Health is irrelevant. Fat is irrelevant. Your tasteless chicken and droll organic material will be added to our awesomeness. Become one with the Bacon. Resistance is futile.
Wouldn't it be awesome if Star Trek had one of the bad guy empires as a bacon-worshipping cult? LOL
STF Flight Instructor since Early 2012. Newbies are the reason why STO lives and breathes today. Do not discriminate.
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There is not enough faces nor enough palms to facepalm this comment enough...
Marcus, you should be ashamed of yourself :P
Ashamed?? I need to know if I could order a ham, pepperoni and sausage sandwich from a replicator and keep kosher
Hmmm... it'll not be replicated, but now I know what I'm having for tea tonight... Thanks
Better yet, would a vegetarian/vegan be able to eat replicated bacon? Technically it is matter dematerialized and rematerialized in another form. So bacon from a replicator could come from solely plants not animals.
I might be confusing the definition of "vegetarian" but using replicators to make food changes diet restrictions that are based upon what the food is made from.
(UFP) Ragnar
> <
> <
Might add an egg or two for good measure
I suppose replicated bacon couldn't be classed as meat, but do you not think in Star Trek's utopian society all the vegetarians and associated offshoots have been wiped out by now?
This is my thinking also, as the meat is not coming from an animal Of course, those who prefer the textures and flavors of a vegetarian diet to meat might still continue to make such selections
Whereas vegetarians/vegans who pursue that lifestyle because of taste i.e. meat or cow juic... milk makes them feel ill.. then no replications!
Well.. i assume
religious diets.. now thats another ballpark, which i dont think should be got into for fear of forum trolling/locking
Vulcans are reputed to be primarily vegetarian through choice, rather than necessity, so I guess there would be other elective vegetarians as well
for some reason i'm thinking DNA, but pretty sure im wrong too.. curse my empty mind !
It's my understanding that things like gelatin can be considered halal (by relaxed scholars) as it is no longer 'flesh of swine', but has 'undergone a transformation', so by extension of that principle, replicated bacon would also be 'transformed', so equally permitted... At least, that's the way I'd look at it :cool:
(UFP) Ragnar
I would say 'yes', for providing 'institutional' meals, such as on board a starship, where the ship's chef would be responsible for other special meals, such as the officer's mess or diplomatic functions
Kinda makes you wonder what a "syntax error", "compiler error", or "page fault" will taste like...
(UFP) Ragnar
Bad guys? Are you kidding? That would be the best alien race ever!
Eventually, all traditional goodness will be phased out because nothing, repeat, nothing, is as good as bacon.
I mean, why have bacon-wrapped turkey when you can make a turkey shaped object out of interwoven strips of bacon?
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Currently, the most effective way is in Winter Wonderland. With some careful breeding, you can shove a nice plump Epohh into a little golden console (we refer to it as the 'Epohh Grinder' or 'Epohh Smoothie Machine') in the Pavilion, and it gives you EPOHH BACON! (and some other useless things like Romulan Marks, but who needs'em)
Naturally, with some DOFF crits, you can get P'epohh'mint flavored Epohh Bacon (not a fan myself, but whatever floats your Odyssey), and some Candy flavored Epohh Bacon (the kids like it).
So do your StarFleet duty...ignore those 'free-range' Epohhs on Mol'Rihan. Take advantage of the High volume production Q is temporarily providing at Winter Wonderland. Shove as many of those little fat furballs into the grinder as you can, and stock up on the Bacon. The magic ends on the 14th.
Being a cat, I really don't like the snow, so, I try to avoid the "Winter Horrorland"
I do have to thank all of my Klingon 'friends'. They throw so many Targ at me, my crew and I have enough fresh bacon to last us years.
Not to mention the pork chops, sausages pork steaks.... etc
................................................................."A Prune Juice toast to the Klingon Empire..."
............................................."May they continue to feed the Federation for years to come..."
I think I'm going to have that for lunch for the next 5 years.
Targ bacon and bloodwine, mmmm. Extra cheese plz.
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I'm starting to drool just thinking about it.
My character Tsin'xing
(See everyone else's odd looks)