I can see why the devs removed the quick dailys but who are they trying to make happy, the small minority that makes the foundry missions or the majority of us who play and pay for this game.
The quickies enabled me to get some dill and fleets marks then get on with playing the game how I want, SFT, replays, foundary mission, didn't matter I've done my grind in a few easy clicks.
Now I'm being forced to grind before I play, now I play less and spend less.
Devs if you ever listen to these treads put back the quickies and allow us to play and support the game, there are two options for this game allowing casual player to see quick benefits ( quickly dailies) which helps interest and spending or a small minority who are willing to grind, they don't spend as they will grinding for zen.
Remember if it ant broke don't fix it, for the majority of your user base the quikies worked great.
Big flames for me.......
Where ever you go, there you are.......
Join The Space Invaders,..... Federation and KDF fleets.
Maybe its an idea like getting people to play in depth foundry missions created by people who have put time and effort into making best missions they could , instead of letting people do a 60 second mini-mission and be rewarded for it
I hate to insult the man but blame big name foundry authors like AdmiralMurphy or Havraha who make storyline missions for getting **** like this pushed to the development whatnots of this game.
Its not about making the Foundry Authors happy, its about closing a loop hole in the Dilithium currency. If you can log on and get 2k dil by clicking 3 times, you have broken the dilithium system. This isn't a big deal for one character, but for players with 12 character? Thats a lot of dilithium. If Dilithium is going to rise in a value you need to make it so people have to play the game to get it. (If you look at the dil market sense the closing of loop hole, you will see the value of dilithium rising. This is great for people playing the game. Now that isn't just b/c of closing that loop whole. It also b/c we now have so many things to spend it on (See Star Bases)
Keep in mind that they have added dilithium to project rewards, all you have to is long on do your project rewards and run enough missions to keep in marks and EC. Nether of those things are hard to do, run 2-4 stfs a week and a couple TD patrols and you should be able to do this just fine.
I don't want you to think this is flame, I understand a Lot of people didn't like this but its not about making your grind its about getting you involved.
I can see why the devs removed the quick dailys but who are they trying to make happy, the small minority that makes the foundry missions or the majority of us who play and pay for this game.
The quickies enabled me to get some dill and fleets marks then get on with playing the game how I want, SFT, replays, foundary mission, didn't matter I've done my grind in a few easy clicks.
Now I'm being forced to grind before I play, now I play less and spend less.
Devs if you ever listen to these treads put back the quickies and allow us to play and support the game, there are two options for this game allowing casual player to see quick benefits ( quickly dailies) which helps interest and spending or a small minority who are willing to grind, they don't spend as they will grinding for zen.
Remember if it ant broke don't fix it, for the majority of your user base the quikies worked great.
Big flames for me.......
Your argument is:
A. I relied on an exploit to get my dilithium instead of the way that you intended me to earn dilithium
B. The majority of players did what I did, because it was easy.
C. Now I have to do stuff I don't want to do to earn the dilithium.
D. This is bad for folks like me, who don't have the time or inclination to do what I'm supposed to do to earn stuff for doing what you want me to do.
E. So bring back the exploit so I can have the free dilithium.
I hate to insult the man but blame big name foundry authors like AdmiralMurphy or Havraha who make storyline missions for getting **** like this pushed to the development whatnots of this game.
That is just silly, if foundry Authors had that much pull, there would be a dozen foundry related quests, and there would be many times more foundry updates.
Maybe its an idea like getting people to play in depth foundry missions created by people who have put time and effort into making best missions they could , instead of letting people do a 60 second mini-mission and be rewarded for it
nah couldnt be that , thats crazy
One problem with that...now most people just won't touch the Foundry at all.
I know most people who play this game are more star trek fans than MMO players , but it bugs me sometimes when a lot of people who play this game want everything handed to them on a silver platter instead of having to actually work for it
just my opinion mind , and its probably an unpopular one at that lol
Yes, and we Foundry authors obviously have so much influence on the dev team. Just look at how much attention the foundry has gotten between seasons 4 and 7. They obviously cater to our every whim and desire.
Which explains why the tool is in such a superb state and why our missions are not suffering from mission-breaking bugs. This is also the reason that we got so very, very many foundry updates each season. Just look at all the assets we are getting, like environments from environmental artists.
We pull the strings around here, let me tell you.
What's that, you say? Season 7 broke 80% of foundry missions? That's absurd. Nothing like that could every happen. The devs are our puppets. We are the puppet-masters.
