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Fleet held Hostage



  • sasheriasasheria Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    cptvanor wrote: »

    Not true, they always had banks and so getting kicked out of the fleet meant losing out anything stored there.

    As a rule (for me) I don't store anything in Fleet/guild/cabal bank that I don't mind losing. If I DO mind, then I store it my own bank for my use. Even with "close" online friends (people I have know for years but never met in person) I wouldn't store super duper items in the community bank unless I don't mind losing it.

    If you are "scare" to lose it when you get kicked, then that is your own fault really. Now, do I put super rare stuff? (purple, blue mats and datachips) SURE! I do it all the time cause I don't mind losing them. I even drop in epic BoA items cause I don't use it in my 10 ship fleet.

    I have been in many guild/fleet/cabal/whatever in so many games, I learn that anything in guild bank is fair game.
    To grow old is inevitable, to grow up is optional.
    Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.
  • xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As leader of my fleet/family, yes we are a family i would never leave the game without putting someone into the leader position, but suggesting crytpic make a change in the system to allow other people to vote the leader out is just another issue in the waiting. You will have people sneeking into fleets and taking them over with friends...

    What has to be done is on the fleet itself. If you cant operate your fleet then you need to find another fleet worthy of being part of.

    I may be leader of my fleet, but I have given rights to the command staff, that are the same as my own. It comes down to time spent and trust.. which is earned in time.

    Id be very worried now that if a system like that was implemented, id have a hard time trusting anyone "new" to the fleet.. so lets not go there.
    R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
  • sasheriasasheria Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As leader of my fleet/family, yes we are a family i would never leave the game without putting someone into the leader position, but suggesting crytpic make a change in the system to allow other people to vote the leader out is just another issue in the waiting. You will have people sneeking into fleets and taking them over with friends...

    What has to be done is on the fleet itself. If you cant operate your fleet then you need to find another fleet worthy of being part of.

    I may be leader of my fleet, but I have given rights to the command staff, that are the same as my own. It comes down to time spent and trust.. which is earned in time.

    Id be very worried now that if a system like that was implemented, id have a hard time trusting anyone "new" to the fleet.. so lets not go there.

    That is why I say any system put in can be use. This is a good example. It happen in "WoW" where someone work their way up in the ranks and rob their guild bank blind. It happens before.

    I can see a voting system could oust you from your own fleet with careful planning. Is it worth it? probably to some especially if you manage to unlock Tier 5 on everything (which we all know it takes literally MILLIONS of resources) a group of friends could work their way even month to take a fleet over.
    To grow old is inevitable, to grow up is optional.
    Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.
  • captsolcaptsol Member Posts: 921 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    That's really unfortunate and it hope it works out for you guys. Sadly, I don't think Cryptic will ever step in and put anything like what you want into place. MMO developers tend to stay away from such matters as Fleets/Guilds/Etc. EVE Online is one of the worst examples of this where whole fleets have been destroyed and thousands of dollars in real life money have been taken along with huge amounts of hours put into the game by one or two corrupt leaders who simply decided to jump ship or take everything for themselves.
  • akalayusakalayus Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    While it would be interesting if Cryptic added a voting system to fleets to help prevent fleet leaders from ruling with an iron fist, it won't solve all the problems.

    As many people have pointed out before, fleets are player run. They decide how to run their things and if the fleet leader decides to hold the fleet hostage, that sucks. I'm sorry to say it like that, but really, as soon as he mentioned that he was planning on selling his account, red flags should have gone up.
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    maceruk wrote: »
    Cryptic needs to have a system in place where more than 3 players can vote the present lead out of the leadership position. Some sort of voting system that would allow the Fleet to function again.

    That would be open to to much abuse as all it would take was a few mates getting together and taking over random fleets once they have established themselves within the fleet.

    Issue is then fleets could be "high jacked" by the members... inviting their friends in... then stealing a fleet. No thanks... worked too hard, and spent too much building this base.

    As other stated... Cryptic is not going to step in any further than they have (30 day leader inactivity period), and in my opinion... they shouldn't.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    cptvanor wrote: »
    That's not at all true. How the fleet is set up is completely up to the people in it. If someone doesn't like the way it's run, or how it works then they shouldn't join. Forcing people to run a social group a given way is not the answer. Cryptic should not be try and force social groups to work in a given way.

