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Official Space Into the Hive ("Hive Onslaught") Feedback Thread



  • sfhqsfhq Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Played both normal and elite.


    Finally some challenge in the STF! Died a few times but not too many. I expected some extra deaths while getting used to the new stf.

    You are not going to be able to do Elite on a standard PUG, that's for sure and you'd need a tank & sci ship for max effectiveness, further encouraged with the lack of timers on optionals except the first optional.

    My only suggestion is reduce the queens version of the isometric charge, that one hurts a lot with no defense. Everything else has a defense and is well done for both elite and normal.
    "We are the Borg. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile."
    The Cube Assimilating Your Ship Right Now
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Random pug. Never had an issue before.

    This mission is wholly unenjoyable for me. 6 tac cubs is not my definition of a good time... nor are 2 unimatrix vessels... with feedback pulse and spinal lances...

    I found it to be a challenge... but an enjoyable challenge.. the STF's we have are too easy.

    Well done Cryptic!

    As noted in other entries here... there needs to be a mix of players present... eng, sci, and tac. Having mothballed my sci sometime ago I am personally very excited!

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Did it in a PuG like I do all my elite STFing. Managed to complete it in little over 30 minutes and a ton of deaths. The entire thing just gives me a 'meh' feeling and I wasn't really sure why until I read glassguitar 's post and I simply have to agree with him.

    It just feels like the No Win Scenario borg style. Which is fine for the No Win Scenario but it just didn't feel like an STF. Their was nothing going on, no triggers, nothing happening really other than a bunch of ducks lined up to be kilt.

    But thats fine, I already have 3 ESTFs to play so I do not think the difficulty itself should be lowered or anything let this be for those who enjoy the style.

    That and it does seem really odd to be outnumbered by borg tac cubes and still annihilate them. Not even Voyager sissified the borg as much as this mission does.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Played on Normal.

    First part was fine but the Unimatrix ship part was HELL!

    A full team couldn't even kill one of those things before we started losing team members (partly due to the one-shot torp spread) while focusing fire on it.

    Mission was impossible to complete once people started leaving, and next to impossible even with everyone there.

    We tried to stay within the "safe zone" between the ships, made little difference seeing as how we could evade the lances anyway.

    My advise: Either remove one of the Unimatrix ships and give a warning everytime the ship is about to fire the lance, so we can evade, or remove the lance altogether.

    Since we didn't get past this part, I can't comment on the rest of the mission.

    Oh, and the stacking respawn timer was a pain, but that goes for all STFs.
  • ufpdodgersufpdodgers Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Supper fun mission and feels like the epic Grand Finale for the Borg STFs.

    On Normal it feels just right, fair amount of challenge but still easy enough for most people to complete.

    Elite on the other hand...the Borg Tac Cubes and Spheres are an interesting challenge you need to think what your doing so you don't aggro more than one at a time and still try to destroy them fast enough to get the optional.

    However when you get to the 2 Unimatrix ship things turn nasty with uber 1 hit plasma torpedoes spreads and the lances that can one hit, avoiding the lances is easy enough...however staying near the Queen to avoid the lances like Admiral D'vak suggests will prove suicidal as your now caught in the cross fire of 2 Plasma Spreads :eek:

    I think much like the other STF needed when they were redone, the Elite version may need a slight balance pass as right now am guessing the have been Auto scaled.
  • amayakitsuneamayakitsune Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I found it to be a challenge... but an enjoyable challenge.. the STF's we have are too easy.

    Well done Cryptic!

    As noted in other entries here... there needs to be a mix of players present... eng, sci, and tac. Having mothballed my sci sometime ago I am personally very excited!

    There is a difference between too easy and too hard. And this mission is hard not because it requires somesort of strategy that everyone needs to know... its hard because Cryptic has decided to throw 6 Tactical Cubes, 2 Unimatrix vessels, and an Octahedron that can kill in one shot. Its hard because the enemies can kill you in one or two hits and they have such massive amounts of health (and in the case of the Unimatrix vessels the ability to spawn pets and heal their health quickly). Thats not the "right" kind of hard... its just un-fun.

    And quite franly the difficulty of the current STFs is just fine... they are fun this way... and they keep me coming back. Add more of a challenge (which to cryptic means making the enemies super powerful) and I'll stop playing them.

    My feedback (for the first and second parts of the mission before the Queen.):

    Part 1:

    - 6 tactical cubes is too much. Drop it to 4. Or 6 regular cubes.
    - Lose the spheres. They dont add to the challenge, and its a touch excessive with the tactical cubes sitting right there.