I could have cared less about the DIL. I needed the Fleet marks. I will play three 10 min foundry missions to get my 50 marks but not three 20 min missions. I tried the other day and 4 out the 5 missions i attempted were bugged. Like it told me to go here and speak with this person and the room the person was suppose to be in (has a circle on the map and all) was empty. Or killing all oppisotion on the map and nothing happens just fly around in space without the mission progressing. I would do the "distress call" mission for my daily and it was a quick fun mission. I still do it sometimes to test builds. I submitted a post about beefing up that mission with 4 fighters, then 3 escourts, then 2 cruisers then one dreadnought while keeping the freightor alive and being able to choose what PVE you can fight as a mission that would count for the daily. Prob take 7-10 min to do and would be great for kill and damage accolades. I agree that a "run here and click this" mission is a bit to easy but most of these missions are way to long and most people will just click past the text just to get to the fighting and to finish it. lower the requirements to 7-10 min and have a mission like i suggested and I think people will be happy and it will close the hack of players spamming 12 toons to get easy DIL.
I could have cared less about the DIL. I needed the Fleet marks. I will play three 10 min foundry missions to get my 50 marks but not three 20 min missions. I tried the other day and 4 out the 5 missions i attempted were bugged. Like it told me to go here and speak with this person and the room the person was suppose to be in (has a circle on the map and all) was empty. Or killing all oppisotion on the map and nothing happens just fly around in space without the mission progressing.
With the launch of season 7, there is a bug that has broken probably 80% of Foundry missions. You are encountering this bug. It's not the fault of the Foundry makers, and it has been kind of disturbing that the devs haven't turned off the option to play the missions after they broke 80% of them.
Who knows how many folks will try out foundry this weekend and discover that 80% of the missions can't be completed. It's not good for the Foundry and it's not good for authors, despite having the ability to rate our missions disabled.
I can see why the devs removed the quick dailys but who are they trying to make happy, the small minority that makes the foundry missions or the majority of us who play and pay for this game.
The quickies enabled me to get some dill and fleets marks then get on with playing the game how I want, SFT, replays, foundary mission, didn't matter I've done my grind in a few easy clicks.
Now I'm being forced to grind before I play, now I play less and spend less.
Devs if you ever listen to these treads put back the quickies and allow us to play and support the game, there are two options for this game allowing casual player to see quick benefits ( quickly dailies) which helps interest and spending or a small minority who are willing to grind, they don't spend as they will grinding for zen.
Remember if it ant broke don't fix it, for the majority of your user base the quikies worked great.
Big flames for me.......
I cant even begin to understand how your thought process works. So ill just grab some popcorn, and a beer, and laugh hysterically as this post unfolds.
The old quickies were kind of exploitable, but at the same time forcing long missions can be a bit stale.
The biggest problem I'm running into is that foundry missions in general seem broken right now. I've tried about 9 different missions and completed 1 so far, because NPCs aren't spawning. Spend 10-15 minutes doing a mission only to have to drop it because one NPC isn't spawning ruins any motivation I had to do the daily to begin with.
I PMed the author in game and he said that he'll be making revamped versions of the missions when the editor is back. So all hope is not lost!
Man I can't wait. Especally If I can choose all factions to fight against and have the Dreadnoughts from the Fleet alerts as the Boss at the end would be awesome. I would do this mission over and over to get all the kill accolades and damage type accolades. It needs to have about 20 ships to kill to make it long enough and a challenge.
Only now, without the Clickys, the observable number of Foundry missions played will plummet, leaving the Foundry in the same boat as the Klingons when it comes to resource allocation.
Only now, without the Clickys, the observable number of Foundry missions played will plummet, leaving the Foundry in the same boat as the Klingons when it comes to resource allocation.
And having all of you rush in to ESD to click a console was so very helpful to the Foundry community, lol.
It's the same situation, really. The number of clickers will plummet. We've kind of always been in the same boat as the KDF. They get cross-factioned content. We get a handful of updates in 2 year and some mostly website related PR.
The Clickys artificially inflated Foundry mission numbers and kept it on their radar.
Now, not so much.
There might come a day when those handful of updates will seem like the Golden years.
You think they didn't know what percentage of foundry players were just clicking consoles? So, I guess you're saying that if they throw the clickies back in, they'll forget what they know and think, "WoW! Look at all those players who really love Foundry missions! It must be important!"
Sorry, about the only good thing about the clickies were that players had to learn how to play a Foundry mission, meaning that if they ever decided to play an actual foundry mission, they would know how to find it in the UI. New UI kind of makes that easier, as do in-game bulletins.
