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How do you run your Starbase?

mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
This question goes out to everyone in a fleet, regardless of size or scope, because I'm looking at writing a new, and probably VERY long guide related to effectively building up the Fleet Holdings.

So here's a big ole long survey of questions I have about how you all run a fleet, or if you aren't a fleet leader, how you feel the fleet is being ran in general.

(If you can't answer or don't want to answer some of the questions, that's ok as well)

1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?
2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok)
2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating? (An estimation is ok)
3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?
4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc)
5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both?
5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)?
6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part?
6b. To fleet members (not leaders): Do you feel that your fleet leaders are doing a good job of keeping the fleet organized? (Slotting projects, letting people have a chance to donate, and so on)
7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?
7a. If applicable: Include if this is on just the Fed or KDF, or both sides.
7b. If a fleet leader: Why are you doing or not doing Featured Projects, and what are your thoughts on them in general?
7c. If a fleet member: Do you feel that Featured Projects are adding to the overall appeal of the Starbase/Embassy, and is adding your part to that 200,000 dil cost worthwhile to you?
8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.
9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?
10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?
11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?
12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example) Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'?
13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?
14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?
15. Do you like the fleet system?
16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.
17. If you had absolute control on how a fleet could be run without anyone disagreeing with you, how would you run it from day one in terms of leveling up the holdings?
18. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs?
19a. What do you feel is the strongest point of the Fleet system?
19b. And the weakest?
20. Have you gotten what you want from the fleet system? (Be it a ship, Mk XII gear, DOFFs, etc), and what is it that you have gotten/want to get?
20a. Do you feel it was worth the time and cost?
21. On fleet marks, what do you feel is the most effective way of grinding for them? (PvE queues, Deferi/Nukara, PvP, DOFF turn-ins, or something else I might've missed)
21a. And the least effective?
22. On dilithium, do you normally reach 8k a day?
22a. What do you do to get it?
23. Does anyone in your fleet own a Tuffli Freighter?
23a. Does anyone in your fleet (Feds only) have a Ferengi character?
24. When filling up commodities, do you or your fleet mates buy them from the cheaper vendor, or replicate them? (whether it's a normal mission or an upgrade)
24a. Do you or they do this on a Tuffli and/or with a Ferengi character?
25. Who decides the direction of your SB? One person, a group, or a fleet choice?
26. Who slots projects?
27. Do you run normal special projects? If so, which one(s)?
28. If you could go back in time (paradox-free) and tell yourself a few things about the Starbase, and they could be anything on it, what would you say?

Last question: (this question will always be last on the list, even if I add more in the future)

Is there something that you thought of that is important about the Starbases and such, that I missed and should've asked on? Regardless of your answer to that, feel free to talk about anything else in general about the fleet system and such you want to talk on.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Post edited by mimey2 on


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    grazyc2#7847 grazyc2 Member Posts: 1,988 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Why don't you start a fleet yourself to find out, instead off trying to get info from fleets ?
    Like the computer would say: That information is classified only level 10 or above is required. :D

    "Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kirk2390 wrote: »
    Why don't you start a fleet yourself to find out, instead off trying to get info from fleets ?
    Like the computer would say: That information is classified only level 10 or above is required. :D

    I am in a fleet, and a fleet leader at that, but that is still only my point of view, and there's WAY more fleets than just mine out there. So to make this guide I thought I'd have others voice their thoughts, maybe they have things I'd never consider, and so on.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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    pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kirk2390 wrote: »
    Why don't you start a fleet yourself to find out, instead off trying to get info from fleets ?
    Like the computer would say: That information is classified only level 10 or above is required. :D

    He's looking for input from other players on their experiences within their fleets and these forums are a central place to gather that information. So offer up your information towards the betterment of fleets in game! :)
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    tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    First of all I don't lead either of the fleets I am in, but I am one of the largest contributors on the FED one. The KDF one is a glorified bonus storage area though, so I'll stick to talking about the real fleet.

    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
    FED Templars

    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?

    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok)

    2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating? (An estimation is ok)
    Maybe 8. 90% of people who join a fleet will log in pretty rarely and are just there because they can. I'm also classifying "contributor" as "a person willing to donate Dil" becauselet's face it, that's 98% of the work with a fleet.

    I think that ratio seems about right, by the way. If you're letting casual players into your fleet just so they can hang out, you're going to get about a 10-1 ratio of contributors to people. And I'm fine with that. Frankly I wouldn't even be in a fleet where the mantra was CONTRIBUTE OR DIE. If you want me to work, pay me a salary. That's how things work. I contribute to the fleet because I want to. That's how it should be. The main use of fleets should, really, be for a social circle. The whole advancement thing is secondary. Fleets that get that will outlive most other ones. For the most part we've had no behavior problems, I think only one guy that was asked to leave for being the... shall we say "wrong kind" of social player. But for the most part it's a mature enjoyable group.

    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?
    We were fine up until Tier II completion. Tier III has been going quite slow, half because the costs are getting high and half because a couple of our contributors have not been online as much for personal reasons not related to the game. It's a very slow system which doesn't bug me per se, but the blatant slant towards Dil being all powerful is terribly imbalanced.

    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc)
    Starbase Tier II, Embassy Tier 1.

    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both?
    Some of both, though I think we should forget the embassy until Starbase Tier IV to be honest. But I can live with how it's going.

    6b. To fleet members (not leaders): Do you feel that your fleet leaders are doing a good job of keeping the fleet organized? (Slotting projects, letting people have a chance to donate, and so on)
    My fleet has a good leader, he's one of the better people I've met in my time playing this game. Some of the other players could use a kick in the TRIBBLE though.

    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?
    We do them regularly. Though the starbase ones tend to get finished a lot faster than the embassy.

    7c. If a fleet member: Do you feel that Featured Projects are adding to the overall appeal of the Starbase/Embassy, and is adding your part to that 200,000 dil cost worthwhile to you?
    I do think our starbase looks pretty cool at this point, though frankly until they add some meaninful reasons to be there more often the fleet system is clearly not finished. The cost is obviously too high, but it's too high for everyone. What can you do. At least they make me rich in fleet credit, though there's really nothing to do with hundreds of thousands of fleet credits which is another problem that needs addressing.

    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.
    Dilithium is literally the only thing that's hard to get. It's roughly 98% of the work with fleets and is totally out of balance.

    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?
    Fleet marks. Always were, and that was before the new redesign. On DOFF comendations alone I'm making at least an average of 75 a day. Hell I'm sitting on 1000 right now all by myself.

    10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?
    What really? Several.

    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?
    Lately over a week. There's only a small handful willing to chip in any Dil, which slows everything down.

    12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example) Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'?
    Our leader runs a weekly PvP boot camp for the fleet. I've been thinking about setting something up myself just to run some of the basic PvE but I'm not sure where I'd slot in the time. We do not have any kind of enforced donation requirements, though fleet ranks are determined by how much you're putting into it. Which is fair.

    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?
    Fleet mark boosts are a ludicous ripoff as fleet marks are probably the easiest thing in the game to get. I do buy a lot of DOFFs, especialy if a project is stalleed on 26-30 security officers or whatever and I just want to get it running. As one of the main Dil contributors I have Credits to burn so okay then.

    15. Do you like the fleet system?
    Yes, although it need refinement. There's not enough reason to actually go to a starbase. There should be fleet specific missions that queue from both the Starbase and Embassy, as an absolute bare minimum. There's also not nearly enough things to spend fleet credits on, and too many items that cost FC + Dil which is just a joke. Fleet projects are also stacked so that it feels like abuot 98% of the requirements are Dil, which needs to change. But the system itself as a concept is sound, and still has a lot of potential. It's also a great place to make friends, and I was lucky I joined the fleet I did when I was relatively new. I've learned a lot from the veterans.

    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.
    Best reward I've gotten personally seems to be the MK X Romulan Engineering Kit so far. I'm a one man army, dude. Other than that, mainly the best thing about the fleets is the friends you make with a few of the other regulars. Most of the fleet rewards that look any good are priced out of relevance because they add a Dil requirement to them.

    Fleet ships are an immense rip off. You pay C-store prices or above for a ship that isn't even an account wide unlock. What a joke. I won't ever touch one.

