First seen in Star Trek: Voyager, the Multi-Vector Advanced Escort (Prometheus Class) is available to Federation Vice Admirals. Read more about it and purchase it from the C-Store today.
CON: Reduce the CD and shared CD on its ability, by a minute or 2 and add fighter controls to control pets, it would be my favorite ship. Right now its a bigger risk to use then it is an advantage, agro multiple groups, die easily and long CDs make it very impractical.
PRO: I should mention, science heavy escort, the real advantage this ship has it the Lt.Cmr. Sci BOFF. Now sure it can take only 1st lvl abilities of the nice big sci abilities, but they can be buffed nicely by say APO 1 or 3. Use the Tachyon Console/Borg Console and a partical generator, buff it with tac buff of your choice and repulsion beam or gravity well can be very nasty.
Hi, my name is: Elim Garak, Former Cardassian Oppressor
LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?
Purchase of this ship from the C-Store will make its owner eligible for a 75% Fleet Ship Module reduction when purchasing the Fleet Advanced Escort.
Oh, I forgot I had this ship. I guess I could get it for one module. I'll just need to wait um, 5 or 6 months till my fleet reaches T4 with the season 7 new dil sinks.
Oh, I forgot I had this ship. I guess I could get it for one module. I'll just need to wait um, 5 or 6 months till my fleet reaches T4 with the season 7 new dil sinks.
Right there with ya
I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
And remember to follow the rules.
Oh, Brandon, now that you make this ship a featured one (and yes, I agree with my esteemed colleagues, as such, it should get a discount), could you find out an answer for my question about it?
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
got this ship way back when, when it cost as much as the defiant and other va ships. at some point it got its price bumped up to what was then dreadnought price which is normal price for everything now :rolleyes:
It would be nice to also have the bridge officer and stats layout in such featurettes as well. I know thats more work, but the cstore description window is quite small and a bit of a hassle to read on mobile devices.
add fighter controls to control pets, it would be my favorite ship
I am all for this and for the other ships with saucer seps and other pets. If Cryptic is not going to fix the AI of these items (suicide nuzzling), then let me control them. Otherwise, just give me money back because they are broken.
"attention all, we are featuring an out of date ship for the same price as always, to try and entice you to buy just in case you missed it the previous thousand visits to the c-store"
I agree with the previous posts and would also add that all previous c-store ships should be taken down as they cannot hope to keep up with lockbox ships and other fleet ships. They should also not be a prereq. to getting a fleet ship either.
It is another "double-dip in the wallets of our customers" philosophy that cryptic/PWE has ordained. You have to buy this ship in order to get the tier 4 version of it.. thereby spending more dilithium, etc.. on modules and fleet credits.
why make your customers only pay for things once when you can give them the exact same thing again with a few modifications and get double the profit. I feel as if I am bartering with a ferengi in a dark cargo bay. Shady...
Some fleets are getting near to tier 4 which is why it is such a "coincidence" that cryptic/pwe featured this ship now.
CON: Reduce the CD and shared CD on its ability, by a minute or 2 and add fighter controls to control pets, it would be my favorite ship. Right now its a bigger risk to use then it is an advantage, agro multiple groups, die easily and long CDs make it very impractical.
PRO: I should mention, science heavy escort, the real advantage this ship has it the Lt.Cmr. Sci BOFF. Now sure it can take only 1st lvl abilities of the nice big sci abilities, but they can be buffed nicely by say APO 1 or 3. Use the Tachyon Console/Borg Console and a partical generator, buff it with tac buff of your choice and repulsion beam or gravity well can be very nasty.
Bought mine way back... It's an ok ship but it's dated.
*) For example no effort has been made to fix the re-assemble animation.
*) The separated sections do not use the cannons and torpedos you install... somehow they get transfered to whatever section you are running. How that even works defies my understanding of even Star Trek Technobabble.
----They should make one unit mount cannons, another mount the torpedos/mines and the third revert to "basic weapons" but have a shield/turn/speed/hull buff or something
*) The pets do not have any sort of command ability, They go off and do their own thing.
