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The Need/Greed argument.

amdarkwolfamdarkwolf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
This is a rant, just a warning.

I want to know what the big fraking deal is over people needing stuff in runs. I mean, ANYTHING that someone would ***** about needing on would not be bound, so it can be freely traded, given, sold, etc. I don't get why people will literally spend hours sending you tells and bashing your name in pub channels, because you 'needed' all the loot.

if something dropped that you wanted, just ask for it, No big deal, the one and only reason I can see people moaning and ******** about it is because they want everyone to 'greed' until they see a shiny item that can slap on the exchange for lots of money, and they 'need' it while everyone else is stuck greeding it. Yes it means the people ******** are the ones who are the REAL loot ninja's.

Greed as a button should not even exist, it only creates drama. Should simply be roll/pass.

I personally would rather my team focus on the battle rather than picking though loot. And anyone running elite STF's shouldn't be depending on stuff that happens to drop as random loot. If you do, you don't even belong in NORMAL stf's.

K rant over. (And a wave to the Eric Cartmon who now runs the EliteSTF channel, can't want till I can have a talk with the chan owner :D)
Post edited by amdarkwolf on


  • bruccybruccy Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    you need to stop caring bro . you have a handy ignore button
    do i automaticly need with friends or guildies , ofcourse not
    if im queued in a PUG i expect everyone to need .
  • jelidanjelidan Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I don't understand - I thought 'need' was I need this item, and 'Greed' was I really really need this item. What difference does it make as to which button you click in terms of game mechanics?
  • klytemnestra1klytemnestra1 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I think that people have 3 options, need, greed, or pass. You cannot get mad at people for selecting need if that is a selectable option in the game.

    Why do I write this?

    Because, even if a player does need, it is not a guarantee you will get the item. If all 5 people on the teams needs then each player only has a 20 percent chance to get the item. If you know as a player people are going to pick "need" and you select "greed" then it's not the other peoples fault you took yourself out of the grab.

    The three options represent tiers. The highest priority is need. Greed is if no one picks need. And pass says you do not care for the item.

    Thank you.
  • amdarkwolfamdarkwolf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    It matters nothing to me, as was said, I think it should only be 2 buttons, roll or pass. The extra button imo is just there to create drama.
  • caymonjgcaymonjg Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    personally I'd prefer see something similar to Diablo 3, where everyone gets personalized loot and cant see everyone elses.
  • mjaymor78mjaymor78 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    A trend that is starting to get popular, is someone at the beginning of any STF will say in chat "Need or Pass on everything".

    I support this and I tell any group I'm in the same thing, but I add a little to the end. "Need or Pass everything, if you push Greed you're not getting it."

    Needing on everything gives everyone the same chance to get something as everyone else and eliminates having to worry about not giving everyone a fair chance on the drops.

    They should have never had either the "Need" or "Greed" button in the first place, users have asked for it to be changed and it hasn't happened, users asked users to greed on everything unless you really need it, but you still get users the push need no matter what. So most users are is moving over to the "Need or Pass" concept and this seems to give everyone the same fair chance at getting drops.

    Tell the group at the beginning of any mission "Need or Pass All Drops" it makes it a lot easier for everyone and gives everyone the same chance of getting the drop, also less likely to p!$$ people off.
    Join Date: Dec 2009
  • therealtedtherealted Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    caymonjg wrote: »
    personally I'd prefer see something similar to Diablo 3, where everyone gets personalized loot and cant see everyone elses.
    Yep, I like this system the most, and I'm surprised it hasn't spread. Especially among Cryptic games, since their first MMO (City of Heroes) had this as well.

    Need/Pass would still carry drama baggage, but it's a close second.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    To me, it should be a Want / Pass system.

    With the Need / Greed, keep that available on the group loot option. If they want to use Need Greed over Want / Pass, then that's their choice.
  • deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    jelidan wrote: »
    I don't understand - I thought 'need' was I need this item, and 'Greed' was I really really need this item. What difference does it make as to which button you click in terms of game mechanics?

    greed automatically loses to need.
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  • aarons8aarons8 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    i pretty much need everything unless i dont really want it, then ill greed it in case everyone else hits pass heh.
  • kyeto13kyeto13 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    My personal philosophy is to need when I want something, or greed otherwise. If no one else wants it, I might as well throw my hat in for EC.

    I don't fret over it. If someone else REALLY wants that Blue Deflector, have at it.
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  • th3xr34p3rth3xr34p3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    kyeto13 wrote: »
    My personal philosophy is to need when I want something, or greed otherwise. If no one else wants it, I might as well throw my hat in for EC.

    I don't fret over it. If someone else REALLY wants that Blue Deflector, have at it.

