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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short Term:
    4. Ability to select where to put fleet emblem (L/R shoulder, high/low, etc)
    Or Forehead! Actually using the same coordinate system used for scars might work ok.
    Long Term:

    1. 'Complete' Romulan Faction.
    Yeah, I'd be happy with a short term goal of a playable "mini" faction.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • glassguitarglassguitar Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    #1 - Rework the loot system. Specifically, get rid of need/greed/pass. It's a time waster and a source of much complaining. Replace with round robin or random.

    #2 - Off Duty Costume slots for KDF.

    #3 - True auto loot option. Currently, we still have to click the "take items" prompt to pick up loot even when auto loot is selected. Seriously, is there any loot that is NOT wanted? All is able to be sold for ECs.

    (this and DC Universe are the only games I have personally played that have such a complicated loot system. It really does slow things down and interfere with game play IMHO)
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Unlock the tier 5 "pay to win" consoles for all FLEET ships.

    At least some of them. I realize the multi-vector assault mode won't work on anything but a Prometheus, for example. But I would very much like a chance to play around with an Ablative Armor Generator or Metreon Gas Cannister on a fleet Defiant.
    Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
  • cptlankfordcptlankford Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I think you guys need to rescale the C-Store and other Zen purchased item prices. Maybe not a lot but it seems a bit steep to me. On the other hand I might be willing to put my money down for a gold membership if the Zen stipend was higher. Perhaps you could add stipend increases into the Veteran Rewards?

    Since I haven't gotten to level 50 just yet I don't know if this will be a valid point or not but when reaching the highest level you should get another ship unlock like in previous ranks. The game also needs an exchange rate and conversion ability for ALL currency and the ability to sell Items in the Exchange for different currencies besides EC.

    I think that all the MAJOR powers need to be playable at some point and also, even though I'm not a Klingon player, you need to revamp the Klingons to be able to start out at level one with them. All playable races need to have this capability.
  • dharmalogicdharmalogic Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    First I have to say I LOVE my timeship. LOVE IT. It is the most fun I've ever had in game. I have both ship consoles, the lobi consoles, the jumpsuit, the ground weapons. It's fantastic.

    So here is my concern:
    As the game advances and we can gain yet higher and higher levels, I don't want to see my ship become obsolete. Please, as you develop higher toon levels and new ships create a way to advance the ships we already have and have have spent money on.

    Even if we have to spend 10 bucks in zen to buy a special 'ship upgrade' or 'module' that boosts our ship's stats/slots/etc, I would prefer that to my ship being no longer viable as my toon advances.

    I understand the game needs profit to advance, and thus the zen store is a great way to add funds for further game play. I don't contest the need for it, all I ask is that all of our lovely top level ships don't get left behind in the future. I mean, come on: it's a time ship :P

    Thanks for reading.

    P.S. add to the lobi store a Chroniton Beam Array- I love my rainbow beams but they only go on the front of the ship- I need an array on the back so I can be allllll rainbow.
  • novapolaris#2925 novapolaris Member Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short term:
    -Rebalancing the Fleet space weapons, as well as the Fed/KDF Quad Cannons, to have decent stats and mods. [Dmg] modifiers can be replaced by hard DPS values so that other mods such as [Acc], [CritH], and [CritD] can be added.
    -**See third request in Medium term. Many assets can be added within one work day.**

    Medium term:
    -Wider variety of Duty Officer species types, such as Dolphin and Xindi-Aquatic (which will probably be made ultra-rare. *sigh*)
    -Horta and Exocomp Bridge Officers (and maybe a Tholian or two while we're at it?)
    -Foundry assets and features being asked for in the "The Foundry For Star Trek Online - Discussion & Feedback" subforum. There is a thread in there titled "Requested Assets: Foundry" by q403 that is very comprehensive.

    Long term:
    -Unified sector space.
  • godsin22godsin22 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short Term - An Ignore System that makes the players invisible to each other.

    Mid Term - Addition of more off-duty KDF costumes.

