Be clear folks.
I did this to make a point.
The final dialog from the mission can be found in this post
Be a dear and read it.
Peace, Love and Warm Soft Pretzels (I love those things)
DJ Gir Aiynd's Dance Party
by HippieJohn
Come get your loots.
Fresh Hot Loots here.
Enemies that won't fight back
If you haven't hit that daily loot cap, you'll get lotsa loots.
FREE Loots !
from enemies that don't fight back.
Grinders are the wave of the future.
Come get your loots
I scored nearly half a million energy credits from your mission, and I didn't have to earn any of it. And that was on Normal! Thanks Hippy. When my Foundry loot timer resets, I'll play it on Elite.
With missions like yours, I'll never, ever, ever need to buy Zen or give PWE any $$$.
Yes, that's right, I will never again be tempted to spend real money to support this game or Cryptic employees. Thank you! My wallet thanks you!
Now I'm off to buy a master key on the exchange. Thanks again!
That was the most challenging mission I've ever done. Do you know how hard it is to read while your eyes are all watered up? And my sides hurt... never get that with other farming missions.
Kinda scared to try it on elite.... will save up for some purple Mk XII equipment before attempting it at that level.
Now gotta go change my shorts.....
Original Handle: @Q400
Join Date: December 2010
I feel like I need a shower after running this.
**Addendum: Having seen Brandon's comment in another thread about these being under investigation, I hope to see the foundry's integrity restored sooner rather than later.
Thank you hippiejohn, you have truely shown me the light.
I used to like playing games, I used to enjoy putting hours and days into writing and creating Foundry missions, I used to enjoy story, nuance, and the use of skill in combat. I used to enjoy using my brain.
But I realized something when I played this mission. I've been doing it all wrong!!! All the answers to the universe lie in vendoring greens I get from creating chain explosions of defenseless captain level mobs over, and over, and over.
I hope Gene Roddenberry is listening, wherever he is...
Immediately after cashing in all my holiday commodities and buying 2 blocks of keys my power supply died.
Gonna be a week before the new one arrives from California, can ya save me some loot ?
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
It is the effect of the explosions. They are mesmerizing. Watching that exchange notification is also mesmerizing. What isn't fun is actually listing all the junk on the exchange. Now, that is actual work. I guess that I could just discard the stuff and be happy with 200k ECs instead of 400k.
Listing all the consoles is the worst of all. Only 5900 ECs each, for all the work it takes to find them in the exchange and ask the lowest price!!!
I wish Cryptic would make the exchange more user-friendly. It shouldn't be so much work to list the stuff that I got for free with no effort. It should be as easy to sell it.
Please, just let me fire a photon and get a master key. I'm sick of trying to type the word: Polaron. Or is it Poloran... dangit I forgot to put the "Mk" in the search.
Why is it so hard???
EDIT: Authors, I've told you the team is investigating this. I'm not sure what more I can do
So, first off, thank you for informing us that someone is aware and investigating this. There really isn't anything else you can do. Seriously, thank you for the information.
You have to understand where this is all coming from though, right ?
I mean, you have to.
For more than a year, people quietly reported the previous interation of the exploits. A whole lot of people hit that little 'report' button a whole lot. And for more than a year, there was no change, and when it was finally addressed by the team at Cryptic, we were blamed for allowing it to continue. Dan Stahl himself said something along the lines of "the functionality for reporting it was there all along ... We had hoped that the player base would police themselves ..." I could go find the exact moment in an interview that he off handedly blames the community for the clickies.
SO, this time, we have opted to be a lot more loud about it. Sorry if that is disappointing, but ...
Over a year to fix the clicky exploit. I never once in that time saw even so much as "the team is aware and they are investigating." And when it was addressed. We were casually blamed.
Our current approach has yielded now TWO responses from you. We now been informed that the team is investigating. That's more than we've ever gotten in the past.
If you being disappointed in us is the price we must pay, then so be it.
Now, personally, I don't care if the team comes back and says "We've investigated. No changes" at least we will know that it was looked at, and the issue was taken seriously. Just knowing that you guys are looking at it, is actually enough for me.
A little bit of communication goes a long way.
For my part, I'll be quiet now, and just again say Thanks, Man, it really means a lot having you come and communicate what's going on.
Can you please give them our feedback about grinders dominating the mission list, as well. Even the non-exploit grinds are dominating everything. It's not even that people shouldn't be allowed to play the grinds if they want, but we really need our longer, story-centric missions to be on equal footing in terms of reward (ie: larger reward for longer missions).
