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Space Motion

tau41tau41 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
So I'm FAIRLY sure it was a design decision to reduce the 'Descent Effect' (players getting completely lost in a 3D space)', but being able to fly the ships in vertical loops and or straight up and down would not only be cool, it would also be useful. It'd also be nice if the ships in Sector Space turned a little more like they do in the tactical combat. It feels like I'm piloting two different ships lately.

I'm guessing this has been hammered to death on the forums at some point on the past, but I just wanted to throw that out there.
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    nileight1nileight1 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yes, this tikadian horse has not only been beaten to death, it's remains have been beamed into deep space at the widest possible dispersion, spreading its molecules across the galaxy.

    It's not a limit of the game engine, rather they want to keep the "tall ships" feel of battle.
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    eisaakazeisaakaz Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    If I remember right you are referring to positive and negative declination.
    And there are several times when it would be super helpful.

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    anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Cryptic dosen't know how to do it, so they say its intentional...


    "It's not a bug, it's a feature" argument... More info soon?
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
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    obertheromulanobertheromulan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    nileight1 wrote: »
    Yes, this tikadian horse has not only been beaten to death, it's remains have been beamed into deep space at the widest possible dispersion, spreading its molecules across the galaxy.

    It's not a limit of the game engine, rather they want to keep the "tall ships" feel of battle.

    Yeah because the mass of a starship would totally limit it's ability to fly straight up in a zero gravity enviroment.
    How it literally feels like is piloting a 747 in zero gravity, through a thick nebula, fighting against the autopilot roll and pitch hold.
    Vornek@oberlerchner123 - Join Date: July 2008
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    tau41tau41 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    nileight1 wrote: »
    Yes, this tikadian horse has not only been beaten to death, it's remains have been beamed into deep space at the widest possible dispersion, spreading its molecules across the galaxy.

    It's not a limit of the game engine, rather they want to keep the "tall ships" feel of battle.

    So you're saying it's no longer even glue, and thusly, we need a new horse. I couldn't have timed it better myself! ;p
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    nileight1nileight1 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tau41 wrote: »
    So you're saying it's no longer even glue, and thusly, we need a new horse. I couldn't have timed it better myself! ;p

    What I'm saying is, "it is what it is."
    This is not a sim.
    Space combat and flight was done the way it was to represent how combat and space flight was seen in the shows and movies. Yes, there were five instances or whatever in hundreds of episodes and movies that showed straight up and down movement. But by and large, that wasn't how it was shown.

    People will say, "well Cryptic is the suxzorz and don't know how to make gamez, it's their limited engine and lazy devs don't wanna do it, hurrr derrrrrr."
    This isn't true, as you can fly straight up and down in another of their titles.

    People will say, "in space, you wouldn't be limited and based on physics of blah blah blah."
    Again, this isn't a simulator.

    Space flight and combat was done as it is as a stylistic choice.
    I think it's pretty fun and does a good job of representing the shows and movies.
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    nierionnierion Member Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm not saying I want to see the ability to do barrel rolls (even if the Enterprise did it against the Scimitar) however, I think being able to fly directly up and down should be added. Corkscrewing constantly around to go from top to bottom is annoying. My mine gripe though with space / sector space is its size and the loading screens. Space feels really small and just as a starting point they could fix alot of the scaling issues to make it feel vast, your ship to feel tiny when orbiting a planet and the combat to be less Star Wars (fast shooting etc) and more bold, with the option to do big battles that aren't necessarily over in a few seconds.

    Space just doesn't feel right. I know Eve is a space sim, but something a little closer to that would be better IMO. I'm not asking for it to take a week to get to one destination, but with the removal of loading screens and just being able to set course for a planet and ride out the warp journey where you can maybe get some bonuses or side missions done on your ship while doing it and then having the option to just skip it and maybe just transwarp right there.

    The game would feel alot better if everything was scaled better in size from my perspective. I know these ideas can't just be implemented over a week or two, but I would like to see less Lock Boxes and Ships being thrown at us and more focus put on working with what we have and striving towards a clearly defined goal to provide us a real Trek experience.
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    obertheromulanobertheromulan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    nileight1 wrote: »
    I think it's pretty fun and does a good job of representing the shows and movies.

    Well I think it doesn't, I have seen plenty of 3 dimensional movement in Star Trek combat.
    Just because ships are often seen on the same plane doesn't mean that space in Star Trek is flat.
    In fact being only able to think of space in 2 dimensions was pointed out to be Khan's major flaw in strategy by Spock, something they exploited soon after.
    Seeing ships on the same plane in many shots can be easily explained without throwing physics out the window:
    Ventral and dorsal phaser strips give best coverage being on the same plane as the target.
    Or for example a Warbird decloaking right in front of their target will delay their target from running away as they would have to turn their main engines to another direction first.

    I know it is the way it is, and it won't change.
    But it still makes me laugh every time somebody quotes the dev basicly saying:
    "Space is flat, and you have to spin in circles to climb because it feels Star Trek.
    And it is not a limitation of the engine."

    The later I could accept easily. The engine isn't made as a flight engine, it wouldn't be built to handle going upwards more than 90?.
    Even their earlier excuse of makeing it more accessable to people (like Khan :P) didn't bother me.

    Do you seriously expect this scene in a Star Trek movie.
    Captain! A Vor'cha class cruiser is decloaking, heading 340 mark 90, distance 10km, they're firing!
    *sparks flying from consoles* Return fire! *cue to exterior shot*
    Starfleet ship spinning in circles for 20 seconds gaining height each turn.
    Vornek@oberlerchner123 - Join Date: July 2008
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    halfbakedbeanhalfbakedbean Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It would make sense if ships had the full 360 degrees of movement around all 3 axes instead of just the one, think Klingon Academy but from a 3rd person persepective.

    And as Nierion mentioned, the scaling of environments does not seem logical. I feel like a dwarf on foot and a giant in space.
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