    (That's the simpler stuff, here's the 'essay' questions, the more details the better)

    1. If you had absolute control on how a fleet could be run without anyone disagreeing with you, how would you run it from day one in terms of leveling up the holdings?
    - Starbase 1
    - Starbase 2
    - Embassy 1
    - Starbase 3
    - Starbase 4
    - Embassy 2
    After that it doesn't matter unless you have 40 billion people, really. I laugh when I see ships released for Shipyard Tier V as it's virtually the same thing as the ship not being in the game at all for 99.997% of potential fleets.

    2. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs?
    Eventually, sure. Of course they could. And for the record I find a lot of this "small fleets are at a disadvantage, boo hoo" stuff to be a giant load of brown bananas from whiners. Of course your fleet progresses slower. It's smaller. That's fair and right.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
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    pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »

    Here's my own input separately...I won't be responding to every question posed but you can infer from my responses for the answers to other questions:

    Whale of a game supporter running my very own single player Fed fleet with 11 alts (5 VAs and 6 others) moving excruciatingly slowly along the Fleet advancement path towards completing T2 SB and T1 Embassy. I did the first special project to open the skylights on the SB but haven't done any others as I feel they are a waste of my time and effort as no one else will enjoy them.

    Fleet marks are the biggest obstacle for me in advancing the fleet holdings. I use to join up with other fleets hosting events via the FleetEvent Channel, but real life put a damper on that months ago. My main source of FM's has become DOffing using my most senior VAs.

    I originally got involved with the SB fleet holdings in order to experience the newly offered content. I view them as an enormous pit to dump resources into for very little return. I don't bother with the STFs as I have no desire whatsoever to put my own game enjoyment in the hands of any other players and thusly have absolutely no reason whatsoever to do the "ultimate epic chase of epic ultimate gear" in order to borgify my ships or show my epeen around the stations by hiding my characters faces (that I put much time and effort into creating) behind the visor of a helmet.

    My own suggestions for leveling fleet holdings is for any and every fleet to get a Tuffli just as quickly as they possibly can. The quartermaster in the rear compartment offers commodities at reduced prices and coupled with Ferengi racial vastly lowers the EC needed to provide commodities for projects.
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    lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'll bite.
    mimey2 wrote: »
    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
    Department S for Fed, House of S.E.C.R.E.T.S. for KDF.

    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?
    I believe the total number of captains is around 40 or so.

    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok)
    Maybe around 15.

    2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating? (An estimation is ok)
    I would say maybe 7 active right now with about 4 donating.

    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?
    Very slow.

    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc)
    T2 Starbase, T0 Embassy

    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both?
    Focus has been more on the Starbase, but I've been getting into the Embassy lately.

    5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)?
    For the Starbase it's been equal in all areas, or whatever area my members want to focus on. For Embassy, I've been working on Diplomacy since I hear good things about those science consoles.

    6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part?
    It goes in waves. We may see no progress for days and then the next I may log in to see 3 projects running countdown timers. I don't make my members donate if they don't want to, so I leave individual effort up to each member. Right now I have maybe 3 members not donating at all.

    6b. To fleet members (not leaders): Do you feel that your fleet leaders are doing a good job of keeping the fleet organized? (Slotting projects, letting people have a chance to donate, and so on)

    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?
    We've done some. Dilithium is a bit hard to budget with only 4 active members donating.

    7a. If applicable: Include if this is on just the Fed or KDF, or both sides.
    Fed, we have next to no progress on the KDF side.

    7b. If a fleet leader: Why are you doing or not doing Featured Projects, and what are your thoughts on them in general?
    If my members want to do one, I let them. I personally don't like them, but if my members want one done, I help them out.

    7c. If a fleet member: Do you feel that Featured Projects are adding to the overall appeal of the Starbase/Embassy, and is adding your part to that 200,000 dil cost worthwhile to you?

    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.
    Right now, dilithium. I have 2 Embassy projects that have just been sitting there for about a week only needing dil, all other areas are filled.

    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?
    Fleet marks. On my own I can make around 300-600 marks a day depending on how much I play. Add in a few of my other members and we fill up marks very quickly. (This is after the recent change to fleet marks.)

    10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?
    Active projects? I think only one tactical project on our Starbase.

    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?
    On average, I would say around 3-4 days maybe.

    12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example) Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'?
    I let my members do their own thing. If I'm running some events from the PVE queue I'll invite them to join me, but I never force anyone.

    13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?
    Eh, personally I'd like to focus on the Embassy first, but my members want the Starbase, so I tend to work on the Embassy on my own. I do help them on the base though. Any new holdings won't see much progress. We can barely keep up with two let alone more.

    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?
    I don't. I have one member with well over 2 million credits, so he takes care of the DOff requirements.

    15. Do you like the fleet system?
    Personally I'm split. It keeps several of my members logging in daily to help out. It also sent a few of them back to other games once they saw the massive grind.

    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.
    For my fleet right now, it's the space gear. I'm the only one who does STFs right now, so my members enjoy the fleet gear they get.

    17. If you had absolute control on how a fleet could be run without anyone disagreeing with you, how would you run it from day one in terms of leveling up the holdings?
    Embassy and any future smaller holdings first. Starbase would be the long term project.

    18. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs?
    Eh, not sure. I mean when we buckle down to crank out a specific project it can go fast. But overall progress? Probably not.

    19a. What do you feel is the strongest point of the Fleet system?
    Giving a fleet something to focus on and build together as a group.

    19b. And the weakest?
    I would say the way that it was implemented. I would have liked to see fleet specific missions involved in order to further the building of the base instead of it just being a glorified resource dump.

    20. Have you gotten what you want from the fleet system? (Be it a ship, Mk XII gear, DOFFs, etc), and what is it that you have gotten/want to get?
    Personally, no. I really want the stuff from the Embassy. My members though want the space gear and ships from the Starbase. I've let them focus on that since that's what keeps many of them happy.

    20a. Do you feel it was worth the time and cost?
    Personally, no. I haven't seen any benefits from it myself. My members have though, so for them it's probably worth it.

    21. On fleet marks, what do you feel is the most effective way of grinding for them? (PvE queues, Deferi/Nukara, PvP, DOFF turn-ins, or something else I might've missed)
    PVE queues for sure. I rather like Fleet alert, colony invasion, and mine trap. I run mine trap for the double bonus of rom marks too. I make around 300 marks per day on average, with upwards of 600 marks if I'm really in the mood for some action.

    21a. And the least effective?
    Defera. The requirements for even the easy missions take FOREVER to finish. After about an hour killing borg for their processors or whatever, I dropped the mission and left.

    22. On dilithium, do you normally reach 8k a day?
    Not even close. I think I normally make around 2k per day.

    22a. What do you do to get it?
    DOff missions. I don't like running the dailies. I used to do STFs hardcore, but with the addition of the rep system and the removal of gear drops, my STF runs have substantially dropped off. I run a few STFs a week now instead of 6-8 every day.

    23. Does anyone in your fleet own a Tuffli Freighter?
    Not that I'm aware of.

    23a. Does anyone in your fleet (Feds only) have a Ferengi character?
    Yes, but he's been inactive for around a year now.

    24. When filling up commodities, do you or your fleet mates buy them from the cheaper vendor, or replicate them? (whether it's a normal mission or an upgrade)
    Buy them from the cargo ships in Sirius sector. There's one chilling right outside of Sol, so we go there to load up on commodities. I use it for my rep requirements as well.

    24a. Do you or they do this on a Tuffli and/or with a Ferengi character?
    Not that I know of.

