Odds should be around 0.5% or less, yep less than 1% chance of getting it, but higher chances than getting a Lotto winning ticket... Oh but the bug it's a virtual item! xD
Keep Vulcan Boob Chick, only baktag likes to stare at guys in MMOs
Bought 3 packs, best I made out was maybe about 2 mill EC in value from the stuff in it sold. I just want to get a dkora and not bankrupt myself. I need some holiday charity, heh. Yeah, I know, good luck getting that.
Yeah, don't go into it in the hopes of getting one. Do it for the doffs and lobi and hope for the best.
I opened one pack just for fun and got the bug ship.. opened 10 more and got a freighter, and some great purple doffs!
Open a few, get a few doffs, take a chance if you can. You never know!