Carrier commands should be added to this ship.
Complaints aside, it can be a fun ship in the right hands... I had fun with mine before I moved on to other ships.
I got it when I first started playing when it first came out... I haven't really used it since the AI is just too crappy and ends up only being good to attack one ship with while it hangs around to get destroyed by the explosion.
I would have thought they woulda worked on that AI before featureing it
I got it when I first started playing when it first came out... I haven't really used it since the AI is just too crappy and ends up only being good to attack one ship with while it hangs around to get destroyed by the explosion.
I would have thought they woulda worked on that AI before featureing it
They haven't figured out how to put AI upgrades into the lockboxes otherwise we'd have it by now. Same with the "fixed" animation.
They haven't figured out how to put AI upgrades into the lockboxes otherwise we'd have it by now. Same with the "fixed" animation.
ROFL no doubt. I could always use tractor replusors but in most cases when you use them to benefit yourself in combat you have friendly fire issues like for example donatra you might save your pets but you could also get your whole team wiped. They should have put some commands in for the pets a long time ago to prevent this but yer right it will probally be a lockbox for MVAE command console or something to actually be able to recall them immediately without them hanging around for the explosion rofl.
Great ship but the pets really need an upgrade to match the increase in upgrades they put in the game. This is what I don?t understand the Dev managed to upgrade most if not all of the NPC ships in the game but failed to upgrade the deployable non carrier pets.
If anyone (400+ day Vet) has leveled a new toon in the last month or so they would have noticed that the NPC ships abilities and weapons haven upgraded compared to say a 1 ? ago, so why has the deployable pets not been upgraded to compensate for this.
got this ship months ago and stopped using it as the pets were destroyed to fast , they are detroyed even faster now the new fleet content as been released . nps ships are overpowered
A general response to some of those who have raised issues:
- C-Store ships are the only way a lot of people are going to get the ships they want. Simple fact of the matter is that the vast majority of us are never getting any of the really high-tier starbase ships no matter how many ECs we scrimp up and how much we'd pay to the megafleets that manage to trudge out a T5 base.
- The AI, in my opinion, is fairly decent for the separation mode. At the very least it's better than the Flying Coffin (Aquarius) that comes with my Odyssey, and the Chevron that rarely fares much better in sep mode. However, I have heard it said that the real strength of the separated flight mode is that you get to choose a certain reconfiguration of the ship on the fly (e.g. more agility or more firepower), with the pets mostly a bonus. IMO that's a bit incorrect, but those people presumably have used the ship more than I have.
- Having a C-Store ship is NOT a prerequisite of having a fleet ship, although it does mean it costs 4 Fleet Ship Modules ($20) instead of 1 ($5).
- I am pretty certain that just about every separation pet in the game is incapable of equipping the mother ship's weapons, if the saucers on the Gal-R and Odyssey are any indication.
- That said, the BEST role of the MVAE is probably as a science escort (as was previously mentioned). The ship's bent is towards science, so if you like science ships or are a science captain, but want an escort, this is probably the ship for you.
All of this said? I hardly ever use my MVAE. When I want to take out an escort (I rarely do, but sometimes do on my Tac), I almost always reach for my old, faithful Defiant-R, which is slightly faster and has better firepower thanks to the Lt. Cmdr tac slot. It's a little bit frailer, but IMO that's pretty well made up for by the better firepower and maneuverability. And I've got to admit, even though it's not the most effective cloak around, but it's still got a cloak. While the MVAE is a good ship, I simply prefer the Def-R.