    Part 2:
    - 2 Unimatrix vessels is a touch excessive, but thats not the major problem here. Give them only 1 one hit KO ability. Either the Lance or the large plasma energy bolts. Not both.
    - The Unimatrix vessels should not be able to spawn regeneration probes as often as I saw them spawning them in my run. If they need to be able to... then the regeneration probes super hazard emitters need to be toned down. going from 20% to 50% in the span of 3 seconds does not add challenge.

  • vesolcvesolc Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Judging by posts we need normal, elite and ultra STFs:D

    Oh, and I like it just because its something new.

    tone it down a bit:P
  • timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What people need is knowledge about some of the enemies mechanics.
    I am amazed that after having the red alerts for so long in the game, that people still seem to have no idea that plasma bolts and regen probes can and must be shot down quickly.

    Against plasma bolts there are a few reliable ways to kill them.

    Unlessyou have super accurate weapons they will miss a lot. Tractor beams and repulsors however will not. Pin them on the spot and shoot them more accurately

    Warp plasma creates an excellent firewall against them.

    probably a million sci abilities that I dont use help.

    Suspect fighters on intercept are great here.

    Maybe mine the ends of the unimatrixes? That will take care of teh regen probes at the same time which die pretty fast btw. A few energy hits and torps will make short work of them.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    timelord79 wrote: »
    What people need is knowledge about some of the enemies mechanics.
    I am amazed that after having the red alerts for so long in the game, that people still seem to have no idea that plasma bolts and regen probes can and must be shot down quickly.

    Against plasma bolts there are a few reliable ways to kill them.

    Unlessyou have super accurate weapons they will miss a lot. Tractor beams and repulsors however will not. Pin them on the spot and shoot them more accurately

    Warp plasma creates an excellent firewall against them.

    probably a million sci abilities that I dont use help.

    Suspect fighters on intercept are great here.

    Maybe mine the ends of the unimatrixes? That will take care of teh regen probes at the same time which die pretty fast btw. A few energy hits and torps will make short work of them.

    But what people currently expect in elite is:
    Warp in, blow some stuff up, let the people who know how it works do the actual work, die, respawn, do anything, die, respawn, die, die, boss fight (die again or go afk), get the loot.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • machine999machine999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Played normal version of Hive Onslaught found it a about right in terms of difficulty of the mission challaging but not i want to give up now kind of attuide. I found knowing when to break off attack and recharge shields and hull then get back on the attack. I used the Druganought Cruiser with a science vice admiral character to help with shields and photonic support ships to help with the many targets.

    Had a problem with no omega marks at the end of the mission.

    (by the way this is my 1st post ever on star trek online and today was my first time i tribble server)
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    tried elite, so why is this mission 30 times harder then any other elite stf? why are we going from 1 or 2 cubes at a times, a single tac cube at a time, to 6 tac cubs and 2 unimatrix ships? couldn't even finish it, team all left after the half hour it took to kill the cubes. we had the damage dealing to do the mission, there were 4 well set up escorts, but the 1 shots ruined everything.

    oh sure its technically just a dps race, but really its more of a race against 1 shots. everywhere 1 shots, hope you like 50 injuries and maxing out your respawn timer in the first 10 minutes of the mission. 3 kinetic resist consoles, didn't do squat. invisible standard plasma torps popping you with 1 hit almost every time. have any points in threat control? don't bother queing, seriously.

    guess the trick is stay between the unimatrix ship? um ok, thats so clever or something. that would magically not make them fire their lance, because. whatever. couldn't get farther then that.
  • sonulinu2sonulinu2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Loads of fun! :D

    Normal x3 and Elite x1. Completed them all. Yeah Elite was a real challenge, but what do you expect? It's a brand new STF, you just need to figure out what strategies work best, imagine that? So it will take some time and more testing. People who expect to go in there and come out as unscathed heroes are being a touch unrealistic.

    It's the Borg Queen for goodness sake, of course she will be surrounded by formidable protection. Don't expect a walk in the park for the Borg STF finale.

    Lot's of things I like about it. You need a balanced team, and hey, a real tank is required. Thank you, Cryptic, cruisers still have a purpose. Besides good tanking, coordinated healing/support, and some dps make this very doable...as long as you work together as a team. Charging in with all guns blazing and not noticing what your teammates are doing will definitely get you wiped. Communicate, read the suggested tactics, agree on who will be doing what. Be methodical and follow the lead of the tank instead of being a one ship deathstar, which most people are probably used to because the rest of the game can be played that way.

    I admit, it was annoying getting one shotted and perhaps it should be made slightly easier but please don't make this into a KASE or ISE. Let's have a STF where each type of ship and captain can play the role they were cut out for, and see what a difference team work makes. If there are some ppl who avoid this STF so be it. But please don't dumb it down too much.

    BTW I used a Sci Ody with mk xii borg stuff and mk xi blue consoles. Nothing special.
  • timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Uh... but it is NOT a DPS race that 4-5 escorts are meant to breeze through.

