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Dark Mirror Fleet



  • captainhookerscaptainhookers Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Sorry to hear about your experience Blackbeard! I made sure i checked them out first... i decided not to go for it after seeing their youtube video they have posted farther up the thread. Friendly suggestion: The entire video is the "Star Trek: Infinite Space" trailer with some clips of "Voyager: End Game" mixed in. They dont say a single thing about the fleet, Im not sure what sets them apart from the other fleets out there.

    You said they were poking fun at other members? I wish people that played the game followed the Starfleet way a little more when dealing with other players... any star trek fan understands that its about diplomacy, peaceful co-existence and acceptance of different beings. Are they Star Trek fans or just MMORPG players?
  • rbaker1rbaker1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I was a member of your fleet a few months back with my alt, and most of the stuff you are saying above is not true. It bothers me you say one thing and show the opposite in your fleet. I do, however recommend your fleet to younger players who like to poke fun at other members.

    Hmm I find this quite interesting, as one of the leaders of this fleet. I am directly involved with the day to day of the fleet, including the acceptance of new members. And Mr. or Ms. whoever you are. I have no knowledge or recollection of ever having you in our fleet. I also find this disheartening that someone that has just recently made a F2P account and joined the forums :confused: would just randomly come and bash a fleet, unless they are connected or are the person that my other fleet mates have been consistently having problems with, because certain things didn't go in there favor, and can not leave it alone, like an adult would. If this is you, i suggest to you that you should grow up and let it be. As I and my fellow fleet mates are tired of being harassed and constantly being followed and spied on in-game.
  • rbaker1rbaker1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Sorry to hear about your experience Blackbeard! I made sure i checked them out first... i decided not to go for it after seeing their youtube video they have posted farther up the thread. The entire video is the "Star Trek: Infinite Space" trailer with some clips of "Voyager: End Game" mixed in. They dont say a single thing about the fleet, Im not sure what sets them apart from the other fleets out there. Personally I am hoping for a fleet that can offer me more than duplicated video content and a standard guildlaunch/enjin site. You said they were poking fun at other members? I wish people that played the game followed the Starfleet way a little more when dealing with other players... any star trek fan understands that its about diplomacy, peaceful co-existence and acceptance of different beings. Are they Star Trek fans or just MMORPG players?

    Same applies to you captainhookers, Glad to see you recently started playing Star trek as well, as for the video it was a test video anyway. but i will not go into specifics with this, as i am pretty sure I know who is writing this post as well.
  • serenity8060serenity8060 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I was a member of your fleet a few months back with my alt, and most of the stuff you are saying above is not true. It bothers me you say one thing and show the opposite in your fleet. I do, however recommend your fleet to younger players who like to poke fun at other members.

    My question is if you were a member "for a few months back" then why does it say your account was created this month?

    I'll tell you why... b/c you wanted to merge your fleet with ours (since we have the better starbase) and with that merge wanted leadership status. We of course declined and since then have been annoyed by your attempts to harass our members.

    Sorry to hear about your experience Blackbeard! I made sure i checked them out first... i decided not to go for it after seeing their youtube video they have posted farther up the thread. The entire video is the "Star Trek: Infinite Space" trailer with some clips of "Voyager: End Game" mixed in. They dont say a single thing about the fleet, Im not sure what sets them apart from the other fleets out there. Personally I am hoping for a fleet that can offer me more than duplicated video content and a standard guildlaunch/enjin site. You said they were poking fun at other members? I wish people that played the game followed the Starfleet way a little more when dealing with other players... any star trek fan understands that its about diplomacy, peaceful co-existence and acceptance of different beings. Are they Star Trek fans or just MMORPG players?

    As for you... I find it rather funny that two "random" people that have seemingly no connection to each other both try to trash talk our fleet and both are on accounts that were made this month...

    Long story short, we know who you are and refuse to play in your preschool games. Grow up and get over it...

    But I have to admit, your jealousy of us is semi flattering :D
  • captainhookerscaptainhookers Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I am new to the game and started using the forums to find a fleet. Im sorry if I offended you by not wanting to join, I was merely pointing out some things that could be improved. I didnt say anything about being in your fleet... but this is a sure sign I should be looking for a more mature fleet given the attacks you are clearly making on someone in your own forum.
  • serenity8060serenity8060 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I am new to the game and started using the forums to find a fleet. Im sorry if I offended you by not wanting to join, I was merely pointing out some things that could be improved. I didnt say anything about being in your fleet... but this is a sure sign I should be looking for a more mature fleet given the attacks you are clearly making on someone in your own forum.

    attaks WE'RE making!? Will you stop wasting our time? This person (bluebeard) comes on here lying saying he was a member with us "a few months back" when it's clear that there is no way they were with an account that was made THIS month... Starbase One is for recruiting, not trying to bash other fleets so show some maturity and STOP posting here if you don't want to have anything to do with us!
  • captainhookerscaptainhookers Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I dont know why you are attacking me now :( I was just pointing out that your video should have more information about your fleet in it so that people have a good feeling about who you are. I think blackbeard said that it was his alt, maybe you should check your roster for members leaving if you are worried about it. So sorry to upset you, it wasnt my intention at all.
  • bluebeard007bluebeard007 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yes it was my alt. They are clearly an angry bunch, i know what you meant Hookers. Ill send you a PM if you want to join my fleet instead, I know how hard it is to find nice people in this game so I can tell you more about us. As for this thread I think they are dont being angry at everyone who posts in here so I reported to GM since it was uncalled for. Hookers if you unsubscribe to the thread it will stop popping up in your list everytime someone posts. I agree with your previous post about the "starfleet way", there needs to be a lot more peace in this game between the zone trolls and angry forum posts.