    Answers in red.
    Mine Trap Supporter
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    kyeto13kyeto13 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
    Fleet Operation, Federation.
    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?
    We have around 250 active toons in the fleet.
    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok)
    We estimate about 50-75 active members based on average cht activity during the week
    2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating? (An estimation is ok)
    We have a teired Security System based on the total contribution to fleet holdings. About half are above the first level of 75,000 combined total contributions.
    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?
    It depends. If we light a fire under thier TRIBBLE, we can bust through any project within 3 days. But again, that depends on who comes on and what the project is. Most of the aesthetic upgrades are ususally filled out by one of 5 people in the fleet.
    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc)
    Starbase: Tier 3. Embassy Tier 1.5
    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both?
    We do both equally, but we have trouble getting people to contribute to the Embassy. This is a situation where we light fires under asses.
    5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)?
    We have found that there seems to be the most buzz about the Tactical tier and getting the new ships. However, command has studied and found a better return for your investment in the Science and Engineering Tier for the Fleet Shields and the Fleet Weapons. We also have hype about the Embassy's Diplomacy Tier as this gives out some elite consoles with special effects as well.
    6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part?
    No. There are alot of whales out there they have been in the top 10 places undisputed since the Fleet system was implemented. And there are other players who have a combined total of 10k. I would like to see everyone climb up the ladder and start some upsets.
    6b. To fleet members (not leaders): Do you feel that your fleet leaders are doing a good job of keeping the fleet organized? (Slotting projects, letting people have a chance to donate, and so on)
    N/A current Fleet Leader
    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?
    We hold a vote with each one that comes out. But Mostly we get Yays over Nays.
    7a. If applicable: Include if this is on just the Fed or KDF, or both sides.
    We DO have a KDF branch... with a total of three people actively in it.
    7b. If a fleet leader: Why are you doing or not doing Featured Projects, and what are your thoughts on them in general?
    We do them based on a major consensus. Most of the time we seem to do them because it adds to our Starbase. Personally, I see them as dilithium sinks, and I have better things to do with that then feed them to tribbles.
    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.
    Dilthium, definitely. Fleet Marks you can have a small hang up on, but within a week, someone pulls together a Fleet Mark Run and covers that. With as many pulls on their dilithium, Few people are willing to donate it to the greater good at will.
    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?
    Commodities. We have people snipe the projects with commodity vendors.
    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?
    IT can take anywhere from 24 hours to three weeks. It depends on the project, it's requirements, and the time of the month it lands on.
    12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example) Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'?
    We mostly allow our members to do their own thing, but have opportunities they can join in on. Mostly training and guided runs on Fleet Actions or PVP. But sometimes we hold a contest with prizes. All are optional but highly encouraged.
    13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?
    Holdings should be weighed carefully based on what it is and what is needed.
    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?
    Again, it depends. Sometimes i need the credits. Otherwise for events I will pull a bunch of Fleet Mark buffs off the shelf and pass them out like ammo.
    15. Do you like the fleet system?
    Yes. It is an interesting system, give the community of the fleet something to be proud of, and it is a non P2W way to get elite gear.
    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.
    Most people will say the ships, but as far as skill goes, the Elite Fleet weapons and the Elite Fleet Shields and Deflectors are the best thing to come out of this system.

    1. If you had absolute control on how a fleet could be run without anyone disagreeing with you, how would you run it from day one in terms of leveling up the holdings?
    I would do more of a rotating schedule of fleet holdings. There is something psychological about seeing the bar move THAT much within a week. Otherwise, the system works.
    2. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs?
    The system is scaled around 25 active members, so yes.
    Live on Earth. Work in Space. Play with Dragons. Join the best add on to STO, the Neverwinter holodeck program! Only 14 GPL a month.
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    bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
    Bugoo Brigade
    mimey2 wrote: »
    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?
    mimey2 wrote: »
    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok)
    mimey2 wrote: »
    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?
    Decently for the most part. The standard starbase setup is pretty well done with where the rewards are placed as very few truly replace the ones before them like the ship weapons and so forth. Embassy on the other hand...
    mimey2 wrote: »
    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc)
    Tier 3 in starbase categories but only tier 1 base. More efficient to upgrade starbase once I hit tier 4 in the categories than to do so earlier.
    mimey2 wrote: »
    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both?
    Embassy for now, I want it finished when the next holding is released or else I'm making backwards progress.
    mimey2 wrote: »
    5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)?
    All really although I really want tier 4 in the starbase for science and engineering.
    mimey2 wrote: »
    6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part?
    Depends. We will see how bad the next holding is and if I finish the embassy in time or not but for the most part yes I do.
    mimey2 wrote: »
    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?
    Hell no. If it doesn't serve a purpose I do not care about it nor can I really afford them at the moment. I think these are the reason fleets are dil starved honestly.
    mimey2 wrote: »
    7b. If a fleet leader: Why are you doing or not doing Featured Projects, and what are your thoughts on them in general?
    As above they serve no purpose other than the make it more difficult to progress. They are a trap I say, a TRAP!! :D
    mimey2 wrote: »
    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.
    Depends on the patch. At first Doffs, then marks, then dil, now I'd say it is all about an equal spread.
    mimey2 wrote: »
    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?
    mimey2 wrote: »
    10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?
    mimey2 wrote: »
    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?
    Depends on my focus at the time. I'd say I average about 4 or 5 a week right now mostly getting them on weekends but I don't really keep track.
    mimey2 wrote: »
    13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?
    Logic dictates that eventually when the progression length becomes too long for new blood to partake they will make it easier. I feel they will make the starbase portion easier before the embassy since it is older but it really is hard to say right now.
    mimey2 wrote: »
    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?
    Of course.
    mimey2 wrote: »
    15. Do you like the fleet system?
    Yes and no. Honestly it is simply a glorified store front that requires a grind to unlock and the entire design damages the entire purpose of a fleet in my opinion. But it gives me something to do ingame so it works I guess.
    mimey2 wrote: »
    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.
    Really the fleet ship weapons IMHO.
    mimey2 wrote: »
    (That's about all I have for now, I might add more later on. I know it's a lot, but if ya'll are willing to answer, I'll be able to make a more complete guide because I will have more info on what people feel about all this)

    To me the fleet system is a failure for one simple reason. The 'sales' of fleet provisions by the uber fleets is the logical conclusion of it's design and in a Star Trek universe that is embarrassing. I hold no malice toward those who participate in such things, in fact I thank them for the service they are providing to the community. It does speak volumes of the system design and failed intent behind it though.
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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I've been liking all the replies so far. Not gonna ask any more questions at this moment, but hope that more people are wiling to post.

    The most interesting answers has been people's choice on what they feel is the easiest and hardest things to get for the SB.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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    lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I think it depends on what content each player enjoys. I really enjoy the PVE queue events like fleet defense, colony invasion, starbase incursion, and mine trap. I get a ton of marks from running those so for me marks just aren't an issue. One of my officers though really makes a point to run all of the daily missions on several of his alts to max out dilithium. He never fails to get them done. So for him dil isn't a major issue. Two others I have enjoy a whole lot of pvp. I think they get marks for that, maybe dil...I have no idea since I don't pvp lol. I would say that the focus of the fleet would definitely affect what materials each one finds easy and difficult to come by.
    Mine Trap Supporter
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    lordvalecortezlordvalecortez Member Posts: 479 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This question goes out to everyone in a fleet, regardless of size or scope, because I'm looking at writing a new, and probably VERY long guide related to effectively building up the Fleet Holdings.

    So here's a big ole long survey of questions I have about how you all run a fleet, or if you aren't a fleet leader, how you feel the fleet is being ran in general.

    (If you can't answer or don't want to answer some of the questions, that's ok as well)

    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
    Free March Confederacy on the Feds
    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?

    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok)

    2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating? (An estimation is ok)
    5 people are on the leader board, though I am the main contributor. Being a three year veteran means I have the EC to buy up what we need. Dil, dofficers, and marks get contributed evenly.

    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?
    Decently. We just came online as a fleet this year and only last month decided we were actually going to tackle the Starbase.

    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc)

    We?re just starting at upgrading to T1 SB. The Transwarp gate was our main objective.
    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both? Starbase focus, particularly the transwarp system. Then the Shipyard. In the Embassy, what little attention it gets is going down the Recruitment path

    5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)? Transwarp is just convenient and the additional doff slot would be nice.

    6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part?
    Given the casual nature of the fleet, which only meets once a week, I feel we are doing well. Having low level goals helps.

    6b. To fleet members (not leaders): Do you feel that your fleet leaders are doing a good job of keeping the fleet organized? (Slotting projects, letting people have a chance to donate, and so on)

    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?
    A long time ago I locked in the windows eons ago but only now are we working towards them. Actually, only one guy is standing against the closed shutters and trying to get them unstuck by whacking it with a hunk of Dil.

    7a. If applicable: Include if this is on just the Fed or KDF, or both sides.
    Just on the Fed side. None of my friends have KDF toons due to lack of interest in Klinks in general.

    7b. If a fleet leader: Why are you doing or not doing Featured Projects, and what are your thoughts on them in general?
    I wish they were cheaper but I do understand why they are as expensive as they are. I just think we have to be patient. Getting Dil is easy enough, it?s just waiting on the refinement. However, with enough patience it will get done. I?ve also found that having a long term goal is good have.

    7c. If a fleet member: Do you feel that Featured Projects are adding to the overall appeal of the Starbase/Embassy, and is adding your part to that 200,000 dil cost worthwhile to you?

    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.
    Dil for sure as there is a very finite amount of them. I can either grind out the required marks, or buy with EC everything else. Granted I?ve been burning close to 1 mil EC to get supplies for the base.

