryptic remove all Dilithium costs for non-provision projects and upgrades and provide automatic Fleet Mark rewards for teamed play.

    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.
    The reward most members want are the ships.

    17. If you had absolute control on how a fleet could be run without anyone disagreeing with you, how would you run it from day one in terms of leveling up the holdings?
    Focus heavy on one subsection tier, and move on to the next subsection once that's complete. This gives a good staggered approach, and evenly unlocks all types of items.

    18. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs?
    Technically yes, but in practice, no.

    19a. What do you feel is the strongest point of the Fleet system?
    It requires the fleet to work together for advancement.

    19b. And the weakest?
    It drains the resources of smaller fleets, and takes away time we might spend on individual development. Since members want to make sure their own characters are properly developed, fleet contributions suffer.

    20. Have you gotten what you want from the fleet system? (Be it a ship, Mk XII gear, DOFFs, etc), and what is it that you have gotten/want to get?
    There are more things I personally want to get and try, but it will be awhile before my fleet unlocks those items.

    20a. Do you feel it was worth the time and cost?
    Some items turn out very useful, others end up getting scrapped. If you like to try new things, the cost is way too high.

    21. On fleet marks, what do you feel is the most effective way of grinding for them? (PvE queues, Deferi/Nukara, PvP, DOFF turn-ins, or something else I might've missed)
    We prefer to get a team of 4-5 players, and run through blockade, incursion, and colony invasion as many times as we can during a fleet marks event. It seems these three missions on average provide the most fleet marks for our time.

    21a. And the least effective?
    Duty officer turn in's... Until I can do my doffing through the Gateway, there is no way I'd get more than about 100 FMs this way a week.

    22. On dilithium, do you normally reach 8k a day?
    At the moment, only on two characters.

    22a. What do you do to get it?
    I've been using the Dilithium Mining Claims from lockboxes, and turning in contraband at least twice a day. If I wasn't doing this, I'd barely be getting 1k a day, and it would be a waste of time to try playing multiple characters.

    23. Does anyone in your fleet own a Tuffli Freighter?

    23a. Does anyone in your fleet (Feds only) have a Ferengi character?

    24. When filling up commodities, do you or your fleet mates buy them from the cheaper vendor, or replicate them? (whether it's a normal mission or an upgrade)
    This would depend on who's contributing. I generally leave this for other fleet members, and focus on the harder stuff like fleet marks and dilithium. I did ask for invites to a Tuffli when working on Reputation.

    24a. Do you or they do this on a Tuffli and/or with a Ferengi character?
    When able, we'll go to a Tuffli.

    25. Who decides the direction of your SB? One person, a group, or a fleet choice?
    Initially, I took charge of directing the holdings. Now that we've advanced a bit, we usually consider which upgrades to do during fleet meetings. If not, it still tends to get discussed by fleet officers.

    26. Who slots projects?
    Either myself or one of the fleet's Senior Officers.

    27. Do you run normal special projects? If so, which one(s)?
    We only run the normal special projects on the Embassy. The starbase ones are a waste of resources for small fleets.

    28. If you could go back in time (paradox-free) and tell yourself a few things about the Starbase, and they could be anything on it, what would you say?
    Exchange Zen for Dilithium before the rates go down in S7. This would help alleviate some of the painfully high Dilithium costs we now face.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'd just like to mention now, I've begun writing my guide. If anyone after this point still wishes to reply, feel free to.

    No more new questions, unless someone suggests one I might've missed or they feel is important to mention.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    This question goes out to everyone in a fleet, regardless of size or scope, because I'm looking at writing a new, and probably VERY long guide related to effectively building up the Fleet Holdings.

    So here's a big ole long survey of questions I have about how you all run a fleet, or if you aren't a fleet leader, how you feel the fleet is being ran in general.

    (If you can't answer or don't want to answer some of the questions, that's ok as well)

    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?
    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok)
    2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating? (An estimation is ok)
    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?
    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc)
    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both?
    5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)?
    6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part?
    6b. To fleet members (not leaders): Do you feel that your fleet leaders are doing a good job of keeping the fleet organized? (Slotting projects, letting people have a chance to donate, and so on)
    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?
    7a. If applicable: Include if this is on just the Fed or KDF, or both sides.
    7b. If a fleet leader: Why are you doing or not doing Featured Projects, and what are your thoughts on them in general?
    7c. If a fleet member: Do you feel that Featured Projects are adding to the overall appeal of the Starbase/Embassy, and is adding your part to that 200,000 dil cost worthwhile to you?
    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.
    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?
    10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?
    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?
    12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example) Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'?
    13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?
    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?
    15. Do you like the fleet system?
    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.
    17. If you had absolute control on how a fleet could be run without anyone disagreeing with you, how would you run it from day one in terms of leveling up the holdings?
    18. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs?
    19a. What do you feel is the strongest point of the Fleet system?
    19b. And the weakest?
    20. Have you gotten what you want from the fleet system? (Be it a ship, Mk XII gear, DOFFs, etc), and what is it that you have gotten/want to get?
    20a. Do you feel it was worth the time and cost?
    21. On fleet marks, what do you feel is the most effective way of grinding for them? (PvE queues, Deferi/Nukara, PvP, DOFF turn-ins, or something else I might've missed)
    21a. And the least effective?
    22. On dilithium, do you normally reach 8k a day?
    22a. What do you do to get it?
    23. Does anyone in your fleet own a Tuffli Freighter?
    23a. Does anyone in your fleet (Feds only) have a Ferengi character?
    24. When filling up commodities, do you or your fleet mates buy them from the cheaper vendor, or replicate them? (whether it's a normal mission or an upgrade)
    24a. Do you or they do this on a Tuffli and/or with a Ferengi character?
    25. Who decides the direction of your SB? One person, a group, or a fleet choice?
    26. Who slots projects?
    27. Do you run normal special projects? If so, which one(s)?
    28. If you could go back in time (paradox-free) and tell yourself a few things about the Starbase, and they could be anything on it, what would you say?

    Last question: (this question will always be last on the list, even if I add more in the future)

    Is there something that you thought of that is important about the Starbases and such, that I missed and should've asked on? Regardless of your answer to that, feel free to talk about anything else in general about the fleet system and such you want to talk on.

    =@.@= OVERLOAD OVERLOAD, BRaIn sHutTiNg DowN.... =X.X=
  • spyrow424spyrow424 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Just an FYI to help smaller fleets and those struggling to get commodities... Embassy Tier II Discount Commodity Broker is cheaper then the Tuffli Commodity Broker. With a Ferengi it is the cheapest in the game for those items.
  • disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    I run my on klingon rage tears. It's a clean burning fuel.
    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

    Occidere populo et effercio confractus
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