    It's not up to you or Cryptic to tell people how a fleet should be run.

    All that needs to be done, is for everyone to be aware of what the group is like when they join. If they don't like one person having all the power, then they should leave the fleet. While things like what happened to the OP is unfortunate, it is also not something that Cryptic should get involved in. It's also not a valid reason to take choice away from people.
    Yet here we are discussing this in yet another thread about a leader TRIBBLE his fleet members. It's an unfortunate truth that everyone should be aware that they are potential victims when joining a fleet and although it's true that people should be aware of what a fleet is like before they spend time in it, most of these situations come about because something changed in an otherwise stable and established fleet, for whatever reason, the leader does a complete change of behavior putting hours of time and mountains of invested resources at risk and suddenly a stable, established fleet isn't stable anymore.
    I proposed a game mechanic to do the job of forcing a leader to share power, but I seriously doubt Cryptic would lift a finger anyway.
    If a leader refuses to promote trusted members from within the ranks to share power then it's a safe bet that the OPs scenario is not far over the horizon and people should keep that in mind.
    The only change I think that Cryptic should make, which would be an easy one, is make the leader level rank and permissions untouchable, once a member is promoted to leader level that's it, he can not demote or kick out another leader nor they him, that would put an end to coups where someone promotes what he thinks is a trusted friend and suddenly finds himself without a faction, or people TRIBBLE each other over a childish tiff. Beyond that it's internal politics and they can figure things out on their own.
    No it is not up to me how fleets are run, but I am not the one complaining, this drama is yet another reason why I want nothing to do with fleets. It's is however up to Cryptic whether they want to interfere since it's painfully clear that people can't be trusted to always do what's right.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Issue is then fleets could be "high jacked" by the members... inviting their friends in... then stealing a fleet. No thanks... worked too hard, and spent too much building this base.

    As other stated... Cryptic is not going to step in any further than they have (30 day leader inactivity period), and in my opinion... they shouldn't.
    One key aspect of this: it wouldn't be immediate. the process would probably be best if it takes a full week, AND automails a notification to all fleet members.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • trellabortrellabor Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    Heck, how is it any different from ANY group where a member controls a resource?

    In this aspect, STO's Legion system is fail because it is used as a gated system to which you obtain end game gear. There is NO other way to obtain said gear than through the Legion system, not by grinding anywhere else, not by opening lock boxes(yet), no place else period.

    It also uses 'projects' to level up a Legion, which people can potentially use real cash to purchase resources and level the Legion. It's not required, but many do in fact utilize cold hard currency to speed up projects. There is no way to recoup this investment if things 'go wrong'.

    I have never heard of, played, or even conceived of a system like this. It's poorly thought out and implemented, rampant with abuse, and locks a certain number of the player base out of achieving this goal based on Legion size and could be said to even penalize smaller Legion's since it will take an exorbitant amount of time to ever see the Legion/Fleet store.

    I feel bad for the OP if this is truly a case of the Leader taking liberties with his account at the expense of Fleet mates. That's just a malicious person and it's unfortunate the group suffers because the bad apple is at the helm. The situation in of itself is not uncommon to the MMO or video game world as a whole where Legion systems are in place, however because of the resources locked behind this gated system, the requirements to get them, and the fact this is the only way to do so seriously impacts the unfortunate situation in an even more drastic manner than normal. Unfortunately, I foresee Cryptic doing nothing about this at all other than telling you 'sorry' because as Ghost mentioned from their POV the potential harm of getting involved will lead them to look the other way.
    The o3 - Killed you good
  • kain9primekain9prime Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I don't always join fleets...but when I do...I prefer to be their leader.

    Stay solo my friends...

    The artist formally known as Romulus_Prime
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    cptvanor wrote: »
    That's not at all true. How the fleet is set up is completely up to the people in it. If someone doesn't like the way it's run, or how it works then they shouldn't join. Forcing people to run a social group a given way is not the answer. Cryptic should not be try and force social groups to work in a given way.
    Crypticc already is forcing social groups to work in a given way.