I would recommend the MVAE if you want a somewhat tougher escort (at the expensive of maneuverability), a science escort, a pet addict, want to be able to change configuration in battle, or your basic T5 escort of choice is the Advanced Escort and you want something a bit different. As a side note, you can equip the separation console on your regular Advanced Escort, in case you prefer that ship's configuration, but want to use separation mode.
best role is a science escort ? , a science ship but read the store description =
The Multi-Vector Advanced Escort is the ultimate tactical design. The ship comes equipped with a Multi-Vector Assault Module, which enables the ship to separate into Alpha, Beta and Gamma sections, each with its own capabilities
First seen in Star Trek: Voyager, the Multi-Vector Advanced Escort (Prometheus Class) is available to Federation Vice Admirals. Read more about it and purchase it from the C-Store today.
Just wondering since you guys repost old news from month to month like the dilithium mining could another blog you post every month be the guide to STFs this would be a great help for players who use "pugs."
It is the only escort with a LtC science slot, and there's where you get to use nifty science magick.
The AE is a good, but really you are starved for slots when it comes to PVP, so I can't think of where am I going to stick the MVAE console in. But if you do, you're the only Fed escort able to match the Attack Bug turn for turn. Tanking its bite is a whole other ball game, however...
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
It is the only escort with a LtC science slot, and there's where you get to use nifty science magick.
actually, the temporal destroyer (which is an escort, no matter what its called) has an ltc universal. guess what I am gonna put in there, if I ever get lucky enough to get that ship ^^
actually, the temporal destroyer (which is an escort, no matter what its called) has an ltc universal. guess what I am gonna put in there, if I ever get lucky enough to get that ship ^^
I'm not considering boxships. They can do whatever they IWIN want. :P
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
It is not a Science Escort, it is a "Science Heavy" Escort, meaning 3 science consoles and a Lt.Cmr. Science BOFF. The Patrol Escort for example favors Engineering and the Tactical Escort Retrofit is a pure tactical escort.
Hi, my name is: Elim Garak, Former Cardassian Oppressor
LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?
Meh, its a nice ship and I even have the Fleet version. If you guys are going to advertise your old TRIBBLE, you could at the very least put some time into fixing its many bugs:
Still the ship parts do not match the skin you are using.
You still stop dead when activating MVAM and should be updated to use the Odyssey tech.
The pets are mostly useless because you cannot control them and they end up going on a suicide mission and like to fly right by exploding ships!
The pets are mostly useless because you cannot control them and they end up going on a suicide mission and like to fly right by exploding ships!
The AI is hopeless, see above....
Oh yes. This is so annoying. The "ship-is-about-to-expode-let's-fly-closer"- mode is not deactivatable.
I wonder what's the point of featuring a ship if you do not give us the slightest discount? "Oh I didn't buy it so far. But now that it's featured I must have it?"
the new Freepers won't even know that you once could get this ship for 100% FREE
and then later, just before F2P, i bought it anyway to have it account wide before the price bump and i'm using it on a SCI char now instead of a TAC who since then got a nice Tier 5 Armitag ahem AKIRA Class.
MVAM + Holo fleet from Science Captain Powers results in some nice pet spam, now if i only could get the power from that Temporal Ship with the mirror universe duplicates slotted on my MVAM that'd be too epic...
Geko told us (a long long time ago, back when the Odyssey was just out) that they were working with new Tech from the Odyssey to make the parts that fly back to you your own Ships (instead of this default animation, with wrong ship parts), and that the Ship would not have to STOP midflight to go into MVAM mode... (on the show they did that at WARP!!! so why do we need to stop even at impulse?).
I think i remember that i've read later that they ran into some sort of code problem and then no word popped up about it ever again.
What did ever happen to that? Any chance this will still happen?
PS: how about a new 2409 skin for the Ship?
I will of course get the Fleet Variant for one module (already bought for EC on the exchange) but we just made Tier 4, Tier 5 will take a long time.
@Brandon: good job bringing player attention back to old bugs, now get em fixed ;P
i have this ship and i like it a lot but i kinda love the normal rear admiral one better and i was hoping that you can make the the LT Commander a universal slot instead to give ppl the choice on wether they want an engi,tac or sci. the second is when separating adding your name to all vector ships pets instead of the one your using cause its kinda make no sense in pvp when your opponent know exactly witch ship your in.
