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Unable to complete "The Doomsday Machine", glitch at end.

doublehappydogdoublehappydog Member Posts: 5 Arc User
edited March 2014 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
After the finale of the mission I'm prompted to "leave the system and return to my ship" (also; that I've done everything in the area). But upon doing so, I find myself back in sector space being asked if I want to START the mission. I try to hail Starfleet and it's like I had never played through it at all, but I still have all the items I had collected throughout (sans the end rewards which are never offered). Also; my bridge assignments are all off and one engineering station is left unmanned altogether. Is there a way to properly finish this mission, something I'm missing? Or, is this a bug, and I should just skip it? I've played through it three times already and gotten the same result each time.
Post edited by doublehappydog on


  • rdm1958rdm1958 Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    not my experience at all. when i first started playing i really liked the har'pengh torpedo and played this mission like 3 or 4 times to get more torpedos. never had a problem. i am playing through all episodes again on advanced difficulty and just so happens the doomsday machine mission is up next. i will let you know if i have problems now or not.

    you destroyed the doomsday machine?
  • doublehappydogdoublehappydog Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yes, I destroyed the machine and got past the part where the Klingons demand their ship back and the LT's dialogue/interactive window instructs me (and this is the only option given) to " leave the system and return to your ship". And although the interactive window tells me I've completed all assignments, when I choose to return to my ship, I'm back in sector space like the mission never happened. I even tried manually flying the Bird-of-Prey back to Qo'nos to return the damn thing first after one run-through. No dice.
  • rdm1958rdm1958 Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    just competed the doomsday mission again. no problems at all. got my rewards, 2 of them.

    the Klingons did not ever ask about the ship??
  • triton39triton39 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    After the finale of the mission I'm prompted to "leave the system and return to my ship" (also; that I've done everything in the area). But upon doing so, I find myself back in sector space being asked if I want to START the mission. I try to hail Starfleet and it's like I had never played through it at all, but I still have all the items I had collected throughout (sans the end rewards which are never offered). Also; my bridge assignments are all off and one engineering station is left unmanned altogether. Is there a way to properly finish this mission, something I'm missing? Or, is this a bug, and I should just skip it? I've played through it three times already and gotten the same result each time.

    Same here bro. This is the second STO mission I've been unable to complete due to system's glitches (I've just had to restart 'Night of the Comet' all over again).
  • captnaismithcaptnaismith Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have the same problem. Spent over an hour doing the mission, and it is like I never did it. I departed the system when the mission was over, and it just asks me again if I want to begin the mission. :/

    (well...and a tribble misteriously appeared in my inventory after the mission. maybe it`s some kind of doomsday tribble...)
  • goldenavarielgoldenavariel Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The same thing happened to me last night. This was my first time to ever do this mission and it was awesome but not looking forward to doing it all over again. :(
  • xyraixyrai Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I've just had this problem today. I've run through the mission twice and had the same thing happen both times exactly as you describe. If anyone has any suggestions they would be very welcome!
  • goldenavarielgoldenavariel Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Finally got up the nerve to try it again today and when I exited it is prompting me to begin the mission again. Getting pretty sick of this.

    I suspect if I could kill the doomsday machine without getting defeated and respawning it would probably work. Unfortunately, this time the klingons wouldn't leave me alone and when I put the killing blow on the machine its explosion killed me through the weakened shields. :( So close.

    I have no desire to play this a third time on the same character. Is there a way to auto-complete a mission or will I have to drop it?
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I do not think they will ever fix this mission it has been buggy as hell for over a year now.

    Like there are still bugs that they have not fixed Since Beta testing.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • clutchdataclutchdata Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    had the same problem but was able to complete by doing ALL the mission objectives. For example, you must disable the IKS Targ AND destroy the escort!

    if that doesn't work that i would just trey to skip it.
  • richarddoverricharddover Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I've had similar problems with a few missions. I managed to get the mission by turning it in before leaving the system.
  • sciencecaptainsciencecaptain Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    I've played to mission twice now and each time I completed the mission(destroying the device), then i'm asked to return the ship I stole. Then my LT. asked to "warp out" and I return to sector space to find I'm being asked to start: Doomsday mission again. I didn't received any rewards or XP yet I've done the missions twice.

    Whats the deal here? and when is this going to be fixed. :mad:
  • azudiiazudii Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    If you kill the Targ's escort near the start of the mission it seems to work OK.. if you avoid killing the escort it bugs at the end?

    That of skip it and come back after completing the next mission.
  • defconkiddefconkid Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm also having problems with this mission.. my Admiral just put himself on the Klingon hologram, he's asked to go to the Bridge (although there's a typo, cause it says Return the the Bridge)... and nothing happens there o0 the marked one of the map remains to be the turbolift.