    Long Term - Fleet War System allowing Fleets and Factions to challenge for sectors, winner remains in control of the sectors until they are defeated and pushed out.
    Perfectworld has systems like this already in place in Games like Jade Dynasty with their territory war systems for alliances.
  • reichwald12reichwald12 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    [short term]

    1) Paid Race Change/Customization.

    2) More options for fleet weapons with different affixes.

    [mid term goal]

    1) Open Space PVP -- Make a sector or two on the border between each major power (Federation, Romulans, KDF, and Cardassians) and allow for parts of the sector to be fought over for control.

    Maybe something like this..

    Seven Control point sector:

    1 and 2 - Starting areas for both factions (a small starbase staging area with turrets to defend against camping (make turrets obliterate campers that come within 10-15 km).

    3 and 4 - Research stations that add a particular buff to their current owners and to (5.) (discussed below) and offers something nice such as vendors, plans, etc. Perhaps even cause new anomalies to spawn for gathering purposes.

    6 and 7 - Two neutral planets that don't support either faction.....until you seize control of them. This grants another buff to (5.).

    5 - A big starbase. This is the primary control point in the sector. It receives buffs from holding the other four nodes, such as more health, better defenses, etc. Its important to note that the defenses should be moderately easy to kill and should only compliment human players, not replace them. To be captured, the station must be brought down to low HP so boarding parties (not the skill, an "F-able" mechanic) can be beamed in. The attacking side must hold the area until the ground troops eliminate resistance -- i.e. a timer of say 10 minutes.

    When the battle is over, one faction is victorious, they can reap the benefits of the buffs/items for X amount of time (TBD by devs) until the next battle begins.

    2) [long term goals]

    2-A) Romulan faction -- perhaps a mini faction where players can play as either Romulan or Reman and choose to ally themselves with either KDF or Feds through a story arc.

    2-B) Third major faction -- Cardassians. Lore logic below (I'm not a writer, you're forewarned).
    -In the years since the Dominion War, Cardassia has worked long and hard to rebuild the major cities destroyed by the dominion and has asserted itself as a major galactic power once more, retaking lost terrirories in the process. To augment their ranks, Cardassian military officials utilized newly discovered Dominion ship building as well as Jem'Hadar breeding facilities thought to have been destroyed years ago.

    -Races for use: Cardassian, Jem'Hadar, Valerian, Klaestron.

    -Some ships for use: Hideki, Galor, Keldon, Hutet, ATR-4107 variants, modified Bok'Nor type freighters, plus the dominion ships we all know and love.

    Now I know that the JemBug and Galor cruiser are not only in game, but super expensive to get. Adding them in for free would be mean... With respect to the Bug, I'm not sure what route could take, perhaps just remove them as standard craft for this faction and say that all Bugs were destroyed following the end of the dominion war except for a handful, blah, blah, blah.

    However, the Galor is technically a destroyer -- the military backbone of the Cardassian Union -- so the new Galor could be a smaller escort version of the current very rare cruiser. The keldon would be a bit larger with higher hull strength and slower turn rate to fill the standard slow cruiser role, and the Hutet could be a C-store ship -- a very large carrier that can launch Hideki attack craft (much like KDF carriers that launch B'rels).

    Dominion and other ships could be worked at in a similar fashion using creative license as needed.
  • inhumanekitteninhumanekitten Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short Term:

    More flexibility in character creation and clothing options. Ex. Trill spots on Alien characters
    Captain's Log System that separates user-created logs from system-created logs
    More emotes
    to allow for more physical expression in RP

    Mid Term:

    Voyager Bundle
    Conference Rooms
    in Ship Interiors
    Having Nacelles on LRSV variants be in lowered position when ship is idle in sector space

    Long Term:

    Improved/New Ship Interiors for all three decks
    Fix Exchange search system to actually see all of a certain item under the "All" category
    More exploration missions
    that don't require combat. Ex. Studying spatial anomalies, etc.
  • jonnymindjonnymind Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2012
    Short-term: fleet ships modules should be a bit more modulated. Right now it's 1 (escorts) and 4 (everything else). I'd go for 1 - escorts, 2 - science and 4 - cruisers.