Can someone explain me the point of this?
Is this meant as a joke, because i don't get it...
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
PRO: I should mention, science heavy escort, the real advantage this ship has it the Lt.Cmr. Sci BOFF. Now sure it can take only 1st lvl abilities of the nice big sci abilities, but they can be buffed nicely by say APO 1 or 3. Use the Tachyon Console/Borg Console and a partical generator, buff it with tac buff of your choice and repulsion beam or gravity well can be very nasty.
LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?
Oh, I forgot I had this ship. I guess I could get it for one module. I'll just need to wait um, 5 or 6 months till my fleet reaches T4 with the season 7 new dil sinks.
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
Right now, the animation still uses generic Prometheus parts, and when they mush back together, they magically turn into what my ship looks like.
Sort of immersion-breaking, and been that way since the ship's initial release.
Right there with ya
I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
And remember to follow the rules.
I dont understand. that is teknology in the aktionz. cant you appriciate how realistic it is?
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
I'd be very thankful.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
I am all for this and for the other ships with saucer seps and other pets. If Cryptic is not going to fix the AI of these items (suicide nuzzling), then let me control them. Otherwise, just give me money back because they are broken.
"attention all, we are featuring an out of date ship for the same price as always, to try and entice you to buy just in case you missed it the previous thousand visits to the c-store"
I agree with the previous posts and would also add that all previous c-store ships should be taken down as they cannot hope to keep up with lockbox ships and other fleet ships. They should also not be a prereq. to getting a fleet ship either.
It is another "double-dip in the wallets of our customers" philosophy that cryptic/PWE has ordained. You have to buy this ship in order to get the tier 4 version of it.. thereby spending more dilithium, etc.. on modules and fleet credits.
why make your customers only pay for things once when you can give them the exact same thing again with a few modifications and get double the profit. I feel as if I am bartering with a ferengi in a dark cargo bay. Shady...
Some fleets are getting near to tier 4 which is why it is such a "coincidence" that cryptic/pwe featured this ship now.
well spoken....
*) For example no effort has been made to fix the re-assemble animation.
*) The separated sections do not use the cannons and torpedos you install... somehow they get transfered to whatever section you are running. How that even works defies my understanding of even Star Trek Technobabble.
----They should make one unit mount cannons, another mount the torpedos/mines and the third revert to "basic weapons" but have a shield/turn/speed/hull buff or something
*) The pets do not have any sort of command ability, They go off and do their own thing.
Carrier commands should be added to this ship.
Complaints aside, it can be a fun ship in the right hands... I had fun with mine before I moved on to other ships.
I would have thought they woulda worked on that AI before featureing it
They haven't figured out how to put AI upgrades into the lockboxes otherwise we'd have it by now. Same with the "fixed" animation.
ROFL no doubt. I could always use tractor replusors but in most cases when you use them to benefit yourself in combat you have friendly fire issues like for example donatra you might save your pets but you could also get your whole team wiped. They should have put some commands in for the pets a long time ago to prevent this but yer right it will probally be a lockbox for MVAE command console or something to actually be able to recall them immediately without them hanging around for the explosion rofl.
If anyone (400+ day Vet) has leveled a new toon in the last month or so they would have noticed that the NPC ships abilities and weapons haven upgraded compared to say a 1 ? ago, so why has the deployable pets not been upgraded to compensate for this.
- C-Store ships are the only way a lot of people are going to get the ships they want. Simple fact of the matter is that the vast majority of us are never getting any of the really high-tier starbase ships no matter how many ECs we scrimp up and how much we'd pay to the megafleets that manage to trudge out a T5 base.
- The AI, in my opinion, is fairly decent for the separation mode. At the very least it's better than the Flying Coffin (Aquarius) that comes with my Odyssey, and the Chevron that rarely fares much better in sep mode. However, I have heard it said that the real strength of the separated flight mode is that you get to choose a certain reconfiguration of the ship on the fly (e.g. more agility or more firepower), with the pets mostly a bonus. IMO that's a bit incorrect, but those people presumably have used the ship more than I have.
