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Andorian Bundle - Go or No Go

technomajetechnomaje Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited February 2013 in Federation Discussion
So I have been looking for a ship for my new Tac Officer. My main toon is an engineer flying a D'Kora and I am extremly satisfied with it. Now that I have him where I want him, it is time to play with my Tac which I finished leveling during the double XP weekend.

I had planned on buying the Andorian bundle when the shard came back up on Thursday, but R/L stepped in. After getting home from work and seeing its issues and yet another patch, I was glad I didn't buy it. However I keep looking at them...

So, I pose this question to those who have bought them. Information is scattered over many threads, but I would like to know your thoughts and feelings. Is it worth it? What has been nerfed "working as intended, or had a rock wall put up for asthetic purposes" :), and what is good about it as it stands now.

Please forgive typo's as I am reading from my phone right now...

War Wizard
Post edited by technomaje on


  • qweeble#7491 qweeble Member Posts: 164 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2013
    There are indeed some minor issues -- which are going to be resolved very soon, high priority and all that jazz.

    Alas, the Andorian ships play pretty differently from the D'Kora, aside from visual differences, the Andorian ship packs a very mean punch, in a bursty kind of way, whilst the D'Kora can take a beating and dish out a pretty consistent amount of damage.

    Different play styles, certainly -- The Andorian ship turns roughly twice as fast as the D'Kora, and is quite a bit more tactically inclined, as opposed to Engineering, which will, also, change your play style. The Charal Class is the most similar to the D'Kora. I'd say you should try and see if you can grab a Mirror Universe Patrol Escort off the exchange, or from the latest Dominion Lock Box. It has a similar bridge officer layout to the Charal, and similar survivability & console slots.

    If you like the feel of it, the Andorian Charal class will make you one happy camper, especially if you get the 3 set from the bundle, which makes those deployable wing cannons beastly!
    I make space ships!
    Twitter! STO_JamJamz
  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Your andorian ships will be fixed soon.
    The many issues with the KDF ships won't. But I can bet my firstborn the andorian ships will be fixed.
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • overlapooverlapo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The dealbreaker for me is the bridge. While the unique bridge is nice and very faithful to the show version, the fact is that you are stuck with it. If you add the option of using a normal bridge/interior as well, you will get even more sales. At least one more anyway.
    What can I say, I like my trophy room...
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Speaking of 'bundle' JamJamz, do you have any idea when the next ship sale will be?

    I know the Andorian ships won't be included (recent releases never are), but they're not what I currently have my eye on :D
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • mandoknight89mandoknight89 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    overlapo wrote: »
    What can I say, I like my trophy room...

    We need little ships so we can break them before making angry statements about drawing lines! :P
  • technomajetechnomaje Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    overlapo wrote: »
    What can I say,I like my trophy room...

    My D'Kora has one trophy. Halo Leeta. ;)
  • boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    technomaje wrote: »
    My D'Kora has one trophy. Halo Leeta. ;)

    Leeta - Rom's "trophy" wife.

    See what I did there?

    Thank you - I'm here all week.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The wing cannon consoles are completely worthless, they do not function well with other cannon abilities and they are terrible even in PvE (which is seriously saying something).

    The wing cannon pets die if they are farted on, and put out about as much DPS as a pair of mosquitos.

    The Cannon Overload is like a beam overload, except its on a three minute cooldown, has four second charge up time, and puts other cannon abilities on a full fifteen second cooldown.

    Oh, and using any cannon abilities at all will put it on a 15s cooldown, which considering you're flying an escort with 5 fore weapon slots and a minimum of 7 tactical stations you are likely to be using a cannon ability every available moment you are flying the ship.

    The Tachyon thing, I used at least ten times and as far as I can tell did nothing of any value. You can just fire DHCs with CRF for a better shield damage spike.

    So basically don't expect to make use of the consoles at all, they are garbage.

    The Wing Cannon itself is decent in pve but not really significantly better than a DHC.

    It is also saddled with the terrible DMGx4 (it might as well be [NOODLES]x4), with no ACC, so weak in pvp as well.

    The 2 piece bonus gives ACC, which would be fantastic, but even for 10% ACC which Id normally kill for in PvP - these consoles and their "special" powers are so bad that it would just be a complete waste of 2 console slots (which are at a premium at this point).

    The consoles are really THAT awful.

