I still fly a B'rel retrofit with usually positive results. My commander slot is tactical with APO3, BO3, THY2, and TT1.
Basically I run a slightly modified version of Thisslers build but customized to my playstyle. While I would LOVE another tac console slot and would gladly pay for a fleet version of the B'rel retrofit with the EBC and another tac console and/or another universial lt. commander slot (Are you listening Cryptic?) I still do well with the B'rel as is. It's not always easy, but it's always fun.
I'm still in my hegh ta and using a cmdr tac, of all things.
Nearly unlocking the t3 fleet bop with shuttle hull and shields, and I intend to float between sci cmdr and eng cmdr when i'm in that.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the hegh'ta will be better... 16500 hull is just... BO I to a full facing teritory :P
Against good players in z-store and up ships yes, w/certain b'rel ships being a situational acception.
Imo, even for Sci now the vet ship is better for most builds use the KDF Vet ship.
For tacs KDF Vet or Fleet Torkaht.
BoP/Brel not really good for Eng compared to Cruisers/Carriers.
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
In this day is their any viable niche for the old hegtha and brel bops? What are u rocking in that uni commander slot, and why?
Im still running my ancient kit, but i can still get kills with a little luck, and alot more skill than the enemy (usually jem ship nowadays)
do tell, if anyone still flies em
What do you bop and why
The Jem you fought yesterday is a veteran 1v1er (Draco). He rarely speaks, and has never been in a PvP fleet until now. He spars with Yoda on a regular basis, as well as myself. He's mostly low on the radar for these reasons.
Your bop is not obsolete, the bop is a very elegant ship. It's role is probably best executed by yourself and a few others. Mostly Kerrat dwellers from ISC and Devils Rejects have built some of the most interesting BoPs I've seen.
Although, a fleet variant will give you an extra console and some more HP, you know as well as I that the main defense on a BoP is the battle cloak. This does not change in the fleet version.
That very same pilot lost to ZackerySS the same day 5-3 in a 1v1. Everyone has a counter, everyone has a weak point.
I hope your confidence in your stuff isn't shaken up by one match.
i love my b'rel. although my klingon main tac is rocking the fleet vorcha right now, i have my b'rel in the hangar ready to go when i feel like a stroll though kerrat. its the perfect kerrat ship, but in the arenas it pops like a shuttle sometimes....so, i built her really engie heavy to keep up....check it out:
Qen Oy (tac) - IKS Soghloch Et
Disruptor DBB accx3
disruptor DHC accx3
2 x Quantum Torps accx2 crtD
2 disruptor turrets of "meh"
KHG shields, engine.
Borg def
Aux batteries, Subspace field modulator
1 x Neutronium, 1 x plas leech, 1 RCS
2 x shield gen, 1 x borg console
3 x Disruptor coil
typical BOP mindset for piloting. all spike and agility with no silly sci frills. evasive every 25 seconds lines up with aux2sif a lot believe it or not, which hardens my hull along with the subspace field modulator (devidian missions i think?) for alternate hull hardening for battlecloak.
a BO3 and HY2 every 15 seconds. boom boom. extra torps flying out all the time. keep your distance once and a while and just fire off streams of HY quantums on the focus target of another ship.
epts up all the time..... RSP to get you another 6 seconds to hopefully get out and cloak if you've been smacked around by sci CC too much.
i like this build. been flying it for over a year. land the torps and the overload at the same time between your target's tac team cycle and watch them melt.
Mini the Modern Bop's best use is as a science deliverance engine. It's bee that way for a long long time.
The newer fleet bops are better in every way mind you. But if you're going to fly bop that's really it's best use, sadly.
I see what you're saying here but I don't completely agree. The BoP is best used as a science deliverance engine only because of the sever lack of science ships on the KDF side. If you want to fly a sci ship on the KDF side you have very little to choose from. It's universal bridge slots give it the abliity to fill in nicely as a sci bird but the BoP has always been about flexibility. Well flexibilty and the battle cloak but flexibility for sure. It can be nasty as a tac ship too but I'm not sure about eng.
