fleet action bugged: tried many times, every time I engage one the system force me to quit the mission
borg to much strong: even a maco mkII shield + several buff are like butter at the sun
LAG, LAG, and LAG again...
grinding EC is being very difficult
Advancing in this game is now a job... I do not pay a recurring subscription to work on STO... I pay to have fun... No fun? no money... I will find a new game.
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
fleet action bugged: tried many times, every time I engage one the system force me to quit the mission
borg to much strong: even a maco mkII shield + several buff are like butter at the sun
LAG, LAG, and LAG again...
grinding EC is being very difficult
Advancing in this game is now a job... I do not pay a recurring subscription to work on STO... I pay to have fun... No fun? no money... I will find a new game.
Last two cure space I've tried to do have been pitiful. If some noob kills a cube too early you might as well hang it up, no chance. They take the kang down in 20 seconds.
pve/pvp queue system bugged, so PW disabled it Temp disabled due to a major exploit to get 1440dil every 2 minutes or so
fleet action bugged: tried many times, every time I engage one the system force me to quit the mission
borg to much strong: even a maco mkII shield + several buff are like butter at the sun They have not done anything new to the Borg, still the same as they were last week according to the devs
LAG, LAG, and LAG again...
grinding EC is being very difficult Just do the Tour for an hour and earn 1.8mil+, that should last you a while
Advancing in this game is now a job... I do not pay a recurring subscription to work on STO... I pay to have fun... No fun? no money... I will find a new game.
There is actually a change to the borg, not sure how you haven't noticed. The devs are in denial and don't realize they've made a change, but some global changes in the way npcs target have unintentionally effected the borg drastically.
The whole no change to the borg thing is an outright lie, and pretty insulting to the playerbase to say so.
It's also insulting to speak for the whole playerbase without our permission. It's just as insulting to assume what you have to say is what we want to say. It's also insulting to the borg how pathetic they've been ever since their introduction. And the final insult is to then complain when they are finally where they should have been to begin with.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
It's also insulting to speak for the whole playerbase without our permission. It's just as insulting to assume what you have to say is what we want to say. It's also insulting to the borg how pathetic they've been ever since their introduction. And the final insult is to then complain when they are finally where they should have been to begin with.
Didn't you know? Every single player is, by himself, a representative of the entire player base and all gamers the world over. And when that player doesn't get what he wants, NO ONE is getting what they want, obviously.
Didn't you know? Every single player is, by himself, a representative of the entire player base and all gamers the world over. And when that player doesn't get what he wants, NO ONE is getting what they want, obviously.
Right, I forgot. Thanks for the reminder. :rolleyes:
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
Someone asked me to write a critical review and explain why I am totally disappointed with PW and the last changes. Well, I'll try... I know my english is not good but I will try, please forgive me if something will be hard to understand.
Lets start talking about server's performance. In the last days I am experimenting lag, so much lag that is really hard to play and some time I am also forced to log out. Lag is not a news and with season 7 it's being inacceptable, I pay a recurring subscription, like many players, other player have payed a LT subscription.. I think the first goal of PW should be give us a good server with good performace, not only some bank/inventory/characters slot more. Also, contents are important but useless too if the server do not work well, how can I enjoy season 7 if I can't play?
The game has several bugs. Ok no one is perfect and a big project like STO is complicated, but some bugs are really old: supercritical hits from borgs, the tractor beam repulsor bug (it's not funny to see player that destroy you in 2-3 seconds using TBR... even if you have full shields and hul).
Red allerts often do not works (at least a one year old bug), you often enter in a map and forced to leave because there is nothing to do.
Moreover I have the feeling that season 7 wasn't tested enough: one of my char can't play fleet action, everytime I try I get a ?leave map button?; because of another bug PW has disabled private queues and you know how depressing is playing a ?random? (or a ?optional failed?) stf.