    Middle-term: non-storyline campaings. Set of separately playable episodes giving a final reward (special item, extra dyl or GPL).

    I'd love them to be taken and refitted from the best campaigns found on the Forge. I understand there are legal issues about copyrights and payments involved with the original author, but I am sure that

    1) they can be circumvented (after all, there are legal issues also with prize lotteries not having a clear and certified probability statement...)

    2) For Cryptic/PWE, it's anyhow less expensive and faster than creating them from scratch.

    Long-term: Monthly, trimestral or semestral PvP campaigns. Factions would fight to control territories and resources over a time period. At the end of the period, best players of the factions receive a prize (winning faction getting the best things).

    Planning a long-term strategy and getting friends involved to help it out it's also a way to attract more ppl (and earn more $ for pwe).
  • lucky62301lucky62301 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short term,

    Interduce more things to do. I have 2 almost 3 lvl 50's but once you hit 50 i get to the point im like ok nothing to do so i find another movie to watch while afk.

    1. I would love to see more slots available for duty officers. ( 20 max isnt fun) maybe increase that to 30 or 40

    2. Fleet actions for your fleet not just a pve que

    3. More advanced R&D developement requiring more materials and better stats then the standard R&D things that are obsolite and mostly tossed away at level 50

    4. Things that make a fleet more interactive, fleet conies; space ground and transport quests for the fleet not just a que and go seneario as it is now.

    5: their is not much end game gear that can be crafted and their is a small amount available loosing players uquincnece.

    Medium term:

    1. More ships. I bought a lot of the zen ships and most have me discuraged from buying any more. When you buy a ship using real cash you exspect a fairly decent ship. Not just a meat shield hull strength wise but a power house when it comes to buying a ship. For example the odysee's they weak i give them a 3 out of a 10 being they turn very poorly and they dont have a good shield modd. Instead they have universal slots so not worth buying. I seguest change for tact ship. 1 commander 1 lt commander tact slot 1 Lt science 1 Lt eng slot but add a bit better dmg and shield mod.

    science and enginerring some what the same for they roles

    for example my science ship refit for vice admerial hase 18k shields , same out fit but odysee science i have almost 14k shields with a lower chance to survive a long fight. I would balance and fix the ships to where their worth the zen and makes those whom use them more proud.

    Most of the time i just see places doing scrapping runs with dual cannons or sitting still with dual cannons. Thus making the game seem like its more focused to players whom cant move and shot a target.

    Single beam arrays have poor dmg compaired to duals and as a result star trek fed players dont seem like the moves. Carring cannons and duals sitting still to nuke targets isnt like the movies. The enterprise nor Voyager would say ok line up al stop fire forward cannons no i believe t was avaisive manuvers fire phasers or torpedoes. Understanding you would like to make more cash and grow I would make more single beam arrays and make them equil or more stronger then the current dual cannons. Or shields etc the boxes make you good money but once one hits level 50 its basicly boring city from their since end game items are very few and not really worth the time and effort.

    so in a few words fix the ships from zen shop. Add more duty officer asignments, fleet dailys. make beam arrays and torps more usefull.

    Long term:

    1. Colonise a planet and being able to go to your planet add quests for the planet

    2. Allow players to make their own custom ships

    ( example: Odysee tacticle

    loose 1000 crew add .25 shield mod and .25 hull str add 5 turn base
    loose 1 engeering item slot add .50 wep dmg)

    allowing players to make their ship the way they want it

    Adavanced R&D example : Aegis Covariant Shield Array Advanced : +10 shield profomance
    +10 shield system 15,313 shield capicy 10% bleed through 425 shield regen
    but requires more materials

    More quest chains for dailys with multiple itmes for a reward far better then current end game items all part of a set like 15/15 or 20/20 sets

    indevidual duty officer assignments to benefit ones fleet IE: Scout borg behavior
    time 7 days reward on crit a fleet quest + fleet marks
    regular sucess fleet marks
    or failure.