I see what you're saying here but I don't completely agree. The BoP is best used as a science deliverance engine only because of the sever lack of science ships on the KDF side. If you want to fly a sci ship on the KDF side you have very little to choose from. It's universal bridge slots give it the abliity to fill in nicely as a sci bird but the BoP has always been about flexibility. Well flexibilty and the battle cloak but flexibility for sure. It can be nasty as a tac ship too but I'm not sure about eng.
Unless future kdf sci ships have cloak and DHCs the bop will still be a strong sci deliverance engine. :P (notice I didn't say battlecloak just cloak. )
Unless future kdf sci ships have cloak and DHCs the bop will still be a strong sci deliverance engine. :P (notice I didn't say battlecloak just cloak. )
Well after they gave a BC to the KDF vet destroyer you never know what cryptic will do.
i love my b'rel. although my klingon main tac is rocking the fleet vorcha right now, i have my b'rel in the hangar ready to go when i feel like a stroll though kerrat. its the perfect kerrat ship, but in the arenas it pops like a shuttle sometimes....so, i built her really engie heavy to keep up....check it out:
Qen Oy (tac) - IKS Soghloch Et
Disruptor DBB accx3
disruptor DHC accx3
2 x Quantum Torps accx2 crtD
2 disruptor turrets of "meh"
KHG shields, engine.
Borg def
Aux batteries, Subspace field modulator
1 x Neutronium, 1 x plas leech, 1 RCS
2 x shield gen, 1 x borg console
3 x Disruptor coil
typical BOP mindset for piloting. all spike and agility with no silly sci frills. evasive every 25 seconds lines up with aux2sif a lot believe it or not, which hardens my hull along with the subspace field modulator (devidian missions i think?) for alternate hull hardening for battlecloak.
a BO3 and HY2 every 15 seconds. boom boom. extra torps flying out all the time. keep your distance once and a while and just fire off streams of HY quantums on the focus target of another ship.
epts up all the time..... RSP to get you another 6 seconds to hopefully get out and cloak if you've been smacked around by sci CC too much.
i like this build. been flying it for over a year. land the torps and the overload at the same time between your target's tac team cycle and watch them melt.
have fun kill bad guys
W/the Vet ship you can TT, HY2, BO3 APO3
EPTW, Aux2Batt1
TB (or other utility)
3xTech, 2x Torp
Have an extra rear weapon slot, lotus/shield vamp, BC, slower turnrate/1 less console, 1xtra device slot, more hull and built in +30 ACC so you can dump some of the ACC mods for CritH or CritD.
Or basically use your setup w/an xtra ens Boff and rear weapon mount and the built in +30 ACC and much more hull.
Other than some Sci oriented builds the Vet ship, Fleet Torkaht, or even Karfi wins out anymore. This doesn't include the Lotto ship options either. 2k Zpoints per ship is too much imo for the limited benefits of the Fleet Raiders. Imo, even the Fl Destroyers and Escorts are behind most of the Z-Store/Fed Fleet Escort options.
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
Mini the Modern Bop's best use is as a science deliverance engine. It's bee that way for a long long time.
The newer fleet bops are better in every way mind you. But if you're going to fly bop that's really it's best use, sadly.
None of the new Fleet ships have the EBC which Sci builds take best advantage of imo. If the 16k hull version had EBC it may be worth tinkering with.
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
will have to check that out, grabbed the fleet vorcha for the boff layout but i love the quick strike ability of the bop so much i always have it ready to go.
will have to check that out, grabbed the fleet vorcha for the boff layout but i love the quick strike ability of the bop so much i always have it ready to go.
thanks man
Np, fyi it's like have 2 less consoles when using the ship's console. Also, I forgot to mention it has 4 Tac consoles compared to most of the raiders having 3.
I use an RCS w/Omega engines & shields and @ high Engine power it's ~mid 30s turn for me w/o taking into account shield procs and Boff/Captain powers.
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
will have to check that out, grabbed the fleet vorcha for the boff layout but i love the quick strike ability of the bop so much i always have it ready to go.
thanks man
I'm in the exact same situation. I have the fleet vorcha sitting in my hangar bay collecting dust. Maybe I'll play with it a little and see if I like it.
what about the fleet bop? the one that looks like the bortas pooped it out?