    This mission is a nice mix of DPS in the beginning, with a good measure of aggro controll however.

    And then it is designed to be tanked! Really, take a look at the optionals... it gives you all the time in the world to do it but clearly says: TANK! Keep 3 players alive, keep 1 player alive!
    Not kill everything as fast as possible.
  • glassguitarglassguitar Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bareel wrote: »

    Did it in a PuG like I do all my elite STFing. Managed to complete it in little over 30 minutes and a ton of deaths. The entire thing just gives me a 'meh' feeling and I wasn't really sure why until I read glassguitar 's post and I simply have to agree with him.

    It just feels like the No Win Scenario borg style. Which is fine for the No Win Scenario but it just didn't feel like an STF. Their was nothing going on, no triggers, nothing happening really other than a bunch of ducks lined up to be kilt.

    But thats fine, I already have 3 ESTFs to play so I do not think the difficulty itself should be lowered or anything let this be for those who enjoy the style.

    That and it does seem really odd to be outnumbered by borg tac cubes and still annihilate them. Not even Voyager sissified the borg as much as this mission does.

    Great comment about the No Win Scenario flavor. The strength of STO is story-line and game mechanics. IN this STF we get no story-line, and no chance to use some of the best mechanic of this game. Even in ISE (widely regarded as the easiest Space STF) I actually fly my ship, timing turns and throttle changes to get the best placement for certain parts of the mission. I have a feeling successful Hive runs will be a slow crawl forward, hit reverse before tractor range, someone spamming heals on the DPS ships, followed by spam attack the hot dogs til you get one shot, respawn and repeat.

    Will comment on boss fight after I try it on normal. I think the chances of getting a pug that can get through the hot dog fight on Elite are very slim.
  • partizan81partizan81 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    My own thoughts on Elite:
    • Tac Cubes were fun, makes it so you have to actually pay attention and not aggro them all. Myself + 2 geared/experienced fleetmates and 2 pug randoms hit the optional (just barely)
    • The cutscene lag caused our ships to be automatically killed by the 2 Unimatrix ships before we could react, thus wiping the group and losing us the optional. Annoying, but we pushed through it. Plasma lance needs to be tuned down, which is apparently known.
    • The queen. Ahh, the queen. Gave it about 10 attempts before we collectively bailed. We tried kiting, varied distances, different sides, completely surrounding, everyone just died horribly and quickly. If there's a strategy to the queen in her current state, we could not discover it. This was the time where it went from "yay, new content" to "welp, TRIBBLE on this TRIBBLE."

    Other than that, love the STF, just fix the cutscene thing, plasma lances and tune the queen a bit and you're golden :D
  • sonulinu2sonulinu2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    timelord79 wrote: »
    Uh... but it is NOT a DPS race that 4-5 escorts are meant to breeze through.

    This mission is a nice mix of DPS in the beginning, with a good measure of aggro controll however.

    And then it is designed to be tanked! Really, take a look at the optionals... it gives you all the time in the world to do it but clearly says: TANK! Keep 3 players alive, keep 1 player alive!
    Not kill everything as fast as possible.

    This +1 !!!
  • themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Tried running it again this afternoon on Normal

    Jackwagons came in aggro'd everything then filled an entire screen complaining about how hard this is.

    One quit.

    We get through that, The Vgers come in and they start complaining about being one-shottted... despite two of us saying STAY CLOSE TO THE QUEEN.

    Then they started complaining about not being able to damage Vger1, tell them to target the regen probes they start complaining "WHO PUT YOU IN CHARGE" and out comes the third-grade level profanity.

    Two more quit.


    It's come to this?

    I expect this kind of behavior on Holodeck now we have it on Tribble too? Maybe instead of swearing and get ticked off... READ the directions, LISTEN the two players giving advice MAYBE the mission isn't that hard...

    Could be those players have never run a Red Alert. Many people skip them because they are buggy as hell and don't drop relevant rewards. Even if that was the case this mission would have worked if they followed the promptings of the other two players.


    No more pugging on tribble after this , that is for sure
  • katefilanderkatefilander Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Best STF ever. Never ever ever ever ever nerf this. (for Hive Onslaught anyway)

    However, given the difficulty it should give exponentially better rewards compared to the other space ones which are a pushover and no where near the same difficulty.
  • timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Best STF ever. Never ever ever ever ever nerf this. (for Hive Onslaught anyway)

    However, given the difficulty it should give exponentially better rewards compared to the other space ones which are a pushover and no where near the same difficulty.