But the most annoying problem is that season 6 and season 7 have changed STO in a way it's being a new job. You need refined dilithium to complet fleet projects, to buy items, get new doff, convert doffs in better doffs (and the ridiculous is that is less expensive buying green/blue/purple doffs from ferra or white from fleet base), but dilithium rewards in stf and daylies have been reduced. you have to spend a lot of time to get enough dilithium. Moreover new projects require also EC to buy commodities and also items loot have been reduced. It's not over... you also need romulan marks, omega marks and fleet marks... For each of this item you have to play different quests, for each of your toons. If you can play only 2 hour every day this system penalize you a lot and changes a funny game in a new job (that you pay because of your subscription).
What is worst is that PW fist sold me/you slots to create more toons, then PW changes the game so that using more toons is really difficult.
If you think ?buy zen point and sell them for dilithium and EC?, think also that if players have no dilithium and EC, you can't sell them. Moreover, I can pay a subscription and some items from the store but I do not want to pay hundreds of euro to play STO... the game is nice, but not so nice.
Season 7 could be nice and funny, but at the moment is a new job, there are old bugs and there is a loot of lag... some ideas seems have no logic and sometimes the game is vague, contorted...
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
To those that claim nothing in game mechanics has changed and the Borg are still the same before the Season patch,you are seriously mistaken.They are much stronger than before,I did Infected Space Elite yesterday,even though the team did the 10% rule,we couldn't kill the Borg in a reasonable amount of time,as we were dying from +50K critical hits at full shields and health!ISE is the easiest of all the STF's on Elite,done the mission hundreds of times without even dying once,and now Spheres are ably to kill me by just spitting at me.RIDICULOUS!!!
The PWE/Cryptic sweatshop...not where the game is made,but where the game is played!
Take back your home,end the grind!
Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
To those that claim nothing in game mechanics has changed and the Borg are still the same before the Season patch,you are seriously mistaken.They are much stronger than before,I did Infected Space Elite yesterday,even though the team did the 10% rule,we couldn't kill the Borg in a reasonable amount of time,as we were dying from +50K critical hits at full shields and health!ISE is the easiest of all the STF's on Elite,done the mission hundreds of times without even dying once,and now Spheres are ably to kill me by just spitting at me.RIDICULOUS!!!
those hits exist since season 5.
anyway, yeah the borg do feel a little stronger. didn't feel it in my oddy, but in my escorts. especially the plasma dot seems stronger. never saw it stack to 4 before, now it never is less than 2.
anyway, it is manageable. Not really a gamebreaker in my opinion...just a little harder.
But not at this frequency. After a couple of deaths I could still do the optional before S7. now not the case.the devs should actually PLAY this game. then they might understand the problems
I just wanted to say that PW needs to open a secondary player server because there are to many server not responding issues. And dont say its my internet connection cause I ahve already tested it and my internet connection is running fine. In fact i have an online gaming package from my internet company. So my connection is fine. You just have too many bugs and server issues . Perhaps opening a second or 3rd server base for players might be areal good idea and might clear up some of the bugs which are mostly cause by server and information over load.
It's also insulting to make unproved statements without concrete evidence.
You mean like when Cryptic has to be shown video proof to get something is actually wrong? Because they can't replicate it themselves even though they have detailed instructions?
Or Like when Cryptic doesn't actually tell itself when it does something, such as a dev randomly deciding to up the Borg's tractor beam to 1000% strength and not tell anyone, just because he felt it was kweler. So when people ask WTF Cryptic they simply shrug and say "nothing changed!".
Or how about when some devs know of a bug but due to their bizarre system of NOT fixing bugs right away they tell no one else so everyone else when asked says "no bugs, its all working as intended!"
Or how about.....
Or how about......
It goes on and on. Seriously, how can you assume things are exactly the same as before? By now It takes more than someone saying "working as intended" for me to even consider the matter closed. For all we know a random dev decided that Borg ships needed to be more powerful and upgraded their weapons in some way. Naturally he didn't tell anyone else so no one but him/her has any idea something was changed.
The question isn't whether the Borg were powerful enough or not, but why are stealth changes still being made?
