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Where is the 'End Game'?

akurie666akurie666 Member Posts: 289 Arc User
We are about to receive a massive amount of new content but we still don't have what many consider to be a true end game scenario. Where are the extreem difficulty, multi-team raids that reward unique, epic loot drops? Reputation grinding is not end game content. Rep systems should be spaced out amoung all 50 levels and there should be many more rep systems to choose from. But, that is off topic...
Where is our end game? What are we gearing up for? We get more and more powerfull for what? What challenge awaits that will put this high level gear and new abilities to the ultimate test? Where are our unique, epic boss drops? Remember the Borg Analyzer Kit? When will we punish the weak by denying them the fat loot and reward the skilled by making them stand out amoung the community as epic conquerers?
Post edited by akurie666 on


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    fleetadmcassityfleetadmcassity Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    For those that were active during Beta ....

    Perhaps you are referencing something similar to the Ending Beta Event.



    Something for the 5 year Anniversary or beyond (LOL)
    Fleet Admiral Cassity
    Delta Fleet
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    akurie666akurie666 Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Not exactly. Wow has 10-25 player raid dungeons of giant scale and difficulty. Why do we not have something similar? I don't like that people do not have to increase their skill to obtain the most powerfull gear and that a person with little understanding of the game, in time, can have MK 12 OMEGA and so on. Those items should be reserved for the most skilled players and earned through the most intense raids.
    What is there for players who seek challenge besides pvp which is limited in game modes? Where are our epic boss fights with fat loot drops for the most skilled players? When will we truely seperate the men from the boys in PVE?
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    baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    oh boy, you shouldn't have made that comparison with wow...you will be flamed beyond credibility.
    Not by me though, since i too loved raiding in wow, to a certain point. But when i was done with raiding in wow, STO was exactly the kind of MMO i was looking for. No time intensive endgame content etc...(got my endgame gear before hitting lvl 50 before the STF redesign, and i loved it)

    anyway, sto is not that kind of MMO, it is far more casual and shaped around the 3 hour per week guy...not the 4-5 hours per day nerd.

    don't get me wrong, i'd love to see such content, but that is not the peer group sto is aimed at.

    though i wouldn't mind for more STF like content, the tau dewa red alert is also not bad and the 5 man nukara elite missions had also something about them that i liked.

    Also "bring back the OLD STF" as ultra elite weekly missions, only for premade teams and special rewards that is not available via reputation (not saying it must be better, just different)
    Go pro or go home
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    trintrektrontrintrektron Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    akurie666 wrote: »
    We are about to receive a massive amount of new content but we still don't have what many consider to be a true end game scenario. Where are the extreem difficulty, multi-team raids that reward unique, epic loot drops? Reputation grinding is not end game content. Rep systems should be spaced out amoung all 50 levels and there should be many more rep systems to choose from. But, that is off topic...
    Where is our end game? What are we gearing up for? We get more and more powerfull for what? What challenge awaits that will put this high level gear and new abilities to the ultimate test? Where are our unique, epic boss drops? Remember the Borg Analyzer Kit? When will we punish the weak by denying them the fat loot and reward the skilled by making them stand out amoung the community as epic conquerers?

    Yeah, what he said !
    I thought I took the Blue Pill.......:(
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    orondisorondis Member Posts: 1,447 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    We used to have the old epic STFs, where you had to be good in both space and ground at the same time. People complained and they were split up and turned into simple grind events.
    Previously Alendiak
    Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
    Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
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    alexopena1alexopena1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    IMHO STO should have a Race vs Race vs Race event every 6 hours or so;
    maybe they could make it so that the 3 races would be fighting over control of some dilithium rich system or something :P
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    causalityeffectcausalityeffect Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    alexopena1 wrote: »
    IMHO STO should have a Race vs Race vs Race event every 6 hours or so;
    maybe they could make it so that the 3 races would be fighting over control of some dilithium rich system or something :P

    Lord of the Rings Online already beat you to that with the Ettenmoores.

    That said, it might actually be interesting to introduce an open world PVP area with objectives that can boost the entire faction if accomplished.

    As for the Borg invasion of Sol Starbase - That was really fun and it would be nice if they would do that. For those that will whine they dont want to get killed then make it a seperate red alert instance.

    Dosent just have to be Borg either, you can make it various species across the various social zones.
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    akurie666akurie666 Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    baudl wrote: »
    Also "bring back the OLD STF" as ultra elite weekly missions, only for premade teams and special rewards that is not available via reputation (not saying it must be better, just different)
    I was here for the vanilla STF missions. I miss requiring Ventrillo for the groups I would lead. This game has lost its teeth to a community of weaklings who cried for change because they could not keep up.
    Based on what the the forum community, which does not represent the majority of the game player base, always wants we have a long road ahead filled with costumes and social zones for people to tell Gorn jokes in. They don't play games. They play dress up.
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    sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I understood what the OP meant just from the title. STO is not only open ended but aimless.