Fleet marks seem to be hard to come by outside of the Foundry, and that is contributing to the interest in grind missions: if something is done to increase FMs awarded outside the Foundry, that may help. In addition, increasing the cool down on the Foundry wrapper might be warranted. In a way, I hate the solution, but if the atcool down was an hour instead it would mean that there would be less incentive to play the shortest qualifying missions.
And, perhaps more importantly, we need additional categories in the Foundry for story missions, for those who do enjoy playing them. Having separate tabs for story centric missions and combat centric missions would allow for the people who want to just blow things up to have fun, while also allowing those who enjoy stories to find what they're looking for.
Click here for my Foundry tutorial on Creating A Custom Interior Map.
Branden, I think it's pretty emblematic of the Foundry group on this forum: entitled and prone to throw temper tantrums. I'm sure your solution will be well met, even if it means that some of the foundry's few storytelling tools will have to be broken or disabled -- or nerfing the game... again.
Had an email this morning from someone who said they are reevaluating the way they rate missions like the grinder I created, based on the dialog in the mission.
If one person changes their mind about the fact that these missions do not deserve 5 stars , because they can be made in an hour, then I see that as helping our "cause". Changing one person's mind about this makes a difference.
The converse is, once you get it nerfed, people may reevaluate how to rate the "respected" members of this Foudry forum.
I'm really not bothered by 1 star bandits.
yes, the thing you are attempting to be subtle about threatening has a name.
if you hate me.
and you hate my opinions.
and that forces you to come and 1 star all my missions just to be a spiteful jerk.
well, I'd say that says more about you as a person, and should probably make you think with some personal reflection about just what kind of person you want to be.
honestly, that's all i have to say about that.
have a nice day.
seriously, because as low as you apparently think of me, I'm honestly the kind of guy who hopes that you have a nice day.
I'm done with this bs. Don't worry, I won't trouble you with trying to create entertaining content. Cryptic, I'm really sorry some of us were keen on improving your game and helpin make the game a more viable commodity.
I'll be deleting my missions and canceling my subscription shortly.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
At this point, do you really expect us to just say, "OK, Cryptic is investigating X, Y, or Z with the Foundry, so that means something will get fixed! They are investigating!"
Well somebody somewhere has been investigating a lot of stuff for a very long time. I can understand if you're frustrated too. We are all justified in being frustrated. But we are also justified in being vocal or generally POed at the state of affairs.
You guys want us to "police ourselves."
If the team had delivered the rewards system that was talked about by Dstahl in May of last year, instead of giving us temporary measures, then the "top rated" wouldn't be clogged with farming.
Oh well, I'm off to play HippieJohn's new mission on Elite and spend about 40 minutes fighting with the exchange for my ECs. It's a lot of work to resell all the free loot. I wish the time I spent at the exchange counted toward the average completion time of these farming missions. Every single one would qualify for the IOR.
EDIT: KF, that's not what I'm referring to. The 'vocal or "passive aggressive"' posts I'm referring to are the ones in this thread -- the fake "this is the best mission I've ever played" and the whole mission itself. The posts that you and the community have made about how this should not pave the future, "something should change", and feedback about "timid" is great -- this is where you should focus your frustration on. Making missions yourself that are "grinders", as well as the fake "these are great" posts in this thread, as respected authors, is what I'm referring to as "not helping the cause, but contributing to it" -- this is where I would hope you would not focus your frustration on. "Oh, Kirkfat thinks it's okay and plays the mission all the time, and the winner of the Foundry challenge even made one, so I will too," is what players are going to think when they see well-known authors make these posts, and then contribute to the issue. I never saw you guys make "clickie" missions, so why make these ones? If you think that's going to get it fixed faster, it won't -- your constructive feedback is what will. I'm asking the Foundry author community to set the example. Again, I'm not a developer, I don't decide what gets changed, but I do pass along feedback and I do happen to agree that something should probably be changed. I care deeply about the Foundry, or I would not spend hours a week/ weekend dedicated to it (forums, spotlight, challenges, playing suggested missions for the spotlight, etc.) -Brandon
Ok, Brandon.
I hear you.
I get where you are coming from.
I truly even understand your disappointment.
You are indeed asking us to take the high road here.
I'll buy the Kool-Aid.
I'm pulling the mission.
But first I do need to say this ...
You express your disappointment, and I do actually get it.
Now, please understand my disappointment that it took authors getting to this point of frustration before we were even told that it was being looked into. Silence on the matter only reinforces the idea to those like the poster above grindisbaddesign, that these missions are just fine. That the team at Cryptic doesn't see these as bad in any way. Simply stating that it is something that the team has decided to look into sends the message that yeah , you probably didn't intend people to be making millions cheating the system.