    I think along the same lines, and when I know there is an item I will need that will drop I will let the team know at the start of the match. There will always be chances to get that item another time if they don't get it that round, so there is no point to all the drama.
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  • velktravelktra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I only hit need on ECDs, tech, and salvage. Anything else I hit greed and take my chances. Or flat out pass on it.

    I don't understand when people rage about it, unless they're talking about a guy sitting in the corner of the map doing nothing and hitting need on everything. Now that warrants rage.
    Demons run when a good man goes to war.
  • blakes7tvseriesblakes7tvseries Member Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The trolling about "NEED" should stop.

    Fact is if you click "Greed" someone in every PUG group always clicks "NEED".

    When I'm in fleet runs I always click "PASS"..

    My fleet of 480 we tell everyone to click "NEED" and why.

    If you don't someone else will in the PUG and they do.

    The true fix is to remove the "Greed" option and just have "NEED" and "PASS"

    If your a player who is aways ranting at players in "PUGs" and gets added to the ignore list.

    You should stop, would it not be better to loose out on some loot than loose the mission
  • aarons8aarons8 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    i dont see what the big deal is, if everyone hits need then the whole team has the same chance to get it..
    its not like one person is scooping up all the loot..

    if you dont really want it, hit greed, then if everyone else passes you get it.. then just recycle it.

    if everyone hits pass, then it just stays floating in space.. might as well recycle it to make some ec?
  • greensativa12345greensativa12345 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The trolling about "NEED" should stop.

    Fact is if you click "Greed" someone in every PUG group always clicks "NEED".

    When I'm in fleet runs I always click "PASS"..

    My fleet of 480 we tell everyone to click "NEED" and why.

    If you don't someone else will in the PUG and they do.

    The true fix is to remove the "Greed" option and just have "NEED" and "PASS"

    If your a player who is aways ranting at players in "PUGs" and gets added to the ignore list.

    You should stop, would it not be better to loose out on some loot than loose the mission

    The true fix would be if they made, (Boss instances)
    with good loot drops that are bound, we need very hard Bosses with very rare drops,

    that take a team of 30 people a good two hours, if they don't fail they get one epic item to need on and other lesser items to greed on and such,

    The team should be friends and fleet invite only no pug groups
    every member of the team must meet outside the instance before the start, and the leader needs the option to kick greedy people,

    if they follow this system the game would have some much needed team play added, and also would be much better for it!!!

    why they never learned this lesson from WOW I have no idea, just ideots that don't even play their own game I guess.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    There is no excuse for needing more than ONCE per mission or Greeding more than twice

    Live long and Prosper
  • zabonamzabonam Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    STO just has it's own way of doing things. Most people just hit need. Everyone has the same chance for an item then.

    'Most' people aren't a**holes in this game to be fair, so I'm sure if you said "Hey, I actually really do need that. Do you mind?" then the winner would just mail it to you.
  • direphoenixdirephoenix Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I roll *NEED* on items I want, knowing that if someone else wants it they have the same right to it as me.

    I roll *GREED* on items I don't mind going to other people, but will take if no one else wants.

    *PASS* on items I absolutely don't want. Usually I only use this if my inventory is full and the item isn't worth enough EC to clear a space for it.

    The way STO is made, everyone can use everything. If not on their own toon, then on one of their BOffs, if not on their current ship, then on one of their other ships. This isn't like WoW or some other more traditional MMO where only certain classes can use certain things.
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  • jtmarshjtmarsh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    You dont like people needing everything then Join a freaking fleet!! I dont want to flame because I really do feel why people are mad that people need everything! But you cant expect to join a pug with strangers that you dont know from Adam and then get mad because they need eveything. In my fleet and past fleets we would be on vent or team speak. We have a understanding that you only roll need on things you need. "things you are going to use" Its courtsey. Like everyone would of course need on gold lock boxes. "All of 10 times I seen one"

    The rest?? Well hypos on STF's was usually a all need thing. We all wanted it. Even in pugs I roll need on all cor hypos. Thats usually the only thing I would need on. So when some engine would drop, phaser or whatever and I was in a pug I would hit greed. Then after a few months I would notice I was 2 out of 5 at best that was doing that!! Everyone else was needing on everything. Of course they were selling it. You cant need 2 engines. So I gave up and started needing on everything in a pug once I see someelse do it more than once. If I see a lot of greed I will stay greed but in pugs I never see it! Its all need all the time. So im not going to be the odd guy out. I can use that money as well. Again its rare but I see seomone may ask and set a rule and people follow. I am never the need guy first. But I wont be the only guy that greeds.
  • blakes7tvseriesblakes7tvseries Member Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The truth is if you really need a randon drop then your doing something wrong.
    I have yet to see gear drop that is better that what I have.
    If your doing the STFs you should already have better gear than what drops.
    The randon drops that you "bid" on are for one thing to sell for EC.