- Having a C-Store ship is NOT a prerequisite of having a fleet ship, although it does mean it costs 4 Fleet Ship Modules ($20) instead of 1 ($5).
- I am pretty certain that just about every separation pet in the game is incapable of equipping the mother ship's weapons, if the saucers on the Gal-R and Odyssey are any indication.
- That said, the BEST role of the MVAE is probably as a science escort (as was previously mentioned). The ship's bent is towards science, so if you like science ships or are a science captain, but want an escort, this is probably the ship for you.
All of this said? I hardly ever use my MVAE. When I want to take out an escort (I rarely do, but sometimes do on my Tac), I almost always reach for my old, faithful Defiant-R, which is slightly faster and has better firepower thanks to the Lt. Cmdr tac slot. It's a little bit frailer, but IMO that's pretty well made up for by the better firepower and maneuverability. And I've got to admit, even though it's not the most effective cloak around, but it's still got a cloak. While the MVAE is a good ship, I simply prefer the Def-R.
I would recommend the MVAE if you want a somewhat tougher escort (at the expensive of maneuverability), a science escort, a pet addict, want to be able to change configuration in battle, or your basic T5 escort of choice is the Advanced Escort and you want something a bit different. As a side note, you can equip the separation console on your regular Advanced Escort, in case you prefer that ship's configuration, but want to use separation mode.
does not sound like a science ship to me
Just wondering since you guys repost old news from month to month like the dilithium mining could another blog you post every month be the guide to STFs this would be a great help for players who use "pugs."
The AE is a good, but really you are starved for slots when it comes to PVP, so I can't think of where am I going to stick the MVAE console in. But if you do, you're the only Fed escort able to match the Attack Bug turn for turn. Tanking its bite is a whole other ball game, however...
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
actually, the temporal destroyer (which is an escort, no matter what its called) has an ltc universal. guess what I am gonna put in there, if I ever get lucky enough to get that ship ^^
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
I'm not considering boxships. They can do whatever they IWIN want. :P
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?
Still the ship parts do not match the skin you are using.
You still stop dead when activating MVAM and should be updated to use the Odyssey tech.
The pets are mostly useless because you cannot control them and they end up going on a suicide mission and like to fly right by exploding ships!
The AI is hopeless, see above....
Oh yes. This is so annoying. The "ship-is-about-to-expode-let's-fly-closer"- mode is not deactivatable.
I wonder what's the point of featuring a ship if you do not give us the slightest discount? "Oh I didn't buy it so far. But now that it's featured I must have it?"
back in the day i got mine for 500 EMBLEMS !!!
the new Freepers won't even know that you once could get this ship for 100% FREE
and then later, just before F2P, i bought it anyway to have it account wide before the price bump and i'm using it on a SCI char now instead of a TAC who since then got a nice Tier 5 Armitag ahem AKIRA Class.
MVAM + Holo fleet from Science Captain Powers results in some nice pet spam, now if i only could get the power from that Temporal Ship with the mirror universe duplicates slotted on my MVAM that'd be too epic...
Geko told us (a long long time ago, back when the Odyssey was just out) that they were working with new Tech from the Odyssey to make the parts that fly back to you your own Ships (instead of this default animation, with wrong ship parts), and that the Ship would not have to STOP midflight to go into MVAM mode... (on the show they did that at WARP!!! so why do we need to stop even at impulse?).
I think i remember that i've read later that they ran into some sort of code problem and then no word popped up about it ever again.
What did ever happen to that? Any chance this will still happen?
PS: how about a new 2409 skin for the Ship?
I will of course get the Fleet Variant for one module (already bought for EC on the exchange) but we just made Tier 4, Tier 5 will take a long time.
@Brandon: good job bringing player attention back to old bugs, now get em fixed ;P
Is this meant as a joke, because i don't get it...