    The ship itself (ENG / SCI versions - avoid Tac version) is very good, but don't even for a second think the consoles have any value at all.

    I removed them after 3 STFs, checking my combat parser and seeing how pointless they were.
  • tuskin67tuskin67 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The wing cannon consoles are completely worthless, they do not function well with other cannon abilities and they are terrible even in PvE (which is seriously saying something).

    The wing cannon pets die if they are farted on, and put out about as much DPS as a pair of mosquitos.

    The Cannon Overload is like a beam overload, except its on a three minute cooldown, has four second charge up time, and puts other cannon abilities on a full fifteen second cooldown.

    Oh, and using any cannon abilities at all will put it on a 15s cooldown, which considering you're flying an escort with 5 fore weapon slots you are like to be using a cannon ability every available moment you are flying the ship.

    The Tachyon thing, I used at least ten times and as far as I can tell did nothing of any value. You can just fire DHCs with CRF for a better shield damage spike.

    So basically don't expect to make use of the consoles at all, they are garbage.

    The Wing Cannon itself is decent in pve but not really significantly better than a DHC.

    It is also saddled with the terrible DMGx4 (it might as well be [NOODLES]x4), with no ACC, so weak in pvp as well.

    The 2 piece bonus gives ACC, which would be nice, but even for 10% ACC which Id normally kill for in PvP - these consoles and their "special" powers are so bad that it would just be a complete waste of 2 console slots (which are at a premium at this point).

    The consoles are really THAT awful.

    The ship itself (ENG / SCI versions) is very good, but don't even for a second think the consoles have any value at all.

    I removed them after 3 STFs, checking my combat parser and seeing how pointless they were.

    Apparently you're not playing right but I can take out a keldon in 4 seconds with the Kumasi and all 3 consoles. This ship kicks TRIBBLE, I love it.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    tuskin67 wrote: »
    Apparently you're not playing right but I can take out a keldon in 4 seconds with the Kumasi and all 3 consoles. This ship kicks TRIBBLE, I love it.

    1) Wow, you killed a whole Keldon in 4 seconds. Woopdie do? You can kill any standard NPC in 4s or less and it doesn't require 5 fore weapons and 3 noob trap consoles to do it.

    2) Did you even read my post? I said the Eng/Sci versions of the ship are very good. My post was primarily directed at how poor a value the consoles are.
  • tuskin67tuskin67 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I don't agree, this ship has not failed me in STFS. Or ny group PvE events, I've been using all the console abilities. The systems people have said they put a shared cool down to stop it from being OP (well event more OP) excuse the typos I'm on an iPad. I'm fusing the tactical variant
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    tuskin67 wrote: »
    I don't agree, this ship has not failed me in STFS.

    Listen, I want to be civil.

    I have already said multiple times that the ship is a very good ship.

    Please don't keep repeating your above statement as if I am not stating this.

    The ship itself, the ENG & SCI variants anyway, is very good.

    tuskin67 wrote: »
    Or ny group PvE events, I've been using all the console abilities. The systems people have said they put a shared cool down to stop it from being OP (well event more OP) excuse the typos I'm on an iPad. I'm fusing the tactical variant

    Run a combat parser and check for yourself, I have over 12 months of combat logs to compare to using at least a dozen different set ups and I'm telling you that the wing console powers are weak, and have no value.

    Feel free to use them if you think they are fun, but they are very clearly underpowered by a good margin.

    The Devs cut too deep on these.
  • technomajetechnomaje Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    If you pull the cannons off, does it change the look?
  • lasoniolasonio Member Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Just posting a repeat and moving on (Whistles as I work)

    Posed this in the Bug report link:

    "lol this TRIBBLE child of DHC's is really a beam boat lol hahahahahahahahahaha I love it

    Think about it, you can have free DHC's on this ship with its set bonus and then you can chose beam skills like Befaw, BO, or targeting and never miss a beat. My oh my oh my i actually think I will buy this thing now since I am major beam captain and this thing will be fun specially with my "Inertial Denial" Build.

    How unorthodox, how interesting, how fun it will be, finally escorts have no choice atm but to be Beam boat DHC hybrids. I wonder if I will be credited with this discovery as I have done so many times in the past or if people will simple restate my own thoughts as theirs."

