[SIGPIC]Handle: @kirian_darkstar
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC] Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
Do not revel in their downfall, my friend. If we had not swallowed our pride and allied with the Federation after the destruction of Praxis, we would have faced every trial the Romulans have suffered ? and more.
By supporting the new Romulan colony, we conquer one of our greatest foes without a single blow. We gain their friendship, and later perhaps their loyalty. We solidify our relationship with the Remans. And we still retain the chance for combat and glory ? the Romulans are not in a position to fight their own battles. They will need our ships to defend them from the Tal Shiar and the Tholians.
The writing is on the wall, combined faction- all against the A.I.
This makes me want to get involved with the Romulans even more now ... not. The Duras Family has no honor and they are dictating policy in the Empire now? Perhaps it's time for the true warriors to rise up and remove these honorless petaq'pu from the Empire once and for all. I do not wish for a Civil War, but it may be the only way to stop this madness.
i have a feeling there is little in the way of warfare between the kdf and starfleet by this point in the story, everyone knows the unidine caused the conflict, and that was due to iconian interference.
but at least J?mpok has no interest in normalized relations with the federation at this point, outside of cooperation against the borg. thats us players, TFO members, the minority in universe.
Im starting to like this angle. What are Klingons whining about? Better that one of your leaders has a solid head on his shoulders and looks to their own history to prevent repeating it. To want to wipe out the Romulans who are trying to be a peaceful ally would just make all Klingons look like the dumb dogs we Feds assume you all are. Actually thinking things through logically and looking at the bigger picture is what the Klingons should be doing, not looking to kill everything in sight.
STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
Im starting to like this angle. What are Klingons whining about? Better that one of your leaders has a solid head on his shoulders and looks to their own history to prevent repeating it. To want to wipe out the Romulans who are trying to be a peaceful ally would just make all Klingons look like the dumb dogs we Feds assume you all are. Actually thinking things through logically and looking at the bigger picture is what the Klingons should be doing, not looking to kill everything in sight.
I like stuff like this as it adds flavour but I'd so like to see these updates appear in game for immersion and realism rather than reading them on the website.
there must be a simple way they can set up a console to give out regular 'federation news service updates' or 'KDF intelligence' operative in the back ally of qo'nos to keep you updated on the latest intelligence/news.
Im starting to like this angle. What are Klingons whining about? Better that one of your leaders has a solid head on his shoulders and looks to their own history to prevent repeating it. To want to wipe out the Romulans who are trying to be a peaceful ally would just make all Klingons look like the dumb dogs we Feds assume you all are. Actually thinking things through logically and looking at the bigger picture is what the Klingons should be doing, not looking to kill everything in sight.
Those that do not know history are doomed to repeat it. The Duras are not to be trusted. The Romulans are not to be trusted. The Remans, they are honorable warriors and we will aid them. However, we are Klingons and we can not over look the actions of these dishonorable petaQ so easily. There is still a lot of animosity and hatred that exists, and the high council expects us to trust them so easily? I will remain cautious and keep my mek'leth close at hand. I suspect ... no I expect Romulan treachery.
i Like Stuff Like This As It Adds Flavour But I'd So Like To See These Updates Appear In Game For Immersion And Realism Rather Than Reading Them On The Website.
There Must Be A Simple Way They Can Set Up A Console To Give Out Regular 'federation News Service Updates' Or 'kdf Intelligence' Operative In The Back Ally Of Qo'nos To Keep You Updated On The Latest Intelligence/news.
I do like where this is going I just have a few problems of how the story telling from what we know so far isn't meshing to me atleast on where the game is heading.
#1. If we are to be allies with both Factions in relation to the Romulans and get their tech but not able to play actual romulans and then the fake romulan aliens we made would need to be able to be turned into actual romulans...
#2. There is a Fed/KDF war but yet both sides are in an alliance with the Romulan Star Empire. It's like the hatfields and the mckoys go to a restraunt and because they both like the food they just happen to not shoot each other until they get to the parking lot?
#3. How is the KDF going to benefit from this alliance? How is it benefiting from a cease fire or possible end to the Fed/KDF war? I could see the federation going into an alliance but very vague look of it being any romulan can come in and pretend to be one of them and sabotage the alliance and then so much hostility in the past against the KDF that they could even look at peace lol.