    Their is so much that could be added to benefit the whole of the game like play a romulan or a borg or kasson the posiblitys are hugh but would at least give us at max level more to do.
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Ok, 2 things I'd like I can't put them into time frames as I don't know how long it would take

    1: Better NPCs, I'm sorry but Squaresoft (now Square-Enix) made better NPCs in 1998 for Final Fantasy 7, you can defiantly do better

    2: Revamp the combat system to take the focus off of DPS, I have given an example of how this could be done (http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=6042871&postcount=12)
  • roujin346roujin346 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    This is pretty much an all in one package, but I think that they should make the PVP/PVE and Foundry missions look like a Holodeck program or Holo-Suite at Quarks. For example, you walk into the lower levels of ESD and look for a Holodeck and you pull up all the Foundry missions and or PVP/PVE challenges. I would like to see something like that in the future.

    With that I would also like to see something fun made for a Holodeck program, like a Spy novel such as "Our Man Bashir or Hotel Royal type of story. In regards to defunct missions, Starbase 24 Rescue and DS9 Under Siege would be perfect for new season episodes.

    You can conclude a Cardassian mission with DS9 Under Siege by having the True Way and Dominion attack the station. Starbase 24 could be a Klingon story line.

    I love those PVE and would actually like to see them again in a re-vamp form.
  • yeialyahyeialyah Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short maybe :

    Possibility to :

    - Change race, gender and traits
    - Change the @Name
    - Personalize klingon forehead (not a choice in a list.... :) )
    - switch interface and all what you see in klingon alphabet
    - More klingon costume (male and female)
    - Intense Klingon immersion ( i let you thinking about that)
    - Start Klingon from Level 1
    - Personalize hull with things like damaged hull , hole , phaser burn. (all things who feels your ship is old or

    different or live big battle)
    - Critical hull effect : breaking warp nacelle, hole in the hull etc...
    - Pvp board ( where is my pvp board ?) i need to know if i am the best.
    - A kill count , (i am psychotic , and dangerous) i need to know how many ships or whatever i kill

    Midle or long

    - Desactivate ship or stunt (no kill solution)
    - Kind of "karma" tag if you kill ou use other solution to solve a problem
    - A real sector war with zone to conquer
    - A true bad guy pirate faction (one against all) with all (any)renegade species , stolen tech, stolen ship etc..
    - a real botanical system with plant to grow (seeds etc..) and possibility to create medicine with
    - Real science and botanical ship with active science fonction (discover, analyse)
    - random exploration zone with science action (discover new species , animals , bacteria , plants ) with some

    defense action too :)

    End of Tier ships :

    That's mean

    - Possibility to upgrade ship : choosing hull, add consoles and weapons slots as you want (hull limitation)
    ex : for a miranda (little hull) you can add 3 slots of each consoles system (start with 1 of each)
    - Possibility to equip you ship as you want : you can make a war miranda class or a botanical excelsior

  • liamv10liamv10 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    A gps on the map showing the path you need to go i am always getting lost. possibly medium term i'm not a coder so i don't know:)


    Teleport to team members when they are on a different map


    A borg faction (like the klingon) maybe i don't know how that would work though
  • gealbhanbheaggealbhanbheag Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    -Gender, race, faction switch/respec tokens (If other games like WoW and CoH could offer pay 2 switch, why can't STO?)
    -More character customisation options, possibly via C-store: hairstyles, body tattoos, jewelry/piercings, more skins/textures/body parts: horns, feathers, hooves, claws, fangs, insectoid parts etc.
    -More combat and noncom pets
    -More Civillian/off-duty outfits/armor sets and costumes.
    -More ship skins
    -More Bridge officer races (ie Cardassian Bridge officers! Male and female)
    - Be able to change the uniforms to a specific set used by your crewmen on your ship when you're on the ship (the crewmen wandering around)