    Can you imagine the quixhotic builds that could come from this? the three console set. 1-2 Dhc's in the front 1 torp 2 beams cutting beam in the back with another beam. Then you use the Ships sets and it puts all the cannon skills into cd but Cannons skills do not affect beam skills, correct? Correct. Then you can use befaw, spread, BO, or Target Shield or something. No nead to have Cannon skills when you get a set of them for free so technically you will have more tac slots for free right? While everyone else has LT Com and Lt tac slots you will be default have two LT comms and an LT slot. How op is that? and with a standard Patrol escort tank defense my god my god my god the pain we will rain down on our enemies. Think people think. You don;t let technicalities steal your game. You refine it to the rules they are forcing on you. While the world is playing checkers then we will play chess and you have to sacrifice a pawn to get a king. When you are given something bitter you do not cry over it, you rise above it and make lemonade. I will re-post this in another andorian build section and lets see what we can come up with. Maybe i will be heckled, maybe i will be lauded. Players will say Escorts shouldn't have beams. Why not? I have been running a patrol escort with beams since i started the game and i kill more players then I die to. You can try it or not i don't really care, changing the way the game is played, that sounds the most interesting to me. We'll just call it Ozifacation.

    Horatio Oz; Proud and only member of the KittyMomo Brigade. Meh, we are taking apps atm for membership MEow!

    Thank you ladies and gents for your time... time to wake up, it's later then you think :P
    Even god rested. No work ethic.
  • pompoulusspompouluss Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Bitter lemonade?
  • lasoniolasonio Member Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    technically that's true but i like sweet things the most :D

    Don't forget to comment on the idea if you like or not it's kinda important. I think we can revolutionize the game and maybe do something even more interesting. But Shh it's a secret what I'm really after is what will come next. lol it's the beginning of a movement. Power to the player :P
    Even god rested. No work ethic.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    technomaje wrote: »
    So, I pose this question to those who have bought them. Information is scattered over many threads, but I would like to know your thoughts and feelings. Is it worth it?

    It was worth it for me.
    what is good about it as it stands now.

    You get a lot of bang for your buck. Literally. The damage output is robust. The ship is mobile. It can be kitted out to be very effective. You get three flavors from the three-pack. So it can suit your captain and playstyle very easily. And really for pew pew pew fun, it delivers.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It is also saddled with the terrible DMGx4 (it might as well be [NOODLES]x4), with no ACC, so weak in pvp as well.

    The 2 piece bonus gives ACC, which would be fantastic, but even for 10% ACC which Id normally kill for in PvP - these consoles and their "special" powers are so bad that it would just be a complete waste of 2 console slots (which are at a premium at this point).

    That's just it though. The 2 piece bonus set gives passive accuracy. And that affects the wing cannon which as you state needs accuracy. The 2 piece bonus is what I'm using on the Charal ans so far it's been nice.

    Reading the dev commentary about the consoles, I agree, they're powers are not at all enticing. The final set bonus isn't worth the console slot. I may even eventually drop the 2 piece bonus.

    The developers need to rethink the consoles if they actually want players to use them.

    But as you state the Sci and the Engi versions of the ship are SWEET! I'm totally digging my Charal.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    That's just it though. The 2 piece bonus set gives passive accuracy. And that affects the wing cannon which as you state needs accuracy. The 2 piece bonus is what I'm using on the Charal ans so far it's been nice.

    I think that was their idea, but they failed in their execution.

    They tried to build synergy and instead designed a brand new, 3 pack ship with a console set that is really way below even an average level of performance.

    In a 6 minute STF where my 4 DHCs did 1,888,582 (/4 = 472,145), the 1 Wing Cannon only did 396, 549.

    The pets?

    They did 4k total damage, it shows up as 0% damage added in the log.

    Every fed, rare, pet does more than that, by a gigantic margin and do not require a console slot and are not on a three minute cooldown.

    They are weaker than the weakest fed pets by a factor of at least 50 to 100.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
  • jtoney3448jtoney3448 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The ships themselves are great. Mobile with lots of firepower.

    Im using full andorian weapons and 1 Wide arc quantum. 2 andorian DHC, 1 Wing cannons, 1 DBB, 1 WAQ Torpedo up front with 2 turrets in rear.

    Im combining CRF3, BO2, HYT3. Leads to massive spike dmg on attack runs. Now to talk about the extras on the ship.