21 turn rate
25k hull?
4 tac consoles
is it that much of a jump from the b'rel?
It doesn't have the EBC and iirc the turnrate is a little worse than the B'rel. For me it comes down to is the xtra Tac console worth 2k zen per ship per toon. Or, w/the 16k hull ship w/o an EBC can you really snipe like you need to w/such a low hulll?
If there was a fleet raider w/3-4-3 console setup, 3rd rear mount, and EBC than it'd be worth it for a Sci B'rel anyway imo.
Edit: For tac's I'd still take the Fleet torkaht or the Vet ship (assuming most people in this thread have been around long enough it's an option).
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
The old school BOP's still kill. I have a toon in a Hegh'ta Heavy Bird and although I haven't fully mastered the Thissler method, I still do some impressive damage. I don't think the BOP''s are obsolete, they just need a bit more love.
I love my Heghy, for all her faults and obsoleteness and being from a simpler time, no other ship in the game makes me feel like an avatar of death the way a BoP does. Pretty incredible considering it has the game's worst stats in almost every area.
I typically fly a build identical to the one thishorizon posted on the first page, although (IIRC) I swap out a torp for a second DHC and I take spread instead of HY (it's really not a big deal, I only even take spread because I'm too lazy to find someone who'll train me in HY3). The idea is to pack as much burst into as little amount of time as possible, from what I understand this is as old a school of thought as can be when it comes to the BoP. It helps if you know how to use BO and torps properly, this ship is like baking a delicate souffle and it's 150% about timing.
If you don't kill someone in the Tac-Ghta just slam evasive and get out of dodge, you're not a slugger and you have very limited life support so don't draw attention to yourself.
I don't KvF very often (sorry folks but I like my opponents to fight back with arms stronger than a bag of soggy ramen) but when I do, I use a variation on a build that Hei Qin or Havam from SVR taught me: zone denial and hard CC. The idea is to make the BoP the most annoying little ******* mosquito there ever was. EWP3, PSW (not as good as it once was but great for breaking up ESs), TBR, Grav Well, the works.
I've also seen Sci-BoPs that have had me on complete lockdown through loading up to the gills on cheese.
I retired my Tac/Bop for a Tac/1k ship reciently. And I couldn't be happier. Sure I don't have Enhanced Battle Cloak, but I have survivability.. which I enjoy more.
You think that your beta test was bad?
Think about this: American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
I'll just have to swing harder and better to put vet ships into the ground
i said the same thing once, and then vet ship. does everything my vorcha did, better. its practically only kill able in situations that would have killed the vorcha too. and with pure luck, the battle cloak has saved me from certain death many times now, the thing is so durable
Why use energy weapons on the B'rel, seems like a waste of money to buy it and not use enhance battle cloak.
I use this build:
fore: 1x quantum, 1x photon, 1x harghpeng, 1xtricobalt
or 2x rapid reload transphasic, 1x regular transphasic, 1x transphasic cluster
aft: 2x tricobalt mines
KHG deflector
Borg engines
KHG shields
2x neutrononium, 1x assimilated module
3x stealth console
3x torpedo consoles or 3x transphasic consoles
Just kill with EWP and tricobalt mines DPB3 if they look like a tough target or just use full tac buffs then fire HY3 salvo then finish with other torps.
Also the DPB3 tricobalt mines can be fun to use on the spawn in Kerrat, just kill yourself around 30 secs to 1 min before reset, respawn, cloak and sit on spawn, 15 seconds before reset fire all buffs, drop dpb3 mines, then Brace for impact and use other defensive buffs so you don't die from all the exploding ships:D Best way to clear the spawn to stop all the Feds from doing the usual spawn gank as soon as reset happens.
Link to build here
Basically I run a slightly modified version of Thisslers build but customized to my playstyle. While I would LOVE another tac console slot and would gladly pay for a fleet version of the B'rel retrofit with the EBC and another tac console and/or another universial lt. commander slot (Are you listening Cryptic?) I still do well with the B'rel as is. It's not always easy, but it's always fun.