    Good day, angry fleet!
  • serenity8060serenity8060 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    We did check and we?ve had NO ONE leave... we're not a huge mega fleet that has countless numbers of ppl coming and going. Everyone that has apply, and been accepted, has stayed. As for the video you're soooo concerned with, it was a TEST by one of our members to try out their hand at video editing. Their was NO star trek infinite space footage in it what-so-ever so i'm wondering if you're even talking about the same video.. but that's not the point. It was a TEST and wasn't made for you or your enjoyment. I'm not 'attacking' I'm stating a simple fact.

    We're having problems with another fleet that wanted to merge with us "a few months back" since we're nearly T3 starbase and they were at T0. Their terms for this merge was they bring over their "eight" members and in exchange we had to drop our mirror theme, take their background story AND give them leadership status. We respectfully declined b/c we were not going to give anyone the ability to kick us out of our own fleet. Since then they have harassed us and I'm 100% sure that BLUEBEARD007, not blackbeard007, is just the latest attempt.

    It was not my attention for you to think I'm "attacking" you. But this IS a great fleet with GREAT people and I will defend them. I'm sorry if you see that as "attacking" but we're not the ones that started this TRIBBLE. I'm simply stating that if you don't like us this much or think we're not the fleet for you then why are you so concerned with posting here? Why not drop it and move on? you said your peace so there's no since in wasting your time... all you're doing now is keeping us on the main page...

    And as of now, I'm done wasting my time. Any further post will simply be ignored pal. Although let me say I honestly do hope, if you haven't already, find a fleet that fits you and has a video to your liking... :)
  • buccaneerdtbbuccaneerdtb Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I am not in your fleet, but I ran some missions with you guys and had a lot of fun. Your new member seems happy enough. Hope to see you again in game.
  • captainhookerscaptainhookers Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    In my experience there are always two sides to the story, especially if you and Bluebeard say it has been going on for months! Have you tried contacting the said fleet's leader to try to work things out? Sometimes an allied fleet is better than an enemy one. It isnt good to try to make the situation worse with posts like this. At least if you contact them and try, you know you are trying to be the bigger person regardless of both sides of the story. If they reject your olive branch then at least you have tried! Sometimes a little communication can go a long way, you might be surprised.
  • bluebeard007bluebeard007 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    My fleet has had ZERO dealings with your fleet, i started it after I left yours. We are the "STO Space Pirates" so if you are going to bash my fleet with things that arnt true it shows the true nature of your fleet! If its another fleet and you have us confused then I agree with hookers, you need to at least contact them because something has clearly happen for you to TRIBBLE them off AND vice versa. The people on this game are generally here just to have fun, so maybe if you approach it differently you might make a friend instead of losing one. If you were considering a merge there was obviously some sort of friendship that started it, why would you throw that away just to hate eachother?
  • captainhookerscaptainhookers Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    BLUEbeard, you are just poking a bear that has already been poked. You may have nothing to do with the fleet they are talking about but there are clearly some harsh feelings over something that they need to resolve here. From your PM your pirate fleet didnt sound like the type of fleet I am looking for anyways. But, if these folks manage to work out there differences with the fleet they are talking about I would consider joining with them since Ive had more response from them than the other fleets in-game. I just dont want to get involved with a fleet that already has an enemy. Can one of you contact me in-game? I would like to learn more about what your fleet offers (thats honestly all i was saying about the video :), wanted more info). I am very new so I would like a fleet that has experienced players to teach me more about the dynamics of the game. Hope the two of you work out your differences.
  • serenity8060serenity8060 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    bluebeard I do apologize then b/c yes, it is another fleet that we have had issuse with. Not the one you mention you're in now. However, I am still saying we never had you as a member of our fleet. Unless you alt was the person who posted on the 1st page of this post asking to join the "lords of darkness". B/c that is the only person we received an app from but declined due to there is no dark lords in the mirror universe. If that isn't your alt then I'm sorry, but we never had anyone join and leave other than said fleet that we're having trouble with b/c they were trying to see if they could steal from our bank. It is in fact their leader who is the main instigator of this whole mess.

    captainhookers I apologize to you too if we're the only fleet you have had this much contact with ya and it's been all THIS but I do not think you'd be a good match for us... since your 1st post you siad, "Personally I am hoping for a fleet that can offer me more than duplicated video content and a standard guildlaunch/enjin site." but then turned around and edited it out... (not smart enought to realize your OP was quoted twice)

    Honestly we're not bad ppl and as i've said so many times bluebeard's comment was out of the "blue" haha and we honestly have not had him in our fleet. you claim it was your alt, doesn't matter if the @handle is the same. unless you made a completely new account which is still odd. you are either liying or have us mixed up with another fleet. now, I have noticed that there is another fleet named "dark mirror alliance" so perhaps that is the fleet you join bluebeard?
  • empress2415empress2415 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Serenity don't you know better than to feed trolls!?lol :rolleyes:on a funnier note... thanks to these two we have had an explotion of applacations in the past week since this started... so much in fact that we are currently holding off on any more recruiting due to we want to maintain a small fleet status. Last count was at 32 applacations! Between this and wanting to hold off until our new site is finnished being built, we're not sure when we'll be recruiting again since, as stated before, we've never had anyone leave whos joined. But I'm sure we'll be looking for new members of the family soon enough.

    Good day all and long live the Empire!

    Edit: any further attempt at trolling will be 100% ignored. And thx in advance for keep our post on the main page.
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