    This I can agree with.
  • sean2448sean2448 Member Posts: 815 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    it is epic battle but the 2 mini bosses from red alerts seem to powerful you can't destroy them we all had fleet gear we just gave up
  • timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Did you destroy the regeneration probes? That's the first thin I learned when I set foot in a Red Alert. Kill regen probes before even firing at the mothership.
  • glassguitarglassguitar Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    partizan81 wrote: »
    My own thoughts on Elite:

    [*]The cutscene lag caused our ships to be automatically killed by the 2 Unimatrix ships before we could react, thus wiping the group and losing us the optional. Annoying, but we pushed through it. Plasma lance needs to be tuned down, which is apparently known.

    Other than that, love the STF, just fix the cutscene thing, plasma lances and tune the queen a bit and you're golden :D

    Cut scene lag does this to me a lot. Should build a short timer after the cut scene into the mission mechanics to prevent this (maybe, I am not a programmer)
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    timelord79 wrote: »
    Uh... but it is NOT a DPS race that 4-5 escorts are meant to breeze through.

    This mission is a nice mix of DPS in the beginning, with a good measure of aggro controll however.

    And then it is designed to be tanked! Really, take a look at the optionals... it gives you all the time in the world to do it but clearly says: TANK! Keep 3 players alive, keep 1 player alive!
    Not kill everything as fast as possible.

    how is anyone supposed to tank when there are hits that take between 90-100% of your heath every 30 seconds? i agree with what your saying, but any attempts to tank is undone by all the 1 shots, it derails everything. not the lances, the most of the time invisible normal plasma torps. with the respawn timer and the absurd amount of injuries from it all, its the opposite of fun.
  • timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well, I was perfectly able to tank it on normal with my tactical captain ina regent class ship not even purpose build for tanking. i consider it a balanced build.

    I couldn't do the same thing in Elite, but a dedicated tank might just be able to do it, assuming he gets help and heals from his 4 other team mates.
  • themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Focus fire on ONE cube at a time do not agro ALL the cubes.


    Stay on the INSIDE next to the queen ship. Focus fire on REGEN PROBES and PLASMA TORPS as they appear. Target one B'Ger at a time and BE PATIENT they have a lot of hull to chew. If a Regen appears drop what you are doing and shoot it. SUBNUKE the B'Ger periodically to disable the reflection shield.


    Fire everything. Subnuke the Queen ship and use subsystem disabling attacks. Keep her AUX offline if possible. DPS her into submission.

    This is not a DPS free-for-all where you can blitz the map in 10 min and pocket a load of salvage. You have to develop a strategy and coordinate.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    no amount of healing can offset the amount of damage they can pull out

    I've been able to do that. Why would you think that because you can't do it or don't know how to do it no one can? It's a bit arrogant...
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    diogene0 wrote: »
    I've been able to do that. Why would you think that because you can't do it or don't know how to do it no one can? It's a bit arrogant...

    I beat the mission in an Excelsior running Pol Hull and Subspace Modulator, MACO shields, capacity console and not much else in the way of healing. Eng 1 I think.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    themarie wrote: »
    I beat the mission in an Excelsior running Pol Hull and Subspace Modulator, MACO shields, capacity console and not much else in the way of healing. Eng 1 I think.

    I've done it in a galor, tanked the cigares, tanked the queen as long as our burden pick up didn't get closer than 5km. A galor isn't really a tanky ship. Sure it's a cruiser and it's resilient but I can't imagine how one could die in an odyssey for instance.

    But peole keep saying "it's too hard if i can't zerg the boss and dps race it" (that's what the current STFs are), instead of admitting they can progress and learn some tips to overcome the challenges.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    diogene0 wrote: »
    But peole keep saying "it's too hard if i can't zerg the boss and dps race it" (that's what the current STFs are), instead of admitting they can progress and learn some tips to overcome the challenges.

    Yeah... what he said! +1

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • velhymstovelhymsto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    timelord79 wrote: »
    This I can agree with.

    Normal Mode Hive was easily as difficult as previous mission Elites, and that's fine. Other games have this issue and the solution is usually just to improve the awards on the newer content. I think that's perfectly fair for these.

    One thing I'm finding I don't like, however, is that there is simply no loot drop at all from the boss.

    After finishing a climactic battle with the Borg Queen on ground and space, walking away from the instances with just a handful of tokens feels very unrewarding. There is typically a balance to be found with any type of token system of progression and actually having a physical loot reward as well. I realize all the major set components are being moved to the Reputation system at that is fine, but having the Queen drop, say, a blue quality VA console (completely random type) on normal, with one of better quality on Elite would not be an unwelcome move.

    It really irked me to walk away from the fights empty handed. I realize that the Omega Marks are supposed to more than make up for no loot, but you are still leaving players in a position where there's no sense of immediate gratification in your new reward system, and that's a rather dangerous thing.
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