Today, I rolled a KDF character. Add one more to the neglected side of STO!
First impressions;
1) First City rules. The shipyard is also something else, the Bortasque looks like something out of StarCraft.
2) That said, the tutorial is really tedious BUT not as tedious as the Federation's tutorial missions (like 'go to Mem Alpha and talk to whatshisname' or 'go to K7, then go to Mem-Alpha, then go back to K7 etc'). At least almost everything is located on the one map.
3) Birds-of-prey are really cool, but squishier than what I was expecting. I need to learn how to play them right. Or in addition, I need to fix up my boff layout and my own skills.
4) I got a kick out of the 'explore star cluster' variety of missions and the Pi Canis sorties. I haven't started the main quest line though. Incidentally, do you get dilithium for the Pi Canis sorties at a higher level? Because I didn't notice getting any dilithium rewards.
5) The lack of character customisation options is a bit disappointing. Very few hair style options, and the clothing/armour seems to be something to be desired - at least at entry-level. Do more costume options get unlocked later on or am I stuck with what I've got now?
I'll answer your last question first, if I may, not really. You do get a better way of displaying your promotion with sashes and such (better than pips any day) but we are sorely lacking in the greatcoats seen in the Great Hall and fingerless gloves (like almost every episode of TNG, DS9 and VOY with a Klingon in it) and almost every other aspect of Klingon clothing. Gorn, Nausicaans and Orions get special costume options but these are not interchangeable with the Sons of Kahless, sadly.
As for the Pi Canis sorties, I don't think you get dilithium for them at higher level (could be wrong, haven't played them in ages) but there are rare accolades up for grabs if you do the optionals. To be honest, we KDF do not need too many more ways of earning dilithium as you will discover... Marauding is excellent on its own for fulfilling my dilithium needs, as are the kill feds, cardies, romulans and borg in the omega leonis sector alone.
I found BoPs squishy too, but still love them now I've played them a bit more... love me a Raptor though.
See you in game and Q'apla!
"...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
Pi canis path of the warrior (all optionals on sortie A & = 2400 dil IIRC
Sortie Alpha 960 dil
Sortie Beta 960 dil
If you miss one of the optionals and need to repeat a sortie(to get path of the warrior), you can get the dil reward for either sortie multiple times AFAIK (certainly worked like this the last time I missed the optional on the transport attack or forgot to jam a transmission).
Not sure at which level the dil rewards unlock for the pi canis missions, but the empire defense missions pay well (1480 dil each I think) in the meantime, and if the most dangerous game mission acts as a wrapper (in the same way the explore strange new worlds wrapper functions for fed exploration) then you would probably hit the 50 ship quota if you make a point of killing the groups of freighters/fighters/birds of prey) - I'm going to try this tomorrow.
I haven't been playing long, but it is really easy to reach the dil refinement limit on the KDF side with space combat missions, and there is enough choice that you don't have to do the same missions every day, and as a bonus you lose very little travel time reaching the combat zones.
Welcome! If you're having trouble with you BoP, consider trying a Raptor - they're still escorts, but a bit tougher. The downside is, they don't have Battle Cloak.
You can grab either a Qorgh Raptor or a K't'inga Cruiser from the shipyard for free.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
Welcome! If you're having trouble with you BoP, consider trying a Raptor - they're still escorts, but a bit tougher. The downside is, they don't have Battle Cloak.
You can grab either a Qorgh Raptor or a K't'inga Cruiser from the shipyard for free.
I wouldn't say the BoP is an escort. It's classified as a Raider for a reason. If you fly one like an escort you're likely to die very quickly. It is its own class of ship and you have to fly it knowing that. You wouldn't generally fly a cruiser like an escort would you? Same thing. Learn to use the battle cloak. Learn to love the battle cloak. It is your best defense in a BoP. Welcome to the KDF!
Pi canis Alpha/Bravo/path of the warrior is a good way to make 4.4k dilithum but you need to be 2 or 3 people to complete optionnals, but with marauding income you will find out that security officer is your best friend to grind dilithium .
BOP are meant to be squichy, what you can do is decloak -> burst down ennemies -> cloak and get away waiting for your cd to start again, they are hard to master and works only with science/tactical officers.
sad but true, klingon uniforms are a bit limited, you can still unlock Honor guard / Omega and starbase unifrome but that's all.
