As things now stand , the New Reputation System looks to put an end to a number of currency's , and has the potential to introduce some new ones (i.e. Romulan Marks) .
The potential list of currencies that may go away include :
EDS's (Encrypted Data Chips)
Rare Borg Salvage
Prototype Borg Salvage
Requisition "forms" (for shields , engines , PSG's , and the rest)
Rare Borg Tech
Prototype Borg Tech
Now , some of these may go away and some of these may stay and be included somehow in the new Rep System .
My question to Cryptic is , are there any suggestions as to what to do with all this stuff we've accumulated over the last year (or more) ?
Are there perhaps plans to make them actually useful somehow (?) or will it be the : "if you want to "clean house" , take them to Roxy and convert them to Dil" ?
I'd love the option to equip my Boffs w/ Mark X or XI Maco/Omega Force gear for the visuals for example .
What will be the fate of some of the ingame currencies post S.7 ?
I hope they rot.
You are mentioning things that are called currencies for whatever silly reason. Something is a currency if you can get it by SELLING things. If you can't get it by selling things in MMO, then it's probably a grinding collectible. As usual, why would we call something with it's real name when it sounds so negative.
As things now stand , the New Reputation System looks to put an end to a number of currency's , and has the potential to introduce some new ones (i.e. Romulan Marks) .
The potential list of currencies that may go away include :
EDS's (Encrypted Data Chips)
Rare Borg Salvage
Prototype Borg Salvage
Requisition "forms" (for shields , engines , PSG's , and the rest)
Rare Borg Tech
Prototype Borg Tech
Now , some of these may go away and some of these may stay and be included somehow in the new Rep System .
My question to Cryptic is , are there any suggestions as to what to do with all this stuff we've accumulated over the last year (or more) ?
Are there perhaps plans to make them actually useful somehow (?) or will it be the : "if you want to "clean house" , take them to Roxy and convert them to Dil" ?
I'd love the option to equip my Boffs w/ Mark X or XI Maco/Omega Force gear for the visuals for example .
Brandon ?
Anyone ?
based on the S5 currency conversion, I doubt that you ll have much use for your accumulated currencies past conversion, would kind of defy the purpose.
Problem is, Even if DSTAHL comes out here stating how much more use you get out of your currencies, the example they set with S5 doesn't make me believe one word they say about currencies.
TL;DR get you gear now, i doubt it ll be easier come S7
If you log in to youtube and watch the latest priority one video most of your questions will be answered,
all the borg currencies will go, be replaced with romulan marks, also you won't have to rely on random drops to get all the good gear with the new reputaton system you can build up to it, see your progress and how far to go the achieve such gear. Do elite stf,s you'll get there quicker than on normal.
Sounds like some good changes to me, looking forward to seeing how it all works.
As things now stand , the New Reputation System looks to put an end to a number of currency's , and has the potential to introduce some new ones (i.e. Romulan Marks) .
The potential list of currencies that may go away include :
EDS's (Encrypted Data Chips)
Rare Borg Salvage
Prototype Borg Salvage
Requisition "forms" (for shields , engines , PSG's , and the rest)
Rare Borg Tech
Prototype Borg Tech
Now , some of these may go away and some of these may stay and be included somehow in the new Rep System .
My question to Cryptic is , are there any suggestions as to what to do with all this stuff we've accumulated over the last year (or more) ?
Are there perhaps plans to make them actually useful somehow (?) or will it be the : "if you want to "clean house" , take them to Roxy and convert them to Dil" ?
I'd love the option to equip my Boffs w/ Mark X or XI Maco/Omega Force gear for the visuals for example .
Brandon ?
Anyone ?
In the Priority One Video where they visited Cryptic Studios and spoke to Gecko and Borticus, they spoke of the EDC's etc being retroactively changed into the new currency.
Much like what they did with Emblems converting into Dilithium. The only problem is, they also said that we would not get full reimbursement for the conversion. So just like the Emblem/Dilithium fiasco, we stand to lose some of our earned currency
Is ENDGAME still ENDGAME if the ENDGAME has an END to it?
Right now for EDC / Slavage / Tech we can get DILITHIUM if we no longer have use for the items in the STF Shop.
This and the Dilithium you get anyway from playing STFs makes them viable Endgame content.
Now with the new Reputation System EDC / Salvage / Tech are going away.
