In a recent new player help thread someone was asking about key binds.... I thought perhaps it was a good time for us to post some PvP related Key bind tips. I know some people have a ton of experience with what works well for them. Please share the hax.
First of all Key binds are a simple way in game to bind an action to a specific key... and in some cases bind multiple actions to a single key.
In STO this in game system can be used to trigger weapons, skills, items, and even open menus. Some commands can be multi bound... some things (ie skills) will be unpredictable with this system. Meaning it may or may not fire off in the order you hope and may or may not fire with only one key press... (although this can sometimes be a good thing depending on the action)
All Binds are entered in the chat window... if you are setting up space binds be in space... if you are setting up ground be on the ground. Before you get to far with key binds... it would likely be a good idea to punch this in....
Go through the list and change what makes sense to change this way, its much faster. For the basics. I use this to set keys for power settings ect.
Is the way to bind a key
/bind {Key to Bind} "Argument"
To bind multiple commands to one key you need to use $$ between your arguments...
/bind {Key to Bind} "Argument $$ Argument"
Most Binds will require the "" to work properly... some commands will also needs a + in front of them to tell the system to execute a single command... some may also include a ++ in front to tell the system to treat the command as a continues action.
Binding chat text to a key does not require ""... So to answer the question in the other thread in regards to the $target keybind... here it is.
/bind {KEY} team Please focus $target
It is also possible to create a backup of your keybinds... or to copy them to another toon.
To create a bind file, write the following in the chat window:
/bind_save_file {filename}.txt
This file should output here
C:\Users\<user>\Games\Cryptic Studios\Star Trek Online\Live
To load this file
/bind_load_file C:\<path to file>\{filename}.txt
List of useful PvP Keybinds
Firephasers --- Fire all phasers
Firetorps --- Fire all torpedoes
Firephaserstorps --- Fire all phasers and torpedoes
Fireprojectiles --- Fire all torpedoes and mines
Firemines --- Fire all mines
Fireall --- Fire all weapons
Pvpqueues --- Pops up pvp que
Target --- Targets name entered (are we still /target Hale.. binding these days.
Target_Teammate --- This one requires a team mate number
TrayExec --- This will require 2 numbers... this will execute any skill or fire any weapon you have in the specified slot... the number 0 counts for the system... so tray 1 slot 1... would be 0 0... tray 2 Slot 1... would be 1 0. Ect.
UseDevice --- This will require a number and will trigger an item in your item slot
Power_Exec --- Activate a power by name. (this one will be used to trigger commands like)
+Power_exec Distribute_Shields
CombatLog --- 1 Turns on 0 Turns off
I don't use a lot of multiple key binds... I do however like to double up same skills into one key. I have included a link to a UI screen shot where I have highlighted some of the skills on my bar... and here are the binds I would use to trigger them. I use a Naga Mouse and I bind the number keys on my mouse to perform multiple similer actions. I use shift and control to access my second and third rows... and can use these to bypass my defaults. Hopeful this makes sense.
Orange (Attack Pattern Delta 2 copies)
/bind 3 "+trayexec 0 2 $$ +trayexec 1 2"
Blue (My rapid Fire keybind... I also like to include Tactical Init on my Tac toon)
/bind 4 "+trayexec 0 3 $$ +Trayexec 1 3 $$ +trayexec 2 3"
If I don't want to trigger my tac init I will use shift or Control + 4 to activate my rapid fires.
Yellow (Emergency Power to Shields)
/bind 7 "+trayexec 0 6 $$ +trayexec 2 6"
I like to put my second EPTS up on control and my shift 7 becomes my other shield heal transfer shield strength.
Red (Tac Teams)
/bind 9 "+Trayexec 0 8 $$ +Trayexec 1 8"
These are pretty simple binds really... nothing fancy... just means no matter which copy of skills I carry 2 of is up... I only need to worry about 1 button.
I saw that you are using autofire in your screenie.
I actually had been using your seperate keybind idea for cannons and turrets. But I think one of the patches broke it, because my cannons were no longer in sync like before.
So went with the autofire method now, and I'm not losing damage like before. Makes flying a tad easier too.
I find these very handy:
/bind YourButton team "Target: $Target"
/bind YourButton team "Please stay close for heals, if u run off I will make sure to let you pop"
What I personally find useful is extending my WASD keys into putting Distribute shields, and other stuff I would like to keep rotating Same effect as an automated macro
Honestly though a few keybinds for me are enough and too much actually complicates things, i simply got used to rapid mouse clicking since i play this game, and i only spam spacebar , my WASD keys and 1 2 3 and 4 for my rapid powerlevel switching.