Nearly unlocking the t3 fleet bop with shuttle hull and shields, and I intend to float between sci cmdr and eng cmdr when i'm in that.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the hegh'ta will be better... 16500 hull is just... BO I to a full facing teritory :P
Imo, even for Sci now the vet ship is better for most builds use the KDF Vet ship.
For tacs KDF Vet or Fleet Torkaht.
BoP/Brel not really good for Eng compared to Cruisers/Carriers.
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
The Jem you fought yesterday is a veteran 1v1er (Draco). He rarely speaks, and has never been in a PvP fleet until now. He spars with Yoda on a regular basis, as well as myself. He's mostly low on the radar for these reasons.
Your bop is not obsolete, the bop is a very elegant ship. It's role is probably best executed by yourself and a few others. Mostly Kerrat dwellers from ISC and Devils Rejects have built some of the most interesting BoPs I've seen.
Although, a fleet variant will give you an extra console and some more HP, you know as well as I that the main defense on a BoP is the battle cloak. This does not change in the fleet version.
That very same pilot lost to ZackerySS the same day 5-3 in a 1v1. Everyone has a counter, everyone has a weak point.
I hope your confidence in your stuff isn't shaken up by one match.
Take care Minimax.
-PaxOttomana of Turkish RP Heroes.
The newer fleet bops are better in every way mind you. But if you're going to fly bop that's really it's best use, sadly.
i love my b'rel. although my klingon main tac is rocking the fleet vorcha right now, i have my b'rel in the hangar ready to go when i feel like a stroll though kerrat. its the perfect kerrat ship, but in the arenas it pops like a shuttle sometimes....so, i built her really engie heavy to keep up....check it out:
Qen Oy (tac) - IKS Soghloch Et
Disruptor DBB accx3
disruptor DHC accx3
2 x Quantum Torps accx2 crtD
2 disruptor turrets of "meh"
KHG shields, engine.
Borg def
Aux batteries, Subspace field modulator
1 x Neutronium, 1 x plas leech, 1 RCS
2 x shield gen, 1 x borg console
3 x Disruptor coil
3 purple torp cooldown doffs
2 purple evasive cooldown doffs
TT1, HY2, BO3, APO3
TT1, HY2, BO3
typical BOP mindset for piloting. all spike and agility with no silly sci frills. evasive every 25 seconds lines up with aux2sif a lot believe it or not, which hardens my hull along with the subspace field modulator (devidian missions i think?) for alternate hull hardening for battlecloak.
a BO3 and HY2 every 15 seconds. boom boom. extra torps flying out all the time. keep your distance once and a while and just fire off streams of HY quantums on the focus target of another ship.
epts up all the time..... RSP to get you another 6 seconds to hopefully get out and cloak if you've been smacked around by sci CC too much.
i like this build. been flying it for over a year. land the torps and the overload at the same time between your target's tac team cycle and watch them melt.
have fun kill bad guys
I see what you're saying here but I don't completely agree. The BoP is best used as a science deliverance engine only because of the sever lack of science ships on the KDF side. If you want to fly a sci ship on the KDF side you have very little to choose from. It's universal bridge slots give it the abliity to fill in nicely as a sci bird but the BoP has always been about flexibility. Well flexibilty and the battle cloak but flexibility for sure. It can be nasty as a tac ship too but I'm not sure about eng.
Unless future kdf sci ships have cloak and DHCs the bop will still be a strong sci deliverance engine. :P (notice I didn't say battlecloak just cloak. )
Well after they gave a BC to the KDF vet destroyer you never know what cryptic will do.
W/the Vet ship you can TT, HY2, BO3 APO3
EPTW, Aux2Batt1
TB (or other utility)
3xTech, 2x Torp
Have an extra rear weapon slot, lotus/shield vamp, BC, slower turnrate/1 less console, 1xtra device slot, more hull and built in +30 ACC so you can dump some of the ACC mods for CritH or CritD.
Or basically use your setup w/an xtra ens Boff and rear weapon mount and the built in +30 ACC and much more hull.