    1. They have decided that players must be in a fleet to have full access to game content and that the fleet must be large to build it's holdings in a reasonable time.

    2. The system defaults to "one person with all the power." While it's possible to promote multiple people, even the whole fleet, to the top rank, there is no option to have nobody in charge.

    3. As I understand it from these threads, people at top rank can still kick or demote each other at will, meaning unless you're the only leader of a fleet, nobody is ever safe from being thrown out at the whim of one person. Apparently, one person could unilaterally kick out everyone and disband the whole fleet, regardless of how the ranks were set up.

    #2 and #3 are common to most MMO's. But given #1, players should have more options. A democratically-run fleet would have its own potential for abuse, but if a group wants to do it that way, they should have the choice.

    A fleet could also be run like a corporation, with starbase/embassy contributions representing investments rather than donations. Then, someone could invite a hundred buddies/alts in to hijack a fleet but unless they invest more than the current members, it's not going to give them majority. And the only way to get rid of a shareholder would be to buy back their shares.

    I believe it would also be beneficial to have the option of joining an automatically-generated, NPC-managed fleet, where no player has any power over the others. For the people who really don't want to socialize or don't get along with others well.
  • cptvanorcptvanor Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    warpangel wrote: »
    1. They have decided that players must be in a fleet to have full access to game content

    What content? The 3 or 4 fleet events? That's hardly a major loss if you lose access to those. Or do you mean ships and weapons? Which IMO are not content any more then powers or armor is in other MMO's.
    and that the fleet must be large to build it's holdings in a reasonable time.

    Reasonable time is completely subjective, what you may consider reasonable doesn't mean everyone else thinks the same thing.
    but if a group wants to do it that way, they should have the choice.

    They do have a choice. They can not join a fleet that's set up in a way they don't like. If they're starting a new fleet they can make it clear that the leader must promote other people or else they'll leave the fleet before it even gets going.

    There's all kinds of choice here, just most of it doesn't involve some sort of code put in the game by Cryptic. To be honest I don't want Cryptic trying to force a "one size fits all" fix because it will cause more problems then it fixes.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Also... for those who have a mercenary attitude.... you don't need to STAY in a fleet. You could join a random fleet for the benefits and more or less only contribute what you feel like. Heck you could change fleets daily if you want. Loyalty is not required to reap the benefits of being in a fleet.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I joined a guild in WoW once.

    Things were great for a time. It was a smaller guild, with a few people at it's core and they were just starting to expand out.

    It was friendly place, and people would make things for each other and it was all great and wonderful.

    And then they decided to get into raiding.
    They decided that if you didn't have vent, you couln't be an officer (and I don't use voice chat).
    If you wouldn't use vent, then you wouldn't even be able to go on a raid.

    I went from being a high-ranking member to an afterthought. All of the time I spent in the guild didn't matter. All of the items that I willingly and happily stuck in the guild bank for anyone to use rather than using them to enrich myself didn't matter.

    If you aren't the boss, then you don't get to decide the direction of the guild.

    It's just that simple.

    Since then, i have not joined any guild of any tuype in any game that I have played, because I hated the feeling that I had when I quit that guild.

    I ended up changing servers and then, eventually, just stopping playing WoW because of that bd experience.

    I'm casual. The game is not about getting to the level cap and grinding out whatever as quickly as possible.

    Maybe I should try to change my thinking and try to see guilds as disposable.

    Maybe I should accept one of those blind invites and see if I can find a group of like-minded individuals in one of those fleets.

    But if the fleet leader wants to be a jerk, then that is their choice.
    I suppose it's to be expected, even. Have you actually paid attention to what some people do and say when provided the protection of internet anonymity?

    You should just quit now. Every minute spent wondering what to do is time not spent working on a new fleet that may actually have a future.
  • llunaukllunauk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Could just find another fleet to join, I'm sure there are a lot of fleets out there that have gotten so far then fallen out with each other and would welcome some kinda fleet merge! :)
  • cptvanorcptvanor Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Maybe I should accept one of those blind invites and see if I can find a group of like-minded individuals in one of those fleets.

    Any fleet that sends out invites blindly is IMO not worth the time it takes to click yes.