    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?
    Marks. Nukara is a god send for marks. It is a lot less stressful as you have complete control of your mission progress. And the payout is solid even without the mark bonus.

    10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?
    An Engineering project to get it caught up and the Transwarp gate. The Sci, Tac, and Rec are all primed and just missing Marks/Doffs.

    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?
    It normally takes one day to fill a project. It is largely dependent on Marks/Doffs as I provide everything else.

    12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example) Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'?
    As we get together once a week, we run our dailies, get some marks to get at least one project going and then split off to do our own thing.

    13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?
    I think it comes down to what benefits people want and how fast we can get there.

    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?
    I did not even know that was a thing. Will do now as I?m sitting on 600k credits?

    15. Do you like the fleet system?

    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.
    Transwarps and the extra Doffs slots are my personal goals.

    (That's the simpler stuff, here's the 'essay' questions, the more details the better)

    1. If you had absolute control on how a fleet could be run without anyone disagreeing with you, how would you run it from day one in terms of leveling up the holdings?

    Seeing as I am the undisputed leader and things are being run as I suggest, the fleet is upgrading in an even fashion. This is basically due to a mixture of OCD on my part, and the fact that the fleet we have is an old fossil I kept alive via alt from the earliest days of STO. As my fleet mates/irl friends don?t have much MMO nor guild/fleet experience and I do, I am in command. (My sister would run the fleet into the ground and she wants to know if that is the right answer.)

    2. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs?
    Yes. If EC is no object, then everything could be done by a single person. The only restriction is the Dil of course. Everything can be bought off the exchange or from venders. I?ve dragged a fleet from nothing to Level 3, Tier 0 basically by myself.

    19a. What do you feel is the strongest point of the Fleet system?
    The holdings. It gives a fleet a common goal to stride towards, even if it is a huge resource sink. The unlocks help as well.

    19b. And the weakest?
    The fact is a huge resource dump. Strangely I feel that the large fleets are at a disadvantage in the resource race because only so many can contribute at a time. Small Fleets have the issue of getting the resources, but there is never an issue of people not being to give and get some fleet credits.

    20. Have you gotten what you want from the fleet system? (Be it a ship, Mk XII gear, DOFFs, etc), and what is it that you have gotten/want to get?
    Well, the Transwarp gate should be done by now so yes! I know I have low standards...

    20a. Do you feel it was worth the time and cost?
    Cheers from Antonio Valerio Cortez III, Half-Celestial Archduke of the Free Marches Confederacy.
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    cehuscehus Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    This question goes out to everyone in a fleet, regardless of size or scope, because I'm looking at writing a new, and probably VERY long guide related to effectively building up the Fleet Holdings.

    So here's a big ole long survey of questions I have about how you all run a fleet, or if you aren't a fleet leader, how you feel the fleet is being ran in general.

    (If you can't answer or don't want to answer some of the questions, that's ok as well)

    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
    UFP, UFP Reserve, and House of Kular
    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?
    ~1350 members spread across 3 fleets.

    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok)
    458 members have logged in within the past 3 months

    2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating? (An estimation is ok)

    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?

    We are going at a steady pace.

    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc)
    T4 starbase t4 ind. replicator, shipyard, comm array and transwarp gate. T3 embassy.

    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both?

    5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)?
    we are working at all areas at the same time.

    6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part?

    6b. To fleet members (not leaders): Do you feel that your fleet leaders are doing a good job of keeping the fleet organized? (Slotting projects, letting people have a chance to donate, and so on)


    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?

    we are doing all projects
    7a. If applicable: Include if this is on just the Fed or KDF, or both sides.
    7b. If a fleet leader: Why are you doing or not doing Featured Projects, and what are your thoughts on them in general?

    7c. If a fleet member: Do you feel that Featured Projects are adding to the overall appeal of the Starbase/Embassy, and is adding your part to that 200,000 dil cost worthwhile to you?

    All special projects are complete on the first day of being introduced for all 3 fleets, they aren't an issue. and yes, they are worth it, the the bases are a little bland without them.

    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.

    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?
    Fleet marks or replicated provisions
    10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?

    Theoretical modeling projects iv, practice tac excercises iv engineering construction projects iv advanced multidisciplinary research.
    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?

    anywhere from 10 minutes to 6 hours.
    12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example) Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'?
    We run daily events doing many different things, from fleet marks, to stfs, to pvp, all befitting the starbase in one way or another down the line.

    13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?

    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?

    15. Do you like the fleet system?
    Yes, very much so! it gives a reason to join and be active in a fleet.

    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.

    All of the rewards are pretty nice.

    (That's the simpler stuff, here's the 'essay' questions, the more details the better)

    1. If you had absolute control on how a fleet could be run without anyone disagreeing with you, how would you run it from day one in terms of leveling up the holdings?

    I'd level the science catagory on the fleet starbase first. If the Scorpions are any indication as to how good elite fighters are, they are worth pursuing
    2. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs?


    (That's about all I have for now, I might add more later on. I know it's a lot, but if ya'll are willing to answer, I'll be able to make a more complete guide because I will have more info on what people feel about all this)

    See quoted /10char.
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    nutiketgotcnutiketgotc Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. No comment.
    2. About 50.
    2a. About the same.
    2b. Maybe six.
    3. Slow as a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter.
    4. Starbase lvl 1, embassy lvl 0.
    5. No discernible plan at all.
    5a. I think it's random.
    6a. Not a leader, although I contribute more than the actual leaders do.
    6b. The leaders went away for a week and we had no open projects. It was super boring.
    7. Not really.
    7a. It's a fed fleet
    7b. I'm pretty sure that the reason is that we take too long to get through ANY project.
    7c. I cant really say.
    8. I get about 1,000 dilithium a day and all of the good content costs dilithium or C-points.
    9. I'm level 50, skill points pour out of my cargo bays.
    10. Unfortunately I cant remember off the top of my head but most of the slots are empty.
    11. A week or more.
    12. There is no coordination of anything
    13. No one uses them
    14. I would if it was worth it
    15. I would if I was in a better fleet
    16. I want a fleet ship but I really havent gotten anything interesting out of my fleet.
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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'd just like to note that I've updated the OP.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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    darkwhite0darkwhite0 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
    Fed: Brazilian Fleet
    KDF: Brazilian klingon Empire

    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?
    Fed: 300 - 150VA - we have an average of 5 players online during the week and 8 on weekends
    KDF: 61 - 23LG - average of 4 players online during the week and 5 on weekends

    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok)
    Fed: 120
    KDF: 34

    2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating? (An estimation is ok)
    Fed: 50
    KDF: 23

    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?
    we are progressing above the average
    I think it would be nearly fast

    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc)
    SS Fleet - FED
    FED: Starbase Tier 4, , but the project was not started, it's waiting for an opportunity. We are officially tier 3
    Mil > Tier 3
    Eng > Tier 5
    Sci > Tier 3,8
    Embassy Tier1
    Dip > Tier 2
    Rec > Tier 1
    SS Fleet - KDF
    KDF > Tier 1 (2,3 available)
    Mil > Tier 2 (3 available)
    Eng > Tier 3
    Sci > Tier 2,5
    Embassy Tier 1
    Dip > Tier 1
    Rec > Tier 1

    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both?
    Fed: Since July we focus on engineering projects, now that we have reached our goal, our plans are to make the Diplomacy tier 3 at the Embassy and after that, we went back to the military, sciences and to reach Starbase tier 5
    we're taking it without compromise, but follows the same strategy of the federation

    5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)?
    we chose engineering because the weapons and diplomacy because plasma consoles and threat generation consoles

    6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part?
    yes, all within the fleet must do their part, it is a pre-requisite to get something from the fleet store

    6b. To fleet members (not leaders): Do you feel that your fleet leaders are doing a good job of keeping the fleet organized? (Slotting projects, letting people have a chance to donate, and so on)
    (I am the leader) I think so hehehehe XD

    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?
    we are not doing it

    7a. If applicable: Include if this is on just the Fed or KDF, or both sides.
    both sides

    7b. If a fleet leader: Why are you doing or not doing Featured Projects, and what are your thoughts on them in general?
    we did only 4 special projects, and if I could have the money back ...
    only one project worth to be done,(Room with a View), the others are just for you to spend your resources on things that do not bring ANY benefit to fleet

    other special projects that serve to make fleetmark also are a waste of time and resources

    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.
    1 - Fleet mark
    2 - Dilithium and DOFF

    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?