Including the option to turn them into DIL.
As everything else this Reputation System will have an END.
At some point you will have gotten every item you wanted out of the system and everything unlockable is unlocked.
At that point these "Borg Marks" will just be piling up and be useless, but will there be a way to turn these Borg (or Romulan) Marks into Dilithium just like we can with EDC now?
I look at the Fleetcredits that i have collected by now and i start to notice that i have more Fleetcredits than i will ever spend in any of the Fleet Shops.
I could in theory STOP contributing to my Fleetbase and not be off worse (my fleet will keep pushing forward anyway)
The only reason to keep contributing is to get my FLEET ahead in the Starbase System.
So that is more of a social thing than a personal thing.
In the Reputation System there is no such draw that keeps me going after i got what i wanted.
So my simple question is: why should i?
Can i turn in obsolete Borg and Romulan Marks for Dilithium?
I guess what i am saying is that i fear that there is now an END to ENDGAME in the System, and that would reduce the amount of viable Endgame Content instead of giving one more choices.
I don't see a reason why there shouldn't be a dilithium box you can buy from those Mark vendors.
One thing I just realized. Once we no longer get a loot bag at the end there will be One less source of lockboxes that forces it's way into my inventory.
Cash out your salvage and EDCs for dilithium now. That's what I plan on doing..
Edit: Or gear/BOFFs/retro gear if you need it.
I already have all except the mk xii rifles for ground (both mk xii MACO and omega armours/PSGs) . And i'll be grinding Armek to high heaven until I get them pre-s7.
While the rep system is all good and fine for those just getting into the STF system and whathaveyou, for ppl like me with 50-stacks of RBS and proto salvage, it seems like a step backwards as now the non-set (and I'm assuming set) mk xi/mk xii stuff may actually be harder to acquire. As it stands now, I can do one roll of STFs (we'll say 3 space) and, being generous, get ONE proto salvage drop for a mkxii item or 2k dil. On a good day, 4+ for those 3 STFs equally a days worth of dil or almost a full loadout on a docked ship. And can also, potentially, get set pieces on top of the salvage and other goodies.
While the random part sucks to a point, it's also very good to you sometimes. I got my mk xii armor/PSGs boom one after another (literally.. ran IGE/KAGE got them both.. ran them again half hour later - got them again and traded up for Omega).
I doubt there will be that "luck" factor involved in the new system. Hence, making it potentally more difficult.
I hope we can also get additional set parts for our boffs. I'd like to get every single one of them in maco/omega gear, especially with the new instance involving them.
I don't see a reason why there shouldn't be a dilithium box you can buy from those Mark vendors.
One thing I just realized. Once we no longer get a loot bag at the end there will be One less source of lockboxes that forces it's way into my inventory.
Actually I bet the only option to do will be to buy a lockbox. You have to understand, lockboxes are so innovative, original and desirable system. Everyone plain adores them and we all play STO just to grab as much of those boxes as we can.
By completing these tasks, you earn Romulan Marks for use in the new Reputation system which awards new special rewards and gear, as well as increasing your reputation with the Romulans (look for another Dev Blog on this system in the near future). You will also unlock story elements that explain the history and potential future of New Romulus.
I've highlighted in red the relevant info from the latest dev blog.
The last couple of dev blogs came out on the 11th, 12th and 15th of this month, therefore it's only logical to assume that the info that will resolve or confirm your concerns will be available to read on the 18th or 19th, this week.
I hope we can also get additional set parts for our boffs. I'd like to get every single one of them in maco/omega gear, especially with the new instance involving them.
not a good idea
BOffs cant wear the visuals
BOffs dont utilize the set bonus powers unless they are passive (Jem Hadar set power is passive, works on BOffs, Omega is a button for the power bar, does not get used by BOffs)
Currently acumulated EDC and Salvage are going to be converted into Omega Marks, according to Priority One interview.
What I'm more worried about regarding the currencies is that... how are we supposed to grind dilithium now? STFs loot were one of the better ways to acquire larger amounts of ore, and now this is going away. The new missions in the new sector seem to be designed to reward only Romulan and Fleet Marks and up until know there's been no info on any new daily missions with dilithium rewards (as the Deferi and Eta Eridani ones).