    Guild Wars has 3 campaigns and expansion with climactic endings. WoW has boss fights such as the Lich King. Star Wars: The Old Republic and DC Universe also have end game content and most mmos allow you to replay all the missions in a hard mode.

    Many people have asked me who is the "bad guy" at the end of STO. There just isn't one. Without that goal to "go get the bad guy" many people won't continue playing once they get level capped or get tired of repetitive quest lines. This is why I recommend the Foundry for content. However some players feel that it is hard to find quality content in there.

    Have Fun!
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    akurie666akurie666 Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It is very unfortunate that the DEVs are subjected to the opinions of the kind of forum posts this community creates. If they where to listen to the community and their petty, random wants and needs this game would be a inconprehensable train wreck full of costumes and ship designs/teirs that break the structure.
    If this game dose not develope some new, more intense modes of gameplay and become more focused on end game acheivments it will be laughed out of the MMO race as a home for the worst and most esoteric kind of RP community.
    Dispite common opionion, this community is not a majority of RP players. We are gamers. Many of us may not be very smart gamers and may not have the capacity to formulate a healthy opinion for the DEVs to stand upon, and the needs of the many get crushed by the esoteric wants of the RP community and people who just don't know any better.
    This game dose indeed lack focus. I don't even know who the 'bad guy' is and if you're referring to the Borg Queen as the bad guy I zerged her all nite long and she loved it. She isn't even mentioned until you can Q for her and even then there is no Borg story line to speak of. While she is an impressive battle and a great step in the right direction she is hardly enough. Champions has some very inventive boss fights we could borrow from. In fact, Champions has a lot we can use over here.
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    crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I understood what the OP meant just from the title. STO is not only open ended but aimless.

    Guild Wars has 3 campaigns and expansion with climactic endings. WoW has boss fights such as the Lich King. Star Wars: The Old Republic and DC Universe also have end game content and most mmos allow you to replay all the missions in a hard mode.

    Many people have asked me who is the "bad guy" at the end of STO. There just isn't one. Without that goal to "go get the bad guy" many people won't continue playing once they get level capped or get tired of repetitive quest lines. This is why I recommend the Foundry for content. However some players feel that it is hard to find quality content in there.

    Have Fun!

    Well - STF wise (which has a Normal and Elite mode -- and while I too don't find Elite all that haerd, it is what is is) - the "End bad Guy" is the Borg Queen. <--- And this has been the only ST endgame for quite a while.

    For the Romulan Rep stuff - currently, it's Tholians; but we may see something different once the "Legacy of Romulus" update hits.

    And as someone who played EQ from 1999-2004, WoW from 2005-2009 I'm sorry, but I honestly don't miss the EQ (which was a REAL grind when I played) and/or WoW Style raiding paradigm myself (after over 65+ runs in Molten Core AFTER we had everything including Ragnaros on farm status -- and about 20 excursions into BWL - we were working on the third dragon when Burning Crusade hit.) - so I hope they don't really decide to go, that route as STO progresses.

    I would still LOVE to see some much more challenging content myself - but I don't think that fits in with the overall casual appeal PWE/Cryptic want STO to have. Hell, even Blizzard has been casualizing and dumbing down aspects of WoW (I still have old RL guildmate frioends who play WoW and try to get me to come back - but I was never a real 'High Fantasy genre fan to begin with, and I'm done with WoW.)

    But again, while I enjoyed my runs with friends on the old WoW 'loot pinata' (aka Onyxia) and the other two major 40 man raid zones (Molten Core and Black Wing Lair -- although to be fair, MC became more of a chore after the 20th or so full run/clear); I do hope it's a pradigm STO DOESN'T adopt going forward. YMMV.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
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    bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    akurie666 wrote: »
    Not exactly. Wow has 10-25 player raid dungeons of giant scale and difficulty. Why do we not have something similar? I don't like that people do not have to increase their skill to obtain the most powerfull gear and that a person with little understanding of the game, in time, can have MK 12 OMEGA and so on. Those items should be reserved for the most skilled players and earned through the most intense raids.
    What is there for players who seek challenge besides pvp which is limited in game modes? Where are our epic boss fights with fat loot drops for the most skilled players? When will we truely seperate the men from the boys in PVE?

    This is not WoW.

    If I wanted to play WoW I would.

    Finally they have created No Win Scenario which pretty much requires a premade to win and Hive Space Elite. Granted neither are truly difficult when you have the right group but then again....

    All supposedly difficult WoW content is merely a gear check and I for one despise gear checks.

    Do. Not. Want.

    Lastly the one great thing about the good post WoW games is that they focus on the player(s) of the group doing the right thing. Letting a singular really good player swing the tide and make all the difference in the encounter.