    10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?
    military 1k xp
    sciences 1k xp
    sciences 500 xp (doff only)
    engineering Tier 5 (upgrade)

    Diplomacy Tier 2 (upgrade)

    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?
    20min... 5 hours, more or less.

    12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example) Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'?
    yes, sometimes we close A group of 5 people to get fleet mark

    13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?
    first, you must initiate the projects to get the upgrade, then you must stop the project until the upgrade is finished and then return to the projects
    we're doing it since July

    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?
    we ask the members to purchase the doff from the fleet

    15. Do you like the fleet system?
    yes, but would like a better way to distribute the provisions

    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.
    The best reward, at least for me, is the personal satisfaction of saying we did it happen
    that without the help of other members of the fleet would not have it
    weapons, bonus are a consequence

    (That's the simpler stuff, here's the 'essay' questions, the more details the better)
    2. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs?
    I think so, but that would require time, time taken from real life, that's when the leader of a fleet or a guild should consider:
    worth I spend my time and money building a Pharaonic project?
    is not it easier to enter into a fleet of medium size and I help them?

    19a. What do you feel is the strongest point of the Fleet system?
    the fleet system gives a purpose for the existence of the fleet, before that they were just social groups

    19b. And the weakest?
    the administration is a little poorly designed, I would like something this

    20. Have you gotten what you want from the fleet system? (Be it a ship, Mk XII gear, DOFFs, etc), and what is it that you have gotten/want to get?
    not yet

    20a. Do you feel it was worth the time and cost?
    I do not know, I'll test this week

    21. On fleet marks, what do you feel is the most effective way of grinding for them? (PvE queues, Deferi/Nukara, PvP, DOFF turn-ins, or something else I might've missed)
    PVE Queues, if you have five people in your fleet, it is very easy to do
    Colony - 50fm
    Starbase Incursion - 70fm
    Fleet alert - 50fm
    850fm in 20min

    21a. And the least effective?

    22. On dilithium, do you normally reach 8k a day?
    yes, but only when I really want,

    22a. What do you do to get it?
    I already have T5 reputation (both)
    4 or 5 STF, I convert everything to dilithium

    23. Does anyone in your fleet own a Tuffli Freighter?
    I do not know, maybe

    23a. Does anyone in your fleet (Feds only) have a Ferengi character?

    24. When filling up commodities, do you or your fleet mates buy them from the cheaper vendor, or replicate them? (whether it's a normal mission or an upgrade)
    all commodities are bought from a freighter near Vulcan

    Answers in red:D
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    lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    I'd just like to note that I've updated the OP.

    Updated my first post to answer the updated questions.
    Mine Trap Supporter
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    deyvaddeyvad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
    The Flying Circus. (Fed fleet)
    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?
    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok)
    about 55 accounts
    2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating? (An estimation is ok)
    30 members (+/- 50%) have donated to fleet projects, only 7 have donated more than 100k, only 2 more than 1M. Only about 19 fleet members have logged in since the last 10 days, we are rarely more than 5 players online at once.
    Overall, about 5 active fleet donators

    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?
    Slowly since I stopped grinding only to advance the fleet.
    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc)
    Starbase Tier 2 (Mil T2; Eng T2 (46/50k to T3); Sci T2)
    Embassy T0 (300k Dilithium short) (Dip T1; Rec T1)

    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both?
    I nominated the top two donators besides myself to manage the holdings, each is responsible for their holdings. There isn't any plans besides keeping the provisions stocked and minimizing dilithium requirements.
    5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)?
    No specific plans, members donate as they wish, no directive, beggins or orders.
    6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part?
    For a smallish, no strings attached, casual fleet, I think we're doing pretty, pretty good.
    6b. To fleet members (not leaders): Do you feel that your fleet leaders are doing a good job of keeping the fleet organized? (Slotting projects, letting people have a chance to donate, and so on)
    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?
    Did too many of them. We've stopped slotting them when we realized that the "interactive features" we're useless to say the best.
    7a. If applicable: Include if this is on just the Fed or KDF, or both sides.
    N/A, Fed fleet only
    7b. If a fleet leader: Why are you doing or not doing Featured Projects, and what are your thoughts on them in general?
    Useless features outside maybe the conference table, unless the fleet is into that sort of things. Also the prices are ridiculous for a small fleet.
    7c. If a fleet member: Do you feel that Featured Projects are adding to the overall appeal of the Starbase/Embassy, and is adding your part to that 200,000 dil cost worthwhile to you?
    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.
    Dilithium, then Fleet Marks. Dil is not hard to get, but it is hard to donate, as it is used to buy gear from fleet stores, rep stores, ships, etc.
    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?
    Expertise is definitely the easiest, followed by Emassy Provisions (only one source, not too expensive) and commodities
    10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?
    Sci experience, eng buff and mil buff; Recruit experience, recruit provision and Tier 1 upgrade
    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?
    A couple of day since I stopped focusing on it, used to be every other day.
    12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example) Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'?
    We do our own things, sometimes we group to do some STF or Missions, rarely planned events and when we do, I usually offer prices to join (CXP boost, Fleet credit Boosts, etc.). But most of all, everyone is free to do as they please with their loot (dilithium or other).
    13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?
    As the players feel.
    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?
    Yeah, best way to get those Doff requirement filled.
    15. Do you like the fleet system?
    Hate it in the way it is implemented, but I love the concept of it.
    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.
    I'd say having the possibilities opened, to be able to purchase the gear, or ship. And offer that opportunity to the fleet members who participated in the projects.
    17. If you had absolute control on how a fleet could be run without anyone disagreeing with you, how would you run it from day one in terms of leveling up the holdings?
    Same way, Everyone plays as they wish and participates as he sees fits.
    18. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs?
    Regardless of cost (or leasure time), sure! In that case, large fleets would be penalised since most of the players won't be able to participate. the current system works in the way that small fleet work harder, and are rewarded with easier access to fleet provision. I mean with 30 donating players, I don't have the need to limit access to provisioned store, a 300 player fleet will need to limit access or the provisions would be depleated much more rapidely
    19a. What do you feel is the strongest point of the Fleet system?
    Bottomless Ressource Pit. And something else to do in the game, like making your first 100M e.c., maximising the crafting skill, completing all the CXP ranks, etc.
    19b. And the weakest?
    Bottomless Ressource Pit.
    20. Have you gotten what you want from the fleet system? (Be it a ship, Mk XII gear, DOFFs, etc), and what is it that you have gotten/want to get?
    I guess, got good gear, met good players, have my own starbase, what can I want more out of this?
    20a. Do you feel it was worth the time and cost?
    Definitely not, way to expensive, it could have been much much more.