    Mid to Long-Term:
    -Allow for KDF faction to be chosen from the start of CharGen level 1
    - If we must stick to the 2 'main' Faction only system, then Sub-Factions that can choose where to go after tutorial- ie. Cardassian subfaction split between the Oralian Way (Fed) and the True Way (KDF)
    - Customizable player housing on planet/colony/space station/asteroid of choice within your faction, with a 'Home' teleport available to beam you/your ship back. (Within reason, no teleporting under Red-Alert type situations).
    -Buyable furniture and decor for your ship interiors/custom housing
    - More regular in-game holidays/festival events on stations and planets, maybe with a tie in to diplomacy system missions, with unique loot and lobi only available at that festival at that time of year/month/week
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Can we get some new Colors for are outfit's the same one are drab and booring.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Long term.Or permanent

    The Fed Mirror Event.

    This need's to be reworked it is totally unbalanced for lower level's.

    Issue 1.Tractor Beam Hold's need fixed.The Hold's are too strong for lower level's and the Length of time that the tractor beam hit's you is far too long.

    Issue 2.The Skill points XP you get from Killing a ship is too small for lower level's.I though the lower level's where suppose to get more XP then the Higher level's.And i though this is suppose to help lower level's then higher level's.

    Issue 3.The reward's are too small.For the amount of frustration this event put's you threw.The Dilithium amount is too small.480 per event come on give us more Dilithium.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • barukbaruk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short term:

    Retrofit Dual Phaser Beam Banks. It's really, really weird that the TOS/Devidians featured series and the TOS Connie have Retrofit Arrays when Dual Banks were in precedence in that era. Keep the Arrays, by all means, but I would really love to have some Dual Beam Banks in the old style, just to flesh out available items and make building a 'canon' classic Enterprise more feasible.

    I mean, all you have to do is slap the graphic and sound effect from the Retrofit Arrays onto a Dual Beam Bank, then figure out somewhere to put it. (Might I suggest an additional reward to the Devidians series?)
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    Can we please have Bridge Officer skill's trainers added to all star bases kinda annoying that i need to keep going back to esd.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • pepattypepatty Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Story content,
    story content
    story content.
  • misskoryamisskorya Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    1. Seeing more canon ships such as the Niagara, New Orleans and Springfield being released through the Z-Store, rather than lock boxes.
    2. Working our way back down to one currency, instead of the opposite.
    3. More clothing options for the KDF side, I mean really. I have this lovely Orion who can either wear sandals or awful boots, for Kahless sake she's a damn orion! Can't she just get regular black boots?!


    1. KDF unique PVE story-line all the way through to level 50, in addition to KDF Exclusive content.
    2. Cardassian playable Captain for the Federation/KDF
    3. Improving current end game content.


    1. A playable Romulan faction, with unique PVE story line through to level 50, unique vessels and Romulan faction exclusive content.
    2. Said Independent Romulan faction, avaliable straight out for Lifers, and unlocked for the rest of us at Level 25 same as the KDF, with Fed/KDF Embassies, respectably.
    3. Creating more End-Game Content on all sides, and not just one.

    [As much as I do love your attention to the Federation; I HAVE AN ORION WHO HASN'T LEVELED PASSED 22 FOR LACK OF CONTENT! Though, now I'll just Doff my way through it I suppose.]
    Stormwarden Tessara Tharneth

    Hellbringer Mera Smoak

    Classes Wanted: Druid | Monk | Bard | Sorcerer | Barbarian
    Races Wanted: Half-Orc | Gnome | Warforged
  • hadies30930hadies30930 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I generally tire fast and loose interest in games when the following are met:

    1. Customer service is poor or lacking,
    Fact: I have dealt with issues and the point that there is not a call in number for assistance and the Customer Support reporting/e-mail is lacking due to some of the dumbest people on earth. To be ask for the same information you put in the original message is ludacris and then they still don?t read all the post and close the issue leaving one stranded looking for answers.

