Hi guys,
this is Eryon. As I said I won't give up and give it another go. We have talked about this today on my TS3. For those of you who weren't there I explain real quick what will happen next.
- new pvp tournament ( beta phase - testing ground ) - after or before 4Monkey's one
- Space and Ground tournament
- rules comitee team will decide rules
- rules comitee team will be 2 representatives of each team which participates
- those people are now helping me support/mediate the tournament
1. Pug FES
2. Sargon The300/110th/Xtreme
3. Diablo SVK Elite
4. Shift Nova Core
5. Trinity TSI
6. Yoda TRH
7. Herb ( Naz ) Sad PandasNow please feel free to open a team ( fleet or team ):
( Put in as many people as you like - I know that you are not aware of the rules yet - If you don't like them feel free to delete your team later on again )What I need is as follow:
@handle of all your team mates
Space or Ground or Both
Please be civil and just register your team nothing else!
January 25th 23:00 CET
January 26th 18:00 CET
January 26th 04:00 CET
January 27th 04:00 CET
Please add in your vote:
European or American
Note your fleet/team representatives may attend either meetings but not both.
Representative A from team 1 may attend one meeting and Representative B from team 1 may attend the other, or they may both attent the same meeting. Neither of them will be allowed in both meetings.
- Nova Aurora Polaris -
@jsimon22 (maybe)
(may be more to add) - meeting I will add as I ask who wants to be apart of that.
Fleet: Yan Isleth / 58. Geschwader
Timezone: CET
Space 5vs5
the team could change, dependend of the fraction.
Greetings Motzi
=/\= Vice Admiral |□|□|□| Andreas@Motzi =/\=
=/\= Yan Isleth - yo' 'ai =/\=
=/\= Lieutenant General |₳|₳|₳| K'ratak@Motzi =/\=
For those that go by our time zones, that would be 7pm PST on the 25th and 26th
@drkfrontiers here. Hope you well. And thanks for your determination and effort.
Voodoo Circus would certainly like to participate, though I would like to chat with you in regards to this.
In order to make this tournament as accessible as possible for newer ground pvpers, we will not be fielding established veterans who have been in true premade vs premade battles before in our ground teams, such as myself, @pug01, @izzled, @blackwalz, etc. If anyone is interested in fighting one of our veteran teams under tournament rules (without having it counted for the tournament) we are of course open to any and all challenges.
We are an international fleet but most of our members are from North America.
Fleet: Ad Infinitum (Ad Inf)
Timezone: CET
Space 5vs5
If you need to contact us PM @matija
SVKELITE / Mosquito Squadron
Central Time Zone
Space 5v5
@Soveliss-Sovair (Leader of SVKE)
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
The team will consist of a mix of different fleets: Federation Emergency Services, The 300/110th
Cya in the field of battle har har!!!!!!
Its space, not a field
- Nova Aurora Polaris -
Well, when you get round to making rules & deciding a day, then i'll get a LAG group to take part.
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
- Nova Aurora Polaris -
@s7ike / @47'sRevenge will be on the rules committee representing our fleet
Let no other Captain discourage you from what you believe you can achieve in PvP. Debuffs and Disables be damned! Charge up your Backstep and Forge your build out of Lock Boxes, Consoles, and Flash Sales feeding off of only your pure will to chain, spam, and hax your way forward. You will not be forgotten to history.
TS3 info: no password for the moment
Thx guys for your understanding.
- Nova Aurora Polaris -
Does this mean that fleets that field multiple teams can have more than two representatives? Might be worth considering having some sort of maximum in place regarding fleets.
-Captain Tripwire-
Let no other Captain discourage you from what you believe you can achieve in PvP. Debuffs and Disables be damned! Charge up your Backstep and Forge your build out of Lock Boxes, Consoles, and Flash Sales feeding off of only your pure will to chain, spam, and hax your way forward. You will not be forgotten to history.
Premade Pvp Falchi Tricolori
Eryon The300/110th
p.s. looking forward to the tournament
- Nova Aurora Polaris -