    WoW fights are all about not doing the wrong thing. Don't stand here, don't do this don't do that. Another thing I find annoying.

    Seriously dude you can either rail against the intended casual focused design of this game all you want. It is not going to change. They would rather cater to the hundreds of thousands of casual paying customers than the handful of 'elitist' seekers such as yourself.
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    akurie666akurie666 Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    bareel wrote: »
    This is not WoW.
    Seriously dude you can either rail against the intended casual focused design of this game all you want. It is not going to change. They would rather cater to the hundreds of thousands of casual paying customers than the handful of 'elitist' seekers such as yourself.
    Sounds like the ranting of someone who fell behind once upon a time and never gained the skill to catch back up. If you're jealous of someone elses hard earned loot you should man up instead of having the DEVs remove diffculties or ruin what all other games have, an 'end game' with rewards for the most skilled players.
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    akurie666 wrote: »
    Sounds like the ranting of someone who fell behind once upon a time and never gained the skill to catch back up. If you're jealous of someone elses hard earned loot you should man up instead of having the DEVs remove diffculties or ruin what all other games have, an 'end game' with rewards for the most skilled players.

    Well, thats just wrong.

    I may be arguing with Bareel in another thread. As far as I'm concerned, an honest difference of opinion, being thrashed out in a tough but respectful way.

    However, there's one thing I do not doubt.

    Bareel knows his onions.

    You, however, are clearly an onion not knower, who apparently finds it difficult that STO doesn't blindly follow the paradigm of other games that you enjoy.

    Go play Wow, if Wow is what you want. STO is different, and difference is not bad.
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    bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    akurie666 wrote: »
    Sounds like the ranting of someone who fell behind once upon a time and never gained the skill to catch back up. If you're jealous of someone elses hard earned loot you should man up instead of having the DEVs ruin what all other games have, an 'end game' with rewards for the most skilled players.

    Sounds like the rantings of someone who needs to have better shinies in a video game than others to feel superior in some way.

    If you are jealous of the players in this game having the same exact gear as you why don't you simply man up, dump a few hundred bucks into the game and get yourself a Bug Ship eh? Maybe that will help out the Epeen problem you seem to have.

    Or you could simply find a way to fill that psychological need outside of a video game. Nah that won't happen so why don't you go play a game that does require actual skill such as a MOBA and ride your way to the top of the ladders and form a professional team to compete at real events against real humans instead of scripted NPCs that only require you to have the proper gear to kill.
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    akurie666akurie666 Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I say that this forum community fears challenge and feels inadiquate for the task so they sabotage any chances of having what other more popular mmo games have. In fact, I bet monopoly money that most of you have been sent running from other, more difficult games with your tail between your legs on numerous occasions.
    If you don't have what it takes to 'raid' then don't raid, but do not ruin the chance for those of us who want to raid because you can't handle the jelly and won't be able to sleep at nite knowing that we have better rewards because we are better players. In the long run, casual=boring.
    FYI I play paintball.
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    akurie666 wrote: »
    I say that this forum community fears challenge and feels inadiquate for the task so they sabotage any chances of having what other more popular mmo games have.

    Hmmm, this is what makes me think you don't understand human nature well.

    Read other threads, get a feel for the sort of things other people make challenges of.

    Consider the Klingons, a group of players with (frankly) less good kit than the Feds. Nevertheless they make something of it, they take the challenge for what it is. The average Klingon player can beat the average fed player in PvP.

    You don't get that way by fearing challenge.

    In fact, I bet monopoly money that most of you have been sent running from other, more difficult games with your tail between your legs on numerous occasions.
    If you don't have what it takes to 'raid' then don't raid, but do not ruin the chance for those of us who want to raid because you can't handle the jelly and won't be able to sleep at nite knowing that we have better rewards because we are better players.

    This is what is known in the trade as an 'ad hominem' attack. Don't take on the argument, go after the arguer. It's what people do when they either know they've lost or simply can't think of a response.

    FYI I play paintball.

    I bet you do.
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    akurie666akurie666 Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The above post is not even relevant to the thread. Good job...
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    akurie666 wrote: »
    The above post is not even relevant to the thread. Good job...

    Yup, ad hominem alright.

    You've avoided the arguments people have made against your uninspired idea.

    You've belittled those who don't agree with you.

    How about you address some of the counter points you've been offered?

    Why should STO become a clone of games like WoW and have the end game content you want?

    What, precisely, is wrong with a game that decides to make its combat less about the gear and more about the decisions made by players?

    What, exactly, do you have against skill being the edge in the game, as opposed to equipment?
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    akurie666akurie666 Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Face rests in hands* I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    akurie666 wrote: »
    Face rests in hands* I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

    Well, if all you want is people to agree with you blindly, I can see how you'd get to that conclusion.