    But there are some really good fleets out there, and I'd recommend checking out the Starbase One forms here and see if you find any that seem to suit you. But like any type of social group, you get out of it what you put into it. And because it's made up of people, you'll always stand the risk of it going badly.
  • jumpingjsjumpingjs Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    Because the terms of service prohibit it:


    Yes, it includes that. What may happen if PWE becomes aware of this is that the account that was transferred may be banned permanently.

    no ... your missing the point of my question ... WHY cant we. Sort of like Why is it bad?
    Hopefully I'll come back from my break; this break is fun; I play intellectual games.

    I hope STO get's better ...
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    jumpingjs wrote: »
    no ... your missing the point of my question ... WHY cant we. Sort of like Why is it bad?

    Mainly because if it's allowed, it leads to PWE being asked to settle domestic disputes, and to a particularly nasty scam whereby people sell their accounts and then prove ownership to Cryptic and reclaim them. It also results in the gold spammers creating accounts, using them to abuse the game, then selling them to unsuspecting people who then get banned.

    And probably other bad things I haven't thought of or remembered from my conversations with folks in the industry.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 924 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    Every time this thread gets bumped up and I read the title, I can't help picture

    Alan Rickman holding a bunch of Star Fleet officers hostage in ops, and a Star Fleet Lieutenant lets call him Lt. Bruce Willis crawling through Jefferies tubes fighting off True way terrorists.

    Which gives me a great idea for a foundry mission that I will gladly make when we can make mission where I can just beam down the captain without BO..... And then it will be a Good Day to Die Hard. ;)

    Yippee Ki Yay Mother TRIBBLE!!:D

    The irony of that post: That actually IS the name of the new Die Hard movie....

  • stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Just to give everyone a quick update in regards to our former Main Fleet, March 7th is the deadline for the Leader to log in, in order to maintain Fleet Control.

    Since then it has been silent running with no word of his whereabouts with only his monthly 10sec log in recorded.

    Our members hope that we're able to reclaim the Fleet by March 8th. The Leader last known log in, according to the status tab, was on 02/07/2013.

    It would be nice if we can reclaim our almost tier IV Starbase, since the Fleet Mark issue has slowed many projects down.

    I'll keep everyone posted on the finalization of what was once our Main Fleet. I sure would love some kind of voting system right about now.

    Hope everyone is having smooth sailing with their Fleets.

    Happy Hunting

  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,991 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As a SOLO prefering player, threads like this reaffirm my dislike of anything amacking of socialism.

    I needed a Fleet to compete in STO, or at least get my moneys worth.

    I contacted my cousins who while liking Star Trek, don't have a lot of spare time in their lives. We got together and made a Fleet.

    As Fleet Leader I set all the missions and projects and they drop in when they can and just have fun with no pressure.

    Is it slower progressing than a Fleet with 500+ members? yup.

    Will I ever need to worry about a mutiny? Nope.
  • amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As a SOLO prefering player, threads like this reaffirm my dislike of anything amacking of socialism.

    I needed a Fleet to compete in STO, or at least get my moneys worth.

    I contacted my cousins who while liking Star Trek, don't have a lot of spare time in their lives. We got together and made a Fleet.

    As Fleet Leader I set all the missions and projects and they drop in when they can and just have fun with no pressure.

    Is it slower progressing than a Fleet with 500+ members? yup.

    Will I ever need to worry about a mutiny? Nope.

    What does any of this have to do with "socialism"?

    Lots of societal structures use large groups of people for combined tasks. That includes corporations.

    I get what you're saying about small fleets having less trouble from management, but that's because you're the management. Few leadership figures would complain about too much power in their hands, now would they?
  • ironmakoironmako Member Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What does any of this have to do with "socialism"?

    Lots of societal structures use large groups of people for combined tasks. That includes corporations.

    I get what you're saying about small fleets having less trouble from management, but that's because you're the management. Few leadership figures would complain about too much power in their hands, now would they?

    I dont think there is anything you can do. My opinion is to signal all your other Fleet members, and tell them to stop driving anything more into the fleet. No dil, no replicator items, no Doffs, no nothing.