Doesn't seem so. I'm only using FirePhasers in my bind.
Seems to work fine.
Cool, then they both work!
I think at some point they simplified the system or something... cause ya I remmeber having to type a lot more at some point... I think I just forgot about it... but ya seems to work anyway. lol
Ya I got lazy.... and ya the timings don't seem to work as well as they once did... i think they honestly introduced more lag or something... I think you still get more dps doing it the other way, but its much more hit and miss then it used to be.
The only times I don't use the auto anymore... is when I have odd All torp builds... where I want to fire specific torps or mines at different times.
If there is an interest I might make this available to the public.
ok, now that would make me a key bind convert. that looks extreamly well done and easy to use. i would absolutely like to have that.
The application never directly interacts with the game software EVER! It only creates a bind file that you have to then import into the game.
I'm using Notepad++ to keep track of 9 or so custom bind files for different char builds. It keeps them nice and ordered like browser tabs.
With some testing I found the priority method behind keybinds. I created a PDF with all the details of how keybinds work.
/10chars | Weapon Damage Calculator | DPS Web Tools | STO-Center Forums
Nice stuff, man.
Thanks a bunch.
I have been using keybinds for a while (in a limited fashion)... never thought of a keybind to target specific things/players...
Could be useful in PVE as well (NWS for Freighter, Kang for Cure Space).
To the poster with the keybind file generator... I think that is fantastic... i learned keybinding by trial and error personally... but an application to read/tweak would be very useful to some (heck I'd probably use it myself). Does it read existing keybind files?
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No it does not read existing keybind files. The reason for this was not to have any information, generated by the game, entering the application. The idea was to reduce the interaction. The application does allow you to save your built up keybind set and allows you to read it but those files have no association with Star Trek Software. Once you are done with your keybind build you can then generate a keybind file that is compatible with Star Trek Online Game Client.
It is quite easy to buildup your keybind set though. In under 5 minutes I can recreate all my keybinds, if I needed to, and save it to a reusable file. The application also has a set of predefined keybinds, which makes creating keybinds very quick and easy.
The PDF by Pug02 was used to develop the framework.
You will have to use the software at your own risk. We/I by no means provide any guarantee or support. If you press the Create Bind File button and nothing appears in the Client Chat Command box then the path for the file could not be generated. I plan to add a feature for the user to specify a custom output folder.
Something that might interest the Space pilots: Click on Key-Sets\Space\Distribute Shield Power to All Movement Keys. Then Create Bind File followed by Copy to Clipboard and then in the game press Control-V in the chat window. You will find Distribute Shield Power bound to your WASD keys.
The application will check for updates when ever it starts up.
It would be great if Cryptic built this feature into Star Trek Online instead.
It is macroing and u know it mai kai and tsi is well known for using automated ingame functions with a single button click and macro hax
there is no other explanation for all those increased phaser proc rates
I simply use seperate bindfiles for all my toons its not considered macroing then
MT just upped the ante and called. You just lost your bluff mai.
Here was my general progress with Space PvP:
- At first I was trying to manage everything with single key keybinds. I quite often died and would looked at my trays, and had about 10 abilities still available to me, that could have changed the battle.
- Next I created keybinds that required me to repeatedly press keys. I defined "modes" in which I operated. I basically used complete trays with sets of skills on them. I suddenly was surviving a lot more and could focus on flying my ship. I am really good at flying ships, which I learned from other games. I was now able to study buffs, that other players had on, and started timing my moves based on their moves.
- Next I started stripping my "mode" keys off a bit. As I was improving and learning more, I started creating much more leaner "mode" keys with separate action buttons. Space PvP and Ground PvP is a dance. At times looking weak can help and at other times pure tanking is the opposite trick. Keeping a mental track of all the player's key buffs can be a heavy work load, all on its own.
I am still learning a lot and making changes on a daily basis. But when I find people who are interested in dipping their toes into Space PvP: I usually give them this starting point. It isn't the bible on space pvp. It is a starting point: actually find it rather easy to single click it out and still be actively aware or the battlefield, i set my offensive weapon skills and buff to one line of the command bar, offensive debuffs and enemy-affect skills to another line, and my defensive buffs and skills to another line. set them in the right order with skills you use together grouped together, have weapons on autofire, when im in full battle, the commands i need are always active, plus i know where everyone is and what my plan is next. after a while, muscle memory takes over and you wont even notice that your activating abilites on the go, its just natural reaction i dont even need to watch the countdown timers anymore. Note, only self made keybind i have on the entire game is i set Insert key to e/ salute, for fleet activites