But not at this frequency. After a couple of deaths I could still do the optional before S7. now not the case.the devs should actually PLAY this game. then they might understand the problems
If we're referring to the Borg in ESTFs, I don't see any problems. Just a bunch of wimps that can't take the fact that their precious little escorts can't faceroll the Borg anymore. My Oddy has no issues with the Borg at all. To speak of. Neither does my Tor'kaht. Yes, they sting a little more, and yes, I need to be more careful around the boss class ships, but still, it's no problem for me at all.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
If we're referring to the Borg in ESTFs, I don't see any problems. Just a bunch of wimps that can't take the fact that their precious little escorts can't faceroll the Borg anymore. My Oddy has no issues with the Borg at all. To speak of. Neither does my Tor'kaht. Yes, they sting a little more, and yes, I need to be more careful around the boss class ships, but still, it's no problem for me at all.
dude, they might be tougher to kill which is okay but for me to die in seconds with some of the best equipment. that's insane.
WTF PW and Cryptic I am a lifetime member I come here to post a new thread and you tell me I can only post a reply. I have been with this game sence launch. I am being treated like a free to play. This is not right at all. I almost have no faith in this company. You need to tell PW they are killing this game. Time gate = Fail. I work 3 days to unlock Teir one only to be told I need to do an hour to unlock the store then only to find that each Item will take 40 hours to get one Item. Man this is not cool. You need to rethink this over.
i totally subscribe to this post .Perfect World asian cash cow shop menatlity kicked in 1000%
No fun farm farm all day to get a tiny reward Pointless asian farming mentality gonna ruin this game and make people leave overtime.
I want to remind perfect world alot of people play this game because they are star trek fans and not some rich cows to be milked till they get bored and tired and leave.
-HARD TO MAKE EC-was in s6 also but now its even harder
-HARD TO MAKE DIL-totally ruined in s7 u have to spend 3-4h just to make the daily quota of 8k while of course cash shop prices are the same
-HARD to make omega/romulan reputation-easy now at tier 1 just wait and see tier 4-5
-TOTALLY STUPID SYSTEM TO GET GEAR-which wasnt a problem in s6 .only lazies could not get a set
-AN OVERALL HARD TIME TO PLAY THE GAME LIKE U LIKE IT-mostly have to work work work for hours on end with little reward- used to get in 1h what u get now in 10h+ if only u do that single activity
Basicly major SUCK just for the sake of squeezing more money out of paying customers.
borg to much strong: even a maco mkII shield + several buff are like butter at the sun
Disagree. borg are much to easy.
if your having trouble try doing the missions in question with a better team or fleet mates. the borg in this game are way to easy.
If we're referring to the Borg in ESTFs, I don't see any problems. Just a bunch of wimps that can't take the fact that their precious little escorts can't faceroll the Borg anymore. My Oddy has no issues with the Borg at all. To speak of. Neither does my Tor'kaht. Yes, they sting a little more, and yes, I need to be more careful around the boss class ships, but still, it's no problem for me at all.
i have to agree. there is no real difference if you fly a cruiser with more than 2 hull heals or resistance buffs. But escorts seem to get way more hull dmg now from borg bosses like gates and cubes, not spheres in my opinion. Shield tanking seems to be nerfed, even though there is no indicator for that in the patchnotes.
I do feel however that the brace for impact doff is kind of worthless now. Ofcourse the Borg set nerf affects that too. So in my opinion there are some factors that got nerfed and affect certain classes of ships very much in terms of surviveability.
...But, to be honest i like it that way. Makes healers, tanks and supporters way more usefull in stfs...
had a ISE today with a proper tank, and it was just easy as usual. Had another one the other day where i had constant aggro and was lucky to only die twice. had to get some distance between me and the tac cube for atleast 3 times. managed to get the optional anyway.
About borg...
All in all, after playing some stf and the new into the hive, I must say I like the new difficult expecially in into the hive space elite... May be the real problem is that cubes disable shields very easily and that is too much critical for escots, expecially escorts with only 2 engineering console's slots.
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
I think its time to reformat this season. I realy want to like this season. I am sorry you just are going to lose me if you keep this way up. I hope Paramount notices how you are messing this IP up. I can see Gene Roddenberry rolling in his grave now. I would like to see a way to make ec easier. And put in a system that lets us get lobi with out having to buy keys I mean yea I can grind for years for the dili. I have other grinding to do tho.