    The Wing cannons are good, but no acc or crit h/d will limit some things where they really shine is with the console abilities. Tachyon burst is pretty awesome if your skilled up in flow caps, mine drains for -5,500 shields per facing in 1 shot. While that doesnt sound like much it will strip full shields from a BOP on all facings in 1 go. Pair it with tachyon mines and you can remove massive amount of shields.

    The Wing Overload is great, while it doesnt crit often combine it with tac buffs and its devistating. Keep in mind no Acc mods so if your in pvp tractorbeam/grav well + Wing OL is nasty. In pve use it on grav welled enemies and watch all of them take upwards of 70k dmg in 1 shot, that 1 hit can produce 300k+ dmg.

    The Wing platforms, possibly one of the best consoles. They are deployed turrets that fire when you fire your wing cannons so try to keep enemy in your sights at all times. Use scatter volley or rapid fire, or either of the other special consoles and they will gain the same ability for the duration. While not as powerful as your cannon they do respectable dmg think of them like an extra turret or single cannon. But use them with the other consoles and they can add +1000s of extra dmg quickly. Most of the time my platforms will live long enough for the cooldown to finish and i can relaunch them, try to avoid flying into warp breachs and isometric charges.

    +10% acc bonus is nice as well. My character has the Acc trait and all the acc skills so even without Acc x3 weapons this ship still can hit consistantly. BTW i use the Sci version with 3 shield cap consoles, 4 tac consoles, and 3 special consoles and it works great.

    Stay mobile, keep a target in front targeted and let your cannons roar. BTW the above data is kinda flawed as it only used CRF2 which non cannon weapons wont benifit from. So its pretty obvious 5 DHC + 2 Turrets would win its all cannons with crf2.
  • dova25dova25 Member Posts: 475
    edited February 2013
    I would buy it if I were you .
    I can't have it for my kdf raptor captain but this ship is the ultimate raptor in game
    (Forget fleet defiant which is second best raptor in game)

    Kdf escort's are a joke to this ship in PVP if kumari is handled by a good pilot.
    (ask panda's-they made huge damage in PVPcleared map's yesterday with 2 tactical kumari )
    More if kumari has an healer beside that then I can't do anything against them in my kdf raptor.

    Anybody who is telling that this ship is bad or it makes something wrong or actually he/she wants more buff added to this already overpowered ship.

    That thing that many were saying that if you are out of it arc you are safe it is not true.
    It hits hard with AOE so hard that my kdf raptor was killed ~3km from it initial target by the AOE effect.I don't think there is something similar in game that can kill a kdf raptor in a 3 km radius area.
    (PI*r*r=28 km squared that is the actual surface of AOE)
    "There already is a Borg faction, its called the Federation. They assimilate everyone else's technology and remove any biological or technical distinctiveness and add it to their own."
    I refuse to be content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U
  • eardianmeardianm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ITT ussultimatum saves me money by confirming the expected, triple console is gimmick garbage. Buy the eng or sci version at most and call it a day. Although according to that graph, not really for even increased dps, as any 4/3 ship with 5 tac consoles should overtake. Quite the "glass cannon" :rolleyes:
  • hawks3052hawks3052 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Since KDF didn't get an equivalent I won't buy it. I don't support Cryptics latest"Federation gets all the cheesy toys" policy.
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    hawks3052 wrote: »
    Since KDF didn't get an equivalent I won't buy it. I don't support Cryptics latest"Federation gets all the cheesy toys" policy.

    As opposed to the good old days of only the KDF getting the cheesy toys?

    @OP: I would suggest you wait a few weeks. Maybe Cryptic will change the consoles to be decent, or they might decide that consoles notwithstanding the eng/sci versions are too good and nerf them. You really can't know what to expect from Cryptic these days. Wait a while and see how the situation develops, then make a buy/ no buy decision.
  • jtoney3448jtoney3448 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    All consoles are gimmicks but if you use them correctly and well timed good consoles can lead to devistating results. The wing overload has a 2km blast impact radius but the dmg doesnt deminish with distance.

    Me and my friend were doing STFs and FA. He would grav well and scatter volley to bring down shields on all targets. I would charge in and fire my wing ol at 8km, by the end of 4 sec i was within 3km of the targets, max dmg for cannons. My OL would rip loose and hit all the spheres etc in the grav well for 70-90k dmg non crit i might add, with just my tac buffs. Sure its like a Tric mine pre nerf but its energy dmg that shields dont mitigate like torpedo/mines its worth the slot.