This all seems an attempt in reality to keep the war going but to declaw the KDF once and for all.
Although it would be cool if we had a negh'var-scimitar hybrid to come out of this then I could agree on it
Yes, Duras is not to be trusted, and Romulans aren't to be trusted... we're all aware of these points.
But just because this has happened in the past, does not mean the Klingons have to turn them away at every turn without thinking. That would not be honorable.
No, they'll meet with the Romulans, as honor dicates They say keep your enemies closer, and this is as close as can be... and if there's any treachery, well, you know what's next.
And blindly fighting enemies when you could potentially learn more about their defenses, and subdue them without effort? Where's the honor in blindly lashing out based on past prejudices? That'd make them no better than the Tal'Shiar
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
This makes me want to get involved with the Romulans even more now ... not. The Duras Family has no honor and they are dictating policy in the Empire now?
Duras and his father were dishonorable, but Ja'rod (this Ja'rod) appears to be a good example for other warriors.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
Duras and his father were dishonorable, but Ja'rod (this Ja'rod) appears to be a good example for other warriors.
Ja'rod the Elder was a traitor, Duras was a traitor, Toral was a traitor, Lursa was a traitor, B'etor was a traitor, and most recently foster-father Torg was a traitor. But we can trust Ja'rod the Younger, really.
Probably the main reason Jempok hasn;t made peace yet is that he was a pretty huge supportour of hostilities. o admit he messed up would make him look weak, and thats not a good position for a chancellor to be in.
This is most interesting. I do wish this game could have followed the Typhon Pact storyline instead of this melting pot of inconsistent plots. I do like most of the changes to this game since I first started playing this game about two years ago. Keep up the great work Cryptic.
So the fed vs kdf can finally end....lets just hope it will bring blue UI for kdf lol
this is the only PC game which has the story outside the game on a site
How hard would it be to just give this script to a dev, and just make a cut scene only mission where we arent participating, just watching the turn of events. Something like that. Devs are always saying hardly any of their players come to the forums, Im assuming that means website to, so why do you only feed the story to us irrelevant few on the forums?
STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
Duras and his father were dishonorable, but Ja'rod (this Ja'rod) appears to be a good example for other warriors.
This was a great read. Thanks, Cryptic!
You are forgetting the Jm'pok/Ja'arod deal with House of Torg that raised Ja'rod and got Worf banished from the Great Hall... So this is a good example to set for other warriors... I think not :P
Hey Devs, how's the progress on the in-game infobase so we can get these nice little bits of story in-game? And to seperate out the old 2409 lore from the massive list of accolades (along with the new "History of New Romulus" stuff). Seriously, how much of the playerbase do you think you're not missing by leaving this stuff out of the game proper?
This sounds good, lot better than the. Fed story: Copy, Paste, and here is your story. Which is what I been seeing a lot playing my KDF to get him up to current game story. The last couple of stories I just hit click and go on the mission as fast as I could. Since the story was so lacking and horrible.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
If we can not see regular story content missions illustrating progression like this - please develop other ways. Even just a new datachip every month that has a 100% chance of dropping from all npcs (only once per character).
1. Good job Cryptic, I'm glad you finally justified the Klingon involvement with the new Romulus movement.
2. The Empire is on the verge of renewed civil war. The House of Martok and their supporters want to end the war with the Feds and fight the Roms. The House of Duras want it the other way around. J'mpok supports the Duras, because he needs their support politically, and he doesn't want to look weak (he advocated the federation war). My prediciton: Duras and Martok will be on the verge of fighting when the H'urq return with their Fekhliri allies/slaves and TRIBBLE both houses over. Then the two will combine to fight their new mutual enemy.
3. The Iconians, having lost the Romulans are proxies, seem to be switching to the Tholians. But their pillaging of the romulans has cost them: they accidentally united the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans. my Prediction: This three-pronged alliance will be the bulkhead for the defense against the Borg, Undine, and Iconians. The Iconian allies will be the Tholians and the Tal Shiar. The stage is set.