Now wait till you get the fleet Tor'Kaht it rocks!
DISCLAIMER: If any of my opinions or what I say hurt/offend you. TOUGH. Either deal with it or go cry like the whiny keyboard warrior you probably are.
I believe all of your initial questions have been answered. I'll only add that the Pi Canis optionals will become easy to get even when playing alone, in time. You just need to tune your build. (Also possibly, you might need a faster vessel, as in Raider, Raptor, Destroyer. Not sure if I ever did those missions with a cruiser, but I'd expect it to be more difficult to catch those freighters in one.)
So, when you're there, expect 4320 dil in less then 45 mins.
Oh, and don't forget to complement your earnings with doff assignement generated contraband.
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
By joining the KDF your skill level goes up a big notch!!
what? Don't believe me??? Get into an STF with us KDF warriors.. we get the optional too... with time to spare.. IN ELITE MODE!!
enter a random STF.. if there's atleast 2 KDF in it, I guarantee the experience will be amazing!
I agree, apart from the 7ft tall, 3ft wide klingons and gorn armed with huge miniguns who march slowly but surely into the first room on IGE, guns blazing, agroing everything and promptly dying at the hands of a Hvy Tac Drone, or the jumping Orion pixies who flit their way into the centre of said room... Otherwise, all true :P
No, but seriously, I just started with a KDF character and in general, team play tends to be much more organised, you know, like a team .
Qa'pla! Another Bekk has taken his rightful place among true warriors! Live and fight with honor always! For your House! For the Empire! For QeylIS! Welcome to the tlhIngan HubbeQ! To be tlhIngan is glorious! If you ever need my blade to help you in battle, it is yours.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
Welcome to Qonos. IMHO the best PVE mission in the game is the Gates of Gre'thor episode. You owe it to yourself to do this mission. The reward is sweet also. Que up for some PVP while you're here. The teamwork on the Klingon side is usually superior. And most Warriors will help you with build & tactical advice if you ask.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Time played in game. as of 9/12/12 (on my mains) Total 2907 hours.K'zoontite has been on active duty for 34 days, 3 hours, Bot Fly has been on active duty for 55 days, 4 hours, Poppa Capp has been on active duty for 4 days, 12 hours, B'zooka has been on active duty for 12 days, 22 hours,Tater(fed) has been on active duty for 14 days, 10 hours,
A bird of prey isn't something most people can jump into and become a master with it right off the bat. When one figures out majority of tactics they can pull off that no other ship can in the game and then masters those techniques... Songs of bloody tears echo through subspace of their glorious tales of battle
Qapla and welcome to our side.
I personally use a B'rel BOP and you do best to constantly use the battle cloak and set it up as a possible torpedo boat Use different types of torpedo to minimise the cool down and I would recommend using one slot for mines as well as you can deploy those while cloaked and sometimes will distract the enemy to shoot these so you can stalk and kill him when he lease expects it.
Again welcome to the battle and wish you glorious victory
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
Hey guys, I thought up some more questions but acknowledge I may not like the answers I expect.
1. Can we get mek'leths at all? On my Fed characters when I do the academy event the klingon holograms that come in are armed with mek'leths, but I have not seen them at all for my klingon character. Is this a 'lol welcome to the KDF; expect to be disappointed at the half-finished nature of it' thing?
2. Why isn't Ty'Gokor in the game? Or... is it in the game and I'm just blind and stupid? If it's NOT in the game... see above. I will say I'm surprised it's not in the game, they have so many trek landmarks already.
3. Not really a question but an observation. I just found out that KDF has a doff assignment to prepare a baked tribble. One of my Fed's got a cannibal tribble on a 'confiscate contraband' assignment and I mailed it to my klingon. Nothing - not blowing up Starfleet ships, raiding peaceful colonies or selling prisoners into slavery - has made me feel more like a ruthless TRIBBLE than this.
4. The HG set 2-piece bonus gives +25% dmg to torpedoes. This seems pretty self-explanatory but I was wondering if mines count in that or is it just explicitly torpedoes? The reason being is that I've been experimenting with mines whilst I've been leveling up my character and kind of like the fire-and-forget nature of them.