I am super thankful for you as a community head around here. I get that you care about the Foundry. Probably more than anyone else at Cryptic or Perfect World. Your care and dedication are appreciated. Please don't misunderstand that.
I would bet that most people are understanding that the rising level of frustration at the state of things, has left us (the author community) wanting to vent. Honestly, when you look at the people that the kinds of posts you are disappointed in are coming from , there is NO DOUBT whatsoever that none of us are serious.
Hell, go play this mission before I pull it.
Everything about it is making a statement.
Here is the final dialog from DJ Gir Aiynd herself
I post it here , because since I am pulling the mission, I don't want this message lost.
So, this mission took about an hour and 30 minutes to make.
To be clear, the author considers this kind of mission to be an exploit, or cheating, whatever you want to call it, but the people gotta have their loots and fleet marks, whatever. Point is.
1 hour and 30 minutes to make this. Most of the 'grinders' or Loot Dropper missions you find in the game aren't half as involved as even changing maps for you, let alone using a couple triggers.
I appreciate that you need Fleet Marks and Dilithium and Loot. Guess what, So do I. So does every author who spends weeks, sometimes months of time creating custom maps, and custom npcs and sometimes good, sometimes, yes, bad story content.
All I am saying is that a mission like this, more involved than most "grinders" took 1 hour 30 minutes.
Things with far less detail are getting 5 stars.
Please think about that before rating missions like this anything above 3 stars.
5 star ratings should be reserved for missions that leave you feeling like you've just experienced one of your favorite Star Trek episodes ever from the position of the hero of the story.
They should provide you with more than anything fun, and regardless of a reward, shouldn't that be what a GAME is about.
Hope this mission gave you the loots you were looking for.
Throughout the "mission" I make fun of the things that happen in these missions.
It is designed as a send up of grinders.
Like I said above.
1 person emailed me after playing this, and said they were going to rethink how they rated this sort of thing.
I know you think this was somehow bad.
But that 1 person , to me, means it was worth it.
Maybe I'm just an idealistic old hippie, but I still believe that 1 person changes the world.
EDIT (to Add) : A special thanks to all of you who got the point and threw me a 1 Star. You rock !
Boo to anyone who tipped me. I feel dirty even touching that dilithium
We know that you care, and we appreciate all that you've done. You've done a lot, given that you aren't a dev or a programmer. I can't imagine where we'd be without you.
I know where the buck stops. That is why I'm skeptical.
Can you confirm whether the rewards system, as described by Stahl in the Primetime UGC interview, is in the works? He described a system where an hour-long mission gives better rewards than a 15-minute grind. He said we'd get it in January.
Instead, we got the current system a few days after that interview, and now the exploits and grinders are out of control.
We need the exploits killed (sorry HippieJohn), and we need a rewards system that is good for authors.
Don't know why you'd be sorry. I say nuke them from space. Give all authors with one of these up a week to pull them down on their own before cryptic does it for them.
I played the mission earlier and gave you a 3-star. I'm so sorry for that! lol. I Was going to give you a Dil tip but I had a funny feeling that you'd feel that way. So I didn't.
I'm not an author and I'm not your typical grinder but your thread here about the mission made me curious and therefore I had to check it out. You're closing message in the mission opened my eyes quite a bit and I'll be very honest with you when I say this... "I support your and your fellow authors campaign 100%!"
I honestly and wholeheartedly respect all the hard work and time that you guys put into your serious story based missions and strongly believe that something should be done to put an end to these "1 hour or less to make" grind-fest missions that give out so much loot and qualify for the IOR repeatable. They totally defy the purpose of the foundry and the way it stands and works now, is in a lot of ways, disrespectful towards all you fine authors who have put tons of effort, time and creativity into the masterpieces you deliver for us Trek fans!
I truly hope you guys are successful with your campaign here and Cryptic devs step up and do something about it once and for all. And then, you guys will finally gain the exposure and respect that you all more than deserve!
Keep up the great work guys... Respect to you all! Live Long and Prosper!
And then you can carefully peel off each one and put them wherever you want!
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
Could you please take a look at the suggestions for a filtering/tagging system to allow authors to identify their mission type (story vs. grinder), that are going on in other threads? I think that in addition to the frustrations being vented here and the "quick fix" by stopping loot drops from "timid" enemies, implementing tagging would allow people to find what they want and filter out what they're not interested in. And with tagging, even if a vengeful part of the player base decided to go after a type of mission they didn't like, resulting in the average rating for each type being significantly higher or lower than the other, I think the impact wouldn't be as harsh as what it is now where grinders have nearly completely dominated the story missions to where the stories are almost impossible to find. In essence you'd end up with two rating scales running in parallel, completely separate from each other.
