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TRIBBLE Maintenance and Release Notes - September 17, 2012



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    cpc2011acpc2011a Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Two things. First, I agree with another poster that the turn to warp out needs to go away. A few days ago my ship did about a 270 degree turn to starboard before warping out of DS9.

    Second, instead of wasting resources on some icon over chairs why not do something about the ultra annoying ship change toolbar scramble game that is such a joy to deal with? Seems something like that would be a much more welcome fix than chair icons.
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    phyrexianherophyrexianhero Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    A lot of good stuff here:
    We will be bringing the Tribble server down for maintenance to apply a new update.

    • Mirror ships can now change their ship name prefix to I.S.S.

    Duty Officers:
    • All Fleet Duty Officers should now have the correct Departments for their Specialization.

    Operational Assets:
    • Decreased the cost of all operational assets.
    • Decreased the tier to unlock the Operational Assets for the Imperial Class Assault Cruiser, Dervish, Deifant, Dacoit Flight Deck Cruiser, Zilant Battleship, and Vo'quv Carrier.
    • Operational Assets can now be used from the player's inventory and no longer need to be equipped in a Device slot.

    • Klingon Honor Guard Ground Set:
      • Updated the Mk XII ground set: Owners of this set will see additional stats that should have been there all along.
      • Clarified all of the tooltips for this set bonus.
      • Understanding what the set does should be much easier now.

    • Can once again select and copy text from in-game mail.
    • Resolved an issue where completed missions wouldn't always disappear from the contact's list of options immediately.

    While its great that the fleet credit cost and variety has expanded, the biggest problem with operational assets is that they're so darn expensive for projects -- you can't require X engineering and X operations doffs for one project that gives 500 XP and X fabrication engineers and X systems operations doffs for another project that gives same amount of XP. There *needs* to be a discount or people just won't run the projects.

    Operational assets are consumables and it just defies reason to try to make them for anything beyond the novelty factor given their prohibitive construction costs.
    Playing since January 2010. STOwiki administrator. Accolade hunter.
    My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
    Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
    KDF Armada: Klingon Intelligence (level 699, 2100+ members)
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    buccaneerdtbbuccaneerdtb Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Thank you for finally fixing the Engineer kit swapping cheat. I have several engineers in my fleet and we never swap kits and do fine in both elite STFs and PvP. Ground PvP has finally been getting some needed adjustments.
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    lexsan82lexsan82 Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    As a Ground PvPer (lolground), I'm very happy about the Engineer spam fix.
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    deadly24deadly24 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    • Engineering Kit summoned pets; drones, turrets, mines, etc.; will now despawn if you remove the kit.

      Love The Engineering fixes all the spam made me lag and was ridicules. :D
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    cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Thank you for finally fixing the Engineer kit swapping cheat. I have several engineers in my fleet and we never swap kits and do fine in both elite STFs and PvP. Ground PvP has finally been getting some needed adjustments.


    Ok then. Have tacticals and science also lose their buffs when they switch kits.

    Right now tactical can buff up damage and swith to grenade kit to toss a mini-nuke.

    Science can buff self with the hypos and nanites and switch to its damage/debuff kit and go freaking crazy on mobs.

    Unlike Engineer, those 'cheats' only help the individual user. At least the engineer kit swapping was for TEAM support.

    A really,really bad change for the class.

    To those with 'lag' issues: its your vid card and nothing to do with the game itself. Lower certain settings so it doesnt 'lag' you . You can do it without losing image quality.
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    martakurillmartakurill Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    We will be bringing the Tribble server down for maintenance to apply a new update.

    • The Regent should now adopt whatever the player's fleet uses, like other ships.

    Does this refer to fleet emblems or something else? I'm a little confused. :o
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    buccaneerdtbbuccaneerdtb Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    Ok then. Have tacticals and science also lose their buffs when they switch kits.

    Right now tactical can buff up damage and swith to grenade kit to toss a mini-nuke.

    Science can buff self with the hypos and nanites and switch to its damage/debuff kit and go freaking crazy on mobs.

    Yes, all kit swapping cheats need to be fixed. There are more fun ways to play this game.
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    tehjoneltehjonel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    not happy about the engineer ground kit change. that was big part of what made playing engineer on ground missions very enjoyable: the ability to fortress and support. stop making changes nobody asked for.

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    zer0niusrexzer0niusrex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Does this refer to fleet emblems or something else? I'm a little confused. :o

    Yes, fleet emblem. I accidentally a word.

    I'll fix the note now. Thanks! :)
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    trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    tehjonel wrote: »
    not happy about the engineer ground kit change. that was big part of what made playing engineer on ground missions very enjoyable: the ability to fortress and support. stop making changes nobody asked for.


    I've played through all 3 careers with only 1 kit (chosen ahead of time), and it's been fun regardless. That's how it's supposed to be played.

    The way I see it, this was much needed ;) Now if they can do the same to Tactical and Science
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
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    gamerjoshgamerjosh Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Yes, fleet emblem. I accidentally a word.