5. I have in mind a second character, but I'm not sure what class I want to go as. I do have in mind the Vor'cha as the endgame ship, so I figure an engineering character would probably be what I go with. That said, carriers are appealing. Up until now all my characters have been tied to the ship class most suited to their career; my fed tac runs a Defiant, my eng runs a Regent, and my sci runs an Intrepid. My klingon is a tac and runs a BoP. I do know that these class distinctions aren't as strict as some games in the genre, and mixing and matching is not only possible but can lead to interesting results. I should also say I'm more of an RPer than a min/maxer so I don't really care for superduper optimised builds. SO having said all that, I guess what it comes down to is I'm looking at making a 2nd character, career not decided upon, with at least the Vor'cha as one possible endgame ship. Probably an Orion too.
In light of the above, I was interested in the Vor'cha refit particularly for the isometric charge. Is this console at all good for PVE work? (I don't really PVP at all) Stowiki has no information about this, although I haven't done a search for it on the forums. Note that even if it's garbage I might consider getting the ship anyway as a gesture of my support for the faction.
Hey guys, I thought up some more questions but acknowledge I may not like the answers I expect.
1. Can we get mek'leths at all? On my Fed characters when I do the academy event the klingon holograms that come in are armed with mek'leths, but I have not seen them at all for my klingon character. Is this a 'lol welcome to the KDF; expect to be disappointed at the half-finished nature of it' thing?
2. Why isn't Ty'Gokor in the game? Or... is it in the game and I'm just blind and stupid? If it's NOT in the game... see above. I will say I'm surprised it's not in the game, they have so many trek landmarks already.
3. Not really a question but an observation. I just found out that KDF has a doff assignment to prepare a baked tribble. One of my Fed's got a cannibal tribble on a 'confiscate contraband' assignment and I mailed it to my klingon. Nothing - not blowing up Starfleet ships, raiding peaceful colonies or selling prisoners into slavery - has made me feel more like a ruthless TRIBBLE than this.
4. The HG set 2-piece bonus gives +25% dmg to torpedoes. This seems pretty self-explanatory but I was wondering if mines count in that or is it just explicitly torpedoes? The reason being is that I've been experimenting with mines whilst I've been leveling up my character and kind of like the fire-and-forget nature of them.
5. I have in mind a second character, but I'm not sure what class I want to go as. I do have in mind the Vor'cha as the endgame ship, so I figure an engineering character would probably be what I go with. That said, carriers are appealing. Up until now all my characters have been tied to the ship class most suited to their career; my fed tac runs a Defiant, my eng runs a Regent, and my sci runs an Intrepid. My klingon is a tac and runs a BoP. I do know that these class distinctions aren't as strict as some games in the genre, and mixing and matching is not only possible but can lead to interesting results. I should also say I'm more of an RPer than a min/maxer so I don't really care for superduper optimised builds. SO having said all that, I guess what it comes down to is I'm looking at making a 2nd character, career not decided upon, with at least the Vor'cha as one possible endgame ship. Probably an Orion too.
In light of the above, I was interested in the Vor'cha refit particularly for the isometric charge. Is this console at all good for PVE work? (I don't really PVP at all) Stowiki has no information about this, although I haven't done a search for it on the forums. Note that even if it's garbage I might consider getting the ship anyway as a gesture of my support for the faction.
Thanks everyone.
1. Ah, the mek'leth. Smaller than a batleth, but bigger than the d'ktahg. I want one too, and hopefully Cryptic will give us the weapon. But we don't have them right now.
2. I wondered where the Ty'Gokor Shipyard is too. Is it on the map in the Omega Leonis Block?
3. You insidious man! We don't want another cannibal tribble loose on Q'onos. G'hargh (Roach, aka bitemepwe) already let one loose.
4. Pretty sure it only works with torpedoes
5. The Vor'cha is more for the Tac Officer that wants to roll in a cruiser. If you want to go Engineer, pick the Negh'var as an endgame ship. They are cool, they do good damage for the fact it's more of an engineer cruiser, and it can take a beating.
