noi membri della flotta "MARINA MILITARE VIRTUALE ITALIANA" stiamo riscontrando un problema abbastanza gravoso: la nostra starbase, punto cardine del gioco sulla quale sono stati spesi tempo e risorse, risulta bloccata.
Il tutto relativo ad un bug nei progetti, nello specifico gli ultimi due: 1-theorical modelling project II
e 2- Transwarp counduit project II ; una volta completati in data 9 gennaio avrebbero dovuto rispettivamente dare, per quanto riguarda il primo, 1000 XP science alla starbase mentre, per il secondo il transwarp conduit al livello II con 1000 XP starbase i quali avrebbero garantito il tier III alla starbase.
Poich? la starbase ? seguita nel suo sviluppo da un anno, anche con l'acquisto di account a pagamento per alcuni di noi, chiediamo una soluzione immediata alla nostra situazione veramente scoraggiante in quanto non si ? pi? sicuri se un qualasiasi progetto, con relative risorse spese, dia i suoi frutti inoltre, la starbase non presenta pi? l'upgrade "Transwarp conduit II" nei progetti aviabili, quindi risulta ferma e non pi? avanzabile.
Tutto ci? ci sta togliendo il divertimento e la serenit? che finora star trek online ci ha dato.
Attendiamo risposta, Cordiali saluti MMVI.
for the support team of stak trek online
we, the members of the fleet "MARINA MILITARE VIRTUALE ITALIANA", are experiencing a problem quite strenuous: our starbase, cardinal point of the game on which they were we spent time and resources, is blocked.
Everything related to a issue in the projects, in particular the last two: 1-theorical modeling project II and 2- UPGRADE transwarp counduit II project ; once completed on January 9 would have to give, respectively, 1000 XP science to starbase while, and the transwarp conduit to level II with 1000 XP starbase which would guarantee the Tier III to the starbase.
As the starbase is followed in its development by a HALF year, even with the purchase of paid account for some of us, we ask for an immediate solution to our situation really daunting as you are no longer sure if any project, with its resources expenses, will give us it's reward, the starbase have no longer the upgrade "transwarp conduit II" on available projects, then is freezed and is no longer even up. All this is taking away the fun and serenity star trek online has given us.
We await response, Sincerely GAETANO@kentrone leader of MMVI.
noi membri della flotta "MARINA MILITARE VIRTUALE ITALIANA" stiamo riscontrando un problema abbastanza gravoso: la nostra starbase, punto cardine del gioco sulla quale sono stati spesi tempo e risorse, risulta bloccata.
Il tutto relativo ad un bug nei progetti, nello specifico gli ultimi due: 1-theorical modelling project II
e 2- Transwarp counduit project II ; una volta completati in data 9 gennaio avrebbero dovuto rispettivamente dare, per quanto riguarda il primo, 1000 XP science alla starbase mentre, per il secondo il transwarp conduit al livello II con 1000 XP starbase i quali avrebbero garantito il tier III alla starbase.
Poich? la starbase ? seguita nel suo sviluppo da un anno, anche con l'acquisto di account a pagamento per alcuni di noi, chiediamo una soluzione immediata alla nostra situazione veramente scoraggiante in quanto non si ? pi? sicuri se un qualasiasi progetto, con relative risorse spese, dia i suoi frutti inoltre, la starbase non presenta pi? l'upgrade "Transwarp conduit II" nei progetti aviabili, quindi risulta ferma e non pi? avanzabile.
Tutto ci? ci sta togliendo il divertimento e la serenit? che finora star trek online ci ha dato.
Attendiamo risposta, Cordiali saluti MMVI.
for the support team of stak trek online
we, the members of the fleet "MARINA MILITARE VIRTUALE ITALIANA", are experiencing a problem quite strenuous: our starbase, cardinal point of the game on which they were we spent time and resources, is blocked.
Everything related to a issue in the projects, in particular the last two: 1-theorical modeling project II and 2- UPGRADE transwarp counduit II project ; once completed on January 9 would have to give, respectively, 1000 XP science to starbase while, and the transwarp conduit to level II with 1000 XP starbase which would guarantee the Tier III to the starbase.
As the starbase is followed in its development by a HALF year, even with the purchase of paid account for some of us, we ask for an immediate solution to our situation really daunting as you are no longer sure if any project, with its resources expenses, will give us it's reward, the starbase have no longer the upgrade "transwarp conduit II" on available projects, then is freezed and is no longer even up. All this is taking away the fun and serenity star trek online has given us.
We await response, Sincerely GAETANO@kentrone leader of MMVI.
this is the answer...........
Thank you for submitting this ticket regarding an in game issue. I apologize for any inconvenience that this issue may have caused.
Unfortunately we cannot assist you with this issue as fleet issues is not something we support. It may be a good idea to leave the fleet to leave the fleet:
Click on the upside down triangle that you use for the C-Store and Mail. There should be Fleet listed. Click on that. From here I think it is the settings tab (I don't remember which one exactly). Look for the "Leave" button at the top after clicking on the tab. I think it is the settings tab. If not then it is one of the later tabs.
You may be able to find assistance with similar questions by seeking out the assistance of other players in game or visiting the official forums which can be reached through the Community link at the top of the launcher.
I can believe this... That isn't an answer at all, that isn't a little bug... Building the base is a very long and expensive part of the game, there are players who have payed to play the game and build that base. They spent several months on the game to get their base...
What I have to learn from this? if my base will be bugged I can simply leave the fleet, create a new one and start building a new base? and what if the new base will be blocked again? :mad: :mad: :mad:
Bugs can occur, we know that, but solving them should be a must for PW especially if it is a serious bug. If the support can't resolve it, they should inform the developers and ask them to resolve that bug.