Cryptic keeps nerfing anything that rewards dilithium to players and if this keeps up, there's going to be nothing left but grind, which surely is going to discourage many players, especially the ones involved in starbase construction. Cryptic has already "fixed" Kerrat, reduced dilithium from dismissed duty officers to nothing, increased contraband requirements, and now they're removing borg salvage without introducing anything new AND worthwile (dilithium mining was a neat idea, but ended up being completely boring and pointless). Instead they're focusing on introducing even more currencies, which we thought were supposed to be changed to dilithium in Season 5. As if we just couldn't use Expertise for this new system instead... *sigh*
Well, I haven't been able to finish an STF on Tribble, so I'm guessing, but is there any indication that the STF completion dilithium has vanished? Cause that's always been more than half of the dilithium you get from STFs. At least it was for me. I don't get rare salvage/tech every STF, or prototype salvage/tech every other, to match it. So unless they took that too, it's not a total loss. It's still a fairly efficient way to grind dilithium, seeing as it doesn't have the 20 hour cooldown everything else comes with.
As for the currencies, in all fairness, if we count the EDC and such as currencies, we're trading in 12 (EDC, Rare Salvage, Proto Salvage, 3 x Uncommon Tech, 3 x Rare Tech and 3 x Proto Tech) currencies for 1, and a bunch of freed up inventory and bank slots. (Though they may yet fill those.)
Still, it would be nice to know more about the conversion that'll come with it. Some people may want to convert a portion, or all of it, into dilithium if this stands to turn into another case of the season 5's. Or if this reputation system is going to drain dilithium. (Which would be kind of dubious.) It's okay for them to want us to play through their new little system, I'm fine with that, but we should at least be allowed to make an informed decision for ourselves in what way to dispose of the relics of the old system that we ourselves collected. And that means more than one or two days' notice this time.
We're not going to keep pushing the button if Cryptic keeps taking away the cheese.
based on the S5 currency conversion, I doubt that you ll have much use for your accumulated currencies past conversion, would kind of defy the purpose.
Problem is, Even if DSTAHL comes out here stating how much more use you get out of your currencies, the example they set with S5 doesn't make me believe one word they say about currencies.
TL;DR get you gear now, i doubt it ll be easier come S7
+1 to this, you'll have to grind harder and longer. Get your gear now!
Delta Rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it! No, seriously! ...Why are you laughing so hard?
In the Priority One Video where they visited Cryptic Studios and spoke to Gecko and Borticus, they spoke of the EDC's etc being retroactively changed into the new currency.
Much like what they did with Emblems converting into Dilithium. The only problem is, they also said that we would not get full reimbursement for the conversion. So just like the Emblem/Dilithium fiasco, we stand to lose some of our earned currency
Then it's only fair and reasonable that they tell us the cut-off point.
Which of course means it won't happen, but it would be fair, so we know how much we should keep to prepare accordingly.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Then it's only fair and reasonable that they tell us the cut-off point.
Which of course means it won't happen, but it would be fair, so we know how much we should keep to prepare accordingly.
They will tel EXACTLY what will happen when they relesase the Reputation System blog.
And you will be able to test it on Tribble.
So you will be a chance to decide weather to keep them or cash out before S7 hits.
[SIGPIC]This is not as good as it used to be...[/SIGPIC]
Fleet Marks...
Fleet marks will be harder to get when S7 hits.
With people leaving the Event queues to go play the new content, it will be harder to get the Fleet marks ques running. So, S7 will hamper Starbase progression.
[SIGPIC]This is not as good as it used to be...[/SIGPIC]
Fleet Marks...
Fleet marks will be harder to get when S7 hits.
With people leaving the Event queues to go play the new content, it will be harder to get the Fleet marks ques running. So, S7 will hamper Starbase progression.
I did a tribble run yesterday and did some testing on the new Romulan missions. I wasn't able to test the new 20 player ground romulan mission, but all romulan space missions gave out romulan marks and fleet marks. I don't remember what the new vault mission gave out, but the Azure Nebula Rescue gave out 13 Romulan marks and 30 Fleet marks.
Fleet Marks...
Fleet marks will be harder to get when S7 hits.
With people leaving the Event queues to go play the new content, it will be harder to get the Fleet marks ques running. So, S7 will hamper Starbase progression.