    I thought that maybe I should finish this part of the mission while dressed Fed again, but I can't find any device or item that might let me deactivate the hologram... any clues? and, if I can't progress the mission, is there any way I can play the last episodes of Klingon War without completing Doomsday Device?
  • tyler002tyler002 Member Posts: 1,586 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I know of only 2 solutions to this problem:
    1. Skip the mission: Go to your journal, select 'Episodes' then go down to the mission in question and press Skip. The next mission should then be available, with the skipped one an optional.
    2. Complete the mission, but Hail Starfleet before returning to Sector Space.
  • therealqmastertherealqmaster Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    it happened to me too yesterday. A major frustration, even though the mission didn't take that long to complete (not play it on elite though).
    Luckily I had the time to repeat the mission right away and that time around I also destroyed the Vorcha which's hanging around with the IKS Targ, however not the other escorts. The objective 'destroy escorts' disappeared anyway (no green tick in front, it just went away).
    After finshing I didn't wanna take chances and reported in while still in the system, so I can't confirm or disconfirm whether that makes any difference.

    Thanks for pointing out that one can skip missions, I honestly had not noticed you can do that (always in a hurry levelling up)...
  • baldermbalderm Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    same here - run it 4 times and bth have no will to run it the 5th time... will try to kill all the eskorts and see if it helps. if not - meh
  • digideusdigideus Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Same. I have this problem.

    I suspect the problem with this one is that the level requirement for the next mission is stopping it from completing. I had this previously on another mission but I noticed that unless you have the correct level for the next mission, it wont complete, which is a bit backwards since you cant earn XP from a mission unless you complete it.

    Having done the mission twice, I am now stuck doing it over and over until I can earn another level and try again. Honestly, its silly bugs like this that make me want to not bother with this game, and I am glad its free to play, but quite simply i'm not impressed. If the number of complaints about this bug havent been dealt with in such a long period of time, it does not fill me with confidence for the future.
  • firefly447firefly447 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I found this glitch tonight too, Ill try again tomorrow, and hail starfleet before I leave the system
  • crypticfrostcrypticfrost Member Posts: 1,479 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2014
    I just played through "Doomsday Device" and was unable to reproduce this issue.

    It sounds like the main mission is not advancing properly at some point even though one is still able to move on and continue playing.

    For those of you experiencing this issue, try to pay attention to your Mission Trackers. There are two that display in the game. The Main Mission Tracker which is always present by default below your mini-map, displays the main mission and its stages. Then there's the Open Mission Tracker which appears below the Main by default, which displays the individual map mission stages. In general, the Title displayed in the Open Mission Tracker should sync up with the mission stage displayed in the Main Mission Tracker.

    For example, when one first arrives in the transporter room of the Targ, the Main Mission Tracker lists "The Doomsday Device" with "Boarding Party" below that, and the Open Mission Tracker displays "Boarding Party" as the Heading with "Secure the Engineering Deck" below that. When all the steps on the Targ are completed, the listing below "The Doomsday Device" changes to "Silent Running" with "Go To Imaga System" below that. When one arrives in Imaga, the Open Mision Tracker heading is now "Silent Running" which matches the Main Mission Tracker.

    So what you want to look for is a situation when the line below "The Doomsday Device" does not sync up with the Heading of the Open Mission Tracker, especially after a map transition occurs. Such as if one arrived in Imaga and the Main Mission Tracker still had "Boarding Party" listed below "The Doomsday Device" instead of "Silent Running."

    Why am I telling you all of this? This issue doesn't happen every time one plays the mission and I just don't have the time to play through this mission over and over again to try and find where it is breaking. Therefore, I need your help to track this down. If you folks can find the point(s) where the mission is getting out of sync, and especially if you can remember what you were doing just before it happened, that will help greatly to track down the exact point where the mission is breaking, which is necessary to be able to fix it.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
    STO QA Team
  • orionlooporionloop Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hate to bump an older thread. But same issue here. Completed when it asked me to return to my ship and crew and leave system. Did not and it ends up asking me to start it all over again. Pretty much means I won't play this game for a few weeks. TRIBBLE like this turns me off. Oh well.
  • luajitluajit Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    For the record: on my fourth playthrough of this mission I managed to finish by refusing to leave the system once the mission was finished, collecting my reward and then leaving.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    xcom43 wrote: »
    I do not think they will ever fix this mission it has been buggy as hell for over a year now.

    Like there are still bugs that they have not fixed Since Beta testing.

    No it wasnt. I completed it about 3 months ago with no problems. Must be another bug after season 8.5.
    I only hope cryptic doesnt take so much time like they did on other episodes, or we will need to wait almost forever to see this fixed
  • orionlooporionloop Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Thanks luajit, I will try that and see what happens next time I play.
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