    Happy to answer your questionaire, looking forward to read your guide.
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    lordvalecortezlordvalecortez Member Posts: 479 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Updated my original post with new answers.
    Cheers from Antonio Valerio Cortez III, Half-Celestial Archduke of the Free Marches Confederacy.
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    tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. Predominantly a Fed fleet with a KDF sister fleet.
    2. 385 on books at time of writing.
    2.a. 150
    2.b. 15
    3. Was going decently until we hit T4, now we're slowing down significantly.
    4. Tier 4 Across the board. Working to T5 Starbase, Embassy is due to be finished at the end of the month.
    5. We focus mainly on the Starbase, though with a little enforced direction we've nearly completed the Embassy.
    6.a The fleet is extremely polarised, some give more than you could imagine. 5-6million on the leader board. Some members only 5-6 hundred.
    6.b There have been a lot of complaints about projects not being slotted often enough and too little chance for people to donate to things. We have a large number of members who wait on the timers and automatically fill the next project.
    7. Yes we did all the Featured Projects including the awful Christmas one. We attempt to get this done on both sides, although the KDF fleet is a Tier behind and slowing down so it's harder to get the projects filled. Fed side they fill up pretty soon after slotting.
    Featured projects are mostly fluff, we do them mainly because they are easy fleet credit for a large proportion of the membership.
    I generally see them as a waste, particularly the embassy ones, if it wasn't for our weekly fleet meetings and the stores. I don't think anyone would ever go there.
    8. The Duty Officers seem to be the bottleneck for us. The cost for them in either EC or FC is often obscene depending on the luck of the draw. Commodities are a close second, particularly the more expensive ones.
    9. The Expertise is the easiest one to get with Fleet Marks close behind.
    10. At time of writing: Theoretical Modelling Projects, Engineering Construction Projects, Support Local Systems and Transwarp Gate T4 Upgrade. Embassy Projects are Provisioning Diplomacy and Recruitment, T3 Recruitment Upgrade.
    11. 2 days.
    12. We generally do our own thing, but we do ask that we form teams if looking to run specific events as opposed to PUGs.
    13. The Starbase always seems to be the biggest priority alongside provisioning assignments for it. Embassy is nearly finished so I'm currently pushing to finish that first while projects are on cooldown. New ones should be easy enough to manage but will further slow progression to T5 starbase.
    14. Generally speaking, I do spend most of my fleet credit on the base. As do many of the other top contributors. I have also bought a couple of shiny things for myself, mainly Guns and the new consoles. I am one of the few who bought the new "fleet" uniform also.
    15. No, while there is the accomplishment factor of building the base and investing in it, it seems to be quite hollow as it provides little to no purpose in of itself without having to achieve the higher tiers.
    16. The reward from the base for me has to be the ships. Others would say the weapons and the boosts. We are always low on boosts nowadays.
    17. All boats rise together, with only the projects with the most experience points being selected. Provisioning assignments would be scrapped and you would be able to buy what you wanted as and when provided you had the FC and Dilithium.
    18. Yes, as is representative of the actual number of active donors (excluding alts) in my fleet when compared to the number of members.
    19a. The community spirit and the level of team work it engenders.
    19b. As a) with the sense of entitlement among people who contribute very little but demand a lot. The general vitriol because someone couldn't buy because there were no provisions etc.
    20. I've gotten a few things, an Elite Pulsewave and Resilient Shield as well as a ship to run it on. It probably wasn't worth the cost or the criticism for them, but hey I worked for it so I might as well use it.
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    borgressistanceborgressistance Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
    i'm a member from alpha sqaudron,wich is oure fedaration side,we also have aa kdf fleet,called blade of kahless.i will stick this post the the fedaration side,because thisone is the biggest:D

    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?

    over 300 members

    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok) 3.
    2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating? (An estimation is ok)
    around the 75,most have alts,or havent been online lately.
    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between? we move quick trough the projects,but the upgrade's take a little longer,thanks to the dill costs.
    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc) embassy almost t3,starbase all 4.
    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both? both,we always ahve both project slots filled on both the embassy and the starbase,so people can donate until everything is full
    5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)? mostly the starbase because the most people donate there.
    6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part? i'm just a member,but from what i can tell,we have a steady base of players,sometime's we loose one ( not playing anymore or didnt login for months) sometime's we get 1 new recruit.
    6b. To fleet members (not leaders): Do you feel that your fleet leaders are doing a good job of keeping the fleet organized? (Slotting projects, letting people have a chance to donate, and so on) Yes,oure leader does a verry good job,he always take care of each fleet( filling slots,doing mail,administration everything) before playing the game.he doesnt only take care of the starbase,but he is also there for the members.and that isnt anything you see verry often.
    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?
    7a. If applicable: Include if this is on just the Fed or KDF, or both sides. ll of them both side's.
    7b. If a fleet leader: Why are you doing or not doing Featured Projects, and what are your thoughts on them in general? we are doing them,because we have enough people to donate,and we like it,it make's the base different from many others.
    7c. If a fleet member: Do you feel that Featured Projects are adding to the overall appeal of the Starbase/Embassy, and is adding your part to that 200,000 dil cost worthwhile to you? sometime's yes,sometime's no, depends on the project,like last project,that give's the upper floor of the embassy huds and stuff,that was just a cosmetic upgrade,like all of them,but doesnt do much, i think that for 200.000 dill,the special projects can have something special in it,something usefull.
    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot. 2 things, dillithuim,and the common doffs, the dillithuim price's are just over the top,a possible solution for that will be that it is possible to use/donate ore.many peoplse in oure fleet are sitting on tons of ore,but can only refine 8k a day,wich also goes to rep systems/gear/otherthings,we have enough missions to get the ore,but the refine cap make's it hard to use.about the doffs,the tactical/engineering one's are easy,but getting enough of the science and civilian doffs is difficult,most poeple use them thereselfs,or doesnt have them.
    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle? embassy provisions and the other provisions are easy,also fleet marks isnt a real problem in alpha sqaudron,this is because we run much fleet misions together as a team,also in the bonus event,and donate it all together,almost every time there is a mark event,we can fill all fleet marks required for the upgrade's/projects.
    10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?
    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill? 1 day,i geuss less,but thats because i also sleep,and we have members all over the world in different time zone's.
    12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example) Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'? we allow everyone to do what he/she like's, normally we ask in oure chatchannel if there are people who like to run a fleet mission,or stf,we help each other out this way,and we always get a full 5 man team together,when its prime time:D
    13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?
    the wy we doing it now is good to me,we work from: base,tactical,engineering science,all the way down until we get everything t3 for example at that point we move on to t4 and so on.thanks to the fact people are willing to donate in oure fleet,it works for us.
    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?
    i use them for weapons/gear for my ship,and i also buy fleet mark pools and i try to get the doffs we need for projects.
    15. Do you like the fleet system? yes,thats because i'm in a great and friendly fleet,i can understand why it is hard for small fleets to keep going,and beside's that,even for the " big" fleet the price's ccan be lower.
    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.
    17. If you had absolute control on how a fleet could be run without anyone disagreeing with you, how would you run it from day one in terms of leveling up the holdings?
    i would do it the same way we doing it now.we have discussed the fastest way and this is what we come up with,and it works out,so even if people didnt agree ( and even with this system they all agree!) i wouldnt chance anything on it.
    18. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs? depends on many factors,every fleet can archieve t5,even 1 person fleets,but then the time it will take to reach t5 is of the scale,and also the grinding requirred t get the dill is not funny anymore.so yes they can,but the time it will take is way way way longer.
    19a. What do you feel is the strongest point of the Fleet system? 2 things: first: doing things together,we are all friends here wich make's the game more fun,second: one of the strongest points is also the weakest,the gear.the gear is nice.make's the game easyer,and its nice to work on together.
    19b. And the weakest? again gear,many people want the gear,but the working together to archieve part isnt a thing they understand,it causes griefing and players who steal from fleets.
    20. Have you gotten what you want from the fleet system? (Be it a ship, Mk XII gear, DOFFs, etc), and what is it that you have gotten/want to get? i got what i wanted,all my ships have a decent fleet weapon setup,i got some doffs out of it,and a ship.
    20a. Do you feel it was worth the time and cost?
    depends,for the whole pictuce yes, the time and the costs are always worth the friendship i recieve in alpha sqauron,its like a second hame for me.
    only the ship costs are high,to high. they are more expensive as zen ships,( when i calculated it in dillithuim) i think that needs to get a close look.
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    phyrexianherophyrexianhero Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. Section 31 (we have a Tier 4 KDF fleet, Klingon Intelligence, but all answers below are for Federation side)
    2. 497
    2a. 375
    2b. 332
    3. Very quickly
    4. Tier 4 starbase/shipyard/fabricator/array/transwarp. Tier 3 embassy/diplomacy/recruitment
    5. Embassy finished, focusing on completing T5 shipyard for April, then starbase, fabricator, array, and transwarp.
    5a. We are working on all three starbase tracks simultaneously.
    6a. Yes, definitely.
    6b. n/a
    7. Yes, all of them have been completed, usually in first 24 hours.
    7a. n/a
    7b. I think they're a bit overpriced and a deterrent to new fleets.
    7c. n/a
    8. Some sub-departments of duty officers (security, medical) and dilithium.
    9. Commodities, expertise, and (for Fed side) fleet marks.
    10. Currently running 1000 XP projects for military and science, and a 25 engineering provision project, along with the special Host Multicultural Symposium. We also run the embassy provision projects ever since we finished upgrading.
    11. Typically 0.5-2 hours.
    12. It's a casual fleet, and members usually 'do their own thing.' Though today we did do a Fleet Defense run, but that was more for fun than the fleet marks.
    13. It depends -- if embassy is nearly ready to begin an upgrade, I put my focus there, and then go back to starbase.
    14. Yes, I spend several million fleet credits on duty officers and (in the past) fleet mark boosts.
    15. Yes, I think it's a good long-term goal system though there are several tweaks that could make it better -- such as fixing the doff disparity, reducing the dilithium costs (or at least increasing/removing the cap), and allowing members to see the project that comes next without giving full ability to manage projects.
    16. Duty officer assignment slots, Mk XII kits, fleet ships, and transwarp.
    17. We've generally focused military, then engineering, then science since the beginning.
    18. With enough money (for dilithium, energy credits, or fleet marks) anyone can get max their holdings.
    19a. Having a long-term goal in the game.
    19b. The extreme costs makes it so that small fleets are left in the dust, rather permanently.
    20. I want to finish it. :) I'm very happy to fly my Fleet Defiant.
    20a. I sure hope so, because I've invested several hundred million energy credits and millions of dilithium.
    Playing since January 2010. STOwiki administrator. Accolade hunter.
    My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
    Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
    KDF Armada: Klingon Intelligence (level 699, 2100+ members)
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    doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. We have two, one Fed, one KDF, neither of which I wish to name.
    2. About 50.
    2a. About 6.
    2b. Between about 2 and 3.
    4. T3 SB, Embassy nearly finished on Fed, T2 SB with all the necessary upgrades to go to 3 if I feel like wasting the funds, Embassy nearly finished on KDF.
    5a. Currently embassy, because it's nearly done.
    6a. No, the pace is atrocious, and everyone but us two are filthy slackers.
    7. Yes, all of them, because we can.
    8. Fleet Marks, because it is the one thing the two of us cannot get.
    9. Minerals, we are mineral specialists.
    10. All of them except Eng are currently in a state of launchness.
    11. As long as it takes me to notice and get around to them.
    12. I occasionally shout at the people who manage to show up.
    13. Prioritization by utility.
    14. Yes.
    15. I am not being paid to like things.
    16. Space Stuff. No contest. Consumables are worthless, ground gear is marginal at best.
    17. It would run more or less about the same, only there would be fewer arguments. As it stands, I win the arguments anyway.
    18. Yes.
    19a. I have no opinion about this subject
    19b. Fleet Mark events are the most boring things ever.
    20. No, because you don't get anything of value until you're nearly done. Nearly all the TRIBBLE offered at lower tiers is worthless garbage destined for junk heap. Thus there is no point in getting them.
    20a. I have no opinion about this subject at this time.
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    nicha0nicha0 Member Posts: 1,456 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
    Delirium Tremens, Fed

