Hi Captains,
We will be bringing down Star Trek Online tonight at Midnight PST (click
here to view in your timezone) for maintenance and to apply a new patch. Patch notes can be found
here, and we expect this maintenance to only last for 2 hours. The test server may also be unavailable during this time.
Thanks for your patience and understanding,
- The Star Trek Online Team
now only the brutal Cooldowns and [edit/redacted] is a concern
The analyst would complete the checklist as they completed their work and have another analyst review and verify the checklist. We had a custom in house web page to do it, but it could be as simple as a spreadsheet. We actually use an old version of Bugzilla (heavily modified and most stuff including another custom web frontend for tracking priorities just hit the bugzilla DB directly now) to track the work and the checklist system would then organize the checklists by bug number in it's own database. You would type in the bug and select the checklist type. You could do the same with Jira which is what we actually use for development tracking.
We have different types of checklists for different types of situations. The two items in the patch notes should be line items on the "New Ship Checklist" for the Systems team.
Can you fix that i cant after respawn in STF maneuver the ship ?:o
Hit the "escape key" or deselect your target.
(UFP) Ragnar
Sorry bud, there are only two types of consoles that get designed.
Type 1) Useless.
Type 2) Overpowered.
I'm sure the devs thought they could mitigate the Wing Cannons [SAD]x4 with a nice ACC bonus from the 2 piece, which would work if it wasn't for the fact that in general slotting toy consoles is more a detriment to your ship than a benefit.
the wingcannons are still cannons, this is designed so you cant chain the super blasts with cannon rapid fires right after.
quit complaining, Hawaii, is nice that time of night, isn't it.:)
They called it a "glass cannon" in the blog.
So now they're fixing the "glass" portion of that descriptor. Nice to see words still have meaning to them. </sarcasm>
Anyway, with this ship's relatively low damage-taking and high damage-dealing, it would go well with one of those threat-reducing consoles from the Fleet Embassy stores.
Yes... you may be right - there MAY be another secret nerf OR they are actually fixing something and want to surprise us (highly unlikely - but still we can only hope)
Funny thing though - I got the new ships yesterday and did some STF's with the ENG version - didnt really notice the shield problem - but if they are "fixing" it - it can only get better XD
Now if you could just make the Practice Schematic from the Crafting tutorial discardable as well I would be very grateful. It's occupying Bank/Inventory space since July 22, 2012.
Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!
You know, there just isn't words to describe this....
Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
It's fairly easy to destroy.
I've met two of the Kumari [tac] ships in pvp and both have been destroyed by my fleet defiant.
The damage they could do was, not good in any way, the cannons need more work so the acc mod is better.
If someone pays that much for one ship or the bundle, you atleast want the power out on the designed weapons to actually hit the target [wing cannons].
In 10 fights they could get one hit in with them, that did damage, stripped my shields and took away 70% hull :-D
Otherwise, i like the ship, it's a beauty!
And i still want it... :-)
bugs fixed quickly? are you serious? have you been to a Tholian Red Alert lately? obviously not BECAUSE THEY ARE BUGGED! and they have been BUGGED since the beginning of season 7. its ad that i pay for this game and its nearly IMPOSSIBLE to finish the Tholian space missions. how about you DEVS get with the program... instead of bringing in all this new TRIBBLE... fix the existing bugs that have been around fore months.!
Actually they are almost forced to fix this right away since the "ship(s)" that are having the problems is something they are selling.
It's that with everything you buy, if it's broken you have the right to have it fixed :-)
Australia actually ... and yes it is
No Money = No Fix
Last Thurs Patch caused the BOff Placement Bug and the "2 Minute Universal Cooldown" BUG.
Cryptic knew about the issue that day. Yet we had to wait an entire week for a fix.
They release the new $50 Ships, find a few bugs....fix that immediately or we might lose sales.
Free game.
Fixing bugs with a week is nothing. Ive had games I subscribed to that didnt do it even that quickly.
Yes they make money. Or they wouldnt be here for you to play.
Get over it please.
I pay them too, I'm glad to have the game around.
CDF :rolleyes:
I know you guys at Cryptic recieve a lot of flack on the forums. On behalf of the player community, my apologies for all the random hate.
Good news - They can fix things quickly when they want to.
Bad news - The ships should never have been released in a bugged state in the first place.
Maybe it's time Cryptic and especially their Q&A took some pride in their work and stopped shoving any old borked TRIBBLE out of the door in the name of a quick profit.
Before anyone asks, I don't own these ships (yet). I decided to wait a day or two to see what state they would be released in. Upon visiting the forums last night and seeing the list of problems people were reporting, I guess it was a wise decision.
It just shows they are anything if not consistent...
Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010