    My Fleet gives away a starter kit thats really good STFs, to help new players.
    A tribble, sniper rifle, pluseweave, PSG, and armor that cost that much.
    These items are bought off the exchange are they better than any randon drop.

    So its really greed, there is nothing you really need from a random drop.
  • jknamejkname Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I just find the entire thing a tiresome and annoying interruption to gameplay for an item I never get anyway. This is why I prefer to just run my group using oldschool ninja looting. If someone finds something I could use, I'll be notified of it. Otherwise, it's vendortrash, and I don't really care if I never even saw it. What's more, this system causes people to leave behind litter on the floor that for some reason no one can touch, while with ninja-looting, the floor gets cleaned up. Don't litter, people! Clean up your ****!
  • aarons8aarons8 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The truth is if you really need a randon drop then your doing something wrong.
    I have yet to see gear drop that is better that what I have.
    If your doing the STFs you should already have better gear than what drops.
    The randon drops that you "bid" on are for one thing to sell for EC.

    My Fleet gives away a starter kit thats really good STFs, to help new players.
    A tribble, sniper rifle, pluseweave, PSG, and armor that cost that much.
    These items are bought off the exchange are they better than any randon drop.

    So its really greed, there is nothing you really need from a random drop.

    i wouldnt say that, i ran across a phaser dual heavy cannon that had the accx3 mod the other day as an optional loot in kase..
    i hit need but didnt get it :(

    i wouldnt have minded getting that lol.
  • jknamejkname Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    It didn't actually exist. The "optional" is a mirage. The more I play these things, the more I start to understand what might motivate people to either simply not care about, or even deliberately troll, the optional.
  • notapwefannotapwefan Member Posts: 1,138 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    When STF (and elite STF) is by invite then it is quite easy to set the rules. Then only thing you need to do is ask and agree on rules.

    Playing with pug is another matter and need is the way to do.
    Grinding for MkIV epic gear?
    Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

  • tali9999tali9999 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I agree that the Greed option should be removed. It is pointless.

    Actually, i think all dropped loot should be automatically rolled and distributed to players just as it appears. There would be no more interruption of gameplay. Just a system message to tell you something is added to your inventory and that's it. That system worked so well in City Of Heroes. Never had any drama over loot.

    And about STF... At that point, every loot that is not Borg Tech, EDC or Borg Salvage is pretty much only wanted for it's money value. Maybe an odd good purple piece once in awhile but nothing to go drama about when you lose it...

    So, i simply Need on everything ( like everyone else ) and let luck sort it out. All odds being the same for everyone in every STF, it should even itself out for everyone on the long run. There are days i can't win a damn roll and other days i seem to win every EDC that are dropped. Such is luck.
  • jknamejkname Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    They may as well replace it with "Want" vs. "Do Not Want". At least then I would be amused to see it. Oh, for the rare and yet-to-happen occasions when I can manage to assemble a full team of sensible, like-minded people so we can do away with the nanny-state loot distribution system and go back to classic ninja looting.

    And I say this as a guy who usually plays characters that are defending the rear, meaning someone ELSE is going to be ninjaing that loot. But at least I won't be constantly bothered by it. I can see why they had such a thing for PUGs, but in that case, why even ask?
  • chuckwolfchuckwolf Member Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Frankly I find the whole need/greed thing annoying, it should be a simple round robin drop system, you get what drops. As for the issue of clicking need, greed or pass I simply click one at random just to get that box off my screen, it's annoying as all get out.
    @Powerblast in game
  • jknamejkname Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Yes, but you're obligated to press "Need", or you get nothing at all. Which is fine, if it's just yet another crappy potion, but still.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    tali9999 wrote: »
    Actually, i think all dropped loot should be automatically rolled and distributed to players just as it appears. There would be no more interruption of gameplay. Just a system message to tell you something is added to your inventory and that's it. That system worked so well in City Of Heroes. Never had any drama over loot.

    That's how the system use to be with the original STFs early on, but people didn't think it was fair, so Cryptic revised it to Need / Greed.
    tali9999 wrote: »
    And about STF... At that point, every loot that is not Borg Tech, EDC or Borg Salvage is pretty much only wanted for it's money value. Maybe an odd good purple piece once in awhile but nothing to go drama about when you lose it...

    Yeah, especially the big money items like Shields, Engines, and Deflectors.

    Maybe in Public Queues, it could be arranged that items Common or Uncommon can be immediately sold off (to cut down on spam) and the income is evenly distributed. While the Rare and Very Rare items can be rolled on?

    In Private Queues, in the Pre-Launch windows, have the Distribution Method pre-set?
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