IMO - Hardly. I have a character with 5700+ Fleet Marks, and I don't even bother with the Fleet Events because of that. Even contributing to my Fleet's Starbase (which I still do); my Fleet Mark count continues to rise. Why? I still Doff casually, and as a result can run 3 - 5 commendation reports (at my Fleet Starbase) a week without doing much - and they each reward 75 or 100 (if you crit success) Fleet Marks per completion. Fleet Mark are anything but hard to get if you even just casually play content. Doing the Foundry Daily also give 50 FM a day for minimal effort if you know how to 'fast track' it.
If anything, I agree with a lot of the people who say some of teh Marks may be too plentiful, and they'll sit on our characters with no way to really 'spend' all of them, unlike the EDC/Salvage drop system where, if you like, you can just turn stuff in for Dilithium Ore.
IMO - They need to add/have an oprtion to convert Marks to Dilithium in this new Reputation system, or STO's endgame will turn into MUCH more Grind for less reward paradigm.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
You are mentioning things that are called currencies for whatever silly reason. Something is a currency if you can get it by SELLING things
Something is a currency if it can be traded for something else .
Money was invented as a "universal currency" aka a tradable good that can be traded for multiple objects/services .
Most of the items listed in the OP can be either traded for another item or for Dill . Thus it's a currency .
Anekdote : the first known currency used by man were seashells .
Problem is, Even if DSTAHL comes out here stating how much more use you get out of your currencies, the example they set with S5 doesn't make me believe one word they say about currencies.
TL;DR get you gear now, i doubt it ll be easier come S7
Yeah , I had S.5 in the back of my mind too , the thing is for example I found two toons that had about 150.000 Dil worth of Rare Borg Tech on them .
Thus as I needed Zen , I turned those in for Dil , and got Zen w/the Dil .
Thing is , that was not my only "surplus" in my arsenal . Not by a long shot .
Thus , I wanted to know what to do with all that stuff -- preferably from an official source .
If you log in to youtube and watch the latest priority one video most of your questions will be answered, all the borg currencies will go, be replaced with romulan marks, also you won't have to rely on random drops to get all the good gear with the new reputaton system you can build up to it
I have not yet watched that show , but I think you are wrong there .
The Rom Marks will be for some sort of gear , and the Omega Force Marks will be for STF gear .
In the Priority One Video where they visited Cryptic Studios and spoke to Gecko and Borticus, they spoke of the EDC's etc being retroactively changed into the new currency.
Much like what they did with Emblems converting into Dilithium. The only problem is, they also said that we would not get full reimbursement for the conversion.
does the end of some currencies mean, that i cannot get the mkxii gear anymore?
The whole award system will be reworked for Season 7 .
Until now , you played an Elite STF and ha a "chance" to get a Mk XII gear .
In Season 7 you will have a set of tasks to preform (not sure yet what those tasks will be) , at the end of which you will be guaranteed to receive a Mk XII gear .
We'll have a blog out in the next couple weeks that will share information on the upcoming changes.
Brandon =/\=
Brandon , no offense , but Season 7 might be launched in 2-4 weeks .
Don't you think it'd be appropriate to give the player base a clue NOW as to some of the major changes to the game endgame economy -- you know , instead of say ... pimping a mobile app that currently does absolutely nothing but look pretty ?!
Brandon , no offense , but Season 7 might be launched in 2-4 weeks .
Don't you think it'd be appropriate to give the player base a clue NOW as to some of the major changes to the game endgame economy -- you know , instead of say ... pimping a mobile app that currently does absolutely nothing but look pretty ?!
Priorities please .
Chances are the precise conversion ratios/methods are not yet set in stone. The fact that devs have already said that it's not going to be fully reimbursed is probably a good reason to convert at least some of what you've got very soon - I'm sitting on about 300 EDCs, a mountain of Uncommon Tech, and 50 rare salvage among 3 characters, so I'm going to be cashing in a lot of it before S7 comes, no matter what the exact numbers will be.
Frankly some of this sounds good - so long as the current dilithium obtaining options don't go away (e.g. the various dailies). Though it sounds like they in fact will be at least changing, probably not favoring the players.
BOffs dont utilize the set bonus powers unless they are passive (Jem Hadar set power is passive, works on BOffs, Omega is a button for the power bar, does not get used by BOffs)
My BOffs use distortion field all of the time with their omega sets, sadly they won't use the integral frequency remodulation.
The whole award system will be reworked for Season 7 .