    2. Forums posting is disabled to lifetime members,
    Fact: I have been with Star Trek online long before they went to bed with perfect world and long before it was free for play and it was only monthly subscriptions. I paid my $300 and also paid for my two teens and partner as well and here I sit still unable to do much on the forums. I mean how much time does it take to get things unlocked?

    One last gripe I have is the fact that I have a small fleet for my family only, because let?s face it there are way too many stupid mean (curse word) in this game. I have seen how my kids have been treated, so to make things a bit more enjoyable for my family of 4, we have a fleet of our own and we struggle to get the base up as fast as the larger fleets. I mean it feels almost like a punishment to not be able to get the lifetime limited fleet base missions fast enough and miss out on it. The fleet tribble should be something for fleets as well not just some reward. The hard missions are a concern with getting people in them who like to sit or cause problems, there should really be some way to filter that out. A sort of honest sorting system that filters out cronic problem people who like to cause problems or fail in missions.

    So in conclusion, get a freaking customer service number so people can get help when the online posting or e-mail idiots wont help, fix my forums account that I have been asking be done, and last don?t punish the little fleets out in the game. People are in smaller fleets to resolve issues with dealing with larger fleets full of (curse word); it helps them enjoy the game more and makes the fact that they paid $1200+ ?Lifetime? gaming membership and C-store/Zen purchases worth it. There are alot of good and bad. the bugs will be worked out, its not something that is going to be fixed over night... but please when you release something to public make the graphics not so poor in some of the story lines... some were not even finished and it shows big time. There are times when obisec's cape gets stuck in his legs, a few missions the graphics are so basic and unfinished... its not looking good... if you need to push something back before release to polish it up i thing we will understand..

    [Story content,
    story content
    story content. ]
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short Term:

    1. FMS prefix for D'Kora-class ships and Na'Far-class shuttles.

    2. Gold-color option for the Jupiter veteran belt. Same as the Officer of the Watch in federation fleet starbases.

    3. Fix the ultra-rare duty officer powers. If I have Kel the Retributor or Kwim Lo on active duty, the Boarding Party skill either fails entirely, or it launches all 6 boarding party shuttles. It does not launch 3 shuttles or 6 shuttles. It's either all 6 or none at all. The Tosk and Naijin Assault Squad officers have a 15% chance to knock the target back +1 foot when put on active duty. Except it doesn't. It knocks you, the user back +1 foot. So if I start melee with that duty officer equipped, I end up being knocked on my butt 15% of the time.


    1. Use the Tribble testing server for testing content, not previewing content one day and then shoving it onto holodeck the following two days. Read your bug reports. Be willing to halt build pushes to holodeck if there are glaringly obvious bugs. If that means raising the threshold of what bugs can be slipped past to be worked on later, so be it. I'm tired of brand new seasons or patches breaking more things than they fix or add. Start beta-testing new ships on Tribble like you used to instead of just throwing them on holodeck and hoping for the best. You have an established history of putting buggy ships on Holodeck first. It's time to go back to testing them on Tribble first. Please stop the habit of taking two steps forward, and taking three steps back.

    2. Improve the Request a GM function. People get away with way too much, too many times. Lower the amount of infractions needed before being completely banned. Implement more tools to remove griefing players. Be willing to use the catch-all clause in the TOS that says Cryptic can close an account for any or no reason at all to deter rules lawyers. That clause is there for a reason. Use it. Have a zero tolerance policy for pathological griefing. Rewrite the TOS if you have to. Take off the kid gloves and stop pulling punches. Be relentless in your pursuit of players ruining the game for everyone else.

    3. Provide easier, quicker, cheaper ways of acquiring white-quality duty officers for fleet starbase projects. More fleets are stuck on not having the right doffs than a large number of fleet marks. To me this is unacceptable. Fleet Marks and Dilithium should be the #1 valuable commodity for fleet starbase projects, not duty officers.