    If he is still active, then this should annoy the guy enough to respond to you. If not, then send a support ticket off. Cryptic may not get involved in internal fleet affairs, but this is a different situation. One thing which would help is to get a document/petition together signed by all fleet members, including the elected name of the replacement leader, and send it off to Cryptic. See what their response is.

    I can imagine that with all the EC gathered, the items, the dil, and everything else, that the leader could be waiting for you all to leave so he can hoard everything himself.
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ironmako wrote: »
    I can imagine that with all the EC gathered, the items, the dil, and everything else, that the leader could be waiting for you all to leave so he can hoard everything himself.

    Which ironically, is a sign of Capitalism at it's best. Not socialism which everyone seems to fear and abhor so vehemently.
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Let's please not devolve into politics, folks.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Sadly we have a similar situation in our fleet; one I started. I went inactive for a while (complicated life situation) and gave control of our fleet to others whom sadly went inactive several months ago. We had a shared leadership system to prevent bull****. Since then the person running the fleet has been killing it bit by bit with BS and near total unilateral actions.

    I recently came back and have been trying to salvage things with the remaining members, the leadership of which promoted me as high as they could but when I saw the "leader" online and asked him to promote me back to the top position he gave me some BS about needing a meeting to promote me and then shortly after demoted me to member and promptly logged off. :mad:

    Sadly really... :mad:
    maceruk wrote: »
    Cryptic needs to have a system in place where more than 3 players can vote the present lead out of the leadership position. Some sort of voting system that would allow the Fleet to function again.

    That would be open to to much abuse as all it would take was a few mates getting together and taking over random fleets once they have established themselves within the fleet.

    I think there should be a voting system for all active members to participate but the threshold should be at least 2/3 membership. It could simply be called "a vote of confidence" system if nothing else. Such a system would hold the leadership accountable to the community they are supposed to lead. Moreover, it also fits well with ST and general military concepts.
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
    Former member of the Cryptic Family & Friends Testing Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
    Obscurea Chaotica Fleet (KDF), Commander
    ingame: @.Spartan
    Former Alpha & Beta Tester
    Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
    The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    aspartan1 wrote: »
    I think there should be a voting system for all active members to participate but the threshold should be at least 2/3 membership. It could simply be called "a vote of confidence" system if nothing else. Such a system would hold the leadership accountable to the community they are supposed to lead. Moreover, it also fits well with ST and general military concepts.

    I don't remember ever being able to vote on whether I thought my company commander, division officer, department head, CO, or any other person in any position of authority was doing a good job.

    It does not fit at all well within military concepts.

    The thing is, there is accountability in a military structure. The CO was not answerable to me, but they were answerable to someone.

    A Captain that didn't show up to run their ship would not be Captain for long.

    But again, that level of accountability here would require that Cryptic and/or PWE get involved in fleet drama, and I do not advocate that.

    If you aren't the lead dog, the view never changes.
    Best you can hope is that the view is at least decent.
  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    "You can't fire me, I helped build this company into what it is! I deserve to take it over because I poured so much blood, sweat and tears into it."

    "We the minions of the mailroom have found your leadership lacking. So we shall wait while you are out on vacation and then we shall move forward with our plans to take over the company for the good of us all!"

    "Kewl, the captain has left the ship on vacation, now we can mutiny and take it over for our own desires!"

    Be wary of the precedent you set in taking over your fleet as someday it might just happen to you.
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    Let's please not devolve into politics, folks.
    I would love to avoid politics, hell it's why I play this game. This being said, this whole thread is devoted to bringing politics into the game directly and as a result is causing clashes of political ideology.
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    pyryck wrote: »
    "You can't fire me, I helped build this company into what it is! I deserve to take it over because I poured so much blood, sweat and tears into it."

    "We the minions of the mailroom have found your leadership lacking. So we shall wait while you are out on vacation and then we shall move forward with our plans to take over the company for the good of us all!"

    "Kewl, the captain has left the ship on vacation, now we can mutiny and take it over for our own desires!"

    Be wary of the precedent you set in taking over your fleet as someday it might just happen to you.
    "Is this a dagger which I see before me,
    The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.
    I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.
    Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible
    To feeling as to sight? or art thou but
    A dagger of the mind, a false creation,
    Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?"
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