I have to disagree that there is "no difference" for cruisers. Given the new Borg fascination with launching their TRIBBLE 50K damage torpedoes at you every 5 seconds, and the fact that the damage isn't reduced by 90% like it's supposed to be when it hits shields, and the fact that every one inflicts plasma burn which can quickly stack over a thousand damage a second if your HE is on cooldown (and let's not forget that HE is a science ability, with only 33% up time)... I'm hard pressed even in a cruiser.
i totally subscribe to this post .Perfect World asian cash cow shop menatlity kicked in 1000%
No fun farm farm all day to get a tiny reward Pointless asian farming mentality gonna ruin this game and make people leave overtime.
I want to remind perfect world alot of people play this game because they are star trek fans and not some rich cows to be milked till they get bored and tired and leave.
-HARD TO MAKE EC-was in s6 also but now its even harder
-HARD TO MAKE DIL-totally ruined in s7 u have to spend 3-4h just to make the daily quota of 8k while of course cash shop prices are the same
-HARD to make omega/romulan reputation-easy now at tier 1 just wait and see tier 4-5
-TOTALLY STUPID SYSTEM TO GET GEAR-which wasnt a problem in s6 .only lazies could not get a set
-AN OVERALL HARD TIME TO PLAY THE GAME LIKE U LIKE IT-mostly have to work work work for hours on end with little reward- used to get in 1h what u get now in 10h+ if only u do that single activity
Basicly major SUCK just for the sake of squeezing more money out of paying customers.
Last two cure space I've tried to do have been pitiful. If some noob kills a cube too early you might as well hang it up, no chance. They take the kang down in 20 seconds.
10 character
It's also insulting to make unproved statements without concrete evidence.
It's also insulting to speak for the whole playerbase without our permission. It's just as insulting to assume what you have to say is what we want to say. It's also insulting to the borg how pathetic they've been ever since their introduction. And the final insult is to then complain when they are finally where they should have been to begin with.
Didn't you know? Every single player is, by himself, a representative of the entire player base and all gamers the world over. And when that player doesn't get what he wants, NO ONE is getting what they want, obviously.
Right, I forgot. Thanks for the reminder.
Lets start talking about server's performance. In the last days I am experimenting lag, so much lag that is really hard to play and some time I am also forced to log out. Lag is not a news and with season 7 it's being inacceptable, I pay a recurring subscription, like many players, other player have payed a LT subscription.. I think the first goal of PW should be give us a good server with good performace, not only some bank/inventory/characters slot more. Also, contents are important but useless too if the server do not work well, how can I enjoy season 7 if I can't play?
The game has several bugs. Ok no one is perfect and a big project like STO is complicated, but some bugs are really old: supercritical hits from borgs, the tractor beam repulsor bug (it's not funny to see player that destroy you in 2-3 seconds using TBR... even if you have full shields and hul).
Red allerts often do not works (at least a one year old bug), you often enter in a map and forced to leave because there is nothing to do.
Moreover I have the feeling that season 7 wasn't tested enough: one of my char can't play fleet action, everytime I try I get a ?leave map button?; because of another bug PW has disabled private queues and you know how depressing is playing a ?random? (or a ?optional failed?) stf.
But the most annoying problem is that season 6 and season 7 have changed STO in a way it's being a new job. You need refined dilithium to complet fleet projects, to buy items, get new doff, convert doffs in better doffs (and the ridiculous is that is less expensive buying green/blue/purple doffs from ferra or white from fleet base), but dilithium rewards in stf and daylies have been reduced. you have to spend a lot of time to get enough dilithium. Moreover new projects require also EC to buy commodities and also items loot have been reduced. It's not over... you also need romulan marks, omega marks and fleet marks... For each of this item you have to play different quests, for each of your toons. If you can play only 2 hour every day this system penalize you a lot and changes a funny game in a new job (that you pay because of your subscription).
What is worst is that PW fist sold me/you slots to create more toons, then PW changes the game so that using more toons is really difficult.
If you think ?buy zen point and sell them for dilithium and EC?, think also that if players have no dilithium and EC, you can't sell them. Moreover, I can pay a subscription and some items from the store but I do not want to pay hundreds of euro to play STO... the game is nice, but not so nice.