    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?

    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok)

    2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating? (An estimation is ok)

    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?
    Decent pace, but the T4-5 stretch is just too long.

    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc)
    Tier IV SB, Fleet level 16 in a couple days. Tier 2 embassy, T3 recruitment in a few days.

    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both?
    Slow and steady on the SB to tier 5 using non-dil projects, expedited embassy to finish it off.

    5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)?
    Hoping for tac to hit t5 first, but eng is far easier. Science is lolimpossible. Embassy just takes time, all easy enough.

    6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part?
    The few contribute, the rest feel entitled

    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?
    All so far, but its becoming more difficult

    7b. If a fleet leader: Why are you doing or not doing Featured Projects, and what are your thoughts on them in general?
    They add some niceties to the bases, gets some people excited. For 200k some of the projects are very over priced, assessment will happen for each one.

    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.
    Dilithium is the hold back for everything. Though most people can't stand the Doff grind either.

    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?
    Right now fleet marks, our fleet works on them together.

    10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?
    Engineer 1000xp, Tactical 1000xp, Science 1000xp for the SB, the sci is infrequent. Embassy have 1200xp projects for recruit/diplomacy.

    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?
    Depending which was done.. 3-4 hours in peak times

    12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example) Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'?
    Not formal events, we play by ear and organize teams for marks

    13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?
    Embassy Recruit/Diplomacy then SB Tact/Eng/Sci

    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?
    Probably have 12m+ marks total, about 4m left.. almost all spent on the fleet

    15. Do you like the fleet system?
    No, its generic, unrewarding and repeatitive

    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.
    Embassy unique items

    17. If you had absolute control on how a fleet could be run without anyone disagreeing with you, how would you run it from day one in terms of leveling up the holdings?
    I run it right now, I a always balance between resources available and needs of the fleet

    18. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs?
    Small groups of elite players can get close to the progress of large fleets, though gated dilithium will be their failure point

    19a. What do you feel is the strongest point of the Fleet system?
    Bringing fleets together

    19b. And the weakest?
    Competition over extreme quantities of dilithium forces some players to be non-contributors/greedy

    20. Have you gotten what you want from the fleet system? (Be it a ship, Mk XII gear, DOFFs, etc), and what is it that you have gotten/want to get?

    20a. Do you feel it was worth the time and cost?
    Delirium Tremens
    Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
    Nothing to do anymore.
    Visit our Youtube channel
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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm glad I've been getting so many various answers, that's really good. I've added a few more questions again, mostly related to gathering resources this time.

    Also, if anyone has any questions they want to suggest for me to add in, feel free to. I certainly don't mind adding in questions I hadn't thought of relating to all this.

    This guide probably won't be seen for a couple weeks just FYI. I want to gather up plenty of replies from people, and when there doesn't feel to be any questions left and a good 'slice' of the playerbase on how these should be run.

    When I am done gathering info, I will also make a post answering all my questions so you can see my own thoughts on this.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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    lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Edited my post again for the new questions.
    Mine Trap Supporter
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    crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,865 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kirk2390 wrote: »
    Why don't you start a fleet yourself to find out, instead off trying to get info from fleets ?
    Like the computer would say: That information is classified only level 10 or above is required. :D


    Are you doing a poll or what? If you are trying to streamline fleet holdings most of these questions seem very irrelevant specially when you have a huge laundry list of them.

    May be Ten forward would be a better location for this thread to ask for polls....:)

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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    Are you doing a poll or what? If you are trying to streamline fleet holdings most of these questions seem very irrelevant specially when you have a huge laundry list of them.

    May be Ten forward would be a better location for this thread to ask for polls....:)

    I realized that even after the first post, but I am also just trying to cover all the bases as it were. Like for example, the question about owning a Tuffli and/or having a Ferengi character can be quite useful in buying commodities in large amounts.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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    darkwhite0darkwhite0 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Updated the post with new questions/answers
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    ashtakuashtaku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?

    Tactical Group 90 (Fed), House of Khemara (KDF)

    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?


    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok)


    2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating? (An estimation is ok)

    Active: most of them. Donating: ~10-12 regularly donating, most of the others at least occasionally contributing

    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?

    Somewhere in-between. We could probably go faster, but we don't really push the grind too hard.

    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc)

    Almost to Tier III for our Fed SY, almost to Tier II for our Fed Embassy (within 1000 XP for both, so should be hitting those this week). Tier II Starbase on the KDF side, Tier 0 Embassy.

    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both?

    Get the Feds up to Tier III SB/II Embassy, then focus on getting our Klingon side up to the same level. At that point we'll have all the key services we need and anything further is gravy.

    5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)?

    No specific priority, though on the Starbase we're leading with Tactical mostly because at the very beginning our first priority was to get the shipyard up and running... and as a result Tactical has always been in the lead.

    6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part?

    Yes. We have a core group of players who are contributing regularly, and we're meeting our growth goals as a result.

    6b. To fleet members (not leaders): Do you feel that your fleet leaders are doing a good job of keeping the fleet organized? (Slotting projects, letting people have a chance to donate, and so on)


    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?

    See below

    7a. If applicable: Include if this is on just the Fed or KDF, or both sides.

    We are doing 100% on the Fed side, being a little more picky with the KDF due to limited resources.

    7b. If a fleet leader: Why are you doing or not doing Featured Projects, and what are your thoughts on them in general?

    Mostly, because I'm a completionist, but also because many of them really improve the appearance of the holdings (windows, fish tanks, that sort of stuff). It also gives me a good outlet for my dilithium income other than just buying more gear for my character.

    7c. If a fleet member: Do you feel that Featured Projects are adding to the overall appeal of the Starbase/Embassy, and is adding your part to that 200,000 dil cost worthwhile to you?


    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.

    All of the ingredients are pretty easy to get, though the fleet marks require the most "grind." Even then, a few hours each weekend on Nukara/Defera/PVE with my fleetmates keeps the bunkers full.

    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?

    Expertise, no question.

    10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?

    Currently: 1 each of the 1000 XP missions for each category; likewise, 1 each of the 1200 XP missions in each category for the Embassy.

    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?

    A day or two, maybe a little more during the week when folks have less spare time.

    12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example)
    Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'?

    We regularly get together on the weekend to do fleet activities. Not always "fleet" events - we're just as likely to do STFs or other content - and before the 2/14 nerf we used to play a lot of Foundry episodes.

    13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?

