Hi, im sorry if im asking this in the wrong place but since i cant start a new thread i had to find an already existing thread which deals with a similar thing ...
Anyhow, to the point, a noob question thats been bugging me for a while now, when selling multiple items at the exchange (selling in bulk) do i have to set the total price for all the items or do i set the pricing for each item ? Say im selling 10 mineral samples and i want to sell each mineral sample for 1000 credits. Do i set the price to 10000 credits (total price, 10 samples, each worth 1000 to a total of 10000) or 1000 credits (price per item) ?
EDIT : Also, ive just noticed this thread is quite old, sorry for reviving it, didnt check the date before i posted
How dare you revive such an old thread! I hope the moderators give you a swift smack of their Ban-hammers! hehe! Only kidding! :P
(Seriously though, it is against the rules to revive a thread more than 30 days old! But since you can't start new threads atm, what can ya do? )
Anyway, to answer your question, (before the thread gets locked down)... If you have 10 items and you want 1000 each for them, you can place the stack on the exchange for 10,000. Or, you can place them individually for 1000 each. That's your choice.
But yea, to put it simply, if you have a stack of items, place them on the exchange for the total amount that you want for ALL of them. The system doesn't account for X price per item if you place a stack of more than 1 on the exchange. The price you set is for 1 or all items in the stack.
I hope that helps and answers your questions. Good luck!
My way of selling seems to be different.... I just check the price of the item I am going to sell on the exchange by searching it on the exchange and selling it 100 ec lower. Get a lot of money also, funny things always happen, as I found out, buying lvl 40 kits from Ds9 and selling it on the exchange makes a lot of money. 10k from ds9,100k at the exchange.
Anyhow, to the point, a noob question thats been bugging me for a while now, when selling multiple items at the exchange (selling in bulk) do i have to set the total price for all the items or do i set the pricing for each item ? Say im selling 10 mineral samples and i want to sell each mineral sample for 1000 credits. Do i set the price to 10000 credits (total price, 10 samples, each worth 1000 to a total of 10000) or 1000 credits (price per item) ?
EDIT : Also, ive just noticed this thread is quite old, sorry for reviving it, didnt check the date before i posted
(Seriously though, it is against the rules to revive a thread more than 30 days old! But since you can't start new threads atm, what can ya do? )
Anyway, to answer your question, (before the thread gets locked down)... If you have 10 items and you want 1000 each for them, you can place the stack on the exchange for 10,000. Or, you can place them individually for 1000 each. That's your choice.
But yea, to put it simply, if you have a stack of items, place them on the exchange for the total amount that you want for ALL of them. The system doesn't account for X price per item if you place a stack of more than 1 on the exchange. The price you set is for 1 or all items in the stack.
I hope that helps and answers your questions. Good luck!
thanks again for the reply, ive tried asking in-game several times but no1 seems to care ... oh well
At least you looked for a thread that *might* have had the answer. If anything the OP makes several points that are still true 2 years later
Until people read your post, and start competing with you...