Until now , you played an Elite STF and ha a "chance" to get a Mk XII gear .
In Season 7 you will have a set of tasks to preform (not sure yet what those tasks will be) , at the end of which you will be guaranteed to receive a Mk XII gear .
Brandon , no offense , but Season 7 might be launched in 2-4 weeks .
Don't you think it'd be appropriate to give the player base a clue NOW as to some of the major changes to the game endgame economy -- you know , instead of say ... pimping a mobile app that currently does absolutely nothing but look pretty ?!
Priorities please .
It seems everything will turn into a Grind Over Time instead of Luck Of The Draw.
I hate that. Id rather do a mission hoping i can get lucky and get away with something GREAT than SLOWLY and PATIENTLY accumulating tons of Marks to get what i want 90 days later.
We already have the Dilithium grind with the stupid events like Academy Event ( seriously, is there a more boring way to earn Dilithium? ).
People can grind EDC by repeating STF Ad Nauseam but they can ALSO get lucky and stumble on a big reward! I cant believe devs will be changing this. Have they forgotten what feeling it gives to find a cool treasure when you did not expect it? Other than in Lockboxes i mean...
I don't see a reason why there shouldn't be a dilithium box you can buy from those Mark vendors.
One thing I just realized. Once we no longer get a loot bag at the end there will be One less source of lockboxes that forces it's way into my inventory.
That is sad. The big loot bag is the thing i find the most exciting about doing STFs. I love random rewards that can give pretty much anything.
There is 0 fun or excitement in completing a task and being rewarded 1 Romulan Mark.
And knowing that you will need 200 Romulan Marks to get what you want and that you will only be limited to gaining 5 Marks a day.... ( Just assuming here but i am not optimistic at all ).
I hope they rot.
You are mentioning things that are called currencies for whatever silly reason. Something is a currency if you can get it by SELLING things. If you can't get it by selling things in MMO, then it's probably a grinding collectible. As usual, why would we call something with it's real name when it sounds so negative.
based on the S5 currency conversion, I doubt that you ll have much use for your accumulated currencies past conversion, would kind of defy the purpose.
Problem is, Even if DSTAHL comes out here stating how much more use you get out of your currencies, the example they set with S5 doesn't make me believe one word they say about currencies.
TL;DR get you gear now, i doubt it ll be easier come S7
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
all the borg currencies will go, be replaced with romulan marks, also you won't have to rely on random drops to get all the good gear with the new reputaton system you can build up to it, see your progress and how far to go the achieve such gear. Do elite stf,s you'll get there quicker than on normal.
Sounds like some good changes to me, looking forward to seeing how it all works.
In the Priority One Video where they visited Cryptic Studios and spoke to Gecko and Borticus, they spoke of the EDC's etc being retroactively changed into the new currency.
Much like what they did with Emblems converting into Dilithium. The only problem is, they also said that we would not get full reimbursement for the conversion. So just like the Emblem/Dilithium fiasco, we stand to lose some of our earned currency
Is ENDGAME still ENDGAME if the ENDGAME has an END to it?
Right now for EDC / Slavage / Tech we can get DILITHIUM if we no longer have use for the items in the STF Shop.
This and the Dilithium you get anyway from playing STFs makes them viable Endgame content.
Now with the new Reputation System EDC / Salvage / Tech are going away.
Including the option to turn them into DIL.
As everything else this Reputation System will have an END.
At some point you will have gotten every item you wanted out of the system and everything unlockable is unlocked.
At that point these "Borg Marks" will just be piling up and be useless, but will there be a way to turn these Borg (or Romulan) Marks into Dilithium just like we can with EDC now?
I look at the Fleetcredits that i have collected by now and i start to notice that i have more Fleetcredits than i will ever spend in any of the Fleet Shops.
I could in theory STOP contributing to my Fleetbase and not be off worse (my fleet will keep pushing forward anyway)
The only reason to keep contributing is to get my FLEET ahead in the Starbase System.
So that is more of a social thing than a personal thing.
In the Reputation System there is no such draw that keeps me going after i got what i wanted.
So my simple question is: why should i?
Can i turn in obsolete Borg and Romulan Marks for Dilithium?
I guess what i am saying is that i fear that there is now an END to ENDGAME in the System, and that would reduce the amount of viable Endgame Content instead of giving one more choices.