    The whole thing?
    Belief manifests reality
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    craigsam13craigsam13 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Can you PLEASE fix the Belfast bridge (Defiant style) to have Account Bank access like the other bridges do? Thanks!
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    nicha0nicha0 Member Posts: 1,456 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Whole kit revamps are supposed to be scheduled.

    There isn't much abuse for tactical kits, fire team has most of the good buffs and a grenade, the photon grenade got so bad after S6 I stopped using it. Most tactical kits are just.. garbage. The operative kit cloak already stops when switching kits.

    Science kits have some abuse, especially nanites, but nothing like engineering. They could make a kit slot 1/2/3/4 cool down instead of specific ability, that would be more useful.
    Delirium Tremens
    Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
    Nothing to do anymore.
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    tehjoneltehjonel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    what's next? ground melee nerf? tacs allowed to stack only one damage buff at a time?
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    vinru821vinru821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    looks like ill be doing the tutorial for 3 of my level 50 KDF toons.. GREAT work.

    After 25 levels of FED , you really need a friggin KDF tutorial.. what for? Just if I forgot what I have been doing all along??


    Love the rest, nice juicy update guys!
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    thorodalthorodal Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    About that I.S.S.-prefix: Will it only be applyable on the two mirror universe ships or to all ships able to use the mirror skin like the Regent-class (which can use it once you have a Mirror Star Cruiser)?
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    maddinm214maddinm214 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    When can the others speakers expect more translations?
    Perfect World Europe has said, they did make a lot of translations. but cryptic desides when comes on tribble or holodeck. please change this.
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    shapeywhelmshapeywhelm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Unlisted Patch notes:

    All lockboxes are now updated to Tholian box standards.

    They are now all white, common boxes.

    As well all lockboxes (including cardie) now drop lobi at the same rate as Tholian.

    All lockboxes now drop the mini doff packs as well, both gamma and standard. also they no longer drop batteries and consumables etc (like the Tholian)

    Cardie box also seems to have gotten a new very rare loot item, an Elite gamma quadrant duty officer pack (gives one random ultra rare gamma quadrant duty officer)
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    switchngcswitchngc Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Operational assets are consumables and it just defies reason to try to make them for anything beyond the novelty factor given their prohibitive construction costs.

    Yup... The Fleet I am in refuses to provision Operational Assets due to their limited use and prohibitive cost
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    cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    trek21 wrote: »

    I've played through all 3 careers with only 1 kit (chosen ahead of time), and it's been fun regardless. That's how it's supposed to be played.

    The way I see it, this was much needed ;) Now if they can do the same to Tactical and Science

    You see the failure of the engineering kits is simple:

    There are too many kits and each kit has abilities that do not work well with each other.

    For example, one kit puts down turrets and mortars and another kit buffs them. Another kit which has the shield generator is the only way the mortars and turrets will survive a single shot from elite borg.

    See the problem there? Unless you can buff them or protect them with another kit powers the turrets and mortars die so fast (borg electric damage+snare AOE hits everything even behind walls) it makes them pointless to even bother setting down most of the time.

    Compare that to science and tactical kits. Their kits DO work VERY well for their 'role'. A healing kit is a superb healer, a buffing kit is a superb buffer. Why? Because the abilities that heal and buff or debuff are all IN ONE KIT.

    Engineering kits do not have that synergy or role-focus. The only kit that comes close is the enemy neutralization kit...the rest are just messed up.

    Right now, in elite ground stf my character does not even engage in combat..does not enter red alert. I spend all my time building generators, turrets and mortars as my team advances. I have even had teams that after 2 rooms they stopped rushing in like ferrets on meth and begun using my 'firebase' (barrier shield with shield gen, healing gen, mortar and force field dome with turret in front) to engage the borg from... and comment how cool it was to actually have someone constantly tossing these area team buffs. It let the science guy switch to his offensive kits.

    When I run only one kit (fabrication) its always the same damn boring run-after the ground, drop a turret here, a mortar there, keep rushing... cause the damn things DIE in 10 seconds. Hell, even teams tell me not to bother putting them down. BUT..when they ARE protected by the shield generators.. the mortars and turrets become effective.

    and it is THAT effectiveness that is missing. All because the kit abilities are not currently set to work together in a kit.

    Allowing kit switching enables the engineer to play an engineer not just some TRIBBLE running around with a gun ...that's the tac's role. Science can at least be the healer on the run. Engineer cant.
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    shapeywhelmshapeywhelm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Here are the Old and new lockboxes compared.

    cardie box



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    icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    We will be bringing the Tribble server down for maintenance to apply a new update.

    • Mirror ships can now change their ship name prefix to I.S.S.
    • Transwarp abilities should no longer play the default warp-out animation after playing the Transwarp animation.