    When your in a pinch and need that burst of dmg its critical. Im chainging it with BOs so you take the massive hit from repeated large spikes of energy dmg. Toss in a 23k+ shield strip and you can do some amazing stuff. And with my build a second later my energy levels are back to full, if i absolutely need max power hit a battery and your good to go.

    And if you think all andorian ships use 45 arc weapons in all slots youd not like to run into mine, 90 or 180 degree dbb bo or torpedo hyt/spread means outside my cannons your still gonna take nasty hits. Going all cannons is a bit of a waste because you limit yourself to what you can do. 5 forward weapons should really use 1 torp or beam atleast. To many tac slots on these ships to not diversify.

    Make good use of things like attackpattern beta and omega, or dispersal patterns to really throw out the hurt. Anyone running 5 DHC will be fairly easy to dispatch once your outside their arc but if your in their arc god help ya.
  • johankreigjohankreig Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I like the look of this ship and its five fore weapons, however I am not interested in the wing cannons, can these be taken off and the slot be used like a standard weapon slot, if so, what would be the best version to get (i am running an engi toon).
    Jorhana Kreig: KDF, Tal'is: Romulan Fed, Shona'a: Romulan KDF, Johan Paul Kreig: Fed
  • wan5wan5 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have to agree with the Pandas.

    Bought the triple pack, played with its consoles for a bit. Ditched consoles.

    They are junk, much more dps with 5dhc. Im a sucker for the tac version though, its pretty sweet in pvp or pve
    Cubeageddon - You are the last hope. Find it in the Foundry!
    The Space Race - An alternate to PVP - In Foundry Now!
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The wing cannon consoles are completely worthless, they do not function well with other cannon abilities and they are terrible even in PvE (which is seriously saying something).

    The wing cannon pets die if they are farted on, and put out about as much DPS as a pair of mosquitos.

    The Cannon Overload is like a beam overload, except its on a three minute cooldown, has four second charge up time, and puts other cannon abilities on a full fifteen second cooldown.

    Oh, and using any cannon abilities at all will put it on a 15s cooldown, which considering you're flying an escort with 5 fore weapon slots and a minimum of 7 tactical stations you are likely to be using a cannon ability every available moment you are flying the ship.

    The Tachyon thing, I used at least ten times and as far as I can tell did nothing of any value. You can just fire DHCs with CRF for a better shield damage spike.

    So basically don't expect to make use of the consoles at all, they are garbage.

    The Wing Cannon itself is decent in pve but not really significantly better than a DHC.

    It is also saddled with the terrible DMGx4 (it might as well be [NOODLES]x4), with no ACC, so weak in pvp as well.

    The 2 piece bonus gives ACC, which would be fantastic, but even for 10% ACC which Id normally kill for in PvP - these consoles and their "special" powers are so bad that it would just be a complete waste of 2 console slots (which are at a premium at this point).

    The consoles are really THAT awful.

    The ship itself (ENG / SCI versions - avoid Tac version) is very good, but don't even for a second think the consoles have any value at all.

    I removed them after 3 STFs, checking my combat parser and seeing how pointless they were.

    I'm of the same opinion sadly enough.

    Now I simply fly the ENG version without any consoles. The whole CD things really had me flabbergasted when I discovered it. As long as the weapon is liked to the normal BO ability CD I'll never used them. The ship over all is a nice step up from the Patrol Escort weapon wise and bonus on shields and armor but that is all the value I see in it presently. And really 3 minutes with a charge up as well as manual deployment and the associated time? :eek:
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
    Former member of the Cryptic Family & Friends Testing Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
    Obscurea Chaotica Fleet (KDF), Commander
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    Former Alpha & Beta Tester
    Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
    The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
  • mikenight00mikenight00 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I run the Eng version and have stripped out the consoles as well as the wing cannons. I'm running 5 DHCs and 2 turrets on it now. With two copies of CSV and a CRF this thing just melts whatever is in front of it. I added a EPtW just to keep everything at peak performance.

    The DHCs reload faster than the wing cannons do, so overall a standard DHC will out perform the wing cannons purely because of cool down times.
    Never Forget 5/21
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