Season 7 could be nice and funny, but at the moment is a new job, there are old bugs and there is a loot of lag... some ideas seems have no logic and sometimes the game is vague, contorted...
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
Take back your home,end the grind!
Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
those hits exist since season 5.
anyway, yeah the borg do feel a little stronger. didn't feel it in my oddy, but in my escorts. especially the plasma dot seems stronger. never saw it stack to 4 before, now it never is less than 2.
anyway, it is manageable. Not really a gamebreaker in my opinion...just a little harder.
You mean like when Cryptic has to be shown video proof to get something is actually wrong? Because they can't replicate it themselves even though they have detailed instructions?
Or Like when Cryptic doesn't actually tell itself when it does something, such as a dev randomly deciding to up the Borg's tractor beam to 1000% strength and not tell anyone, just because he felt it was kweler. So when people ask WTF Cryptic they simply shrug and say "nothing changed!".
Or how about when some devs know of a bug but due to their bizarre system of NOT fixing bugs right away they tell no one else so everyone else when asked says "no bugs, its all working as intended!"
Or how about.....
Or how about......
It goes on and on. Seriously, how can you assume things are exactly the same as before? By now It takes more than someone saying "working as intended" for me to even consider the matter closed. For all we know a random dev decided that Borg ships needed to be more powerful and upgraded their weapons in some way. Naturally he didn't tell anyone else so no one but him/her has any idea something was changed.
The question isn't whether the Borg were powerful enough or not, but why are stealth changes still being made?
If we're referring to the Borg in ESTFs, I don't see any problems. Just a bunch of wimps that can't take the fact that their precious little escorts can't faceroll the Borg anymore. My Oddy has no issues with the Borg at all. To speak of. Neither does my Tor'kaht. Yes, they sting a little more, and yes, I need to be more careful around the boss class ships, but still, it's no problem for me at all.
dude, they might be tougher to kill which is okay but for me to die in seconds with some of the best equipment. that's insane.
No fun farm farm all day to get a tiny reward Pointless asian farming mentality gonna ruin this game and make people leave overtime.
I want to remind perfect world alot of people play this game because they are star trek fans and not some rich cows to be milked till they get bored and tired and leave.
-HARD TO MAKE EC-was in s6 also but now its even harder
-HARD TO MAKE DIL-totally ruined in s7 u have to spend 3-4h just to make the daily quota of 8k while of course cash shop prices are the same
-HARD to make omega/romulan reputation-easy now at tier 1 just wait and see tier 4-5
-TOTALLY STUPID SYSTEM TO GET GEAR-which wasnt a problem in s6 .only lazies could not get a set
-AN OVERALL HARD TIME TO PLAY THE GAME LIKE U LIKE IT-mostly have to work work work for hours on end with little reward- used to get in 1h what u get now in 10h+ if only u do that single activity
Basicly major SUCK just for the sake of squeezing more money out of paying customers.
Disagree. borg are much to easy.
if your having trouble try doing the missions in question with a better team or fleet mates. the borg in this game are way to easy.
i have to agree. there is no real difference if you fly a cruiser with more than 2 hull heals or resistance buffs. But escorts seem to get way more hull dmg now from borg bosses like gates and cubes, not spheres in my opinion. Shield tanking seems to be nerfed, even though there is no indicator for that in the patchnotes.
I do feel however that the brace for impact doff is kind of worthless now. Ofcourse the Borg set nerf affects that too. So in my opinion there are some factors that got nerfed and affect certain classes of ships very much in terms of surviveability.
...But, to be honest i like it that way. Makes healers, tanks and supporters way more usefull in stfs...
had a ISE today with a proper tank, and it was just easy as usual. Had another one the other day where i had constant aggro and was lucky to only die twice. had to get some distance between me and the tac cube for atleast 3 times. managed to get the optional anyway.
All in all, after playing some stf and the new into the hive, I must say I like the new difficult expecially in into the hive space elite... May be the real problem is that cubes disable shields very easily and that is too much critical for escots, expecially escorts with only 2 engineering console's slots.
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
I agree!
But why still so many people playing?
notice hook that they aren't playing as much and some could be former subscribers unwilling to no pay for TRIBBLE and have a hope that S7 is repealed.