As for the Isometric charge, it has its perks, but ultimately a better console can be put there. Still, do your part and if you want the Vor'kang, get it.
As for carriers, they are fun to roll in. Let me warn you, save for the Kar'fi, they turn like three legged targs.
And for your own entertainment, listen to the Gates of Sto'vo'Kor. It is a podcast fit for any warrior in the Empire. We drink bloodwine, tell stories, and give our own perspective of the state of the Empire. Qapla!
Oh, and when you roll a second character, roll up a Lethean! The Lethean species needs more representation!
I'll answer your last question first, if I may, not really. You do get a better way of displaying your promotion with sashes and such (better than pips any day) but we are sorely lacking in the greatcoats seen in the Great Hall and fingerless gloves (like almost every episode of TNG, DS9 and VOY with a Klingon in it) and almost every other aspect of Klingon clothing. Gorn, Nausicaans and Orions get special costume options but these are not interchangeable with the Sons of Kahless, sadly.
As for the Pi Canis sorties, I don't think you get dilithium for them at higher level (could be wrong, haven't played them in ages) but there are rare accolades up for grabs if you do the optionals. To be honest, we KDF do not need too many more ways of earning dilithium as you will discover... Marauding is excellent on its own for fulfilling my dilithium needs, as are the kill feds, cardies, romulans and borg in the omega leonis sector alone.
I found BoPs squishy too, but still love them now I've played them a bit more... love me a Raptor though.
See you in game and Q'apla!
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
Sortie Alpha 960 dil
Sortie Beta 960 dil
If you miss one of the optionals and need to repeat a sortie(to get path of the warrior), you can get the dil reward for either sortie multiple times AFAIK (certainly worked like this the last time I missed the optional on the transport attack or forgot to jam a transmission).
Not sure at which level the dil rewards unlock for the pi canis missions, but the empire defense missions pay well (1480 dil each I think) in the meantime, and if the most dangerous game mission acts as a wrapper (in the same way the explore strange new worlds wrapper functions for fed exploration) then you would probably hit the 50 ship quota if you make a point of killing the groups of freighters/fighters/birds of prey) - I'm going to try this tomorrow.
I haven't been playing long, but it is really easy to reach the dil refinement limit on the KDF side with space combat missions, and there is enough choice that you don't have to do the same missions every day, and as a bonus you lose very little travel time reaching the combat zones.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
You can grab either a Qorgh Raptor or a K't'inga Cruiser from the shipyard for free.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
I wouldn't say the BoP is an escort. It's classified as a Raider for a reason. If you fly one like an escort you're likely to die very quickly. It is its own class of ship and you have to fly it knowing that. You wouldn't generally fly a cruiser like an escort would you? Same thing. Learn to use the battle cloak. Learn to love the battle cloak. It is your best defense in a BoP. Welcome to the KDF!
You are about to have your eyes opened to the underbelly of STO,stand firm.
BOP are meant to be squichy, what you can do is decloak -> burst down ennemies -> cloak and get away waiting for your cd to start again, they are hard to master and works only with science/tactical officers.
sad but true, klingon uniforms are a bit limited, you can still unlock Honor guard / Omega and starbase unifrome but that's all.
Welcome to the dark side of the quandrant
Now wait till you get the fleet Tor'Kaht it rocks!
DISCLAIMER: If any of my opinions or what I say hurt/offend you. TOUGH. Either deal with it or go cry like the whiny keyboard warrior you probably are.
By joining the KDF your skill level goes up a big notch!!
what? Don't believe me??? Get into an STF with us KDF warriors.. we get the optional too... with time to spare.. IN ELITE MODE!!
enter a random STF.. if there's atleast 2 KDF in it, I guarantee the experience will be amazing!
We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!
-Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
I believe all of your initial questions have been answered. I'll only add that the Pi Canis optionals will become easy to get even when playing alone, in time. You just need to tune your build. (Also possibly, you might need a faster vessel, as in Raider, Raptor, Destroyer. Not sure if I ever did those missions with a cruiser, but I'd expect it to be more difficult to catch those freighters in one.)
So, when you're there, expect 4320 dil in less then 45 mins.