Of course I would recommend a long testing period on Tribble before implementing this, and making sure to be open to suggestions for refining it once it hits Holodeck, because you can be quite sure that something will not work as intended at first.
I hope this might offer a positive, long-term solution.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
But you are spending TIME in the game. And according to Stahl, Dilithium is granted per time unit in the game -- effort really isn't part of the equation, they just want the time sink. They already nerfed the system so you can only get x amount of loot (and XP) per day from Foundry missions -- doing any more would just be catering to a less than half dozen extremists who think they own the Foundry.
Tipped and gave you 5 stars... though then again never claimed to be all that bright.
Back to topic, these grinders do have their place and are a real savior for small fleets and casual gamers who don't have 4 hour blocks of time to play.
Exterminating these mission or rewards for them will probably get rid of a good number of pure exploit farmers, but it could also cost the game some of those previously mentioned casual gamers who may play some of the true foundry story content.
Simply put I don't want to see the baby thrown out with the bathwater.
This electronic galaxy we play in requires revenue to exist, and these farmers certainly get it flowing for good or bad. Casual players do occasionally toss in some coin. I want our little digital cosmos to continue, as there are so many more brave new worlds waiting to be discovered, which you and other authors are kind enough to create. (you too Devs)
I agree we need an improved forum mission filter with a scaling rewards system. That way great stories can be found, played and rewarded for the time spent in them.
Nuff said.
I would be happy with that, but I do think the exploit is an exploit. I have no real issue with grinders. Cryptic makes them. I made one of my own. It's a legit way to test builds and if it's what a player wants to do, so be it. I can respect it if someone doesn't want story and just wants to blow stuff up.
But the loot farming exploits need to be dealt with by Cryptic. It's spreading like crazy, and it could really hurt them if all it takes to get a key is an hour of target practice. If a fleet or a player wants to kill 75 battleships to max out their Foundry loot, then he or she needs to actually fight 75 battleships or at least assist in a big space war.
Players who want story should be able to filter out the grinders, and grinders who want grind should be able to filter out the story.
Everything he just said.
I can respect that you need Fleet Marks, and Dilithium, and hell even Loots to make the EC. I have no argument with you there. We all need these things.
But you can't really say that blowing up 75 ships that sit in a nebula that brings down their shields, while they don't fight back isn't an exploit.
You want a grind to get all the needed stuffs (marks, dil, etc) I can respect that.
Hell Man, I'll build an actual real one with minimal dialog and so much freaking space combat your head will spin. But you'll have to actually sit at the controls and fight increasing waves of enemies designed to take up about 20 - 25 minutes of the 30 minute cooldown.
That's a grind.
I believe that missions set up with wave after wave of a single type of enemy to help people get accolades are great honestly. They make a lot of sense.
Look. I can accept that some people don't like to play story missions. By the same token, some people don't like the nothing but Pew Pew Missions.
No one wants to take away your ability to earn Marks at a rapid pace for your fleet.
We all need that.
Do you really think that some elitist Foundry community is sitting around conspiring about how to make this harder on everyone ?
No, man. We want you to be able to find actual combat oriented missions that actually test your skill and builds for 15 minutes, and earn the Fleet Marks you need, while those who want story can do it that way.
Doing it via exploit. That's what I (and I imagine others) have a problem with.
Add two simple tabs to the danged interface.
Combat & Story
I'll stay away from yours and you guys can stay away from ours.
We'll all be happy.
Edit: Tomorrow's patch has nothing to do with the Foundry. -Brandon
If Dstahl himself thought it was a good idea, we wouldn't see it until like August at the earliest. The spotlights are now a year in the making, and their rewards aren't even fully implemented.
yes it might be a select few that may be complaining about this, but you guys spend a ton of time to create a mission true to the star trek universe, but no one sees the value of those when you go and blow up x number of ships that have been nerfed by another element in the foundry. and do this over x number of maps to fill the time requirement. i am not doing that anymore.
i can spin a good tale, but my problem is being able to develop a mission out of it. but that is a different problem that i need to figure out on my own.
i enjoy foundry missions that i have played in the past (dereliction duty, atlas affair, and a couple others). i admire those people who take the time to do a mission, or series of missions like this. you guys have a talent that many envy, and i hope to one day join your ranks in creating content like these.
im just a casual gamer, but i know that if people can create a little 'grinder' mission, they can make adjustments, develop a little story or something to change their grinder and make a powerful story that only takes a short time to be worth anything. and this will still make the other populous of sto happy that they can still earn fleet marks and dilithium for the starbase.