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
Interesting... game support cant help with game bug, so who can help with it? God?
This answer as well as being ridiculous is quite offensive to all players of Star Trek Online.
If this is the way PWE work we can change game...
At this point because support dont asnwer: "the game owner like your money but dont bother if you have problem ... start over and give us more money...".
Hope this answer is just a "outburst of an employee" maybe after a hard day of job...
Actually, it looks like the GM had no idea what you were talking about. He seems to think you're complaining that your Fleet is not queuing up projects, or that the members are not contributing to the projects.
Frankly, I had a horrible time trying to understand the details of the bug you're trying to report. Don't you have any members who actually speak English?
I'm trying to understand the issue. You're saying you have spent a lot of time on your starbase and there's some problem with the projects halting your progression. In particular, you're saying the Transwarp Conduit II upgrade is freezing up and/or no longer available?
Could you provide a screenshot of your fleet progression so we can see which projects you're currently working on, as well as which are and are not available? Hopefully there is no bug at all and it's just a misunderstanding of the upgrade mechanics, but a screenshot or two can help clarify this substantially. If you need a place to put said screenshot, you can try a free service like imageshack.
English isnt my native language too, but isnt so difficult understand that there's probably a problem with the chain of projects of the starbase system.
Maybe isnt so clear at first look, but here the first problem is the "brilliant" solution proposed by the support: if that guy of support staff dont know how to resolve the problem reported because isnt capable or isnt the things that he can do, the better answer is to guide user to someone that can give some help (maybe someone with more experience and some game knowledge considered that this one dont know even how to leave a fleet....).
Actually, it looks like the GM had no idea what you were talking about. He seems to think you're complaining that your Fleet is not queuing up projects, or that the members are not contributing to the projects.
Frankly, I had a horrible time trying to understand the details of the bug you're trying to report. Don't you have any members who actually speak English?
The base can't be build because of a bug: They can add and complete projects, but projects do not add exp points to the base, so they only waste resources and time.... and the answer they had from support is "leave your fleet".
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
I messaged @Kentrone in-game yesterday to try to help on this but got no response.
In the OP he wrote
Everything related to a issue in the projects, in particular the last two: 1-theorical modeling project II and 2- UPGRADE transwarp counduit II project ; once completed on January 9 would have to give, respectively, 1000 XP science to starbase while, and the transwarp conduit to level II with 1000 XP starbase which would guarantee the Tier III to the starbase.
While Theoretical Modeling Project II should give 1000 XP science to starbase, completing the Transwarp Conduit II upgrade *is not* supposed to give 1000 starbase XP. To upgrade to a Tier 3 starbase his fleet should upgrade either T3 shipyard *or* T3 industrial fabricator *or* T3 communications array and *then* will be able to do T3 starbase.
this is the answer...........
Thank you for submitting this ticket regarding an in game issue. I apologize for any inconvenience that this issue may have caused.
Unfortunately we cannot assist you with this issue as fleet issues is not something we support. It may be a good idea to leave the fleet to leave the fleet:
Click on the upside down triangle that you use for the C-Store and Mail. There should be Fleet listed. Click on that. From here I think it is the settings tab (I don't remember which one exactly). Look for the "Leave" button at the top after clicking on the tab. I think it is the settings tab. If not then it is one of the later tabs.
You may be able to find assistance with similar questions by seeking out the assistance of other players in game or visiting the official forums which can be reached through the Community link at the top of the launcher.
Thank you for playing!
Best regards,
Perfect World Support
What I have to learn from this? if my base will be bugged I can simply leave the fleet, create a new one and start building a new base? and what if the new base will be blocked again? :mad: :mad: :mad:
Bugs can occur, we know that, but solving them should be a must for PW especially if it is a serious bug. If the support can't resolve it, they should inform the developers and ask them to resolve that bug.
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
This answer as well as being ridiculous is quite offensive to all players of Star Trek Online.
If this is the way PWE work we can change game...
At this point because support dont asnwer: "the game owner like your money but dont bother if you have problem ... start over and give us more money...".
Hope this answer is just a "outburst of an employee" maybe after a hard day of job...
Waiting good news about it.
Frankly, I had a horrible time trying to understand the details of the bug you're trying to report. Don't you have any members who actually speak English?
Could you provide a screenshot of your fleet progression so we can see which projects you're currently working on, as well as which are and are not available? Hopefully there is no bug at all and it's just a misunderstanding of the upgrade mechanics, but a screenshot or two can help clarify this substantially. If you need a place to put said screenshot, you can try a free service like imageshack.
My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
KDF Armada: Klingon Intelligence (level 699, 2100+ members)
Maybe isnt so clear at first look, but here the first problem is the "brilliant" solution proposed by the support: if that guy of support staff dont know how to resolve the problem reported because isnt capable or isnt the things that he can do, the better answer is to guide user to someone that can give some help (maybe someone with more experience and some game knowledge considered that this one dont know even how to leave a fleet....).
The base can't be build because of a bug: They can add and complete projects, but projects do not add exp points to the base, so they only waste resources and time.... and the answer they had from support is "leave your fleet".
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
In the OP he wrote
While Theoretical Modeling Project II should give 1000 XP science to starbase, completing the Transwarp Conduit II upgrade *is not* supposed to give 1000 starbase XP. To upgrade to a Tier 3 starbase his fleet should upgrade either T3 shipyard *or* T3 industrial fabricator *or* T3 communications array and *then* will be able to do T3 starbase.
If the problem was something like 'I have a T2 starbase, shipyard, fabricator, comm array, and transwarp -- why can't I do T3 starbase' then I can assure you it is working as intended and you're just one upgrade project away from being able to unlock starbase upgrade.
My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
KDF Armada: Klingon Intelligence (level 699, 2100+ members)