But it does majorly hurt the ability to get fleet marks on a daily basis without spending mind numbing amounts of time to grind them out anymore. I still feel like there needs to be something that, within reason, allows for a good amount of FMs to be gained each day, easily. Only FMs though, that hurts no one. Not foundry authors, not the dil exchange, nobody.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Maybe its an idea like getting people to play in depth foundry missions created by people who have put time and effort into making best missions they could , instead of letting people do a 60 second mini-mission and be rewarded for it
nah couldnt be that , thats crazy
THat would be fine. But the majority of Foundry missions are... well... to put it bluntly, terrible.
IF all they were doing was playing for the exploit. They weren't really playing the Foundry at all anyway. Good Riddance.
true, i havent touched the foundry since s7 started....however IF i wanted to earn my not much needed dilth and MUCH needed fleet marks, its nearly impossible to find missions that are accepted by this so called criteria......the devs need to add a fliter option that hides missions that arent applicable for the daily...it takes more time to find a mission that works than it does to do said mission after finding it.....just to repeat the process another 2 times...
true, i havent touched the foundry since s7 started....however IF i wanted to earn my not much needed dilth and MUCH needed fleet marks, its nearly impossible to find missions that are accepted by this so called criteria......the devs need to add a fliter option that hides missions that arent applicable for the daily...it takes more time to find a mission that works than it does to do said mission after finding it.....just to repeat the process another 2 times...
You are searching the "hot" list, because that's where you found the clickies. Search "top rated." But wait until the good missions are no longer broken.
You are searching the "hot" list, because that's where you found the clickies. Search "top rated." But wait until the good missions are no longer broken.
even after i search top rated it took awhile...but ok
btw, how is your borg mission doing? it looks cool.
btw, how is your borg mission doing? it looks cool.
My mission is broken, as are 80%-90% of all actual Foundry missions. Well, actually the Borg one might be doable if you never get far from the space mobs. Wait, no, it's probably broken.
I haven't touched that daily since the clicklies were removed. I might be temped to play foundry missions if they changed the daily to a weekly, up'ed the number required to 5, and made the rewards 8000 dilithium with 500 fleet marks.
The Dailies and the Foundry are both 2 completly different things!
The reward for the author is to low and the reward for the player is at the wrong place!
To force someone something to do has always a different taste. it is much better to reward someone for doing something.
Fleetbasedudes (like me) feel forced to play Foundry Missions.
Foundryjedis feel not correct handled and rewarded (and this is correct) cause this dudes (like me) are seeking for short and quick missions for the Daily.
This is not the way it should go!!
Who is choosing the movie at the evening about the length??
The best Foundrymissions (Spotlight) should be rewarded for the player with unique items and the authors should be rewarded with higher dilithium- and/or zenamounts.
The discussion about the Daily is useless and stupid and completly wrong!
There are so incredible awesome Foundry Missions available - sometimes better than the original contents!
Don't get me wrong:
I have a serious problem with getting fleet marks an dilithium right now but to use the work of foundry authors for this seems to me the wrong way.
You want to make "us" playing more foundry missions?
Make more contents, make more about the spotlight, show more about the foundry, even something about the author behind the project would be interesting.
Let the foundry missions become more a part of STO and the community.
Make us nosy that we WANT play these missions and not MUST play the missions!
nah couldnt be that , thats crazy
Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
Like my fanpage!
Join Date: August 29th 2010
Keep in mind that they have added dilithium to project rewards, all you have to is long on do your project rewards and run enough missions to keep in marks and EC. Nether of those things are hard to do, run 2-4 stfs a week and a couple TD patrols and you should be able to do this just fine.
I don't want you to think this is flame, I understand a Lot of people didn't like this but its not about making your grind its about getting you involved.
Your argument is:
A. I relied on an exploit to get my dilithium instead of the way that you intended me to earn dilithium
B. The majority of players did what I did, because it was easy.
C. Now I have to do stuff I don't want to do to earn the dilithium.
D. This is bad for folks like me, who don't have the time or inclination to do what I'm supposed to do to earn stuff for doing what you want me to do.
E. So bring back the exploit so I can have the free dilithium.
Is that correct?
That is just silly, if foundry Authors had that much pull, there would be a dozen foundry related quests, and there would be many times more foundry updates.
One problem with that...now most people just won't touch the Foundry at all.
I know most people who play this game are more star trek fans than MMO players , but it bugs me sometimes when a lot of people who play this game want everything handed to them on a silver platter instead of having to actually work for it
just my opinion mind , and its probably an unpopular one at that lol
Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
IF all they were doing was playing for the exploit. They weren't really playing the Foundry at all anyway. Good Riddance.
Which explains why the tool is in such a superb state and why our missions are not suffering from mission-breaking bugs. This is also the reason that we got so very, very many foundry updates each season. Just look at all the assets we are getting, like environments from environmental artists.