    • Updated Miracle Worker I: Its healing value was 1/10 the value it should have been.
    • Sensor Analysis should no longer force you into combat.
    • Changed the Display Names of many boxed items, to cut down on the over-use of the term "Special Requisition Pack":

    • Chairs now have their own custom interact icon.
    • The Website, Account, Support, Terms of Use, Credits, and Options buttons on the login screen have been added to the character selection screen.
    • Can once again select and copy text from in-game mail.
    • Multiple interact options should no longer show up unnecessarily while teamed.
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    eristhevortaeristhevorta Member Posts: 1,049 Bug Hunter
    edited September 2012
    A lot of good stuff here:

    While its great that the fleet credit cost and variety has expanded, the biggest problem with operational assets is that they're so darn expensive for projects -- you can't require X engineering and X operations doffs for one project that gives 500 XP and X fabrication engineers and X systems operations doffs for another project that gives same amount of XP. There *needs* to be a discount or people just won't run the projects.

    Operational assets are consumables and it just defies reason to try to make them for anything beyond the novelty factor given their prohibitive construction costs.

    The problem is that some n00b planners still Q the ops asset assignments and then we're stuck for days if not weeks filling those special duffs in ... it really is a pain in the rear end. Sumtimes I can save the projects in time and Q another one, butt sumtimes it's just too late to intervene (sleeping time in Europe etc).
    "Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
    Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
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    koppenflakkoppenflak Member Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    thorodal wrote: »
    About that I.S.S.-prefix: Will it only be applyable on the two mirror universe ships or to all ships able to use the mirror skin like the Regent-class (which can use it once you have a Mirror Star Cruiser)?

    I'd like an answer to this too... Is the prefix tied to the skin unlock? Or the actual ship it came with?
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    trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    You see the failure of the engineering kits is simple:

    There are too many kits and each kit has abilities that do not work well with each other.

    For example, one kit puts down turrets and mortars and another kit buffs them. Another kit which has the shield generator is the only way the mortars and turrets will survive a single shot from elite borg.

    See the problem there? Unless you can buff them or protect them with another kit powers the turrets and mortars die so fast (borg electric damage+snare AOE hits everything even behind walls) it makes them pointless to even bother setting down most of the time.

    Compare that to science and tactical kits. Their kits DO work VERY well for their 'role'. A healing kit is a superb healer, a buffing kit is a superb buffer. Why? Because the abilities that heal and buff or debuff are all IN ONE KIT.

    Engineering kits do not have that synergy or role-focus. The only kit that comes close is the enemy neutralization kit...the rest are just messed up.

    Right now, in elite ground stf my character does not even engage in combat..does not enter red alert. I spend all my time building generators, turrets and mortars as my team advances. I have even had teams that after 2 rooms they stopped rushing in like ferrets on meth and begun using my 'firebase' (barrier shield with shield gen, healing gen, mortar and force field dome with turret in front) to engage the borg from... and comment how cool it was to actually have someone constantly tossing these area team buffs. It let the science guy switch to his offensive kits.

    When I run only one kit (fabrication) its always the same damn boring run-after the ground, drop a turret here, a mortar there, keep rushing... cause the damn things DIE in 10 seconds. Hell, even teams tell me not to bother putting them down. BUT..when they ARE protected by the shield generators.. the mortars and turrets become effective.

    and it is THAT effectiveness that is missing. All because the kit abilities are not currently set to work together in a kit.

    Allowing kit switching enables the engineer to play an engineer not just some TRIBBLE running around with a gun ...that's the tac's role. Science can at least be the healer on the run. Engineer cant.
    Not when the 'Bunker Fabrication' is all the Engineer needs ;) A med generator, a shield generator, a turret, and a force field dome (plus the inherent support drone)

    They distract enemies, they add to DPS, and it's all fine. Never needed anything else (too impractical imo)
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
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    frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    How about you guys stop with the lazyness and instead FIX the freaking engineer ground kits? Have you not noticed there's TOO MANY kits?

    Narrow them down, make them synergize with each other. Make the USEFUL.
    Ordnance Kit:

    Quick Fix
    Equipment Diagnostics

    Defensive Position Kit:

    Shield Generator
    Force Field Dome
    Medical Generator

    Team Support kit:

    Shield Heal
    Fuse Armor
    Weapons Malfunction
    Combat Supply

    Combat Engineer Kit:

    Seeker Drone
    Force Field Dome

    That depends on how you play engineer. If you prefer to build fortifications, then the above makes sense. My preferred kits are enemy neutralization and equipment technician, and I think they mostly work fine as is. With both those kits, you can hit tough enemies with weapons malfunction, fuse armor, and orbital strike. With enemy neutralization, you can run in front of a group of enemies, drop mines, and pulsewave. With equipment technician, you can keep your shields up longer.

    On the other hand, the transphasic bomb that comes with enemy neutralization seems less useful than the chroniton mines. I can never position it properly next to enemies; either that or they run away before I can detonate it. It's still useful for blowing up static structures such as generators though.
    Waiting for a programmer ...
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    barimanforumsbarimanforums Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Account button doesn't work. I keep getting:
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    buccaneerdtbbuccaneerdtb Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Yes, medics need fixing next. A medic can put nanites on his whole team by just swapping 5 seperate kits to avoid the cooldown.
    The best reason for this fix is it opens the way for the custom kits The Devs want to make where we can hand pick the abilities. Gotta fix the kit mechanics first.
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    mattachinemattachine Member Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited September 2012
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