Oh, and don't forget to complement your earnings with doff assignement generated contraband.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
I agree, apart from the 7ft tall, 3ft wide klingons and gorn armed with huge miniguns who march slowly but surely into the first room on IGE, guns blazing, agroing everything and promptly dying at the hands of a Hvy Tac Drone, or the jumping Orion pixies who flit their way into the centre of said room... Otherwise, all true :P
No, but seriously, I just started with a KDF character and in general, team play tends to be much more organised, you know, like a team .
My character Tsin'xing
Welcome to the abyss.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
My character Tsin'xing
How can that be ? Dan Stahl says 16% is a constant, across all trek games. Don't you believe him ?
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
I personally use a B'rel BOP and you do best to constantly use the battle cloak and set it up as a possible torpedo boat Use different types of torpedo to minimise the cool down and I would recommend using one slot for mines as well as you can deploy those while cloaked and sometimes will distract the enemy to shoot these so you can stalk and kill him when he lease expects it.
Again welcome to the battle and wish you glorious victory
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
1. Can we get mek'leths at all? On my Fed characters when I do the academy event the klingon holograms that come in are armed with mek'leths, but I have not seen them at all for my klingon character. Is this a 'lol welcome to the KDF; expect to be disappointed at the half-finished nature of it' thing?
2. Why isn't Ty'Gokor in the game? Or... is it in the game and I'm just blind and stupid? If it's NOT in the game... see above. I will say I'm surprised it's not in the game, they have so many trek landmarks already.
3. Not really a question but an observation. I just found out that KDF has a doff assignment to prepare a baked tribble. One of my Fed's got a cannibal tribble on a 'confiscate contraband' assignment and I mailed it to my klingon. Nothing - not blowing up Starfleet ships, raiding peaceful colonies or selling prisoners into slavery - has made me feel more like a ruthless TRIBBLE than this.
4. The HG set 2-piece bonus gives +25% dmg to torpedoes. This seems pretty self-explanatory but I was wondering if mines count in that or is it just explicitly torpedoes? The reason being is that I've been experimenting with mines whilst I've been leveling up my character and kind of like the fire-and-forget nature of them.
5. I have in mind a second character, but I'm not sure what class I want to go as. I do have in mind the Vor'cha as the endgame ship, so I figure an engineering character would probably be what I go with. That said, carriers are appealing. Up until now all my characters have been tied to the ship class most suited to their career; my fed tac runs a Defiant, my eng runs a Regent, and my sci runs an Intrepid. My klingon is a tac and runs a BoP. I do know that these class distinctions aren't as strict as some games in the genre, and mixing and matching is not only possible but can lead to interesting results. I should also say I'm more of an RPer than a min/maxer so I don't really care for superduper optimised builds. SO having said all that, I guess what it comes down to is I'm looking at making a 2nd character, career not decided upon, with at least the Vor'cha as one possible endgame ship. Probably an Orion too.
In light of the above, I was interested in the Vor'cha refit particularly for the isometric charge. Is this console at all good for PVE work? (I don't really PVP at all) Stowiki has no information about this, although I haven't done a search for it on the forums. Note that even if it's garbage I might consider getting the ship anyway as a gesture of my support for the faction.
Thanks everyone.
2. I wondered where the Ty'Gokor Shipyard is too. Is it on the map in the Omega Leonis Block?
3. You insidious man! We don't want another cannibal tribble loose on Q'onos. G'hargh (Roach, aka bitemepwe) already let one loose.
4. Pretty sure it only works with torpedoes
5. The Vor'cha is more for the Tac Officer that wants to roll in a cruiser. If you want to go Engineer, pick the Negh'var as an endgame ship. They are cool, they do good damage for the fact it's more of an engineer cruiser, and it can take a beating.
As for the Isometric charge, it has its perks, but ultimately a better console can be put there. Still, do your part and if you want the Vor'kang, get it.
As for carriers, they are fun to roll in. Let me warn you, save for the Kar'fi, they turn like three legged targs.
And for your own entertainment, listen to the Gates of Sto'vo'Kor. It is a podcast fit for any warrior in the Empire. We drink bloodwine, tell stories, and give our own perspective of the state of the Empire. Qapla!
Oh, and when you roll a second character, roll up a Lethean! The Lethean species needs more representation!