    However, if you can actually come up with a cogent reason for your proposition then maybe, just maybe, people will agree with you.

    Merely stating that something is so, is not an argument.

    So, once again.........why do you want end game content to be less about the imaginative use and repurposing of existing equipment, and more about the ability to acquire kit that others can not get?
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    akurie666akurie666 Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    For god sake just read the first few post or get on with your day!
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    akurie666 wrote: »
    For god sake just read the first few post!

    That was your thesis.

    Since then you've been offered antithesis.

    Time for your synthesis.
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    cptvanorcptvanor Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    akurie666 wrote: »
    For god sake just read the first few post or get on with your day!

    In other words, you can't actually defend your argument so you think by making one line posts you might distract people from that fact.

    Doesn't work, never has. Either answer the counter arguments or admit you can't actually defend your opinion. I suppose you could keep posting the type of mind numbing nonsense and ad hominemn you have already. But they aren't really doing anything to help your case.
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    akurie666akurie666 Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm sure arguing with random, lonely nerds who are sending text from their parents basement will really make it happen...
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    sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ...the "End bad Guy" is the Borg Queen. <--- And this has been the only ST endgame for quite a while...

    I am not wishing it to be more like WoW, Guild Wars, DC Universe, etc.. I guess I am like other players who want a story arc from A to Z. I was never into Star Trek the TV show or any of the movies. I initially came here to learn about the Foundry when I read about it being used in Cryptic games. I really applaud them for being very unique in that area. Please forgive my ignorance about the Borg Queen but I admit I spend more time with the Foundry than any other aspect.

    I suppose my suggestion to the OP at this point. If you don't like the storyline, pickup the Foundry and write your own. LoL There is a lot of great content in the Foundry, they just need a better way to sort it all out.

    Phasers on Caress!
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    akurie666 wrote: »
    I'm sure arguing with random, lonely nerds who are sending text from their parents basement will really make it happen...

    Ad hominem and projection!

    what next, I wonder?

    and where is my DSM IV?
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    fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    While I'd love to see some more challenging content, I don't think the current game mechanics could handle anything we had/have in WoW (or games like it). There is far less control over the character, less complexity, cooldowns on abilities are to long, no real healing or tanking mechanics, current lack of "classic" healer/tank/dd setups, lag (which automatically happens when you got servers sitting on the other side of the globe), no item-progression or progression-reset etc...

    They'd probably have to make some drastic changes to the game itself to make it possible to include anything harder than the hive or ground eSTFs, which would pose the question to them if it's worth it.

    Would it make sense (a.k.a. be more profitable) for cryptic to put their limited rescources and money into a high-end raiding system, which might only be enjoyed by a fraction of their paying customer base? Or should they rather focus on some of the existing missing features, which probably appeal to a larger, more casual crowd? (e.g. finishing Klingon content, revamp the PvP-system, third faction etc...). My guess is that Cryptic has far to few rescources to be able to work on everything at the same time, unlike a behemoth like Blizzard.
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    akurie666akurie666 Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Perhaps it does not have to be as grand in scale as a Wow raid but a challenging scenario with a boss who isn't a push over is called for. In Champions, during certain events, if the boss wipes your team it ends the event and you have to Q again.
    What is there was a small colony that was under attack by the borg or w/e defending key points and protecting colonist would be the first objective. If you loose so many colonist the mission is falied, and if the boss manages to wipe out your team the mission is failed ala Champions. Make it very difficult and add a small chance for the boss to drop a unique item found no where else.
    There are many creative paths that do not require a lot of dev time or effort that could be pursued to provide a unique challenge for the most skilled players.
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    mcconnamcconna Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    While I'd love to see some more challenging content, I don't think the current game mechanics could handle anything we had/have in WoW (or games like it).

    What's sad is WoW came out around 04-05, this game only 3 years ago and WoW game mechanics are still better? lol Think they should've re-think their approach to the making of this game a little better.

    I agree with the OP on the fact that the game is boring for those who are the "nerd" gamers as someone put it. I mostly like to focus on one toon and I already finished all the rep stuff months before most of my casual fleet mate players did. It's to the point where I'm so bored with the game right now I'm counting the days just for one content patch. lol I pretty much just do my dailies and go do something else with my time.

    You got to have something in a game that isn't just a resource pit with an end to actually call "content". I would love to see a longer raid like a STF where you and your fleet can spend quite a bit of time doing, without it being nothing but a DPS race like every other PVE content in this game. They use timers as a lazy way to make things difficult, so that they don't go over-board. The hive for example would be an awesome STF if it also wasn't another status quo of the DPS race that they think is considered "fun".

    I guess what I'm trying to say is I'd like them to add something that I can't finish completely within a month but at the same time isn't trying to bankrupt me that also has replay value. lol If that's asking too much then sorry. :P
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