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"The House of SOG" (KDF FSOG Unit)

mugat0mugat0 Member Posts: 680 Arc User
edited January 2013 in Qo'noS
Take Over by the Jem'Hadar !

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • hugereddoghugereddog Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Incoming message from FSOG Black Ops deep behind enemy lines,,

    SOG Commander, our agents have discovered the location of a Borg Unimatrix. We managed to get a probe into the area, and before the Borg destroyed it, the readings indicated that the Queen's vessel was in the area. A small strike team is being assembled because they stand a higher chance of infiltrating the Borg defenses than an attack fleet does.

    This is the best opportunity we're going to have to take the fight directly to the Collective. I want you to infiltrate the Unimatrix with a small team and defeat the Borg Queen!

    Once you have penetrated to the heart of Unimatrix 01, the first thing you will need to do is defeat the drones connected to Central Plexus Node relays that give the Queen unfettered access to the rest of the Borg fleet. Once you have done that, you can upload a fractal virus to the Collective that will disrupt her communications with the rest of the Collective.

    We'll keep the sensors locked onto your position and alert you to hidden dangers, as well as send you more information as it becomes available.
  • zboshik84zboshik84 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • hugereddoghugereddog Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    zboshik84 wrote: »
    You should JOIN FSOG. SOON well have anough members for 2 FULL teams, just 5 more too go. No more playing with dirty smelly PUGS.
    Be a member, not a number, accept number 6, cous thats what you will be

    Made me lol!

    House of SOG........'Nuff Said!
  • rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Join the great House of SOG
    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
  • hugereddoghugereddog Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Looking for a KLINGON great house to join ?

    "The Great House of SOG"

    Need some targ hunts or some FED kicking butt adventure?

    Like to Play STO and do some STF's and PvP ?

    Click the banner below and join today !

    Be "FSOG" Be proud
  • rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yes of course, I will hand you the snowballs, to throw at Mugato. But first you must join the Great House of SOG
    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
  • rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Just Click on my Banner below
    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
  • hugereddoghugereddog Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    House of SOG.......'Nuff Said!

    Click the Banner!!
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