    Long Term:

    1. Do things right the first time. Stop overhauling and revamping old content, and focus on the new. Implement a long-term plan for each feature you plan on adding, on what constitutes as 'done', and needs only be maintained with periodic bug fixes or tweaks. I think the producers spend too much on the short-term picture regarding content and not enough on the long-term. The STFs have been revamped, overhauled, facelifted, and redone too many times. Crafting has been revamped and overhauled too many times, and more is on the way. Please do things right the first time, maintain a firm, permanent goal on what features like Crafting is going to do for the rest of the lifetime of the game. This will free up labor hours to work on new content everyone is asking for. Stop re-doing what you've already done.

    2. More canon ships, less Cryptic-designed ships. I want a proper Norway-class (not the Oslo). I want a proper Steamrunner-class (not the Zephyr). I want the New Orleans-class. I want the Yeager-class. I want the Springfield-class. Cryptic-designed ships are getting better. But we still want canon ships. I want the Orion Dreadnaught. I want the Gorn Dreadnaught. I want the Nausicaan Dreadnaught. And please give everyone the playable Typhoon-class they've been asking for. I'm tired of Typhoon threads. It's been asked for enough, make it happen.

    3. Exploration. Not Star Cluster missions. I want exploration. I want to be the only ship for several hundred light years discovering new life and new civilizations, and beating any enemy group who seeks to exploit, attack, or corrupt them. I want proper diplomacy, proper first contact missions. This is by far the biggest request I have, and it will require a lot of hard work and technology to implement, but this is Star Trek. I want to find rare and valuable technology or equipment gained only by exploring the great unknown over a long enough period of time. I want to find strange new duty officers if I'm in deep space enough. We have the ships. Star Cruisers. Deep Space Science Vessels. But we have no Deep Space or Extreme Long-Range content to fulfill their roles. I'm tired of being tied up in Federation space. I want to break the boundaries and go as far away from known civilization as possible.
  • robuillerobuille Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    Pilot Khan's Miranda! Fly the Enterprize-E as Captain Picard! Decimate your enemies as Captain Sisko in the original Defiant! Or..., menace the Federation in the I.K.S. Kang..., harry your foes as Captain Nero in his borg retrofitted mining ship! Any epic ship from any epic faction. Cardassian, Breen, Klingon, Romulan, Federation, Borg etc. If it made history it makes it into the list.

    Or, go to ground and fight as your favorite characters from every movie and each series: Kirk, Spock, Scotty, Sulu, Riker, Data, LaForge, Nero, Alternate Universe Kirk, Dahar Master Kang, Sela, Khan, Gul DuKat, Major Kira, General Chang, Mirror Universe Kirk, The Duras Sisters, etc.

    Now lets talk battlegrounds..., Fight at the Battle of Khitomer..., Battle through the wreckage of Wolf 359, wage war for the control of Deep Space 9..., even assaults on faction homeworlds like Vulcan, Andoria, Qo'nos, Earth...,

    And the explanation for how any of this is possible? Holodeck strategic exercises.

    Think about it like vs. games where you don't have to tweek out specs or work on gear. Each ship you select has a static build that never changes from player to player. Each ship has its strengths and weaknesses..., and to unlock the more epic ships you have to win (for certain ship unlocks) or participate in enough pvp matches to earn their use.

    The game I got this idea from is a major comic book company and the game itself is the largest superhero/villain mmo out. Having this as an alternate PvP system would liven up the PvP side of the game and get people playing PvP that don't necessarily have the time or hundreds of millions of EC it takes to buy the absolute best gear. (Things now necessary to even cut your teeth in PvP these days.)

    I also think this would bring back a lot of the hard core literalist style fans that only ever wanted to take their favorite Star Trek heroes and villains out for a spin. I mean who wouldn't want to PvP as Data..., whether on ground or piloting his Nebula from the series? I would. How about you guys?
  • ussdanubeussdanube Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short Term

    Romulan D-7 NPC Ship
    Romulan TOS Bird of Prey NPC Ship
    Romulan Lock Box, possibly with Romulan D-7 ship.