One thing I just realized. Once we no longer get a loot bag at the end there will be One less source of lockboxes that forces it's way into my inventory.
It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
Edit: Or gear/BOFFs/retro gear if you need it.
I already have all except the mk xii rifles for ground (both mk xii MACO and omega armours/PSGs) . And i'll be grinding Armek to high heaven until I get them pre-s7.
While the rep system is all good and fine for those just getting into the STF system and whathaveyou, for ppl like me with 50-stacks of RBS and proto salvage, it seems like a step backwards as now the non-set (and I'm assuming set) mk xi/mk xii stuff may actually be harder to acquire. As it stands now, I can do one roll of STFs (we'll say 3 space) and, being generous, get ONE proto salvage drop for a mkxii item or 2k dil. On a good day, 4+ for those 3 STFs equally a days worth of dil or almost a full loadout on a docked ship. And can also, potentially, get set pieces on top of the salvage and other goodies.
While the random part sucks to a point, it's also very good to you sometimes. I got my mk xii armor/PSGs boom one after another (literally.. ran IGE/KAGE got them both.. ran them again half hour later - got them again and traded up for Omega).
I doubt there will be that "luck" factor involved in the new system. Hence, making it potentally more difficult.
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
Actually I bet the only option to do will be to buy a lockbox. You have to understand, lockboxes are so innovative, original and desirable system. Everyone plain adores them and we all play STO just to grab as much of those boxes as we can.
I've highlighted in red the relevant info from the latest dev blog.
The last couple of dev blogs came out on the 11th, 12th and 15th of this month, therefore it's only logical to assume that the info that will resolve or confirm your concerns will be available to read on the 18th or 19th, this week.
not a good idea
BOffs cant wear the visuals
BOffs dont utilize the set bonus powers unless they are passive (Jem Hadar set power is passive, works on BOffs, Omega is a button for the power bar, does not get used by BOffs)
What I'm more worried about regarding the currencies is that... how are we supposed to grind dilithium now? STFs loot were one of the better ways to acquire larger amounts of ore, and now this is going away. The new missions in the new sector seem to be designed to reward only Romulan and Fleet Marks and up until know there's been no info on any new daily missions with dilithium rewards (as the Deferi and Eta Eridani ones).
Cryptic keeps nerfing anything that rewards dilithium to players and if this keeps up, there's going to be nothing left but grind, which surely is going to discourage many players, especially the ones involved in starbase construction. Cryptic has already "fixed" Kerrat, reduced dilithium from dismissed duty officers to nothing, increased contraband requirements, and now they're removing borg salvage without introducing anything new AND worthwile (dilithium mining was a neat idea, but ended up being completely boring and pointless). Instead they're focusing on introducing even more currencies, which we thought were supposed to be changed to dilithium in Season 5. As if we just couldn't use Expertise for this new system instead... *sigh*
As for the currencies, in all fairness, if we count the EDC and such as currencies, we're trading in 12 (EDC, Rare Salvage, Proto Salvage, 3 x Uncommon Tech, 3 x Rare Tech and 3 x Proto Tech) currencies for 1, and a bunch of freed up inventory and bank slots. (Though they may yet fill those.)
Still, it would be nice to know more about the conversion that'll come with it. Some people may want to convert a portion, or all of it, into dilithium if this stands to turn into another case of the season 5's. Or if this reputation system is going to drain dilithium. (Which would be kind of dubious.) It's okay for them to want us to play through their new little system, I'm fine with that, but we should at least be allowed to make an informed decision for ourselves in what way to dispose of the relics of the old system that we ourselves collected. And that means more than one or two days' notice this time.
We're not going to keep pushing the button if Cryptic keeps taking away the cheese.
We'll squeek up a storm though.
+1 to this, you'll have to grind harder and longer. Get your gear now!
Then it's only fair and reasonable that they tell us the cut-off point.
Which of course means it won't happen, but it would be fair, so we know how much we should keep to prepare accordingly.
They will tel EXACTLY what will happen when they relesase the Reputation System blog.
And you will be able to test it on Tribble.
So you will be a chance to decide weather to keep them or cash out before S7 hits.
Brandon =/\=
Fleet marks will be harder to get when S7 hits.
With people leaving the Event queues to go play the new content, it will be harder to get the Fleet marks ques running. So, S7 will hamper Starbase progression.