    I could go on at great length about this, but basically I would boil it down to: new holdings are great, but we also need more things to do with the existing holdings. For example, during the holiday event, Q should be on the fleet starbase, we should have Foundry hooks on the Starbase and the other Holdings, and there should be more opportunities for non-fleet characters to interact with the Fleet Starbase System (i.e. free advertising for fleets).

    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?

    Yes on both accounts. The embassy DOFF boxes in particular are very helpful for quickly completing the projects.

    15. Do you like the fleet system?


    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.

    Tough question. I like a lot of the rewards. Fleet ships are definitely nice, though some of the Embassy rewards like the new kits are fun too.

    17. If you had absolute control on how a fleet could be run without anyone disagreeing with you, how would you run it from day one in terms of leveling up the holdings?

    Not too different from how our fleet operates now. Emphasis on fun over grinding. Try to minimize 'wasted' missions for provisions we don't need/aren't going to use. Just sticking to the fundamentals of a successful small guild/fleet basically.

    18. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs?

    Yes. Maybe not as fast, but with discipline reasonable growth is completely doable.

    19a. What do you feel is the strongest point of the Fleet system?

    Intuitive interface, nice "clubhouse," minimal avenues for griefing or abuse as long as fleet leaders are wise with permissions.

    19b. And the weakest?

    Not enough links with the rest of the game -- see my earlier comments about Q and Foundry doors. Also, op assets are pretty much useless as currently implemented... they need expansion.

    20. Have you gotten what you want from the fleet system? (Be it a ship, Mk XII gear, DOFFs, etc), and what is it that you have gotten/want to get?

    Yes. All of the above - ships, XII gear, easy access to DOFFs, etc.

    20a. Do you feel it was worth the time and cost?


    21. On fleet marks, what do you feel is the most effective way of grinding for them? (PvE queues, Deferi/Nukara, PvP, DOFF turn-ins, or something else I might've missed)

    Currently? I would say that large group raids on the adventure zones and the queued PVE are about tied. DOFF turn-in is nice, but not as repeatable as AZs or PVE.

    21a. And the least effective?

    "Spillover" from Romulan PVE, Officer of the Watch. I still do both occasionally, but more for fun (and in the former case, Romulan Marks) than for the FMs.

    22. On dilithium, do you normally reach 8k a day?

    Yes. Across all my characters I normally bring in 30-40k daily.

    22a. What do you do to get it?

    Distributed contraband redemption via the account bank. Forced Labor. Other Dilith Doffing. Anything else I bring in is in excess of that baseline 30-40.

    23. Does anyone in your fleet own a Tuffli Freighter?


    23a. Does anyone in your fleet (Feds only) have a Ferengi character?


    24. When filling up commodities, do you or your fleet mates buy them from the cheaper vendor, or replicate them? (whether it's a normal mission or an upgrade)


    24a. Do you or they do this on a Tuffli and/or with a Ferengi character?

    Most of the time, yes
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    topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. What is your fleet's name, and is it Fed, KDF, or both?
    Sol/Orion Trade Consortium (for Fed/KDF)
    2. How many members (including alts) does your fleet have?
    No idea. 200?
    2a. How many members (excluding alts) to you approximately think you have? (An estimation is ok)
    Guestimate 120
    2b. How many members are (excluding alts) active and donating? (An estimation is ok)
    Perhaps 30
    3. Do you feel that your fleet is moving quickly in the holdings system, decently, slowly, or something in-between?
    Decently. Currently working on T4 shipyard (base) and T3 recruitment (embassy)
    4. How far is your fleet in the holdings system? (What tier Starbase, what tier Embassy, etc etc)
    See answer to Q3
    5. What is your fleet's plan in the holdings system? Are they focusing on the Starbase, the Embassy, or both?
    Both pretty much!
    5a. For either or both, which areas in those are they doing first, or currently? And why those area(s)?
    Focusing on Shipyard mostly, and Recruitment Embassy close behind
    6a. To fleet leaders: Do you feel that your fleet is generally keeping to a good pace and a general portion of members are doing their part?
    Yes absolutely
    7. Is your fleet doing the Featured Projects? None, a couple, some, many, or all of them?
    All of them on the FED site. The KDF fleet is new, so haven't done any yet. We started off doing them because we didn't know any better - and once you've finished chucking in 30k dil for an embassy project and 1m dil for a base upgrade, suddenly 200k doesn't seem so bad.
    8. What do you feel is the worst thing to gather for a project or upgrade? Fleet marks, dil, commodities, expertise, DOFFs, or Embassy Provisions (Embassy only), and possibly anything else I forgot.
    Dilithium by far, closely behind are medical doffs (grrrrrrrr!) which are a real pain!
    9. The opposite of the above, what is the easiest to handle?
    Expertise obviously, we've all got billions of it. Fleet marks are also everywhere, we're drowning in them. I've got 5k sitting unused on my main alone!
    10. As of the time of your reply, what are ALL the projects your fleet is running?
    The projects which require no dil but lots of white doffs for Sci/Eng/Tac - and the ones which grant the most XP for embassy.

    11. How long roughly does it take a normal project for your fleet to fill?
    That depends on the project. Tacticals quickly, science take longer. Less than 48h though. Embassy projects are more problematic thanks to the dilithium costs.
    12. Does your fleet set events to do things, particularly to gather up something needed? (Such as getting large groups to run fleet-filled instances of Fleet Defense for example) Or, do they generally allow members to 'do their own thing'?
    We do weekly STF training, and STF/Nukara/Epohh sessions on the fly when someone brings up an interest. Fleet chat is active so you can often get a game going.

    13. How do you feel the holdings should be treated in order of priority, including new ones?
    Base > Embassy
    14. Do you give Fleet Credits back to the fleet? Namely, do your spend your FCs on Fleet Mark boosts and DOFFs purely for the sake of donating them back to fill projects?
    Yes. I keep a few for myself but the vast majority are recycled in DOffs.
    15. Do you like the fleet system?
    Yes. I think on the whole it's been good for our fleet as a community!
    16. What is the best 'reward' of the fleet system? Ships, ground gear, space gear, Op assets, skill boosts, consumables, BOFFs/DOFFs, or anything else I might've missed.
    Frankly I'm not hugely impressed with any of it. At a pinch I would say ships - followed by space/ground gear. I don't actually fly a fleet ship though!
    17. If you had absolute control on how a fleet could be run without anyone disagreeing with you, how would you run it from day one in terms of leveling up the holdings?
    Being second in command I have decent sway with the leader, but no. I think the relaxed informal requirement we have has worked brilliantly and I wouldn't change a thing.
    18. Do you feel that, if a small fleet was willing to buckle down and focus heavily on it, they could achieve the same progress as a much larger fleet regardless of costs?
    Nope, manpower is key. Especially for dilithium costs!
    19a. What do you feel is the strongest point of the Fleet system?
    The base and embassy, they're great zones
    19b. And the weakest?
    Ribbing us on dilithium costs!
    20. Have you gotten what you want from the fleet system? (Be it a ship, Mk XII gear, DOFFs, etc), and what is it that you have gotten/want to get?
    No! I want some purple romulan boffs, and some elite phaser space weaponry unless they turn out to be ****

    20a. Do you feel it was worth the time and cost?
    Strictly for the rewards? No. But "worth it" is pretty ambiguous. It's helped me stay attatched and devoted to this game, so I suppose it's job done by the developers.
    21. On fleet marks, what do you feel is the most effective way of grinding for them? (PvE queues, Deferi/Nukara, PvP, DOFF turn-ins, or something else I might've missed)
    DOFF CXP turn-in by a LONG LONG way. It's not even close.
    21a. And the least effective?
    No idea, I don't do anything else!
    22. On dilithium, do you normally reach 8k a day?
    Nope, not most days.
    22a. What do you do to get it?
    When I do, it's from STFing. Sometimes I'll have a mad STF day and stockpile a few days worth. I convert marks/BNPs to dil immediately most of the time.
    23. Does anyone in your fleet own a Tuffli Freighter?
    Yes. A fair few of us (myself included)
    23a. Does anyone in your fleet (Feds only) have a Ferengi character?
    Good question. Now you mention it, I'm not sure. I don't recall seeing one but I'm sure there must be!
    24. When filling up commodities, do you or your fleet mates buy them from the cheaper vendor, or replicate them? (whether it's a normal mission or an upgrade)
    Get them from a tuffli
    24a. Do you or they do this on a Tuffli and/or with a Ferengi character?
    ^^ Yes.
    Kirk's Protege.
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