We pull the strings around here, let me tell you.
What's that, you say? Season 7 broke 80% of foundry missions? That's absurd. Nothing like that could every happen. The devs are our puppets. We are the puppet-masters.
/sarcasm off.
With the launch of season 7, there is a bug that has broken probably 80% of Foundry missions. You are encountering this bug. It's not the fault of the Foundry makers, and it has been kind of disturbing that the devs haven't turned off the option to play the missions after they broke 80% of them.
Who knows how many folks will try out foundry this weekend and discover that 80% of the missions can't be completed. It's not good for the Foundry and it's not good for authors, despite having the ability to rate our missions disabled.
I cant even begin to understand how your thought process works. So ill just grab some popcorn, and a beer, and laugh hysterically as this post unfolds.
I PMed the author in game and he said that he'll be making revamped versions of the missions when the editor is back. So all hope is not lost!
The biggest problem I'm running into is that foundry missions in general seem broken right now. I've tried about 9 different missions and completed 1 so far, because NPCs aren't spawning. Spend 10-15 minutes doing a mission only to have to drop it because one NPC isn't spawning ruins any motivation I had to do the daily to begin with.
Man I can't wait. Especally If I can choose all factions to fight against and have the Dreadnoughts from the Fleet alerts as the Boss at the end would be awesome. I would do this mission over and over to get all the kill accolades and damage type accolades. It needs to have about 20 ships to kill to make it long enough and a challenge.
And having all of you rush in to ESD to click a console was so very helpful to the Foundry community, lol.
It's the same situation, really. The number of clickers will plummet. We've kind of always been in the same boat as the KDF. They get cross-factioned content. We get a handful of updates in 2 year and some mostly website related PR.
Now, not so much.
There might come a day when those handful of updates will seem like the Golden years.
You think they didn't know what percentage of foundry players were just clicking consoles? So, I guess you're saying that if they throw the clickies back in, they'll forget what they know and think, "WoW! Look at all those players who really love Foundry missions! It must be important!"
Sorry, about the only good thing about the clickies were that players had to learn how to play a Foundry mission, meaning that if they ever decided to play an actual foundry mission, they would know how to find it in the UI. New UI kind of makes that easier, as do in-game bulletins.
But it does majorly hurt the ability to get fleet marks on a daily basis without spending mind numbing amounts of time to grind them out anymore. I still feel like there needs to be something that, within reason, allows for a good amount of FMs to be gained each day, easily. Only FMs though, that hurts no one. Not foundry authors, not the dil exchange, nobody.
Those big projects aren't easy to fill.
THat would be fine. But the majority of Foundry missions are... well... to put it bluntly, terrible.
Handsome Phaser Guy speaks truth. Respect his rugged wisdom.
true, i havent touched the foundry since s7 started....however IF i wanted to earn my not much needed dilth and MUCH needed fleet marks, its nearly impossible to find missions that are accepted by this so called criteria......the devs need to add a fliter option that hides missions that arent applicable for the daily...it takes more time to find a mission that works than it does to do said mission after finding it.....just to repeat the process another 2 times...
You are searching the "hot" list, because that's where you found the clickies. Search "top rated." But wait until the good missions are no longer broken.
even after i search top rated it took awhile...but ok
btw, how is your borg mission doing? it looks cool.
My mission is broken, as are 80%-90% of all actual Foundry missions. Well, actually the Borg one might be doable if you never get far from the space mobs. Wait, no, it's probably broken.
The Dailies and the Foundry are both 2 completly different things!
The reward for the author is to low and the reward for the player is at the wrong place!
To force someone something to do has always a different taste. it is much better to reward someone for doing something.
Fleetbasedudes (like me) feel forced to play Foundry Missions.
Foundryjedis feel not correct handled and rewarded (and this is correct) cause this dudes (like me) are seeking for short and quick missions for the Daily.
This is not the way it should go!!
Who is choosing the movie at the evening about the length??
The best Foundrymissions (Spotlight) should be rewarded for the player with unique items and the authors should be rewarded with higher dilithium- and/or zenamounts.
The discussion about the Daily is useless and stupid and completly wrong!
There are so incredible awesome Foundry Missions available - sometimes better than the original contents!
Don't get me wrong:
I have a serious problem with getting fleet marks an dilithium right now but to use the work of foundry authors for this seems to me the wrong way.
You want to make "us" playing more foundry missions?
Make more contents, make more about the spotlight, show more about the foundry, even something about the author behind the project would be interesting.
Let the foundry missions become more a part of STO and the community.
Make us nosy that we WANT play these missions and not MUST play the missions!