I did a tribble run yesterday and did some testing on the new Romulan missions. I wasn't able to test the new 20 player ground romulan mission, but all romulan space missions gave out romulan marks and fleet marks. I don't remember what the new vault mission gave out, but the Azure Nebula Rescue gave out 13 Romulan marks and 30 Fleet marks.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
IMO - Hardly. I have a character with 5700+ Fleet Marks, and I don't even bother with the Fleet Events because of that. Even contributing to my Fleet's Starbase (which I still do); my Fleet Mark count continues to rise. Why? I still Doff casually, and as a result can run 3 - 5 commendation reports (at my Fleet Starbase) a week without doing much - and they each reward 75 or 100 (if you crit success) Fleet Marks per completion. Fleet Mark are anything but hard to get if you even just casually play content. Doing the Foundry Daily also give 50 FM a day for minimal effort if you know how to 'fast track' it.
If anything, I agree with a lot of the people who say some of teh Marks may be too plentiful, and they'll sit on our characters with no way to really 'spend' all of them, unlike the EDC/Salvage drop system where, if you like, you can just turn stuff in for Dilithium Ore.
IMO - They need to add/have an oprtion to convert Marks to Dilithium in this new Reputation system, or STO's endgame will turn into MUCH more Grind for less reward paradigm.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Something is a currency if it can be traded for something else .
Money was invented as a "universal currency" aka a tradable good that can be traded for multiple objects/services .
Most of the items listed in the OP can be either traded for another item or for Dill . Thus it's a currency .
Anekdote : the first known currency used by man were seashells .
Yeah , I had S.5 in the back of my mind too , the thing is for example I found two toons that had about 150.000 Dil worth of Rare Borg Tech on them .
Thus as I needed Zen , I turned those in for Dil , and got Zen w/the Dil .
Thing is , that was not my only "surplus" in my arsenal . Not by a long shot .
Thus , I wanted to know what to do with all that stuff -- preferably from an official source .
I have not yet watched that show , but I think you are wrong there .
The Rom Marks will be for some sort of gear , and the Omega Force Marks will be for STF gear .
My exact reason for this thread . :cool:
The whole award system will be reworked for Season 7 .
Until now , you played an Elite STF and ha a "chance" to get a Mk XII gear .
In Season 7 you will have a set of tasks to preform (not sure yet what those tasks will be) , at the end of which you will be guaranteed to receive a Mk XII gear .
Brandon , no offense , but Season 7 might be launched in 2-4 weeks .
Don't you think it'd be appropriate to give the player base a clue NOW as to some of the major changes to the game endgame economy -- you know , instead of say ... pimping a mobile app that currently does absolutely nothing but look pretty ?!
Priorities please .
Chances are the precise conversion ratios/methods are not yet set in stone. The fact that devs have already said that it's not going to be fully reimbursed is probably a good reason to convert at least some of what you've got very soon - I'm sitting on about 300 EDCs, a mountain of Uncommon Tech, and 50 rare salvage among 3 characters, so I'm going to be cashing in a lot of it before S7 comes, no matter what the exact numbers will be.
Frankly some of this sounds good - so long as the current dilithium obtaining options don't go away (e.g. the various dailies). Though it sounds like they in fact will be at least changing, probably not favoring the players.
My BOffs use distortion field all of the time with their omega sets, sadly they won't use the integral frequency remodulation.
It seems everything will turn into a Grind Over Time instead of Luck Of The Draw.
I hate that. Id rather do a mission hoping i can get lucky and get away with something GREAT than SLOWLY and PATIENTLY accumulating tons of Marks to get what i want 90 days later.
We already have the Dilithium grind with the stupid events like Academy Event ( seriously, is there a more boring way to earn Dilithium? ).
People can grind EDC by repeating STF Ad Nauseam but they can ALSO get lucky and stumble on a big reward! I cant believe devs will be changing this. Have they forgotten what feeling it gives to find a cool treasure when you did not expect it? Other than in Lockboxes i mean...
That is sad. The big loot bag is the thing i find the most exciting about doing STFs. I love random rewards that can give pretty much anything.
There is 0 fun or excitement in completing a task and being rewarded 1 Romulan Mark.
And knowing that you will need 200 Romulan Marks to get what you want and that you will only be limited to gaining 5 Marks a day.... ( Just assuming here but i am not optimistic at all ).
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!