Kudos to the writter.
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC]
Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
This is awesome.
The writing is on the wall, combined faction- all against the A.I.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
but at least J?mpok has no interest in normalized relations with the federation at this point, outside of cooperation against the borg. thats us players, TFO members, the minority in universe.
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
there must be a simple way they can set up a console to give out regular 'federation news service updates' or 'KDF intelligence' operative in the back ally of qo'nos to keep you updated on the latest intelligence/news.
Those that do not know history are doomed to repeat it. The Duras are not to be trusted. The Romulans are not to be trusted. The Remans, they are honorable warriors and we will aid them. However, we are Klingons and we can not over look the actions of these dishonorable petaQ so easily. There is still a lot of animosity and hatred that exists, and the high council expects us to trust them so easily? I will remain cautious and keep my mek'leth close at hand. I suspect ... no I expect Romulan treachery.
+1000 _________
that's mean... a new klingon ship:D? or only prepare the weapons that exist now against iconians??
#1. If we are to be allies with both Factions in relation to the Romulans and get their tech but not able to play actual romulans and then the fake romulan aliens we made would need to be able to be turned into actual romulans...
#2. There is a Fed/KDF war but yet both sides are in an alliance with the Romulan Star Empire. It's like the hatfields and the mckoys go to a restraunt and because they both like the food they just happen to not shoot each other until they get to the parking lot?
#3. How is the KDF going to benefit from this alliance? How is it benefiting from a cease fire or possible end to the Fed/KDF war? I could see the federation going into an alliance but very vague look of it being any romulan can come in and pretend to be one of them and sabotage the alliance and then so much hostility in the past against the KDF that they could even look at peace lol.
This all seems an attempt in reality to keep the war going but to declaw the KDF once and for all.
Although it would be cool if we had a negh'var-scimitar hybrid to come out of this then I could agree on it
But just because this has happened in the past, does not mean the Klingons have to turn them away at every turn without thinking. That would not be honorable.
No, they'll meet with the Romulans, as honor dicates
And blindly fighting enemies when you could potentially learn more about their defenses, and subdue them without effort? Where's the honor in blindly lashing out based on past prejudices? That'd make them no better than the Tal'Shiar
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Duras and his father were dishonorable, but Ja'rod (this Ja'rod) appears to be a good example for other warriors.
This was a great read. Thanks, Cryptic!
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
Ja'rod the Elder was a traitor, Duras was a traitor, Toral was a traitor, Lursa was a traitor, B'etor was a traitor, and most recently foster-father Torg was a traitor. But we can trust Ja'rod the Younger, really.
this is the only PC game which has the story outside the game on a site
How hard would it be to just give this script to a dev, and just make a cut scene only mission where we arent participating, just watching the turn of events. Something like that. Devs are always saying hardly any of their players come to the forums, Im assuming that means website to, so why do you only feed the story to us irrelevant few on the forums?
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
You are forgetting the Jm'pok/Ja'arod deal with House of Torg that raised Ja'rod and got Worf banished from the Great Hall... So this is a good example to set for other warriors... I think not :P
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
If we can not see regular story content missions illustrating progression like this - please develop other ways. Even just a new datachip every month that has a 100% chance of dropping from all npcs (only once per character).
Surely thats possible Cryptic.
1. Good job Cryptic, I'm glad you finally justified the Klingon involvement with the new Romulus movement.
2. The Empire is on the verge of renewed civil war. The House of Martok and their supporters want to end the war with the Feds and fight the Roms. The House of Duras want it the other way around. J'mpok supports the Duras, because he needs their support politically, and he doesn't want to look weak (he advocated the federation war). My prediciton: Duras and Martok will be on the verge of fighting when the H'urq return with their Fekhliri allies/slaves and TRIBBLE both houses over. Then the two will combine to fight their new mutual enemy.
3. The Iconians, having lost the Romulans are proxies, seem to be switching to the Tholians. But their pillaging of the romulans has cost them: they accidentally united the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans. my Prediction: This three-pronged alliance will be the bulkhead for the defense against the Borg, Undine, and Iconians. The Iconian allies will be the Tholians and the Tal Shiar. The stage is set.