Other than some Sci oriented builds the Vet ship, Fleet Torkaht, or even Karfi wins out anymore. This doesn't include the Lotto ship options either. 2k Zpoints per ship is too much imo for the limited benefits of the Fleet Raiders. Imo, even the Fl Destroyers and Escorts are behind most of the Z-Store/Fed Fleet Escort options.
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
None of the new Fleet ships have the EBC which Sci builds take best advantage of imo. If the 16k hull version had EBC it may be worth tinkering with.
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
will have to check that out, grabbed the fleet vorcha for the boff layout but i love the quick strike ability of the bop so much i always have it ready to go.
thanks man
Np, fyi it's like have 2 less consoles when using the ship's console. Also, I forgot to mention it has 4 Tac consoles compared to most of the raiders having 3.
I use an RCS w/Omega engines & shields and @ high Engine power it's ~mid 30s turn for me w/o taking into account shield procs and Boff/Captain powers.
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
I'm in the exact same situation. I have the fleet vorcha sitting in my hangar bay collecting dust. Maybe I'll play with it a little and see if I like it.
I'll just have to swing harder and better to put vet ships into the ground
It's the only ship I fly on my KDF character.
21 turn rate
25k hull?
4 tac consoles
is it that much of a jump from the b'rel?
It doesn't have the EBC and iirc the turnrate is a little worse than the B'rel. For me it comes down to is the xtra Tac console worth 2k zen per ship per toon. Or, w/the 16k hull ship w/o an EBC can you really snipe like you need to w/such a low hulll?
If there was a fleet raider w/3-4-3 console setup, 3rd rear mount, and EBC than it'd be worth it for a Sci B'rel anyway imo.
Edit: For tac's I'd still take the Fleet torkaht or the Vet ship (assuming most people in this thread have been around long enough it's an option).
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
I typically fly a build identical to the one thishorizon posted on the first page, although (IIRC) I swap out a torp for a second DHC and I take spread instead of HY (it's really not a big deal, I only even take spread because I'm too lazy to find someone who'll train me in HY3). The idea is to pack as much burst into as little amount of time as possible, from what I understand this is as old a school of thought as can be when it comes to the BoP. It helps if you know how to use BO and torps properly, this ship is like baking a delicate souffle and it's 150% about timing.
If you don't kill someone in the Tac-Ghta just slam evasive and get out of dodge, you're not a slugger and you have very limited life support so don't draw attention to yourself.
I don't KvF very often (sorry folks but I like my opponents to fight back with arms stronger than a bag of soggy ramen) but when I do, I use a variation on a build that Hei Qin or Havam from SVR taught me: zone denial and hard CC. The idea is to make the BoP the most annoying little ******* mosquito there ever was. EWP3, PSW (not as good as it once was but great for breaking up ESs), TBR, Grav Well, the works.
I've also seen Sci-BoPs that have had me on complete lockdown through loading up to the gills on cheese.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
i said the same thing once, and then vet ship. does everything my vorcha did, better. its practically only kill able in situations that would have killed the vorcha too. and with pure luck, the battle cloak has saved me from certain death many times now, the thing is so durable
I use this build:
fore: 1x quantum, 1x photon, 1x harghpeng, 1xtricobalt
or 2x rapid reload transphasic, 1x regular transphasic, 1x transphasic cluster
aft: 2x tricobalt mines
KHG deflector
Borg engines
KHG shields
2x neutrononium, 1x assimilated module
3x stealth console
3x torpedo consoles or 3x transphasic consoles
Just kill with EWP and tricobalt mines DPB3 if they look like a tough target or just use full tac buffs then fire HY3 salvo then finish with other torps.
Also the DPB3 tricobalt mines can be fun to use on the spawn in Kerrat, just kill yourself around 30 secs to 1 min before reset, respawn, cloak and sit on spawn, 15 seconds before reset fire all buffs, drop dpb3 mines, then Brace for impact and use other defensive buffs so you don't die from all the exploding ships:D Best way to clear the spawn to stop all the Feds from doing the usual spawn gank as soon as reset happens.
thats why you use energy weapons on a bop.
Its Ho'sus all the way!
And the tier 3 one isnt bad either, just more squishy then ever, with some resistance its manageable.