    Federation Ambassador Class Starship, Possibly with Variants (Science, Engineering, Tactical)
    Andorian Kumari Class Vessel.

    Medium Term
    Something to be done with Andoria, possible turn into 1 on 1 Combat zone between FED Officers,More Melee Weapons such as the Samurai Sword or the Katana Sword, and classic earth projectile ground weapons. such as the AK-47 or the M-16 or the tommy gun, Heavily modified for the 25th century. For example, the weapon would have a regenerative ammo clip to negate the need for bullet production.
    Statues or holographic statues of the 5 great captains in game on either ESD or DS9 (Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Archer).

    Long Term
    More Playable Factions,
    Sol System (including Mars, Venus and Mercury. From Sun to inner asteroid belt),
    Cardassia Ground Zone,
    Iconian Story Content.
  • finiesfinies Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Short term : don't think i have anything that can be done in short , lets move to the next

    Mid Term : would like to see more BOFF space traits . Only 3 or 4 have any . like Saurians or the Veterans fom the tribble test . Humans will Leadership and the Liberated borg engineer . So i wold like to see more of those . That way we can be more unique in our ship builds

    Long Term : would like to see more toon development .. i.e. with the reputation , but more of them .. give us a choice of 2 ( but picking only one ) at tier 5 . more or less just trying to say , we need to get away from what i think is a cookie cutter build.

    Little disappointed a few times with you guys , BUT all in all , great work!
  • tstaubetstaube Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I get incredibly frustrated when I use my Prometheus class ships MVAM ability because the pets die so often due to ships exploding upon when they die. I have to then either continue on without the 2 AI "pet" ship sections severly damaged or I need to cut and run a good time before it blows up and hope and pray the other sections follow me. It would be great if the "pet" ship sections for both the Prometheus as well as the Odyssey classes get some buff towards that explosive damage so they don't sustain so much damage, that way the AI wouldn't need to be changed at all and they can still remain in the fight.
    Betazoid Science Officer
    1966 The First Generation
    =/\= Fleet Admiral =/\=
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    My requests:

    When I first started playing this game on my first character, I didn't do the missions in any sort of order. I went where my fancy led me and visited this planet and that one.
    I EXPLORED. In some cases I was met with hostility and got my TRIBBLE handed to me, in other cases I wandered all over Vulcan, Andoria, Risa ect. Taking in all the wonders.

    I want MORE OF THAT.

    I want to explore Sol's solar system ! I want to fly around the rings of Saturn.
    Beam down to the city on the moon, or the colony on Mars.

    Also, why is there NEVER any fauna on any of these planets ?

    2. More rewards for my time. I don't like to grind for the sake of grinding. Recently, the stick the carrot's dangling from has gotten longer and longer. From what I've seen and heard of season seven, this trend is only going to continue.
    I want more fun things to do too ! not just more grind.

    3. ROMULANS, If we must wait till the KDF is completed, FINE.. Let's get it done already !
    Simply acknowledging that something needs to be done, while making absolutely no progress towards it, is frustrating as all hell.

    4. Ambassador class ... What's the hold up?

    5. Delta quadrant, Betazed, where are they ?

    6. A updated modern skin for the excelsior class please. And while I'm asking for skins, can I get another skin for the Veteran destroyer too ? I'm REALLY not a fan of THAT design....at all.

    7. I'd like to be able to play a Hirogen, and fly one of their battleships. Or maybe a Kazon, or a Talaxian, OR VIDEAN and fly the appropriate ships that go with those races too. I don't care if they get merged with the KDF, or whatever, but give me more playable races from Star Trek please.
    I'd like to play a photonic officer too.

    8. Lastly, I want to play some of the Perpetual designed ships by John Eaves please. I'd like to see the Sovereign class finally get the Nemesis refit.
    I'd like to see a T5 ship that has a connie-esque design to it. I'D EVEN PAY FOR IT.

  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have a short term request.

    Working servers. That'd make the game better.
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